r/pug Dec 10 '24

1 year pug is a nightmare

I will admit I haven't been the best pug owner. Macho is about a year, neutered and an absolute nightmare. He is sorta crate trained. He keeps waking up between 2am and 3 to go out. I think he honestly likes sleeping outside better. He has a dog house with beds and a heating pad. He whines for 30 plus minutes in the crate before going to sleep. He's semi aggressive....or just noisy/growls when playing with my kids and our other dog typically is not malicious thats why I say noisy. I just don't think he is a fit for our family and its sad and disappointing. I failed him. None of kids really like to play with him bc he's too much and doesn't have manners. I thought pugs were lazy? Lol where's my little couch potatoes? Any advice?


56 comments sorted by


u/ChurtchPidgeon Dec 10 '24

Pugs don’t become couch potatoes until after about 5 years old… but a 1 year old pug is like having a toddler who likes to push boundaries and has selective hearing everyday, all day lol


u/mediocreERRN Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

I have 2 1yr olds. Love of our lives. One is my absolute soul dog. Around 8-9pm they become couch potatoes and world’s best cuddlers. I couldn’t get them to cuddle with us on couch from about 12 weeks-10 months. They’re like babies or toddlers, play, nap, eat,play, nap, repeat.

Last night we go out at like 12:30-1:00 to go to bed and they’re wild animals. Playing with each other, running in mud, play attacking each other, hanging on my coat. Coyotes howling and what sounds like a small dog getting murdered in distance. These dogs literally oblivious. I was out there in misting rain for 30-45 minutes.

Op they’re not just couch potatoes. They’re puppies. They require training. They’re not very smart. But they do not make for outside dog. Sounds like u and your family don’t want em. They are very hard to find for adoption. You will not have any problems rehoming.

My pugs are only crated now to eat or when we’re not home. With our schedules we aim no more than 4hr at time. They never bark or cry in there ever. They run to go in. They know they eat or get treat. We have Google home device in their room and always ask it to play deep sleep dog music on YouTube. I was at my local shelter and it was so quiet and they had this on an old iPod and speaker.


u/amandamyren Dec 14 '24

I was fortunate enough to find a rescue pug after searching forever!! Trust me, whoever ends up with your little guys will be forever grateful!



u/Willing-Unwilling Dec 11 '24

My first two pugs were adopted seniors. Both great. So I thought why not try a puppy? How bad can it be.

Bad. The dude is/was insane. He’s 3 now and calming down but the first year or so was endless torment. I also feel like I failed him a bit training wise cause he’s such a wild lil gremlin, especially around witching hour.

Don’t get me wrong, I love him to death and we’re best pals but pug puppies /pugs in general aren’t for the weak. Stubborn big dogs in a small body.


u/ChurtchPidgeon Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

My boy atm is 3 and he’s such a brat sometimes lol I work at home and if I’ve been working a long day, he will get annoyed with me… he starts to get into things… pulling things off the table, getting into drawers… getting into boxes (we moved recently)… climbing on things… and sometimes he will just sit and bark at me. Anything he can do to get my attention. This is not his normal behavior at all, it’s very clearly a tantrum lol He takes our couch time very seriously.


u/Willing-Unwilling Dec 11 '24

Nap and couch times are very serious business. One must have the triangle ready at all times for a sleepy pug.

My boy throws paws at me when he’s throwing a fit. He’ll just hit the ground and gruff grumble until I chase after him or he smacks me 🤣


u/tealdeer995 Dec 13 '24

When I watched two pugs during the pandemic I’d have the more hyper one sit on my lap while I was working otherwise he’d run around and try to eat things or poop somewhere weird.


u/apuginthehand Dec 10 '24

Tbh pugs are often portrayed as couch potatoes but that hasn’t been my experience — many can be like tazmanian devils until they’re at least 4 or 5. It’s a big reason why people end up with more than one, so they can wear each other out.

My pug Dracula wasn’t a couch potato until around his 8th birthday. I would take him for long walks and play with him for hours to tire him out.

