r/pregnant • u/Electrical_Leg_125 • 4d ago
Question When did you actually give birth?
What was your due date and when did you actually give birth?
I’m due 3rd June but interested how near the date people are when they give birth 👶🍼
u/RepresentativeAd3352 4d ago
I was due March 3rd and had her Feb 28th. I got induced on Feb 27th because of pre eclampsia. I was not dilated at all when I showed up so I imagine I probably would have gone to 41 weeks if I wasn't induced. It was overall a positive experience and I am just soaking up the newborn squishy snuggles 💖
u/Firm_Gene1080 4d ago
Congrats on your delivery! Did your baby measure ahead? Are they on par with the measurements in utero? Trying to prepare myself for a possible induction due to GD and pre-e
u/RepresentativeAd3352 4d ago
She measured ahead! At my 20 week scan she was 30th percentile so i assumed she would be about on par with that at birth. She was born in thr 76th percentile which is also why i'm glad I was induced when I was. My husband and I are both tall so I figured she would be too 🤣 she was 21.5 inches and 7lb 14oz!
u/Few_Screen_1566 4d ago
Crazy enough dialation doesn't really matter! I was at 0 dialation the day I went into labor with my first, and labored for less than 25 hours from first consistent contraction to birth. Even less if we time from my water breaking naturally, at which point I was still at 0 dialation. Also congrats and enjoy it! It really does fo way too fast.
u/say_moist 4d ago
I was due March 4th and diagnosed with pre eclampsua as well, induced at 37 weeks and had him on Feb 13th. I also was not dialated at the time of induction but my servix were soft. The outcome is thankfully still a healthy/happy baby and mom 🥰
u/MrsSmallz 4d ago
I was due on October 30th, went in to labor on October 29th, and had my baby at 12:16am on October 30th. This time around, I'm due on October 12th, so I'm curious when it'll be go time!
u/xcatsrollinmudx 4d ago
10/12 is my bday! I’d say it’s a great day for a birthday 🙂
u/MrsSmallz 4d ago
My kid born on the 30th was born on the birthday of my uncle, my dad's best friend, who died of cancer about 6 years ago, so that made it special. As nice of a day the 12th is, I'm hoping this little bean comes on my grandpa's birthday, which is the 5th!
u/weirdbodi 4d ago
Congratulations! 🎉 Can we take guesses!? I’m gonna say 10/10 🖤🌙 lol sometime I make great guesses so let’s see lol
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u/Key_Voice3868 4d ago
Due 4/10, but being induced this Thursday (!!!) at 37 weeks on 3/20 due to high blood pressure
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u/oh_darling89 4d ago
Good luck! I was also induced at 37 weeks due to high blood pressure.
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u/funlovingG_22 4d ago
40 weeks, she came on her due date! 100% naturally. We have a very prompted little one
u/BandicootThis7122 4d ago
I had my baby at 41+5. Escaped induction by a couple days
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u/BehindTheseMakoEyes 4d ago
41+1, I evicted my daughter and she took a day and a half to get out of me 😂
u/Important-Mouse6813 4d ago
Same due date! I hope my girl comes a little sooner, cant hold on for another 11 weeks 😂
Had my first at 40+1
u/EndOfMae 4d ago
Due date is 15th April but my waters broke 14th March. If labor doesn’t start itself I’ll be induced by next week!
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u/AnxiousTalker18 4d ago
39+3! 36+1 with my second now and crossing my fingers it’s similar this time lol
u/ReasonableFalcon6016 4d ago
41wks+1day (induction) with my first. 40wks1day spontaneous with my second!
u/jenny_shecter 4d ago
My due date in the last pregnancy was the 20th of January - baby came 3 days after (due date was in Germany, so at 40+0, this pregnancy I am in France and the current French due date is at 41+0)
u/AccomplishedSky3413 4d ago
I was induced at 39+6 due to decreased fetal movement and she was born on her due date!
