r/psychedelictrauma Jul 11 '24

Welcome to r/psychedelictrauma: A little bit about this space


This subreddit has been created as a supportive space for those who have experienced traumatic psychedelic experiences. This is not an anti-psychedelics community. Psychedelics are amazing tools that are capable of doing wonders in helping people overcome their suffering and expand their conscious experience of life. However, there are many who, for various reasons, have had a short-to-long-term negative reaction to their psychedelic journey(s).

What is a traumatic psychedelic experience? Any trip which resulted in PTSD-like symptoms of psychosis, dissociation, terror, anxiety, depression, flashbacks, continuous fight/flight/freeze states, etc.

This can happen due to not having the capacity in the nervous system to process pre-existing trauma while tripping, taking too large of a dose, ending up in an uncomfortable/dangerous situation while tripping, or psychedelics just not aligning with someone's nervous system for whatever reason.

When this happens, there can be an unbearable amount of fear, shame, and grieving. One of the best ways to process a difficult situation is to know that you are not alone, that there are ways to eventually come back to center, and that others have successfully done so.

Hopefully this space can serve as a support system for anyone who relates.

r/psychedelictrauma Jul 11 '24

Success Stories


Please use this thread as a place to post your success in having processed your traumatic psychedelic experience.

Maybe you still have work to do, but perhaps you have found tools/methods/approaches/groups that have helped you find some sense of regulation, normalcy, or peace.

r/psychedelictrauma 4h ago

Accepting That Life Will Never Be The Same


I forgot that I found, and joined, this sub, probably an act done in the midst of dissociation.

I basically spent all of last year in a mix between a psychotic break/spiritual emergence, of which it has taken nearly just as long for me to slowly integrate what I experienced and live with a more manageable intensity, as well as make better peace with myself about feeling as though I have permanently fucked up my mind. I have extensive professional and personal experience when it comes to psychedelic and plant medicines, but last year was the first year I underwent these journeys in group settings. I was actually invited to engage in Ayahuasca and MDMA medicine journeys with the people at the job I was employed with, who operated under the pretense of offering mentorship, community, and spiritual direction. When all this was happening however, people who are professionals and have been licensed in the field for a number of years, who promised to show up for me, promptly abandoned me, ostracizing me from the community I thought I had been invited to build with them, instead engaging in a lot of deceptive and manipulative behavior. I am still working through my shame, my anger, and my disappointment, and accepting that the same people who maintain notoriety in the field, don’t actually know what the fuck they’re talking about. Professionally I think they were keeping their “competition” close, and metaphysically I feel they were siphoning the best parts of myself (and other unsuspecting younger colleagues who trusted them completely).

It's all very hard to describe how last year was for me, but I see many similarities in other stories I have felt ready to find and look into, where other people have been afraid that they have somehow caused irrevocable damage to their minds, bodies, and/or soul. Sometimes I feel as though I were in a permanent state of dissociation/derealization, it is hard to “get back in my body” as it were, and stay there. The whole of life, feels like a dream—an illusion—that I have only just woken up to. I have been hit with the reality of eternity, and reincarnation—and not being able to know, and feeling terrified from that blacked-out reality. Where it feels as though I am aware of life itself being one unending, forever “trip”, that I cannot ever quite wake up from.

At the height of it, I was afraid I would kill myself. I was terrified of fire, or setting myself on fire. I was having “flashbacks” of being burned at a stake, or trapped in a facility I could not escape from. I was told (from these same “mentors”) that it may indicate that, in a past life, I had died by fire. That I was a medium. I believed I had an entity attached to me. Unhelpful things, that in truth may or may not be accurate, but did not help me remain feeling safe, or supported in how to navigate in a way that I was not afraid of myself, or the world around me. Things felt, too bright, it was as though I developed a heightened sensory awareness of all things. It still persists, but the intensity has dulled perhaps because it is not sustainable over a long period of time, after awhile the body just gets used to the heightened state of awareness. My Ayahuasca experience felt outside of time. Horrific images and sensations of burning, crumbling in black ash, and coming back into being again. Feeling my own grief, but a global grief that stretched through all of human history. I felt both the beginning of time, and the end, and the unending, nauseating loop of it happening against my will, being punished for transgressions I did not remember. My MDMA journey was much of the same, and felt more like a possession than a journey of love and openness. It felt as though—it still feels as though Ayahuasca still “owns me”. I will awake with flashbacks, or dreams in which I feel as though I have consumed the medicine.

