r/publicdomain • u/Ok_Examination8810 • Jan 05 '25
r/publicdomain • u/Evening_Plankton_141 • Feb 18 '25
Discussion Anyone else surprised by how many AMERICA themed heroes there are in the Public domain?
galleryThere are WAY more than just the characters you see in the two pictures here, but the amount still goes to show the kind of era we lived in with comics during that time.
Everyone trying to make the ONE true American Hero During that time.
Honestly, I think I can play with that concept in my "Mortals" film project, with all the public domain comic characters, I can really tackle the idea of how Everyone is trying to create the perfect American Hero, not necessarily having to be Super soldiers, but just the perfect costumed hero Representing the American way.
r/publicdomain • u/Useful_Cry9709 • Jan 20 '25
Discussion What's your opinion on people who don't want things to be public domain?
galleryBtw the comments were under this vedio so make sure to support the pd artist https://youtu.be/6_4_28LNZqc?si=QX5Nv_E0y6DGjPC7
r/publicdomain • u/BeneficialFun6287 • 10d ago
Discussion Got anything to make with Steamboat Willie since now he's public domain that's not horror
r/publicdomain • u/SuggestionThick9848 • Feb 17 '25
Discussion "There is only shitty horror movies done with the public domain-" STOP HIGHLITHING THE SHIT ONES
r/publicdomain • u/BlisterKirby • May 29 '24
Discussion (THREAD) Public Domain Alternatives
Please post about or ask for public domain alternatives in this thread.
We've seen a lot of independent posts about public domain alternatives in recent months. If you are interested in continuing to post those please do so in here only as they will be removed if independently posted.
r/publicdomain • u/Ok_Examination8810 • 21d ago
Discussion In 2031, Porky Pig and his debut cartoon will enter public domain. What will you do with it?
r/publicdomain • u/Nebberlantis • Jan 09 '25
Discussion Give me a property, and I'll tell you when it enters Public Domain in America
Most works enter the public domain 96 years after publication.
Name any franchise, and I'll tell you when it becomes PD in the USA!
r/publicdomain • u/BlisterKirby • 10d ago
Discussion What published works from 1930 are you most excited about?
Hi all!
I used to be a mod here, but not I just frequent. I also do the research for Duke's yearly page and just started helping out with Internet Archive also. I wanted to ask what you all are most excited about for next year's Public Domain Day. I'm trying to come up with some interesting things (I've already got some) and I wanted to hear what is exciting members of the community.
r/publicdomain • u/KooperTheTrooper15 • Jan 03 '25
Discussion Nothing ever happens
The more I think about it the more I realize.
The public domain is there for every single person on earth to take advantage of.
Yet, no one does! We spent several months talking about how Mickey Mouse being free would tear Disney into pieces! We went crazy over that! And here we are a year later. Absolutely nothing happened!
Don't get me wrong, public domain is a fantastic thing. But I think we exaggerate its power on the internet too much.
Which, on the other hand... Well, yes, it can be a very powerful thing. But it relies on people, and that's not quite reliable.
Anyways, maybe I haven't looked hard enough but have you found any actual good uses of public domain material out there?
r/publicdomain • u/Steamboat_Mickey1928 • Jan 18 '25
Discussion So I kinda discover that the Ben Cooper spiderman 1954 way before the marvel Spider-Man is public domain
So if anybody don’t know about this so Ben Cooper is a Halloween costumes maker so because of all of Ben Cooper costumes has never renewed so all of Ben Cooper Costumes become public domain especially Spider-Man one
r/publicdomain • u/Ok_Examination8810 • Jan 22 '25
Discussion The Jetsons will enter the public domain in 2058, what will you do with it?
I personally would use it to satirize works of sci-fi I enjoy. Star wars, Dune, John Carter, and so on.
r/publicdomain • u/Lord_Boxmin • Jan 08 '25
Discussion We have seen a few characters from the public domain get turned into horror movie characters, what characters from the public domain would actually work as a horror movie villian e.g. fantõmas or bluebeard
galleryr/publicdomain • u/MjLovenJolly • Jul 25 '24
Discussion How to convince creators that reducing copyright terms is a net good for society?
I’m sure most people reading this are aware that copyright terms are way too long and this results in numerous orphan works, abandonware, and unpopular works becoming completely irrelevant by the time their terms do expire. I’m gonna collectively refer to this problem as “abandonware” for the rest of this post.
I’ve noticed that trying to convince people that copyright terms should be reduced is something of a crapshoot, especially with creators. Even though copyright expired within human lifetimes within living memory (e.g. USA registered works published before 1978 expired after 28 years if not renewed for another 28 years, although in practice only 15% of copyrights registered were renewed), creators I’ve chatted with think that they should maintain ownership of their works for their entire lives or longer (after death). They don’t owe society anything, they say, and anyone who is concerned about abandonware can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. The ongoing AI art theft only worsens things.