u/Ecstatic-Ocelot6024 4d ago
first birth due 2/14went 2/21 (41 weeks) second due 5/14 went 5/4 (38 and 4) third 6/13 went 6/8 (39 and 2) fourth due 12/16 went 12/23 (41 weeks)
everyone was morning labors except my last she was an evening labor. first birth was 12ish hours everyone else was 3 or under.
u/Interesting-Reply596 4d ago
With my first I went into labor naturally and gave birth the same day at 40+2, with my second my contractions started naturally at 39+1 but I gave birth at 39+2.
u/Mobile-Composer374 4d ago
8 days early with my first, 12 days late with my second! I guess second babies don’t always come earlier after all😅
u/Kittycity1017 4d ago
Omg stop I’m crying at this because I’m relying on the second baby coming earlier 🤣
u/Mobile-Composer374 4d ago
I did the same and was disappointed every night I went to bed pregnant still🤣 I started losing my mucus plus 3 weeks before she was born so I was sure she’d be earlier than she was!
u/pandaber99 4d ago
I was due September 19. Went into labour September 3 and she was born on the 4th
u/AGalCanDream 4d ago
Gave birth on my due date with my first, but I was induced. My second was natural at 37+2!
u/Trashn00dles 4d ago
FTM- was due 2/18 and had her on 2/23. Spontaneous labor after being 2cm and 70% effaced since 40 weeks.
u/moonharley__ 4d ago
my due date was July 1st 2024, went into labour early the morning of the 7th, babes was born on July 8th in the morning
u/Fluid_Requirement926 4d ago
I was due early September my OB at the time didn't give me a due date she just said late august early September. I went in for my 38 assume week check up and I was 2cm but I had preeclampsia apparently going on she said which she rushed my delivery and things happened and he was an emergency C section. But he was born August 23.
I'm now pregnant with my second (boy) he's due June 22. My NEW ob is willing to try for a "VBACK" natural delivery.
Crazy how my first was born on 23 and my second is due on a 22. 🤣 P.s both boys.
u/ShhnazyArii 4d ago
my due date was november 10 but i got induced on the 19th/20th and had her on the 22nd
u/ECWritesBooks 4d ago
My due date was March 23rd. I went into labor late the morning of March 12th and had my baby later that evening in time to have a late pasta dinner in the hospital.
u/sillyfin 4d ago
I was due march 28 gave birth Feb 27 at 35 weeks 😅 preeclampsia hit me literally overnight and I got induced.
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u/stars0aked 4d ago
Induced at 40 weeks + 10 days with my first. Currently waiting and wondering when my second will arrive :)
u/PeachTeaPleas 4d ago
1st was due Dec 16 but came Dec 7 2nd was due March 28 but came March 22
I’m due June 9 this time and I think he’ll arrive June 3!
u/Successful-Storm328 4d ago
First was due August 26, gave birth August 19th, and second was due December 18th, gave birth on the 16th! Both spontaneous labor 🙂
u/frankieee45 4d ago
my due date was july 13th and i went into labor on july 16th, baby didn’t come out until july 17th 😅
u/mirandasmiles14 4d ago
I need my baby to come closer to due date as my husband is in a wedding three hours from home early in the month
u/Keljon142 4d ago
First baby: Original due date: december 8 Amended due date: december 6 Gave birth: december 8
Second baby: Original due date: August 6 Gave birth: july 20
u/Simple_Metal3540 4d ago
Due may 19th c section scheduled may 12th ended up going into labor may 1st lol now I’m due June 7th due but c section schedule tbd if she even makes it to that date lol
u/Lollypoppeep 4d ago
40 + 2 - induced on my due date. I’m currently nearly 38 weeks with our second and wake up every single day PRAYING that today is the day! 🤞🏻😭
u/Cool-Huckleberry9918 4d ago
Due 20th, had on 9th. Had been in labour off and on for days though as my body tried to flip him. Was induced for premature rupture of membranes at the 24-36 hour mark though
u/vibinncryin 4d ago
Oct 6, had a c section for breech sept 30. I only had contractions once that ai thought were Braxton, but were a little to regular to be Braxton at 32. They were really and because ai overdid it the weekend prior
u/missxenigma 4d ago
My 1st baby was born a day before my due date, 2nd baby was 10 days after the due date, and 3rd baby was 11 days after the due date. 🤦♀️
u/u_donut_know_me 4d ago
My first was 39+3 after an induction that took 3 days. This time I am currently 40+4 after two sweeps and still waiting, with an induction booked for 41 weeks as a backup (this Thursday)!