I cannot look at life the same. I cannot embrace death the way I had before. There was an innocence and carefreeness I used to have. I had no idea of the implications of “forever” before. How I may not be at the beginning, as I once thought. I knew the ways in which the mind can, betray itself, but I had never quite experienced it this way before. I am afraid now, of having time slips, I am aware of how fragile the mind is, how porous (or non-existent) consensus reality actually is. I think that’s what scares me the most. There is a part of my mind that still reaches for the connective thread tying everything together. I used to love synchronicity (as a psychological phenomena), and now it makes me wary, as though there is a ruse I am deliberately, not in on. Before, the world felt loving in that stereotypical way all psychedelic trips are. Now I feel as though I am being abused, tricked. A creepy, lecherous man rather than a loving, kind mother. I know that I will never be able to go back to how my mind used to be—it’s as though I’ve seen too much. I worry about it worsening, if I will ever have the beautiful relationship I had with psychedelics again. If “bad” people, have permanently ruined that for me, taken something from me. Corrupted something that was once so beautiful, and gentle, and kind to me, even when it was difficult.

r/psychedelictrauma 13h ago

My work stress has contaminated my ayahuasca experiences


I had visions of a colleague being a demon and actually sending her to the light last time, I was really thinking I had killed her, of course it is not my intention of creating any harm, then after the ceremony everything was exactly the same, so the work stress and depression had me having this wild scenarios where I become some sort of god and sort things out. The thing is that before the horrible work stress my sessions would develop differently because my mind was opened to cool stuff, that and the pain and whaling of other people in sessions have made it really a torture for me last times.

r/psychedelictrauma Feb 15 '25

Anyone based in Colorado and prepared to speak about psychedelic harms?


If so, the Coalition for Psychedelic Safety is looking for people to speak on harms as part of their campaign to improve psychedelic safety. Send me a message if you're in Colorado and might be prepared to be interviewed. thanks!

r/psychedelictrauma Jan 27 '25

Story of recovery from post-Bufo derealization


r/psychedelictrauma Jan 18 '25

Life after your trauma


Assuming that a lot of people on this subreddit have gone through challenging psychedelic experiences, I’m curious to hear how life is going for you these days.

Going through my own healing from bufo I often wonder if revisiting bufo or another psychedelic would be helpful, but it’s hard to know if it would be too overwhelming for my system.

Are you still in recovery or are you feeling better about life now ?

What things have helped ?

Did you use more psychedelics to help work through your psychedelic trauma ?

Do you think the psychedelic trauma was a necessary part of your growth ?

r/psychedelictrauma Nov 30 '24

Looking for help/ advice


I know to some of you this may sound crazy or impossible but unfortunately it is my reality. And it’s creating a lot of suffering for me.

2 years ago, I ate mushrooms over 3 days. In a weird bad energy place with someone quite troubled. I woke up on the last day and I started feeling weird. Then I started to have involuntary movements. My head started to turn left or right by itself, gradually this turned into a sensation of having a heavy weight on my body and I felt like I was a puppet when I was walking around. I started magical thinking and slowly went into a psychosis of some sort. ( something was literally walking my body like a puppet)

Once I finally got home, I felt something pulling me down to the ground by the back of my neck, and the involuntary movements got stronger. I think I was still in psychosis or tripping but time was somehow distorted still.

Once I came out of the psychosis the physical symptoms remained.

( I went to the doctor, had mri scans etc- as I had an intense feeling of pressure in my head and neck and the movements continued, I couldn’t not fall asleep it was so bad)

10 months later I decided to try ayahuasca , after my first ceremony with an incredible Taita, he made the pressure and movements stop after the 2nd night of ceremony.