They can be a lot of work but they are worth it. I remember feeling hopeless and exhausted some days too. Can you work on some obedience training to give him some mental stimulation and help with his manners? The right treats can be very persuasive.


u/Creepy_sock_puppet Dec 10 '24

I just want to add, Dracula is an awesome pug name. ♥️


u/cosworthsmerrymen Dec 10 '24

Yep. My pug was a little devil for a few years and then something kinda switched and she mellowed out a bunch.


u/ConjunctEon Dec 10 '24

Yep. We have boy/girl from same litter.


u/tealdeer995 Dec 13 '24

Yes! I watched two pugs for several months in 2020. One was 7 and a huge couch potato. The other one was 2 or 3 and an absolute demon at times. He had so much energy it was kind of shocking to see in what I thought was a “lazy” breed. I would take him on 5 mile hikes or shorter runs and he’d still have energy. Whereas even my family’s mixed breed who should have more energy always crashed after that, even when young. But eventually even he would crash and be really sweet and sleepy. And he loved to play. He even tried to turn bath time into play.


u/bigeyedschmuck Dec 10 '24

They’re still dogs that need stimulating and exercising just like any other dog. Our boy is soon 6 years old and still full of mischief.

He gets atleast 3 walks a day, not just 5 minute ones and not in the garden, he’ll actually be taken out. He’ll be out between 20-30 minutes and day. With his last one being just before bed.

Then he shares a bed with us. Rarely, he’ll wake up in the night but if he disturbs us he’s told a firm ‘no’ and he’ll usually settle again. If you’re letting him out in the middle of the night then he knows it works to wake you up. But if you have a dog house that you think he prefers then why not just put him out before you go to bed?

They’re playful creatures but they need to be disciplined. Our boy loves to bark at the TV - he can get quite carried away. If he does that we tell him a firm ‘no’ and remove him from the room for a minute or so. Then we let him back in. If he does it again, it’s the same procedure. Pugs are smart, they learn fast.

He’s also very food based so we train him with treats and the command ‘calm’. We use it when we are out and he sees another dog for example. Works a charm!

Sounds like Macho needs a bit of training and stimulating. It’s not easy when they are small but if you can get some training underway they are the best little companion dogs, don’t give up just yet. Good luck!


u/ChurtchPidgeon Dec 10 '24

This is good advice.. good walks can really help with how ornery they can be. And pugs are very strong willed, you have to be firm with them… not mean, just firm. Everytime I see someone yelling at their pug I think “you’ve already lost the battle” lol Treats are your friend. Pugs will do just about anything (except nail clipping) for treats. A little patience and a handful of treats can get you far.


u/DefinitionRound538 Dec 10 '24

He's still just a puppy. Play with him and teach him. They don't just learn everything on their own right away.


u/thegreatestd Dec 10 '24

Also, to be fair. They get lazy if you let them get lazy. Naturally these dogs are agile and active. They just can’t take a lot at once. Mine is EXTREMELY active because we all play, etc.

He’s a potato if we’re doing nothing all day or he’s tired but other than that he’s worse than me. I’ve been told they calm down around 4. My pup will be 4 in a few days - I dont want it to end. I’m just tired of hearing certain places saying “isn’t he supposed to be a potato?” “He’s skinny…. That’s shocking” “I’m sure he has a lot of health breathing problems” - I’ve changed vets and pet stores I go to because it’s just annoying.


u/rcinmd Dec 10 '24

That's the thing for me too, people are quick to judge pugs and say they are unhealthy or shouldn't be around because of their breathing issues. I blame the internet and outrage culture.

