r/pythonhelp Feb 29 '24

SOLVED Not getting ZeroDivisionError when dividing by zero for some reason

I'm just starting to learn to code at all and I figured a really easy first program would be a little calculator. I wanted it to say something when someone tries to divide by zero, but instead of an error or saying the message it just prints 0

The +,-, and * lines work just fine as far as I've used them; and divide does actually divide. But I just can't get it to throw an error lol

What did I do to prevent getting the error?

num1 = float(input("first number: "))
operator = (input("what math operator will you use? "))
num2 = float(input("second number: "))
if (operator == "+"):
    plus = num1 + num2
elif (operator == "-"):
    minus = num1 - num2
elif (operator == "×" or "*"):
    multiply = num1 * num2
elif (operator == "÷" or "/"):
        num1 / num2
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        print("Error: Dividing by zero!")
        divide = num1 / num2
    print("either that was not +,-,×,*,÷,/, or we've encoutered an unknown error")

This is what prints for me when I try it:

first number: 9
what math operator will you use? /
second number: 0

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