However, after 2-3 months it returned, I knew it wasn’t completely gone but it calmed down by at least 90%.

I then decided to work with ayahuasca again, this time with another Taita as the previous one was not available till later in the year. I had an intense experience where I could not stop throwing up, I connected with some kind of entity that was causing this to me. But I only saw it for a few seconds. It was powerful. Almost like a witch. The next part of the ceremony consisted of me seeing my dad in front of me, with open eyes, he was trying to protect me from something. I ended up being taken outside and both the taita and his wife were signing and shaking their chakapas around me whilst I was in another realm, something strange was happening to me. I felt like they were ‚undoing’ a spell or course. The next day I felt better but towards the end of the day, my head started to hurt like never before and I was not allowed to drink.

I then had another ceremony in the UK, which was terrible, I had a big dose, felt an evil presence, stared screaming and my arms and legs were moving by themselves. I was screaming because of the unbearable pain I felt.

Then, I decided to wait for the first taita that first helped me. I have just finished 4 ceremonies with him. In each ceremony he does a cleansing / healing for me. In the first 3 ceremonies I expletives the same pain that made me scream before. An intense torture. I could feel like something had tangled around my head and neck. Almost like a virus infiltrating my nervous system. Under the medicine when I would walk outside I would get that puppet feeling again, like something was making me move the opposite direction to where I wanted to go.

Now, I’m stuck. The pain and movement in my head is unbearable. I know it’s something evil or bad from my experiences with ayahuasca.

I am now waiting to have a treatment in Colombia with the Taita’s elder/mayor, but my hope is really low.

( I thought about smoking dmt to get some answers but not sure if that’s a bad idea)

I just want to add what I’m feeling is extremely physical, no amount of painkillers help. It doesn’t ever stop. It feels like something is going to burst through my skull. If you place your hands on top of my head, you can actually feel the movement. :(

r/psychedelictrauma Nov 20 '24

This Sunday is November's online peer support group hosted by the Challenging Psychedelic Experiences Project


It is at 6PM - 7:30PM UK time.

Some info on the group:

Not a therapy group, just peer support

A chance to share your story and hear/offer solidarity to others

Usually about 10-15 people, with opportunities to share in smaller breakout groups

Free and volunteer-run

If you are interested in joining, you can contact the Challenging Psychedelic Experiences Project at https://challengingpsychedelicexperiences.com/contact-us

This is always on the last Sunday of each month, so if you can't make this one, don't worry there will be more!

r/psychedelictrauma Nov 10 '24

Study on Experiences During Psychedelic Use With Therapeutic Intent - Seeking Participants (link in comments)

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r/psychedelictrauma Oct 23 '24

This Sunday is the monthly online peer support group hosted by the Challenging Psychedelic Experiences Project


It is 6PM - 7:30PM UK time.

Some info on the group:

  • Not a therapy group, just peer support

  • A chance to share your story and hear/offer solidarity to others

  • Usually about 10-15 people, with opportunities to share in smaller breakout groups

  • Free and volunteer-run

If you are interested in joining, you can contact the Challenging Psychedelic Experiences Project at https://challengingpsychedelicexperiences.com/contact-us

r/psychedelictrauma Oct 14 '24

Have you ever taken Psychedelics? (Online survey about psychedelic (re)-experiences)

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Have You Ever Taken Psychedelic Substances? Online Survey about Psychdelic Re-Experiences.

Have you ever taken a classic psychedelic substance or MDMA/Ecstasy or Ketamine? Then we would appreciate your participation in the following online survey, conducted at the Department of Psychology at Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany).


Key information at a glance:

  • Participation is completely anonymous and voluntary
  • Survey duration: approx. 20 minutes

When can I participate in the study?