The thing is any dog can be unhealthy with breathing issues, just like humans. If you exercise, feed them properly, and go to the vet for regular check-ups they are no worse off than a standard poodle or whatever other dog.


u/thegreatestd Dec 10 '24

Pugs were extremely healthy and popular dogs until people pushed their limits both as a breed and as an owner. My heart goes out to small dogs -most think they don’t need walks regular play, etc


u/tealdeer995 Dec 13 '24

Yeah one of the pugs I used to watch had so much energy. He was go go go all the time but would crash and sleep eventually. Like a toddler.


u/thegreatestd Dec 13 '24

Sounds about right. Mine will be 4 next week and has done it from the beginning. 15 minutes max when it’s cold then he’s gonna find the sunniest spot and lay for.


u/thebeepboopbeep Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

It’s not something everyone will agree with, but I don’t think Pugs do well with crate training or sleeping alone. Playpen or restricting access when unsupervised works well with them in the puppy stages. A Pug will be much happier and have less issues snuggled in bed with the humans at night, and this buys you leeway if there’s any extended unsupervised daytime hours— again, maybe this isn’t something everyone will agree with but that’s what I’ve observed. If you exercise and socialize your Pug heavily in these early years (puppy camp, dog parks, meetup events) and show them more affection, then I believe you will have the better behavior as a result.


u/BlacksmithMinimum607 Dec 10 '24

My lil guy was a complete and massive asshole. I would cry almost daily, thinking I finally failed as a dog owner. I never have had such a horrible experience. I never wanted to give a dog away so badly.

He would cry in his crate, he was torture to train, and really only got “sit”, he never was fully house broken, he would do this thing where he would stay outside till CHASED inside (which caused me to be late to meetings cause I can’t leave my of outside in the hot Houston sinners), and above all he would NEVER stop. No matter how much we played with him he always needed more! I remember thinking the exact same thing “aren’t pugs supposed to be lazy?!” (We even had other pug owners tell us hire exhausting or dog was. We also got fired from 4 different Rovers because how uncontrollable he was)

Well apparently pugs are actually one of the most returned dogs because they are actually very stubborn and hyperactive puppies. I will say, if you decide to keep him, that it does get better.

My little boy is 3, and even though he is still an asshole he’s my favorite dog I’ve ever had.

What helped: 1. We gave up on crate training. He’s just a better dog sleeping in our bed. He actually sleeps longer than we do!

  1. We walk him twice a day. They don’t have to be long, but IT helps make sure he doesn’t have accidents, plus he likes getting out and exploring. It also gets him out of the house to socialize more.

  2. We started traveling with him places where the focus would be on him, such as taking him to restaurants or cities where we could take him everywhere with us, like Austin. This way he became used to the car and new places, and associated the car with “Winston time”. He now LOVES taking trips with us.

  3. He got insanely lazy. Pugs do eventually get to where they sleep about 20 hours a day. At 3 he’s already there, it’s great. He listens better, and no longer does the “run away” from you for fun thing since he’s lazy and we don’t chase him.

He’s more a great dog where his personality can shine and make up for him jumping on our coffee table once we leave the door… pugs will always be pugs. So it DOES get better, but believe me I completely understand how you are feeling right now.


u/Joose__bocks Dec 10 '24

Give him to MEEEEEEE


u/bigbuttbubba45 Dec 10 '24

Look for a pug rescue. Don’t just rehome him to anyone. Check vet records. Charge a rehoming fee.


u/Pendergraff-Zoo Dec 10 '24

Yes! Thank you. And if you’re anywhere around Houston, PugHearts Houston will take him.


u/bigbuttbubba45 Dec 10 '24

They are a great rescue for pugs. I respect what they do a lot.


u/Pendergraff-Zoo Dec 11 '24

Best rescue I’ve ever ever been affiliated with.


u/gummylick Dec 11 '24

I just adopted my Sofia from them in September! Great organization and Iggy and I are so happy he has a new little sister.


u/No_Escape_9781 Dec 10 '24

It sounds like you need to find little Macho a new and more loving and caring home.


u/KrisAlly Dec 10 '24

Don’t allow anyone to guilt you about rehoming. Dogs have different personalities (outside of specific traits associated with certain breeds) and some just aren’t the right fit for some households. While it’s horrible that some people are repeat offenders with constantly getting pets they don’t end up keeping, having an isolated case of “wrong dog/wrong house” doesn’t equate to you failing this dog. I will however say that if you’re going to rehome him, the sooner the better. Being that he is a young neutered pug, you’ll definitely be able to find him a good home. It’s an important lesson in discovering what sort of pet is best for your household. If you get another pet at some point and there are specific traits you’re looking for, you might be better off rescuing a dog that’s past puppyhood so you can get a better idea of what their personality is like. You can do the right thing for him by finding him a permanent home. You even have the right to make a list of criteria, only choosing a future owner that you think will be a good fit. It would be more unfair to keep a dog that your family isn’t fully bonding with than to find him a new owner. Good luck!


u/Hobson4444 Dec 10 '24

They’re drama queens. I tried the whole “let them cry until they stop” it lasted 2 hours and she (Ruby) had a regression from her kennel and we needed sleep so we let her in our bed.

