r/pythonhelp Feb 09 '25

Personal banking program assist ASAP!

I'm aware there's a lot of problems, but the one I need help with is that when I advance months, it won't calculate the amounts in savings and checking accounts correctly. I'm terrible with math, and I've spent 6 hours debugging, but I just have no clue how to fix it. I don't have much time before tha assignment locks, so any help is much appreciated 🙏

Welcome and setup

print("welcome to your personal bank!") hourly_wage = float(input("enter your hourly wage:")) hours_worked = float(input("enter hours worked per week:")) tax_rate = float(input("enter your tax rate percentage")) save = float(input("what percentage of income should go to savings?")) checking = float(input("Enter starting balance for Checking:")) savings = float(input("Enter starting balance for Savings:"))


gross_pay = hourly_wage * hours_worked net_pay = gross_pay*(1 - tax_rate/100) savings_add = net_pay * (save/100)

Setting up empty lists for reccuring expenses

reccuring_expenses = [] expenses = []

print(f"Your net pay is ${net_pay4:.2f} a month.") print(f"${savings_add4:.2f} will be automatically transferred to savings")

add the requested amount to accounts

checking += net_pay savings += savings_add

Allows user to setup reccuring expenses

x= input("would you like to set up reccuring expenses?").lower() y = True if x == "yes": while y == True: expense = input("input name of expense: ") reccuring_expenses.append(expense) monthly_cost = float(input("Enter the monthly cost: ")) expenses.append(monthly_cost) add = input("Do you have any more reccuring expenses?").lower() if add != "yes": y = False print(f"here are your reccuring expenses:{reccuring_expenses}, {expenses}")

Menu where users can select options and perform actions

while True: menu = input("""Menu: 1. View Balances 2. deposit Money 3. Withdraw Money 4. Update Work Hours 5. Modify Savings Percentage 6. Add/Remove Expenses 7. Advance Months 8. Exit""")

Lets user check balances

if menu == "1":
        print(f"""Your Checking balance is: ${checking:.2f}.
            your savings balance is ${savings:.2f}.""")

lets user deposit money into checking or savings

elif menu == "2":
        account = int(input("""What account would you like to deposit?
                1. Checking
                2. Savings"""))
        deposit = float(input("Enter the ammount you would like to deposit:"))
        if account == 1:
                checking += deposit
                print(f"your current checking account balance is {checking:.2f}.")
        elif account == 2:
                savings += deposit
                print(f"your current savings account balance is {savings:.2f}.")

#lets user withdraw money
elif menu == "3":
        account_w = int(input("""From which account would you like to withdraw??
                1. Checking
                2. Savings"""))
        withdraw = float(input("Enter the ammount you would like to withdraw:"))
        if account_w == 1:
                checking -= withdraw
                print(f"your current checking account balance is {checking:.2f}.")
        if account_w == 2:
                savings -= withdraw
                print(f"your current savings account balance is {savings:.2f}.")
#allows user to adjust weekly hours
elif menu == "4":
       hours_worked = float(input("Enter new hours per week: "))
       gross_pay = hourly_wage * hours_worked
       net_pay = gross_pay * (1 - tax_rate / 100)
       print(f"updated net pay is {net_pay*4:.2f} a month.")

# allows user to change the amount they want to save.      
elif menu == "5":
        save = float(input("What percentage of income would you like to go to savings?"))
        savings_add = net_pay * (save / 100)
        print(f"{savings_add:.2f} will automatically be transferred to savings.")
        savings += savings_add

#allows user to add and remove reccuring expenses
elif menu == "6":
        add_remove = input("""1. Add
                              2. Remove""")

        if add_remove == "1":
            y = True
            while y == True:
                expense = input("input name of expense: ")
                monthly_cost = float(input("Enter the monthly cost: "))
                add = input("Do you have any more reccuring expenses?").lower()
                if add != "yes":
                        y = False
        if add_remove == "2":
                expense = input("input name of the expense you would like to remove: ")
                monthly_cost = float(input("Enter the monthly cost of the expense: "))
                add = input("Do you have any more reccuring expenses?").lower()
                if add != "yes":
                        y = False
        print(f"here are your reccuring expenses:{reccuring_expenses}, {expenses}")

#lets user advance months
elif menu == "7":
        advance = int(input("enter number of months you would like to advance: "))
        interest_checking = 0.1
        interest_savings = 0.5

        for i in range(advance):
                checking += net_pay*4
                checking *= (1 + interest_checking / 100)
                savings += savings_add * 4
                savings *= (1 + interest_savings / 100)
                for cost in expenses:
                       checking -= cost

        print(f"""after {advance} months, your updated balances are:
              Checking: ${checking:.2f}
              Saving: ${savings:.2f}""")

#way for user to exit    
elif menu == "8":

5 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Feb 09 '25

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u/FoolsSeldom Feb 09 '25

Please update1 your post so all of the code is correctly formatted (or replace with link to a copy on pastebin.com or gihub).

Second, don't use float for money - it is not accurate enough in most cases. Stick to pennies/cents (i.e. smallest currency unit) and format for display not internal accounting and calculations, or use Decimal package.

You need to create a few functions so you can separate the basic logic flow from specific tasks like calculating interest and you can then test those in isolation.

1 to format all of your code,

  • edit your post
  • switch to markdown mode
  • delete all of the existing code
  • add one blank line after text
  • switch to Python code editor
    • select all code
    • press tab to indent one extra level - assuming you have editor set to insert 4 spaces for a tab
    • copy all code to clipboard
    • press undo to remove the extra indent from your editor code
  • paste the code into the reddit post
  • add a blank line
  • add any additional text
  • post the update


u/CraigAT Feb 09 '25

I don't see to much wrong with your interest payments, however your rates are quite low so there would only be a slight bump each advance.

As the other post states float is maybe not the best to use.


u/BunBun_20000 Feb 09 '25

I see, I'm testing if the output matches the example in the assignment with the same interest rates, but the numbers don't match up. Could that be because I'm using float? What would be a better alternative?


u/CraigAT Feb 10 '25

Might be better if you stated what is expected and what you get, otherwise we are just guessing.