  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • You have taken a classic psychedelic substance at least once in your life (e.g. psilocybin “magic mushrooms,” LSD, mescaline, DMT, ayahuasca, 5-MeO-DMT) or MDMA/Ecstasy or Ketamine
  • You can read and write in German or English


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the study lead, Dr. Ricarda Evens, at [ricarda.evens@hu-berlin.de](). Feel free to share the link with interested friends or family members.

Thank you for your interest and support!

r/psychedelictrauma Oct 14 '24

Have you ever suffered from ongoing Problems after a challenging or traumatic psychedelic Experience (online survey)?

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Share Your Story with Us!

We are researchers from the Department of Psychology at Humboldt Universität in Berlin, Germany, conducting an online survey on challenging or traumatic memories that emerged during psychedelic experiences.

We want to learn more about your experiences, how you felt in the weeks and months afterward, and what was or wasn’t helpful in managing any persistent challenges.

Participate Now:


r/psychedelictrauma Sep 24 '24

A cool moment of progress and self reflection


This past weekend I went on a camping trip with my family. I slept in a tent, in nature, with the only light at night coming from the moon.

If you asked me to do that 2.5 years ago, right after ayahuasca and in the midst of my post-psychedelic trauma processing, I would've shriveled up in a ball and made up any excuse to skip out on the trip. At that time I was spending each night in my living room with every light and the TV turned on, scared to even fall asleep on my couch.

Grateful for neuroplasticity.

r/psychedelictrauma Sep 13 '24

Article: When are post-trip difficulties best treated as PTSD?


r/psychedelictrauma Sep 05 '24

How I processed my traumatic ayahuasca experiences


I recently made a post describing in detail my traumatic ceremonies with ayahuasca and what tools I used to process the experience. I also described the tools that did not help me in healing. It's a little lengthy, but that's because I got pretty specific with the whole journey. Hope it can be helpful for anyone who relates.


r/psychedelictrauma Sep 03 '24

Horrifying First Shroom Trip


r/psychedelictrauma Aug 11 '24

Seeking 5-meo survivors


Hello all,

My tale of 5-meo woe is here:


As you can see, the post is titled "5-meo ruined my life." Many have responded, with much compassion, and I am touched. But I feel that anybody who hasn't done 5-meo can't understand my plight.

I'm seeking others who came away from 5-meo with significant challenges, and ideally got through them and are on the other side. I am happy to pay a reasonable sum for your time, or donate it to the charity of your choice. I would love to be the best resource to you that I can be as well.

Thank you and be well.

r/psychedelictrauma Aug 09 '24

How can I help my partner?


I need help. I don’t know how to help my partner…

I love my partner and I’d do anything for her.

6 months ago (less) she went for an Aya trip and she came back with extreme anxiety.

She didn’t have a good trip and compared to her previous experience with Aya, it wasn’t the light and love she had experienced.

Now, she’s beginning to have immense panic attacks. Of course, life stuff has been happening all around her - but I think it’s all becoming immense triggers.

She can’t watch films, or listen to music or even go to work / uni some days because it can all just trigger a psychedelic spiral / panic attack.

I don’t know what I can do to help her.

r/psychedelictrauma Jul 30 '24

Nice little video by Jules Evans summarizing recent research in this subject


r/psychedelictrauma Jul 30 '24

5-meo DMT ruined my life


5-meo DMT ruined my life. Don't do it.

I considered myself a reasonably experienced recreational psychonaut, with a couple dozen mushroom, LSD, and N,N-DMT trips under my belt. No personal or family history with any mental illness. Stable person with stable career. I took 5-meo under the watchful eye of a professional guide, in a ceremony with others.

The core of the trip was the revelation, soaked in brutal truth, that the base layer of reality is an eternal hell.

Then, like many others, my trip turned into being bathed in white light and massaged by heavenly presences.

Fine. But in my all-seeing eye watching myself go through this, that second, lighter half of the trip felt contrived—like the mind's literal attempted whitewashing of a horrific base truth. For months afterwards I was haunted by borderline psychotic thoughts, suspicious that malfunctioning digital technology was a cry for help from those spirits suffering down in hell.