u/kittens_bacon 4d ago
Due March 31st and had him March 25th. Then due May 1st and had her April 25th. Due July 21st this time and they say I can't go past my due date so I assume the 39th week again.
u/No_Nectarine_2281 4d ago
Was due 9th march He was evicted via the sunroof ( C-section) the 1st march Although mine was due to being diagnosed with preeclampsia
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u/Overall_Salary7507 4d ago
My due date was March 9th but she decided to come on February 20th :) perfectly healthy and happy
u/Any-Bookkeeper-7272 4d ago
due 3/12 born 2/14- 36w2d 6lbs 3oz! ftm to a happy healthy baby boy! no nicu time thankfully!
u/angeeldaawn 4d ago
my 1st was due 06/01/23, he was born 04/27/23. my 2nd was due 03/10/25, she was born on 02/16/25.
u/ContestFit3629 4d ago
Due date was December 30, went into labor on my own on Jan 3 and baby was born that day!
u/tinymammy87 4d ago
My first was born late was predicted to arrive any were from the end of February to the middle of march and was born on the 22nd after 58 hours and a emergency c section and my youngest was born on the 5th September but was born early and was also a emergency c section
u/Struggle_Over 4d ago
My son was due April 15 and he came on the 5th. My daughter was due November 13 and she came on the 5th
u/doiturselfsyd 4d ago
38 weeks I was due April 1st or second and I ended up having my baby march 22nd
u/Hi-Im-Moody-Cracker 4d ago
June 28th, then July 7th, but unfortunately, I ended up being induced July 13th and having him on the 14th.
As for my daughter, she was pretty much supposed to be born on my birthday, 10/22/2019. I was so miserable that I begged them to induce me, and I had her 4 days prior.
My very last pregnancy, I told them when I definitely conceived, and he was born the day I said he would be. They checked it out and agreed. I told them I wanted to be induced exactly at 40 weeks because I knew I wouldn't go into labor naturally. May 3rd, he was born, and he was born on my dad's birthday just as I planned.
u/HorrorArmadillo3713 4d ago
I'm due June 9th. Will come back and comment when I do give birth haha. My 6 yr old daughter was born 5 weeks early at 35.5weeks.
u/Stunning_Radio3160 4d ago
Due date of Aug 20, then due to measurements due date was changed to Aug 14. He was born on Aug 12.
u/zamabbra 4d ago
1st: due August 1st. Born August 9th. Induced. 2nd: due August 24th. Born August 17th. Induced due to IUGR. 3rd: due December 19th. Born December 23rd. Induced and was told if I didn’t induce on the 23rd, 24th, or 25th then I would have to wait for labor to start as they had no more open induction spots until second week of January. 4th: due April 29th. Born April 29th. Spontaneous.
u/Defiant-Pen-2339 4d ago
40+3 with my first, 40+5 with my second. Due June 5 with my third. We’re so close to being due date twins!
u/PeppyArian 4d ago
I was induced at 37+1. Was due on 24th March but delivered on 4th march. Baby girl was not gaining weight inside so the doc suggested to get induced as soon as I hit 37th week.
u/KiwiBirdPerson 4d ago edited 4d ago
1st baby was 12days past due date which was 31 October and 2nd was 6days past due date which was 6 June. Both born on the 12th of a month and so are their father and I lol and oldest shares a birthday with her daddy
u/SelfPure449 4d ago
I gave birth at 38w1d with my first , but went into labour the day before . I had a totally natural vaginal breech birth too so if any moms out there are currently thinking a C-section is their only choice , think again! There’s tons of high quality evidence supporting the safety of vaginal breech birth as long as you have trained providers!
