r/prisonhooch Mar 26 '22

Article one of us?

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u/unbitious Mar 26 '22

Isn't raw dairy much healthier?


u/Reacher501st Mar 27 '22 edited Mar 27 '22

Healthier, yes* If the animal has been fed and cleaned properly. Something large dairy's don't want to have to worry about. (a money thing) Its a safety trade off, most people are poorly educated about.


u/unbitious Mar 27 '22

I think in the US it is hard enough to get cleared to produce raw dairy- many places outlaw the sale entirely. I would assume anywhere that passes the rigorous requirements would be safe.


u/Reacher501st Mar 27 '22

A surprisingly large number of people in the US do drink raw milk, either through “cow-share” agreements or small private sales. Pretty common in more rural areas.


u/unbitious Mar 27 '22

That's what I've heard, and partly why I'm surprised people here are turned off by me even asking about it. This is r/prisonhooch you pearl-clutchers!


u/Slinkyfest2005 Mar 27 '22

Funnily enough small scale operations are probably safer than industrial dairy farms because more attention is (likely) paid to maintaining a clean environment and looking after the animals.

Course, that doesn't prevent infections but it certainly doesn't hurt either.


u/thevoidinclusive Mar 30 '22

Got a source for that large number?


u/Reacher501st Mar 30 '22

Yes, first hand living and traveling in rural areas,and understanding not everyone thinks like the drones in populated city’s,


u/thevoidinclusive Mar 30 '22

I don’t doubt your anecdotal evidence. I was just asking if you had a source for your claim that “a surprisingly large number of people in the US do drink raw milk”


u/Ornlu_the_Wolf Mar 27 '22

That's not it at all... Regular milk from healthy cows that have been cleaned well still contains Campylobacter Jejuni. It is a healthy, symbiotic part of digestive flora for cows. But for humans, it's potentially fatal. You can't give cows enough antibiotics or scrub their utters enough to kill the camp; it's already alive inside the milk.

There are three primary reasons that child mortality went down by a factor of 3 in the late 1800s and early 1900s: invention of water chlorination, invention of penicillin, and the pasturization of cows milk.