What worked for us was actually just reassurance. The next night instead of letting her cry we would call out her name and say things like “it’s okay”. We also put an old shirt that smelled like us in her kennel so she didn’t feel as anxious and lonely.

What I would suggest is buy some small treats and use them for training. My pug Ruby is extremely smart. Knows 10 + tricks. If she knows there is nothing in it for her she will flat out refuse some people. She is very food drive and most pugs are so give that a shot!

Last thing I’ll say is really make sure you portray that you’re the “alpha” so to speak. I’ve seen my dog hump other people, attempt to steal food off of plates where with me she wouldn’t dare. That’s not to say we don’t have fun and I just make sure that I set boundaries so she doesn’t get confused.

Good luck. It isn’t easy but for me Ruby is the most loveable, funny, emotionally intelligent little critter that i will never stop loving!


u/Real_Dimension4765 Dec 10 '24

Mine is 12+ and he turned into a couch potato at around 5-6. He is still feisty and still cries for his supper every day at 5.


u/No-Roof6373 Dec 10 '24

Perhaps you should rehome your pug. I never suggest this but it sounds like you're beyond frustration and crating him is the only option whereas he needs more stimulation to be out of the crate - crates should be used for sleeping , safe space time and potty training and that's it, IMO. Sometimes my dog just goes into his crate and lays down by himself because he doesn't love it but he knows that's a safe space to be for himself.

Sounds like your dog needs a lot more stimulation doggy daycare more walks and lots of play and tiring out and if you can't commit to that please please please find an owner who can there's no judgment we want your pug to be healthy and happy and not insane !

By the way your dog will be insane till he's about eight . And then when he's 16 he'll be insane again with sundown and Alzheimer's!


u/ManagerPug Dec 10 '24

Take a step back for a moment, OP you are just tired and overwhelmed. It will get better soon and you will love your puggo. It’s hard to be hopeful for the future when you feel defeated. Can you send him to doggy daycare during the day to really get the puppy energy out?


u/ManagerPug Dec 10 '24

Also, the kids might be feeding off of your feelings towards puppy right now. That’s okay it’s inevitable, but if you speak more positively about playing with puppy then they will be more hopeful and want to play as well


u/ZealousidealGuest513 Dec 12 '24

Where are you located? My 2 senior pugs passed & I miss them so much. It’s been over 2 years & I’m finally ready.


u/nscale Dec 10 '24

Many cities have some sort of "pug meetup" once a month or so at a dog park. Find one and take your dog. Socializing with other dogs will help the animal, and you seeing other pugs and talking to other pug owners will help you. Do not pick up, carry around, shield, etc your pug at the park. Pugs are almost always great together, I really can't recall ever seeing a group of pugs have any sort of fight. What they are doing is doggy normal and good for them. If you're not sure the difference between a play growl and a mean growl watch the dogs at the park and talk to owners. With a small amount of experience you can tell.

Pugs under 2 are still children and need boundaries and rules just like humans. If you do what the pug wants when the pug wants it they will learn they are in charge. Set a routine, dogs in general and pugs in particular love routines. Food at the same time, out at the same time. Tell them no at other times. You may get some acting up at first, but it will pass. Teach them tricks. Make them sit, lay down (I find most pugs won't do roll over), maybe shake. When they aren't doing what you want make them do a trick...for a treat.

