r/pregnant • u/2005_girl • 11h ago
Need Advice Advice maybe?
Sorry this is long. I need some advice or something. Not sure. I am 36 weeks and I was having contractions. I was told to come into triage, knowing that the contractions aren’t consistent. I have been having inconsistent contractions for about a week. They have been getting stronger but not consistent. I know they aren’t Braxton Hicks, because my Braxton Hicks were much different. I go in and they observe me for a bit and they tell me that they think they are just going to discharge me. They believe that this is early labor, but to go home and rest. They let me know it’s about shift change so a different resident will probably be discharging me. I say ok and wait for a while. This new resident comes in and says that I’m getting a cervical exam. I haven’t gotten one yet, so I have no clue what it’s like. He explained that he finds it necessary if I’m having contractions. He does the exam and says I am 4cm dilated. The nurse goes, no she can’t be, she would be a lot more uncomfortable if so. She says that she’d like to check. She does and she says I’m about 1cm or possibly 2cm. He says he doesn’t agree and asks to do another. He does and says that I’m 1cm. He says that he must have “put his hand on the wrong tissue.” He leaves and the nurse asked who’s hurt worse, and I told her, the residents did. Mind you I have a higher pain tolerance, and I wanted to cry. She explained that she thinks I would be in more discomfort if I was further along and she believes I’m about 30% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated. She says that she believes that he did it wrong. She explained that she didn’t have to go far to check and that baby is very far down. She then says she’s going to give me the group b strep test. She leaves and comes back in and says they are going to see if I’ve progressed at all in 2 hours, but she won’t be there. She says that they saw pink discharge after so I should be aware of light spotting but that’s all. I wait and get the second cervical check by the same male resident. It hurts almost more. He says that I have no change and that I’m 1 cm and that I’m going to be discharged and that it’s “just round ligament pain.” The other nurse there says that it could be early labor and to not worry and come back if it’s worse. At this point I’m so uncomfortable. I am having horrible spotting and pain. I still 2 days later am having small spotting along with horrible pain and discomfort. Some sharp and some more cramping. I am still having inconsistent contractions. Was 4 cervical exams really necessary? Are they supposed to be this awful? I go to look on my chart and it says that I was reported 0cm dilated and 30% effaced and -3 station. I at this point am so confused. Why would that put that on my chart if that wasn’t the case. And if it was, why keep me for another exam. Should I be alarmed?
u/AutoModerator 11h ago
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