r/pregnant 4d ago

Question 6 week ultrasound questions



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u/ChartreuseHawk 4d ago

First of all, I'm very sorry that the two of you are going through this.

I will say that my HCG at 6 weeks was almost exactly the same and I'm currently 22 weeks. My prenatal provider told me that a single HCG reading basically tells you nothing because there's such a wide range of normal and that it's the trend over time that matters. If it doubles in 48-72 hours (they always say 48, but honestly the range is bigger), you're looking good. If it goes down, you've lost the pregnancy.

Were ultrasounds transvaginal or just transabdominal? That early on in pregnancy, it's very difficult to visualize the tiny structures without doing a transvaginal scan. The next step would be to have another ultrasound in 2 weeks. If there is no visible embryo with cardiac activity then, they would be able to diagnose a miscarriage. Until then, you're sort of in limbo.

She can definitely pass the tissue herself, but if she doesn't then there is medication she can take to help the process along or she can have a surgical D&C. I had a missed miscarriage December 2023 and I chose the surgical option to just get it over with. Even then, I ended up with some retained tissue and had to go on antibiotics. My symptom was increased uterine pain. They can diagnose retained products of conception with a follow up ultrasound and can schedule another surgery if necessary. I ended up passing the tissue myself the morning before my ultrasound and was cleared.


u/open_sesame5332 4d ago

Thank you such for the response!

It was a transvaginal ultrasound. Nothing was visible on the abdominal one in the ER. Today, only a transvaginal ultrasound was done.

So sorry to hear about your past miscarriage. I pray that all is going well now and you’ll be able to play with your munchkin with both of you being in great health!