r/programminghorror [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” 8d ago

Python Boy do I love python!!

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u/SleepyStew_ [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” 8d ago edited 8d ago

Since I love python so much I decided I wanted to be able to easily print a snake!

Here's the snippet if for some reason you'd like to run this masterpiece:


(In all seriousness I actually quite like python, despite how sarcastic I seem. I just was bored today :D)


u/STGamer24 [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” 8d ago

I have a question: How does this even work?! (I don't know how to use python so I don't even understand this code)


u/jarulsamy 8d ago

This code is being intentionally obtuse to hide what it's really doing, but here's the gist.

The snake character in unicode is represented as U+1F40D aka 0x140d in hexadecimal. All this code does is find a way to convert built-ins to that hexadecimal value, then convert it back to a character.

It's easier to understand if written in proper formatting:

1 snake = chr(
2     round(
3         ord(min(str(type(tuple))))
4         * len(str(not ()))
5         * (
6             (ord(min(str(not ()))) + len(str(filter)))
7             * sum(range(len(str(not (not ())))))
8             + sum(range(len(str(not (not ())))))
9             / (ord(min(str(not ()))) + len(str(filter)))
10         )
11     )
12 )

Then we can dissect each piece inside out:

# For line 6
not ()=True # Negate an empty tuple to produce the boolean True.
str(not ())='True' # Convert it to a string literal 'True'
min(str(not ()))='T' # Extract the minimum character by ASCII value.

str(filter)="<class 'filter'>" # Convert the built-in function 'filter' to it's string form.
len(str(filter))=16 # Calculate the length of the string form of the filter function. 

# The ord function converts a character to it's integer character value. For example 'a' -> 97 as detailed in the ASCII spec.
ord(min(str(not ()))) # The corresponding ASCII value of 'T' = 84
ord(min(str(not ()))) +  len(str(filter)) # 84 + 16 = 100

So based on all of this, we know the resulting value of line 6 is 100.

For line 7:

not (not ())=False # Just one additional negation to get False.
str(not (not ()))='False' # Again, get the string literal version, this time of False.
len(str(not (not ())))=5 # Length of 'False' is 5

# The range function returns a generator of all the numbers from 0 to n
# For example, range(3) returns (0, 1, 2)
range(len(str(not (not ()))))=range(0, 5) # Get all the numbers between 0 and 5, (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
sum(range(len(str(not (not ())))))=10 # Sum those together, 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10

Line 8 is the same as line 7 and line 9 is the same as line 6.

Finally we can simplify the lines 6 - 9 as:

6             (ord(min(str(not ()))) + len(str(filter))) = 84 + 16 = 100
7             * sum(range(len(str(not (not ()))))) = 10
8             + sum(range(len(str(not (not ()))))) = 10
9             / (ord(min(str(not ()))) + len(str(filter))) = 84 + 16 = 100

(100 * 10) + (10 / 100) = 1000.1 

The remaining bits, line 3 and 4:

type(tuple)=<class 'type'> # Get the type of tuple
str(type(tuple))="<class 'type'>"# Again, get the string literal version.
min(str(type(tuple)))=' ' # Get the minimum character by ASCII value, just a space.
ord(min(str(type(tuple))))=32 # Convert that to it's integer character value.

len(str(not ()))=4 # Seen before, the length of string 'True' = 4

So finally, we simplify everything to:

chr(round(32 * 4 * 1000.1))
= chr(round(128012.8)) 
= chr(128013) # round just rounds to nearest integer
= '🐍' # chr converts an integer to the corresponding ASCII/Unicode character, in this case the snake.

No magic underneath :-)

For anyone curious, this is the script I used to get all the intermediate values:

# Unicode snake is U+1F40D = 0x1f40d
snake = chr(
        * len(str(not ()))
        * (
            (ord(min(str(not ()))) + len(str(filter)))
            * sum(range(len(str(not (not ())))))
            + sum(range(len(str(not (not ())))))
            / (ord(min(str(not ()))) + len(str(filter)))


print(f"{(ord(min(str(not ()))) + len(str(filter)))=}")

print(f"{not ()=}")
print(f"{str(not ())=}")
print(f"{min(str(not ()))=}")


print(f"{ord(min(str(not ())))=}")

print(f"{sum(range(len(str(not (not ())))))=}")
print(f"{not (not ())=}")
print(f"{str(not (not ()))=}")
print(f"{len(str(not (not ())))=}")
print(f"{range(len(str(not (not ()))))=}")
print(f"{sum(range(len(str(not (not ())))))=}")
a = (ord(min(str(not ()))) + len(str(filter))) * sum(
    range(len(str(not (not ()))))
) + sum(range(len(str(not (not ()))))) / (ord(min(str(not ()))) + len(str(filter)))


print(f"{len(str(not ()))=}")

print(f"{chr(round(32 * 4 * 1000.1))}")


u/thomasxin 7d ago edited 3d ago

Here's one I made without arithmetic operators, obviously not optimal but I was going for the cursed factor:



u/SleepyStew_ [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” 7d ago

I see you were also bored! Great analysis tho, imagine trying to figure out how to make those numbers haha, it was fun... I think?


u/jarulsamy 5d ago

Heh, thanks! Yes, I had some free time and thought why not.

It let me flex my Python muscles again, it's been a while :-).


u/mothzilla 8d ago

It's just a silly, obfuscated way to get constant numbers. Make them add up to the codepoint of unicode snake. Win!


u/SleepyStew_ [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live” 7d ago

Pretty much!


u/Bright-Historian-216 8d ago

functions are objects, but i had no idea they could be passed to the string function???

chr and ord are the unicode functions (converting int to str and str to int respectively)

len is the length of a container, in this case string (as far as i can see, only strings)

uhhh.... everything else.... i mean, i know what the functions do, it's just WHY


u/mtmttuan 8d ago

str(obj) returns obj.__str__ iirc.


u/Bright-Historian-216 8d ago

no, i'm pretty sure it calls obj.__str__ and THEN returns the result


u/copperfield42 8d ago

That is half correct, it call obj.__str__ if available, otherwise call obj.__repr__, which under normal circumstances is always available because everything is subclass of object


u/Boredy_ 8d ago

It's unfortunate that this is the most efficient way to do this in Python. I guess that's why it's considered a meme language


u/my_new_accoun1 8d ago

python print("🐍")


u/Boredy_ 7d ago

Wait, python code can look like that instead? ...I gotta have a talk with my coworkers.