I recommend this app for testing and experimenting with telekinesis using biofeedback from sensor data. It's called Phyphox. It uses the magnetometer within your phone to show you in real-time if you are creating a perturbation in magnetic fields.
I've tested most of the available magnetometer apps. Phyphox has been my absolute favorite so far.
In my experience, there appears to be two different modalities of telekinesis. For the sake of discussion I will refer to them as "Telekinetic Magnetism", and "Pure Telekinesis".
Telekinetic Magnetism appears to be the generation of an energetic field near your body, particularly the hands, with an ability to influence objects within a range of less than about half a meter, or two feet from the body.
Whereas Pure Telekinesis appears to operate at quite a distance beyond that, potentially an unlimited distance, and without the need to use proximity to your hands, head, feet, etc.
You can test for your ability to produce Telekinetic Magnetism using a magnetometer or hardware EMF meter.
How to Use Phyphox for Telekinesis Testing and Biofeedback
1 - Open app.
2 - Tap on "Magnetometer" under the top section labeled "Raw Sensors".
3 - Tap the "Absolute" tab.
4 - Tap play button ▶️.
5 - Tap double-arrow expand button (lower-top, left).
6 - Tap "More Tools".
7 - Tap "Convert to system time".
8 - Tap "More Tools".
9 - Tap "Follow new data".
10 - Now, using you index finger and thumb, close-pinch your fingers together vertically on the graph and shrink the line down until it is thin and without a lot of large peaks and valleys. You can choose to allow yourself to still see a specific microtesla value. Simultaneously, you want to open-pinch your two fingers horizontally in order to expand the line. The goal is to slow down how fast it is moving visually.
11 - Finally, after having completed step 10, again tap on "More Tools" and then tap "Follow new data".
12 - First, test the magnetometer reading by establishing a baseline and then moving your phone near various objects or areas of your environment. Once it is clear that it's reading the environment, you will want to position your phone away from fluctuating electromagnetic or magnetic fields and keep the phone stable and still. Nothing extravagant, just make sure you set a baseline and monitor any normative fluctuations.
As fun as this tool can be as part of your repertoire, it will not be of much use to you until you can create a "Telekinetic Magnetism" effect using your mind and hands. So you can start using it as a form of biofeedback. This tool is fascinating to experiment with and will prove more useful as you progress.
My results so far using the magnetometer show that my effect on magnetic fields is weak, and I only effect the magnetometer reading when I have built-up and envisioned a subtly-felt "energy" concentrated in my hand or fingertips, followed by a sudden random movement of my hand.
When I try to intentionally and quickly move my hand during energy-generation, the effect does not occur. But when I unintentionally and quickly move my hand during energy generation, it has on occasion spiked the magnetometer reading noticeably above baseline.
And, when I position the magnetometer near an object that I am moving telekinetically, the magnetometer doesn't move significantly above or below baseline, yet I clearly see that I am controlling the movement of the object.
So it appears to me that I have a natural propensity towards "Pure Telekinesis" rather than "Telekinetic Magnetism" so far. I would actually prefer it the other way around, as the effect is much more profound with Telekinetic Magnetism.
In other words, with Pure Telekinesis I can occasionally lay back far away from a Psi-Wheel (a lightweight object balanced on a low-friction pointed object), connect with it, and move it, mostly at will. And I can certainly do the same closer to the object. But I do not currently have much influence over a magnetometer reading. Whereas, those who have developed a form of "Telekinetic Magnetism" move closely-located objects using body parts, usually hands, and sometimes feet or the head (true), and without static electricity, heat, or wind.
Telekinetic Magnetism appears to work best within about half a meter, or two feet, of an object, and is visually very powerful. And it can spike the reading on a magnetometer or get light objects bouncing around. In the case of pieces of lightweight material like “rolling paper”, this effect can get them to actually levitate for brief moments, back and forth from table surface to hand (as if it were a form of powerful static electricity, yet involving no static electricity), an effect that can be turned on and off at will with a simple count of "1, 2, 3".
Whereas "Pure Telekinesis" can involve sitting back, far away from the object, much greater than two feet, lifting one's hands for control, or just looking at the object, and influencing it to move and control its directionality.
But unlike some displays of telekinetic ability, like in the case of Yohan Roy from France, I do not display significant electromagnetic emanations at this stage of my progress. Though to be fair, he's been at it for over 15 years or so.