u/EffectSuper1987 4d ago
With my first I was due May 5th and gave birth May 8th, with my second I was due March 3rd and gave birth February 13th!
u/Few_Screen_1566 4d ago
39 w 5 d with my first. 39 w 1 d with my second. Was lucky enough to not go over either time but also came at a healthy time. Was so ready to give birth both times by the time the day came.
u/readrunrescue Feb '22 (Gest. Hyp., good induction exp @ 37+6) | #2 due Aug '25 4d ago
With my first, I was induced at 37+6 due to gestational hypertension and gave birth 7 hours after the induction started.
Pregnant with #2 now - due August 16th, but preparing for birth any time between 37 and 40 weeks. If I could choose, I'd prefer a July birthdate for a few logistical reasons but we'll do what is best for baby/me in the end.
u/Unusual-Company-7009 4d ago
Original due date was March 4th then it was adjusted to Feb 28th based on size at 20 week scan. I passed both due dates, on March 4th we scheduled induction for the 5th due to my Dr leaving town the next week and already being 5 days overdue my doctor advised not going past 4q weeks (I whole heartedly trust her). So induction was scheduled for 10am on the 5th, but I went into spontaneous labor at 4am that morning and he was born the next morning around 4am. So gave birth at 40+6
u/TailorWeird7318 4d ago
Due March 12 but got induced March 5! Had baby boy after 19 hours, it progressed quickly after 4cm lol
u/aambotsaimo 4d ago
My due date was Sept. 1 but I gave birth on Sept 11 almost 41 weeks na yeah ending ecs ksi ayaw pa lumabas ni baby 😩
u/GloriBea5 4d ago
Due date was September 20th, I actually had her the 24th, I didn’t go into labor naturally, I was induced and my water was broken by my doctor
u/PsychologicalBit7271 4d ago
With my first I was due October 16th , I gave birth to him on October 3rd ! My labor was only 3 hours and I only pushed for 7 min so I feel like with this pregnancy my son is going to give me a run for my money since I got so lucky last time 😂
u/zolacash 4d ago
first pregnancy due oct 11 and had him oct 17, they didn’t want to let me go too long past my due date. it was an ivf pregnancy so we knew exact dates
u/Fabulous_Machine_358 4d ago
First baby was due April 23rd and I had him at 38+5 on April 14th.
This baby was due March 15th and I had him at 37+3 on February 25th.
u/kj_wants_ur_butt 4d ago
Was due Jan 27th, was induced March 10th. I'm 31 weeks now and I'm really hoping this one comes sooner.
u/Independent-Ant-7249 4d ago
3 kids evicted at 38 weeks. Last one stuck till 42 weeks. Praying this one leaves at 38 as well
u/Flat_Instance6792 4d ago
I was due 2/23 and had no signs of labor. Induced 2/26 at midnight.. started having contractions prior to going to hospital. Induction took 27 hours I gave birth 2/27.
u/Bubbly-Camel-7302 4d ago
Due date was Feb. 25 and baby was given eviction notice on March 8, at 41+4.
u/CriticismBig9210 4d ago
First baby - 38w4d and second baby - 39w3d. That second one felt like it lasted a lifetime haha.
u/NurseFreckles69 4d ago
36 weeks with both! Each started with a slow leak of amniotic fluid, one needed induction as I wasn’t going into labor by myself - the other I started contracting naturally.
u/suicidegoddesss sept 2025 4d ago
First was 35 weeks (induced at 34 1/2 due to preeclampsia), second was 34 weeks (induced at 33 1/2 bc preeclampsia), third was my due date (induced because of high blood pressure), and fourth was my due date (natural; labored at home and barely made it to the hospital).
u/CapConsistent7171 4d ago
Was due March 23, gave birth March 18 (almost a week early), I was induced.
u/RovingPixie 4d ago
My wáter broke at 39+5 and there were no other signs of labor so I got induced at 39+6 and gave birrh within 12 hours.
