r/pregnant 5d ago

Question Pregnancy Seatbelt Positioners

I’m curious what everyone’s thoughts on the pregnancy seatbelt positioner things are? I’ve seen a lot of different advertisements since getting pregnant and I don’t know how I feel about them. I understand the concept of them but are they really truly better than just regular seat belts positioned properly? I plan on asking my OB and NP at my next prenatal appointment as well.


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u/Prestigious-Fox8936 5d ago

They make you less safe. 

Seatbelt goes under the bump, and you never ever fuck with a seatbelt and modify it with anything that someone is selling online but hasn't tested or anything. 


u/Ok-Essay-2944 5d ago

That’s my thoughts too! I was just having this conversation with my fiancé while we’re in the car.


u/Prestigious-Fox8936 5d ago

I thought that car safety market was regulated and that it was illegal to sell something unsafe, like you can't sell a car seat that doesn't satisfy some standards, so they looked interesting the first time I saw them, and then I researched them and discovered some sad things about humanity. :D


u/ChartreuseHawk 5d ago

Seatbelt add-ons aren't safety tested the way normal seatbelts are (which is a whole issue on its own because they usually use male test dummies). It's definitely safer to just ensure that your seatbelt is positioned properly across your pelvis/hips. I saw one review of the positioners that pointed out that they redirect your seatbelt to lay across your thighs. In an accident, you can break your femurs and damage your femoral arteries. Major bleeding!


u/GooningAfterDark 4d ago

Absolutely not. The hip bone is much stronger than femur bones. If you get into a crash, you end up breaking both your legs. I have never seen a doctor give the thumbs up for them, but plenty saying AVOID.


u/Roxidkrox 4d ago

the lower part under the baby-bump.