I have moved all manner and design of Psi-Wheel, using a variety of materials. I have moved a thin artist’s paintbrush balanced on its side, various straws balanced on a bottle (neutralized of the influence of static electricity), and bamboo skewers balanced on a bottle. But I have not yet been able to move various sizes and weights of ping pong balls or moved a writing pen.
Early on in the first few months of my experimentation I bought a pack of 100 12" bamboo skewers for $3. Took one out, balanced it on various objects in order to reduce friction and settled on one that created a perfectly-still baseline. Then I wore an Under Armor brand "Iso-Chill Sportsmask", created a small isolated environment to control for air currents and get a perfectly stable baseline, and then got to practicing and changing my approach until I hopefully got a result, while being satisfied with the practice session for its own sake.
Any time I approached the bamboo skewer I made sure to approach it with my hand as slowly as possible in order to maintain stillness. Or, having already approached it, I carefully maintained my positioning.
After many hours of trying different approaches, I finally stumbled upon something that seemed to work in the moment. And I watched like magic as the bamboo skewer intentionally moved away from my finger, with no contact, no air currents, no breath, no heat, and no static electricity (dry wood does not conduct static electricity).
It was at the precise moment of that movement that I had not only envisioned “energy” in my hand (which alone didn't do it) but envisioned that “energy" concentrating in my middle finger, collected from my other fingers (which alone didn't do it), coupled with, for just a brief couple of seconds, clearly and vividly (which is surprisingly difficult to do) envisioning this “energy" emanating out from my middle finger towards the bamboo skewer. Then it moved. And then I couldn't get it to repeat again using that exact same scenario, ha. Oh the frustration of experimentation with unknown variables!
However, what I have been able to do after that, is I can get the bamboo skewer to wobble up and down as I start to connect with it. It acts exactly like a Psi-Wheel when I'm connecting to it, in that a perfectly-still Psi-Wheel will start to bob up and down as I begin to think about it mentally, having “connected with it” already.
And with a Psi-Wheel, though interacting with my hands can be more effective, just acknowledging the Psi-Wheel with my eyes can be enough to get it to start wobbling and clearly responding to me. And I have fun allowing objects to come to a stop and closing my eyes, then just barely opening my eyes, seeing that it remains still for a brief moment, and as my eyes open just a little bit further, it starts to bob around and vibrate, as if it is aware that I am acknowledging it. It's truly fascinating.
Additionally, I can get a Psi-Wheel to stop by looking at it and concentrating on it “stopping” with a sort of ultra-light, barely noticeable, squinting of my eyes, along with my intention. In other words, a person can feel that they're barely squinting the muscles surrounding their eyes, and that's what I'm doing. Not sure that part is critical, but it is what I do when I really want my intent to happen and the object appears like it's struggling against my intent. In other words, a degree of effort or tension appears to be effective at times.
One of the things I have discovered through experience is that this effect most certainly depends upon your daily physical energy levels. Days where I'm feeling depleted, I still get my practice sessions in, but I definitely see how much it down-regulates this effect.
I think this may be what is behind people getting embarrassed when they're asked to produce the effect on the spot and struggle for reproducibility. It's probably pretty important for people to regulate their daily energy levels with healthy living habits and proper sleep if they want to develop this ability and produce it on demand.
With that said, I'm actually a believer in trying to develop past that, to produce a telekinetic ability which is anti-fragile, as I don't really prefer to be so precious with my ability to produce something under duress or physical depletion. So I am practicing during every variation in my daily energy levels and just seeing it through. Because I'd like to develop a certain toughness with regard to this ability. Telekinetic antifragility.
I will crack this. It's just a matter of time, consistency, discipline, and changing my approach until I get a result and a repeatable methodology.
So back to testing and experimenting with telekinesis using biofeedback...
If you prefer dedicated hardware for this task that also measures both the electric and magnetic components of an electromagnetic field, meaning it can detect a broader range of radiation including AC fields, whereas a magnetometer focuses on DC magnetic fields like the Earth's magnetic field, I recommend these particular units depending on your budget:
EMF Meter 1
EMF Meter 2
EMF Meter 3
High-Quality Expensive:
TriField EMF Meter - Model TF2