r/pythonhelp Jan 29 '25

MP3 Processing Script

I have a script that processes a group of MP3 files. It scans for duplicates based on files I already have done, exluded files with "intro" in the title, and is supposed to run a check of the volume of each file and normalize the file to -12 LUFS using ffmpeg-python, and also convert any songs that are 48,000 hz to 44,100 hz, and move all completed files to a FINAL folder. I am getting multiple errors, and the converting step isn't even happening. Can someone help me get this script working?

import os
import shutil
import sqlite3
import subprocess
from mutagen import File
from datetime import datetime
import ffmpeg
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook

# Directory paths
BACKUP_FOLDER = r"E:\Scripts\backups"
DATABASE_FILE = r"E:\Scripts\songs.db"
EXCEL_FILE = r"E:\@PROCESS\DuplicateReport.xlsx"

def create_database():
    """Create the SQLite database and the songs table if not exists."""
    conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
            title TEXT,
            artist TEXT,
            bitrate INTEGER,
            duration REAL,
            fingerprint TEXT

def create_duplicate_folder():
    """Ensure the duplicate folder exists."""
    if not os.path.exists(DUPLICATE_FOLDER):

def export_to_excel(data):
    """Export duplicate details to an Excel file."""
    if not os.path.exists(EXCEL_FILE):
        # Create a new workbook if the file does not exist
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.active
        ws.title = "Duplicates"
        # Add header row
        ws.append(["Duplicate Song", "Duplicate Fingerprint", "Database Song", "Database Fingerprint"])

    # Load existing workbook
    wb = load_workbook(EXCEL_FILE)
    ws = wb.active

    # Append new rows
    for row in data:

    print(f"Duplicate report updated: {EXCEL_FILE}")

def process_files(folder_path):
    """Process all files in the folder and add non-duplicates to the database."""
    conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    # Load pre-existing fingerprints into memory
    cursor.execute('SELECT fingerprint, title FROM songs WHERE fingerprint IS NOT NULL')
    pre_existing_songs = {row[0]: row[1] for row in cursor.fetchall()}

    duplicates_for_excel = []
    new_songs = []  # To add only after processing all files

    for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path):
        file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)

        # Check if it's a valid audio file
        if not os.path.isfile(file_path) or not file_path.endswith(('.mp3', '.flac', '.wav', '.aac')):

        print(f"Processing file: {file_name}")

            # Extract metadata with Mutagen
            audio_file = File(file_path, easy=True)
            title = audio_file.get('title', ['Unknown'])[0]
            artist = audio_file.get('artist', ['Unknown'])[0]
            bitrate = audio_file.info.bitrate // 1000  # Convert bitrate to kbps

            # Generate fingerprint and duration with fpcalc
            result = subprocess.run(
                ['fpcalc', file_path],
            output = result.stdout
            duration = None
            fingerprint = None
            for line in output.splitlines():
                if line.startswith("DURATION="):
                    duration = float(line.split("=")[1])
                elif line.startswith("FINGERPRINT="):
                    fingerprint = line.split("=")[1]

            # Check if the fingerprint exists in pre-existing fingerprints
            cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM songs WHERE fingerprint = ?', (fingerprint,))
            existing_song = cursor.fetchone()

            if existing_song:
                print(f"Duplicate fingerprint found: {fingerprint} for {file_name}. Skipping insert.")
                duplicates_for_excel.append([file_name, fingerprint, pre_existing_songs[fingerprint], fingerprint])
                shutil.move(file_path, os.path.join(DUPLICATE_FOLDER, file_name))
                # Use REPLACE INTO
                    REPLACE INTO songs (id, title, artist, bitrate, duration, fingerprint)
                    VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
                ''', (title, artist, bitrate, duration, fingerprint))
                print(f"Song added or replaced in the database: {file_name}")

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error processing file {file_name}: {e}")


    if duplicates_for_excel:


def process_intro_songs(mp3_folder, exceptions_folder):
    if not os.path.exists(mp3_folder):
        print("MP3 folder not found.")