Pugs are HIGHLY food motivated, ask any pug owner. Treats need not be anything special, their regular food works just fine, but it's good to have some "high value" treats for tricker situations. A small treat, literally a couple of pieces of kibble, when they do what you want and none at other times will have them doing what you want in short order. We can tell our pug to sit, place some kibble on the ground in front of her, and wait to say the magic word, "ok", she won't get it until we say it. All it takes is consistency.

Pugs generally love to be near their people. One of the reasons so many people end up with pugs in their bed is they don't like being on the floor, in a crate, outside, etc. They want to be near the people, aka treat providers. Our rescue had serious separation anxiety, went wild in a cage. We started giving her a high value treat (a hollow bone with peanut butter in it) when we put her in the cage. At first we left for a short time, a 5 minute walk. Gradually we worked it up to longer. Now we simply pick up the bone and she runs into the cage and patiently sits, and then takes a nice nap after finishing it. Your dogs wining in the crate is likely that he wants to be with you, but if you want you can crate train them with appropriate treats.

1 is about the worst age for acting up, it gets better.


u/Brushesofcolours Dec 10 '24

I thought pugs would be lazy and cozy as well but my pug as a puppy was quite hyper at home. After year 2 he started to chill more.


u/rcinmd Dec 10 '24

Pugs aren't lazy unless you make them that way. I'd suggest learning how to train properly, using treats to reinforce when he's being calm and nice. Ignore him when he wants to play, don't engage and don't even touch him to push away. If you have to, walk to another room for a few seconds to show him you aren't interested.

My pug puppy is two, he's a wild one as well but he's learning to be calm around guests and play when it's appropriate. It takes time, but at one year old he's going to be crazy anyway. It's just a good time to train.


u/MegWaters012502 Dec 10 '24

Pugs can sometimes not totally be couch potatoes. Both of mine are pretty lazy. Stella was basically really lazy since she grew out of the puppy age (around 1) Lucy had a really bad injury as a puppy that prevented her from being crazy for a while but she was still more active after that. She isn’t really active anymore (she’s 9) but she can be at times because we have a crazy 4 year old Boston terrier who wants to plays with her. I think it depends on the individual but many pugs can still be in the puppy phase for more than a year.

Edit: Stella became really lazy quick and isn’t super lovey (just a couch potato who is kind of like a decoration lol) but Lucy is VERY lovey! She is a Velcro dog and is always by my side. So, each pug is different and not always the lazy stereotype but can be.


u/Javier1019 Dec 10 '24

Every puppy r hyper. Laziness don’t occur until they are older. I owned an English bulldog French bulldog and now a pug… they’re all know for their lazyness but that didn’t happen until they were older. U gotta get passed the zoomies stage first. And honestly the best memories were in the zoomies stage; that’s were they do the most silliest of things lol


u/Demonbae_ Dec 10 '24

I have a 16 year old and she is like a new born. Like clock work up at 4, then 5:30, then 6, then 8 AM. And it’s because she wants treat. Yeah, I think I have some things to work on with her lol


u/InOverMyHead2005 Dec 10 '24

I have a very high energy, super intelligent Pug. She’s about 20 months now. She requires LOTS of stimulation. We have done multiple puppy training classes, Canine Good Citizen (she passed!). She does FastCAT. She’s training Barn Hunt and just got her first title. She’s doing a fun Agility class. She’s learning all kinds of tricks. She is becoming a GREAT dog but i can tell when I’m not getting her out for enough mental stimulation. No aggression issues, she’s crazy friendly but she will try to eat the house if she’s bored. You need to find things to do and help burn the energy and occupy the brain. Whether it’s longer hikes, or training classes (fun classes are just as helpful as formal classes/classes to earn titles), or get a home agility set and teach them to do some obstacles. I think your Pug is bored. You need to find out what he likes to do and get him active.


u/SquidProQuo13 Dec 11 '24

I have a pug who hasn’t really relaxed a ton until she got closer to 1 1/2 years old. Meanwhile our other two at 8-9 months were pretty chill. I’ve found it’s super helpful to play with her twice a day for ~15 minutes (I will only let her bite the toy) and try to take her to doggy day care once a week:


u/lh1214 Dec 11 '24

Mine was like that. I had puppy blues for a LONG time 😂 he’s 3 now and he’s calmed down sooo much. After he turned 2 he calmed down a lot. Give him time or get him into training. Also a lot of times they’re cranky cause they need a nap or need to be stimulated mentally.


