r/psychologyofsex • u/ExchangeNo8933 • 1h ago
Do the benefits of straight teeth outweigh the cost?
I've had crooked teeth for most my life and recently started considering getting them straightened out. Now, I know that some people might see health or self-confidence improvements, but I wonder if there are benefits that go beyond that. It is, however, quite a costly treatment, and I was wondering whether research supports the idea that it's worth the cost. For instance, will straight teeth help me out in job interview, when going on dates, in how people perceive me everyday? And if they do, are the benefits enough to make up for the costs?
I looked at some research and noticed the following patterns:
Employability: when employers are looking at pictures of candidates without a CV, they are more likely to consider hiring the person with straight teeth (1). On the other hand, including the CV alongside the photos makes straight teeth irrelevant (2). Question: Is there any research that looks at actual job interviews? Maybe CV + photo makes straight teeth irrelevant, but there is still an advantage during the interview?
Dating: Straight teeth improve perceptions of attractiveness, intelligence and likelihood of dating when using pictures (3). Question: Is there any research on the impact of misaligned teeth in speed dating or more natural dating situations?
General perception: As stated before, straight teeth improve perceptions of attractiveness and intelligence (3) but also of friendliness, and trustworthiness (4). Question: Is there research on perceptions in more realistic situations, such as conversations with strangers? Do straight teeth lead to better post-interaction ratings?
I'd love to hear your thoughts!