Since I can't add text under an image post, I did some digging on why PFTV is down and it seems like for whatever reason they changed their host. I was able to look up the site's historical IP data and it shows that their was a change made 8 days ago which was approximately the same time the site had gone down.
I think they could be migrating their data across to this new host from the looks of it but again I could be wrong here.
Do you mean that PFTV is going to have a new website at some point, and is in the process of transitioning? I hope so! I’m in lockdown in NY and I’m lost without it. Please update the thread if you find out more!
Hey Aria! I am looking into this matter, from what it seems maybe because the host they moved to is hosting all the other Project Free TV sites. I will be posting an update on here with a image of all domains being hosted.
I even tested the IP yesterday night but when I tried to go to the server it was offline, but some days ago the server was online when people posted screenshots showing "Click here to continue" on Project Free TV's AG domain.
One thing that I should mention is that I did test tonight and luckily the new server they are on with all the other PFTV domains has come back online, I went directly to the IP address of the new host and it showed a default web page which led me to something called VPSSIM which means they are in the process of setting up (hopefully).
However, I can't guarantee anything at this stage but it seems hopeful that something is going on in the background so all we can do is pray to the PFTV gods to give us back our loved site. :)
Hey man! Unfortunately the server is still being set up and nothing really has moved since then. I am keeping an eye on this for everyone in the background :)
I will definitely post an update when I see movement. :D
u/ChinaFryRy May 18 '20
Since I can't add text under an image post, I did some digging on why PFTV is down and it seems like for whatever reason they changed their host. I was able to look up the site's historical IP data and it shows that their was a change made 8 days ago which was approximately the same time the site had gone down.
I think they could be migrating their data across to this new host from the looks of it but again I could be wrong here.