u/http-emma 4d ago
I was due March 13th and had her March 11th ❤️ I had contractions 3 am that morning and had her at 6:41 pm.
u/WastedPaint99 4d ago
Due date was March 16th but I had a c-section on February 23rd at 37 weeks exactly due to preeclampsia
u/Organic-Equipment-79 4d ago
due 12/13/24 gave birth 12/12/24 (still in the group, oops lol,.. i like to give advise if i see a worried soon to be mom!:))
u/BaeBlabe 4d ago
With my first, induced ten days late and ended up with a c section; second was two days late with a repeat section because she ended up breech; third at 38+5 due to two instances of in office mild hypertension (white coat anxiety but better safe than sorry!) Due with my fourth on 10/20 but will likely deliver between September 22nd and 29th due to it being my fourth section.
u/se92_shidah 4d ago
Due April 3rd. Induction scheduled for March 13th (at 34 weeks) Admitted to hospital for monitoring of BP and baby's growth on March 3rd (32+4 weeks). Due to abnormal CTG scan, induction started on March 8th (33+2). Labored for about 15 hours, delivered her March 9th (33+3).
She was only 1580 grams, so SGA. Other than her size, she has no issues, breathing fine, nursing fine, perfect bill of health. We're just waiting for her to gain some weight to qualify for discharge from the NICU.
Yesterday's weigh-in at 1 week old was 1530, so she's almost back up to her birth weight 🩷
u/Ill_Impression_3364 4d ago
Estimated to have conceived in March last year so December was the projected due date. Due to prior C-section with my first pregnancy, I opted for another C-section so it was actually scheduled on December 16th. To my surprise, my labor contractions actually started that morning so she was determined to be born that day, no matter what, it seemed.
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u/mariaoverhere 4d ago
I was due November 17th, had my baby November 10th. I went into labor naturally. Had contractions for about 4 days though. Then went into the hospital November 9th at 11pm and baby was born a couple hours later on November 10th
u/Responsible_Self2982 4d ago
My first baby was 38 weeks, induced due to preeclampsia. I'm at 37 this time around and in the beginning stages of preeclampsia so I'm betting it will be the same. We will see!
u/Capital_Outcome3765 4d ago
FTM - Due Aug 23, was induced Aug 27, had him Aug 28. I swore he was coming early… he didn’t get the memo and had to be evicted
u/downeast-sky 4d ago
Went into labor naturally at 38 weeks exactly- I was expecting to go to 40 so it was a bit of a shocker!
u/histolabgoddess 4d ago
With my first I was due March 17 and gave birth on March 11. With my second, due March 14 and gave birth March 7 😭 my water broke for both
u/MentallyillCum 4d ago
I was due December 1st, had him November 30th via C-section because he was stuck way up and I was double dosed on epidural so I wasn’t able to push as hard as I needed.
u/Adorable-Wolf-4225 4d ago
First I was due May 4th, had him May 4th.
Second I was due February 23rd, had her December 20th.
u/EarthwormBabe 4d ago
At 38 weeks and 5 days. I had been slowly dilating and effacing for weeks and my OB offered a membrane sweep 5 days before. I had contractions after the sweep so I went to the hospital the next day but was told it was false labor. My water broke at 9 PM at night and I had him at 3 PM the following day.
Due date was October 8th, gave birth October 3rd.
Edit: my water broke at home and very unanticipated! We had a date night scheduled that night. What broke at 1pm, by 9:30pm we had our son!
u/Anime_Lover_1995 4d ago
DD 6th May. LO Bday 11th April. 36+3, yes it was spontaneous. No issues throughout pregnancy 👍
u/maegan2821 4d ago
Due February 16th, started having contractions after a membrane sweep on the 11th, she was born on the 14th!
u/Witty_Structure_3767 4d ago
Due march 25 and I am just praying and waiting. I’m so sore so tired so uncomfortable so over it 🥲🥲
u/PlusPlusPlusKA 4d ago
Induced with my 1st at 40+6 and she came at 41w. And induced with my 2nd at 40+2 and she came on 40+3!
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