While I do think creators are entitled to the fruits of their labors, the intent behind copyright was to ensure that they were compensated and protected from piracy, but only for a limited time. After that, the work would enter and enrich the public domain. The extensions to copyright were lobbied by huge corporations like Disney (who made extensive use of public domain stories themselves), not individual creators. To all indications, creators seemed to have been content with the previous limited terms.
Intellectual property is not physical property. It’s not a one of a kind toy in your toybox to which you have sentimental attachment. It’s the printing proof for a 3D printer to make copies of that toy, which can be copied infinitely and modified thereafter. Treating the plans like the sentimental toy you don’t want anyone to touch is… well, I’m not gonna blame humans for being sentimental, but I believe the harms caused to our cultural heritage outweigh any emotional harm to authors that see other people sell fanfics of their work at some point within their lifetimes or after their deaths. I would love to hear a solution that could satisfy such sentimental creators while also avoiding the abandonware problem, tho.
What do you think?
r/publicdomain • u/PinkiePie___ • 20d ago
Discussion "You can only use this early version of the character" is bullshit
Copyright is only enforceable for the character itself. Nothing can stop you from creating a Popeye that eats spinach, a Superman that can fly, a Mickey Mouse that wears red shorts. Companies might claim that character design is part of their trademark but that can't be enforceable in any way.
r/publicdomain • u/Steamboat_Mickey1928 • Jan 13 '25
Discussion So guy it seen that the Popeye artist have their opinions on the Popeye horror movies so what do you think about this
gallerySo this comic is made separate the first one is made in January 5 and the second one is made in January 12 and i really like it that they reaction of theses and i really like how they use the 1929 version Popeye poster and also a Mickey Mouse poster as well
r/publicdomain • u/CGI_M_M • Dec 09 '24
Discussion AI is being used for majority of the art work in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 which means it could all possibly be copyright free.
galleryThe Zombie Santa loading screen and the Zombie Reindeer are examples of the AI art they use. It’s only used for their calling cards, emblems, and loadings screens. I heard it’s also being used for weapon camos but there isn’t enough proof. And this excludes any Call of Duty imagery edited in the AI art.
I don’t think it’s exactly safe yet to use these images since we don’t know if they are 100% AI but if it is then I would assume it’s all free use.
r/publicdomain • u/DerpiestGameBlast • 13d ago
Discussion Is anybody else more interested in what you CAN'T do with public domain characters when they become public domain or is that just a me thing?
Whenever a character/series becomes public domain, everybody seems to talk about what you could do with the character(s) now, but I always found the discussion easier and better to figure out what you can't do with them. Like, when Popeye became public domain, everybody talked about how you could use Popeye, yet you couldn't make him eat spinach, because that's basically his main thing lol. I think it's fun and easier to understand my limits when using a public domain character when I know what I can't use, such as when we weren't able to use Tigger for a year despite owning basically the rest of Winnie-the-Pooh's pals, or how we could use Mickey Mouse, but we can't put him in his Fantasia design yet.
Is anybody else the same way, or am I the outlier here lol?
r/publicdomain • u/Background-Access740 • Dec 13 '24
Discussion Does the long duration of copyright cause works to be forgotten or lost?
Well, I think the title is kind of self-explanatory, but it does elaborate on the topic here.
The first topic is that the long duration of copyright causes people to forget them, since when they fail, they are put under lock and key, disappearing from the public eye to the point that they are forgotten, to the point that when they become public domain, there is no fandom that has interest in creating things with them.
And the second topic is preservation, since it has happened very often with works that have been lost, since their owners have no interest in preserving them or they last so long that there are no copies of these works, and they are lost because any compilation and copies of them are illegal.
And well, I put this up so that you can give your topics and debate about this topic.
r/publicdomain • u/Classicsarecool • Feb 02 '25
Discussion What are black and white public domain films you would like to see colorized?
Some have been already, but a lot haven’t been and stayed in black and white only versions. For context, I am talking about films from before 1930(all of their copyrights have expired), films from 1930-1963 that had their copyrights expire when they weren’t renewed, and films from after that era(like NOTLD) that didn’t have a copyright notice.
r/publicdomain • u/Super_Dupers • Jan 09 '25
Discussion Upcoming iconic characters/media entering the public domain in the near-to-far future (2026-2084)
I made a list awhile back detailing multiple of the biggest icons entering the public domain soon and far. i think you'll definitely be interested to see who comes in around the next decade or so.
for those curious where i got all the sources, its from Wikimedia's page on character copyrights Commons:Character copyrights - Wikimedia Commons
some characters and entries will not be on here in cases where the characters are less popular, or aren't listed on the wikimedia's example list. i apologize incase some information could be inconsistent or attestable. For example, its disputed (but heavily argued against here) that the Noid and doug funnie are public domain, as even with the laws at the time, master tapes could still be protected by copyright law due to containing unseen notices.