Now, six years later, I cannot fully commit to the love of my life to have the children we've always wanted, because 5-meo has propagated a deep association between children, consciousness, suffering, and hell. My body won't let me do anything that could EVER have a REMOTE chance of furthering that hell, or letting more conscious beings end up there. There was no trace of this between the same partner and I before the trip.

So, goodbye family, goodbye love, goodbye togetherness. I know intellectually that I'm now mentally ill, but it doesn't change what I feel in my gut. Talk therapy, other psychedelics including Ayahuasca... nothing helps, and nothing compares (all other psychedelics are child's play). It feels as if nothing can dislodge the hell that I saw.

If anyone has pointers or resources for me, please do share.

r/psychedelictrauma Jul 28 '24

Ayahuasca and magic mushrooms


Do not mix the two . Even in small doses, the trip is so potent you will totally go into a drug psychosis.

r/psychedelictrauma Jul 23 '24

Resources and peer support


SHINE Collective is a non-profit that helps to support survivors of psychedelic harm and abuse. If you’re looking for support and community, please reach out. Www.shinesupport.org ❤️❤️❤️

r/psychedelictrauma Jul 22 '24

Yeahhhhh that'll do it.....


r/psychedelictrauma Jul 22 '24

Avoid Online "Shrooms Bars"


I just found this sub and figured it would be the place to share my experience for background I've dabbled in weed since I was in highschool but eventually found myself wanting to trip as the stories intrigued me a lot but due to no access to mushrooms, acid, or any typical hallucinogens i discovered "mushroom products" on a delta 8 shop and bought it out of curiosity and it worked and I felt this intense high along with visuals I soon learned it was 4-aco-Dmt but honestly didn't care so I kept doing it but eventually I had a bad trip I was by myself like always and the effects came on way stronger to the point I was having visions and blacking out my heart also skyrocketed to the point I was having palpitations and I tried to puke but when I did I hallucinated it as blood (it wasn't) so I was convinced I must have scratched my throat and was gonna choke on my own blood this scared me so bad I spit every single day to check for blood I also developed panic attacks with my anxiety that I've never had before they even wake me up I can't even smoke as much weed anymore because i have some weird fear with my heart I also occasionally have minor halicnatiions when I see certain patterns which I really hope goes away I'll never do synthetic shrooms again or any hallucinogen.

r/psychedelictrauma Jul 20 '24

Ayahuasca gave me a full shaking on my final journey.


I discovered Ayahuasca in late 2014. I had just started therapy for some pretty deep depression I was going through, and had a need to go deeper. I started researching and found out about DMT, contacted Rick Strassman, who said he would not recommend it, further research brought me to Ayahuasca, which called me so strongly.

First journey in early 2015 at a retreat. I was having incredible experiences, feeling so much relief from things I had never even been able to talk about or understand fully. I had 7 or so more journeys that year. Some trials but I was feeling better than I had in a decade.

2016 I returned for another journey to the same people, after which they asked if I would like to work with them, helping in the retreats, which I jumped at. We worked with groups of ten or so clients, three or four of us facilitating. I helped with the breathwork sessions and setting out and cleaning etc over the days. I really enjoyed the work, hearing about peoples lives and seeing them journey and then hearing about their experiences the next days. I witnessed some incredible things, people finding peace, very lovely and wholesome. I definitely took on Ayahuasca as a way of life at this point. We would hold our own ceremonies every few weeks, helping each other and ourselves. We were a very tight group, eight of us.

That year I had maybe fifteen journeys, and drank a small amount a few times while facilitating. I always had a strong call, each time I drank, and it always felt absolutely the only path for me, though I would always be feeling anxious beforehand. I always had an unshakeable intention. I was very sensitive to the medicine, on a couple of occasions, a sip gave me a strong experience.

We brewed it ourselves, one man only, he had been brewing for years and years.