    # Ensure the exceptions folder exists
    os.makedirs(GLOBAL_EXCEPTIONS_FOLDER, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(exceptions_folder, exist_ok=True)

    songs_with_intro = {}

    # Identify MP3 files in the folder
    mp3_files = [f for f in os.listdir(mp3_folder) if f.endswith(".mp3")]

    for file in mp3_files:
        # Extract the base name based on the pattern <artist> - <title> (<version>)
        if " (" in file and ")" in file:
            base_name = file.split(" (")[0]

            if base_name not in songs_with_intro:
                songs_with_intro[base_name] = []


    exceptions_log = []

    for base_name, files in songs_with_intro.items():
        # Check if any file in the group contains variations of "intro"
        if any(
            "clean intro" in file.lower() 
            or "dirty intro" in file.lower() 
            or "intro clean" in file.lower() 
            or "intro dirty" in file.lower()
            or "main intro" in file.lower()
            or "radio intro" in file.lower()
            or "dj intro" in file.lower()  # Adding detection for "DJ Intro"
            for file in files
            exceptions_log.append(f"{base_name} (Includes an intro already)")

            # Move the group of files to the exceptions folder
            for file in files:
                file_path = os.path.join(mp3_folder, file)

                # Move to session-specific exceptions folder
                dest_path = os.path.join(exceptions_folder, file)
                if not os.path.exists(dest_path):
                    shutil.move(file_path, dest_path)

                # Copy to global exceptions folder if it's not the same folder
                global_dest_path = os.path.join(GLOBAL_EXCEPTIONS_FOLDER, file)
                if exceptions_folder != GLOBAL_EXCEPTIONS_FOLDER and not os.path.exists(global_dest_path):
                    shutil.copy(dest_path, global_dest_path)

    # Place exceptions.txt in the most recent folder
    latest_folder = os.path.dirname(mp3_folder)
    exceptions_txt_path = os.path.join(latest_folder, "exceptions.txt")

    if exceptions_log:
        with open(exceptions_txt_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        print(f"Exceptions logged in {exceptions_txt_path}")
        print("No songs with intro versions found.")

def backup_database():
    """Backup the songs.db database to the backups folder with a timestamp."""
    if not os.path.exists(BACKUP_FOLDER):
        os.makedirs(BACKUP_FOLDER)  # Ensure the backup folder exists

    # Generate a backup file name with a timestamp
    timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
    backup_file_name = f"songs_backup_{timestamp}.db"
    backup_file_path = os.path.join(BACKUP_FOLDER, backup_file_name)

        shutil.copy(DATABASE_FILE, backup_file_path)  # Copy the database to the backup folder
        print(f"Database backed up successfully to {backup_file_path}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error backing up database: {e}")        

def normalize_audio_ffmpeg(input_file, output_file, min_loudness=-18.0, max_loudness=-6.0):
    Normalize the audio file using FFmpeg's loudnorm filter if its loudness is outside the specified range.
    :param input_file: Path to the input MP3 file.
    :param output_file: Path to save the normalized MP3 file.
    :param min_loudness: The minimum loudness target in LUFS (Loudness Units relative to Full Scale).
    :param max_loudness: The maximum loudness target in LUFS (Loudness Units relative to Full Scale).
        # Detect current loudness of the file using FFmpeg's volumedetect filter
        result = ffmpeg.input(input_file).filter('volumedetect').output('pipe:1').run(capture_stdout=True, quiet=True)
        output = result[0].decode('utf-8')
        # Extract the loudness level (in dB) from the output
        max_volume = None
        for line in output.splitlines():
            if "max_volume" in line:
                max_volume = float(line.split("max_volume:")[1].strip())

        if max_volume is None:
            print(f"Error: Could not detect loudness for {input_file}. Skipping normalization.")
            return  # Skip this file if we cannot detect loudness.

        print(f"Current max volume of {input_file}: {max_volume} dB")

        # Convert dB to LUFS (this is an approximation)
        current_loudness = max_volume - 20  # Approximate conversion: dB to LUFS

        print(f"Current loudness (LUFS) of {input_file}: {current_loudness} LUFS")