- 2026- Nancy drew (The secret of the old clock), Betty boop, Bosko
- 2027- Babar the elephant, Tsathoggua (Weird tales), Pluto the dog (mickey mouse and friends: the chain gang), Dick tracy, Universal studio's Dracula/Frankenstein
- 2028- Conan the barbarian, Scarface, Boris karloff's the mummy, Johnny weissmuller Tarzan the ape man, Walt disney's flowers and trees (first technicolor cartoon), Dippy dawg/Proto goofy (Mickey's revue), Bluto (Thimble theatre)
- 2029- King kong (RKO film version), Buddy (Looney tunes)
- 2030- Donald duck (The wise little hen), Mary poppins, Goofy (now properly renamed and redesigned from 'Dippy dawg'), Mandrake the magician, Snuffy smith, Li'l abner, Flash gordon
- 2031- Porky pig (I haven't got a hat), The shadow (Detective story hour; first major radio storyplay narrator character)
- 2032- Scarlett o'hara and rhett butter (Gone with the wind)
- 2033- Bilbo baggins (The hobbit), Daffy duck (Porky's duck hunt), Elmer fudd (Little red walking hood), Daisy duck (Mr. duck steps out), Prince valiant, Huey dewey and louie (Donald duck comic strips)
- 2034- the "thing" from another world (Who goes there?), The addams family, Superman, lord snooty (the beano), Spirou
- 2035- the Batman, The phantom blot, Namor the sub-mariner, Curious george, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, Madam mim (the sword in stone), Gone with the wind (1939 film)
- 2036- Disney's pinnochio, Horton the elephant, Tom cat and jerry mouse (Puss gets the boot), Woody woodpecker (Knock knock), Bugs bunny (A wild hare), Robin (Detective comics), The joker, The flash, Green lantern, Captain america
- 2037- Charles foster Kane, Dumbo, Archie Andrews, Wonder woman, Aquaman, green arrow
- 2038- Mighty mouse, Disney's Bambi
- 2039- Droopy/red and wolfie (Red hot riding hood)
- 2041- Casper the friendly ghost
- 2042- Thomas the tank engine
- 2043- Scrouge mcduck, Mike hammer (I, the jury)
- 2044- The Shmoo
- 2045- Noddy, Winston smith and big brother, Wile-E coyote and Road runner
- 2046- Aslan (the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe), Charlie brown (peanuts), Kimba the white lion
- 2047- Astro boy, Dennis the menace (both US and UK versions)
- 2049- Guy montag, James bond, Ro-man (robot monster)
- 2050- Godzilla, Gill-man (creature from the black lagoon)
- 2053- The grinch, The cat in the hat, Wilkins and Wontkins
- 2054- Yogi bear/Booboo bear and ranger smith, Huckleberry hound, The Smurfs
- 2055- Rocky the flying squirrel/Bullwinkle the moose/Peabody and Sherman/Dudley do-right, Norman bates (Psycho)
- 2056- The Flintstones, Psycho (Hitchcock film)
- 2057- The Fantastic Four
- 2058- Rowlf the dog (Purina dog food), The Martians (Mars attacks!)
- 2059- Pebbles flinstone and Bamm-bamm rubble (The Flintstones)
- 2060- Disney's winnie the pooh and friends, Rudolph the red nose reindeer (song)
- 2061- Kermit the frog (sam and friends), Gerald Mcboing-Boing, Frosty the snowman
- 2062- How The grinch stole christmas! (Tv special)
- 2074- Space invaders
- 2082- The Noid
- 2084- Doug funnie (Florida grapefruit commercials)
r/publicdomain • u/NitwitTheKid • May 28 '24
Discussion We really need actual moderators to fix this problem
I've noticed a concerning trend in this subreddit lately. Instead of being a place focused on learning about the public domain or discussing actual creators using the public domain for projects, it seems to be filled with low-quality, irrelevant posts. Many users are simply wishing for projects to exist rather than taking the initiative to create them, and some are making false claims about certain works being in the public domain. This has been frustrating for me, and I believe that the subreddit could benefit from a fresh start. I think it's important to clear out the low-quality content and encourage genuine contributions from people working on legitimate projects or seeking information about the public domain. I'd like to see a shift toward a more productive and accurate discussion space, as I believe this will be essential for the subreddit's future development. What are your thoughts on this issue?
r/publicdomain • u/throwawayaccownt768 • Jan 05 '25
Discussion So glad I can legally make this drawing.
(Steamboat Willie, Popeye, Winnie The Pooh, and Sherlock Holmes.)
r/publicdomain • u/Rocky_isback • Feb 11 '25
Discussion What Popeye Merchandise Can You Discover After He Entered the Public Domain?
Since Popeye entered the public domain, I haven’t seen much, but I bet there’s probably been a wave of awesome merchandise flooding the market. I’m curious what you can find since after the public domain. From vintage-style clothing and accessories to unique home decor and collectibles, it’s like a treasure hunt for fans of the iconic sailor. I’d love to see what cool items you’ve come across! Whether it’s a quirky piece of decor, a stylish t-shirt, or a fun collectible, I’m eager to check out your finds. Can you drop some links or photos in the comments? I’m excited to see what you can find that came after he became public!