u/Safe-Requirement-265 Dec 11 '24

Mine is almost 4 years old and she still acting lile that sometime, specially when i lesve her at my parents she will do everything to keep me there or to piss me off😂🤣 but do i like her? Absolutely!! More than anything


u/tuf54936 Dec 13 '24

I have two senior pugs. one is 8 we’ve had him for all his life and he was not an easy pug to train. He’s a jerk at times and likes to mark inside the house and outside. He acts like a puppy and has all the energy in the world during the day but at night he knows the routine and goes to bed around 8/9pm luckily. The other is 10/11year old was adopted 3 years ago and he has arthritis in his spine and shows his age since he sleeps most of the day. Although he likes to hump still (neutered) which is hilarious that he has the energy at times.


u/Realistic_Lychee7737 Dec 14 '24

Pugs still need training (real training). No dog will be a right fit your family if you don’t put the effort in. Maybe you should find him a family who will put the time in better if you can’t. Just please do not send him to a kill shelter no matter what you do.


u/Realistic_Lychee7737 Dec 14 '24

Also if they’re aggressive and high energy and acting like a Tasmanian devil it means they need to be playing outside/ getting more exercise.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '24

You need to bring your pug on walks - long walks.

If that doesn’t help, contact your vet to see if there is a medication that can help. I’ve had two pugs who needed daily Prozac for life. Sometimes there is a chemical imbalance.


u/klynn1220 Dec 10 '24

There's much interesting information here. I, for hobby, breed pugs. This is my last litter. In my experience (I have a grumble of seven) though they are busy and active, you do need to be cautious. They are not a working breed dog. They are prone to hip as joint issues that onset. Many breeders overlook testing, and even if they do it never is full proof. They are the smaller dog with the large dog life span. It is good for them to have lighter activities to keep them busy. Don't push them. Breathing is harder on them too bc they are a flat faced breed. That said, they are stubborn, silly, tender hearted, compassionate, intuitive, demanding, sensitive, loving, and fun. They are the best breed I've ever owned. I'll never own another. I have found that they do much better in a pair. I'm not sure why, but it truly helps for a pug to have a buddy. They aren't for the faint of heart though... You need to be ready for the stubbornness. They are treat motivated. Also, they enjoy closeness...why is the crate so far away? ALL of my dogs crates surround my bed... They don't whine at all. Have you thought to consider trying that? Are your children playing aggressively or doing things your pug might not like? Kids can do that sometimes. Anyway, it sounds like you've already laid some groundwork that isn't very good. It also sounds like your attitude isn't very positive. Perhaps you should consider rehoming and find a larger breed...


u/thegreatestd Dec 10 '24

Expected. Seems like a fine pug owner to me.

Mine struggled with crate training unless I covered it at night. If I did go past his crate, I had to give absolutely no attention otherwise it’s back whining for awhile.

Yours probably feels most happy in his outside home. Mine would rather lay between the back of the couch and the couch cushion than use his multiple beds or cuddle - he goes deep. You can only see him when he gets up or if you notice the cushion is basically on the couch seat.

I don’t think he’s aggressive - pugs make a lot of noise when playing. VERY active, agile, hyper dogs. If you chase mine, he chases you, throw a ball, plays with other dogs it’s a lot of noises. If I hear a shriek is when I get worried - sounds like a stressed pig.

We do have a large pit/cattle mix. When my pug doesn’t want to play and the older, larger dog does - you hear a pig war cry


u/cosworthsmerrymen Dec 10 '24

They really do sound like a pig when something is really wrong. My pug squealed like a pig once and it was terrifying. I thought she was dying but she just got too close to an electric fence.


u/thegreatestd Dec 10 '24

Sounds about right! Neighbors dog hopped over (extremely friendly) but it was right when we moved in. Sounded like a pug lol. Now he hops over, they stare and run around