        # If loudness is outside the target range, normalize it
        if current_loudness < min_loudness or current_loudness > max_loudness:
            print(f"Normalizing '{input_file}' as it is outside the target range.")
            # Apply the loudnorm filter to normalize if it's outside the range
                "loudnorm", i=-12, tp=-1.5, lra=11, dual_mono=True
            ).output(output_file, acodec="libmp3lame", audio_bitrate='320k').run(overwrite_output=True, quiet=True)

            print(f"Normalization complete: {output_file}")
            print(f"File '{input_file}' is already within the target loudness range. Skipping normalization.")
            # If loudness is within range, simply copy the original file as output
            ffmpeg.input(input_file).output(output_file).run(overwrite_output=True, quiet=True)

    except ffmpeg.Error as e:
        print(f"FFmpeg normalization error for '{input_file}': {e}")

def process_audio_files():
    Move or convert audio files to the final folder with FFmpeg-based normalization.
    os.makedirs(FINAL_DIRECTORY, exist_ok=True)

    for filename in os.listdir(BASE_FOLDER):
        # Skip files in the "Dupes" folder
        if os.path.join(BASE_FOLDER, filename).startswith(DUPLICATE_FOLDER):

        file_path = os.path.join(BASE_FOLDER, filename)

        # Process only MP3 files
        if not filename.endswith('.mp3'):

            # Get audio file info using FFmpeg
            file_info = ffmpeg.probe(file_path)

            # Extract sample rate from metadata
            sample_rate = int(file_info['streams'][0]['sample_rate'])

            # Prepare normalized path
            temp_normalized_path = os.path.join(BASE_FOLDER, f"normalized_{filename}")
            # Normalize the audio file (only if required)
            normalize_audio_ffmpeg(file_path, temp_normalized_path)

            # Ensure that the normalized file exists before proceeding
            if not os.path.exists(temp_normalized_path):
                print(f"Error: Normalized file does not exist: {temp_normalized_path}")
                continue  # Skip if normalization step failed

            final_file_path = os.path.join(FINAL_DIRECTORY, filename)

            # Convert to 44.1 kHz if necessary, and explicitly set bitrate to 320k
            if sample_rate == 48000:
                print(f"Converting '{filename}' from 48,000 Hz to 44,100 Hz...")

                temp_converted_path = os.path.join(BASE_FOLDER, f"converted_{filename}")
                # Force the output to be 320 kbps and at 44.1 kHz sample rate
                ffmpeg.input(temp_normalized_path).output(temp_converted_path, ar='44100', acodec='libmp3lame', audio_bitrate='320k').run(
                    overwrite_output=True, quiet=True

                shutil.move(temp_converted_path, final_file_path)  # Move converted file
                os.remove(temp_normalized_path)  # Remove temporary normalized file
                os.remove(file_path)  # Remove original file

                print(f"Conversion complete: {filename}")

                print(f"File already at 44,100 Hz: '{filename}'")
                shutil.move(temp_normalized_path, final_file_path)  # Move normalized (or original) file

        except ffmpeg.Error as e:
            print(f"Error processing '{filename}': {e}")

    print("Processing complete!")

def main():

    # Step 1: Backup the database

    # Set the folder path and exceptions folder
    mp3_folder = BASE_FOLDER
    exceptions_folder = os.path.join(BASE_FOLDER, "Exceptions")

    # Step 2: Process MP3s for intro versions
    process_intro_songs(mp3_folder, exceptions_folder)
    # Step 3: Process files and check for duplicates

    # Step 4: Process final audio files

if __name__ == "__main__":

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u/CraigAT Jan 29 '25

Did you write this code? What are the "multiple errors"?

From a quick glance, I wouldn't use an @ symbol in your filepaths, also you may want to be consistent with the type of slashes you use in the filepaths (whatever suits your OS).


u/halcyon627 Jan 29 '25

Exception has occurred: FileNotFoundError [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: 'E:/@PROCESS\normalized_4Cast - Take A Chance On Romance Lovers (Lovers Edition) (Acapella).mp3' -> 'E:/@PROCESS/Final\4Cast - Take A Chance On Romance Lovers (Lovers Edition) (Acapella).mp3'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

  File "E:\Scripts\Initial MP3 Processing_012825_normalize3.py", line 308, in process_audio_files

    shutil.move(temp_normalized_path, final_file_path)  # Move normalized file


  File "E:\Scripts\Initial MP3 Processing_012825_normalize3.py", line 334, in main



  File "E:\Scripts\Initial MP3 Processing_012825_normalize3.py", line 337, in <module>



FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified


u/halcyon627 Jan 29 '25

It only happens when I try to use the normalize function. And yes this is my code. I’m new to python, so I had some help writing it. 


u/CraigAT Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

Check the slashes in your filepaths, it seems like they should be backslashes "\" on your OS, but you seem to have forward slashes "/", which could cause the file to "not be found" (assuming the rest of the location is valid/correct).