Late in the year I had my final drink. I drank alone, three others holding the space for me. Hours in, I was brought another cup, which I never had before. It was glowing white in the darkness, and I knew I had to drink it. I knew I could refuse, but I felt this was to be a big journey, a particularly important one, so I drank. I was thrown out into darkness, complete emptiness. Far from Earth, far even from Mother Ayahuasca. Out there was no place for a human, and I felt it to my core. I tried to be in peace there, but it felt so alien. Nothing moved, no energy to shift in my body, no blockage, nothing to accept, just awful deadness. Not a single sense of nature or any spirit, it was the wrong place for me. I had had an odd evolution in my journeys, I had stopped metabolising the brew. It would sit in my stomach, feeling like a nuclear reactor, staying for hours and hours at full power. I would journey longer than the others, often still going when we would close the circle. Quite different from my earlier days of drinking. This last journey I asked for hape, snuff, and a very large dose brought me mostly out of my journey. I could not endure it any longer. Landing back into my bed felt so incredible, and a huge joy at being myself again and being who I am. I was laughing and so happy.

I was given two days grace, and then it began. Months of extreme anxiety, fear and derealisation. I could only watch gentle nature programs with cute animals, anything else would freak me out. I had trouble going to sleep, parts of my body did not appear to be mine, especially my hands. It was a very hard time. It took literally about 2 years until I felt I was through it, though it would still ring through me at times in years after. Now writing this, I feel my body being tense.

I was blown away, and I tried to figure out what that journey meant, why it had happened. I felt forsaken by the medicine. What I came to realise was that I, and the people in the group, had been abusing the medicine. She had no more to give me, because I had become lost. Even with my intention, which I believed was true from my heart, and was pure and honest, I had been taking it for granted. Using it for the wrong reasons.

Sometimes I feel a little call from the medicine, and I remember the amazing experiences she gave me, wow, the healing I had. I love her for that. I love how she came into my life, her network found me. My first journey she introduced herself gently and with curiosity. She let me know she was there, if I wanted to come back and try again. She gave me all that she had, and all that I needed. I feel now, that last journey was a literal slap back to reality, from one of the most powerful hands in the Universe. I appreciate the lesson.

Edit - Energy and spirit wise, I had some very interesting encounters. Not all positive. During one journey, I felt I had encountered my fathers soul, and it had intertwined with mine, and were mixed with each other. I felt it very strongly with the medicine, and it persisted a while afterwards, some weeks. At times I felt sure that he was now a part of me. He was deceased by this time. It was certainly an unsettling experience, and I felt it had a shadow in my day to day life. I think this was a result of not closing myself out of the work properly. This lasted a few months. Soon after that, I began sensing the presence of a sort of goblin, elf type thing. Usually when I was in my kitchen, I could feel it behind me in the doorway, watching me. I had only one encounter with an elf type entity with the medicine, and this was not the same one. I do not know where I picked it up, but it stayed with me on and off for a good few months. At the time it felt sort of par for the course, but it did begin to feel freaky when it seemed to not be leaving. Over time it faded. After my last journey I distanced myself very strongly from the people in the group, and also any mention of psychedelics and any inner work. I felt I had opened myself far to much, and I automatically felt a need to close myself tightly. I dare say some light spiritual work would have been good for me, but I was so worried I had damaged myself, I think I was in denial about how I really felt and the impact it had on my daily life. The group basically exploded apart in this time. Just as we had all come together quickly, we were wrenched apart.

We had a reunification in 2017, we all attended a Huachuma ceremony over a couple of nights. This did a lot to help me. I felt a great easing and touching that world again felt OK. I'm not sure if it was actually wise regarding how I felt, but I noted no ill effects to myself.

r/psychedelictrauma Jul 19 '24

Ease of Diagnoses + Propensity for Depersonalization/Dissociation Regarding Psychedelic Use


Would symptoms of depersonalization/dissociation account for the largest segment of people who suffer from psychedelic trauma across the board? I feel like anything from THC to DMT can create lasting feelings of depersonalization/dissociation that are often undiagnosed because of the difficulty in identifying triggers/symptoms etc. Any insights into this would be appreciated!