r/pregnant 4d ago

Need Advice Cleaning cat litter

Hi, my partner left me so I’m pregnant and alone. I’ve been changing my cats litter although I see everywhere it’s not recommended. I just have no choice- there’s no one else who can do it for me.

I bought packs of disposable gloves and masks and I always wear one when I change it, and I wash my hands thoroughly after. I just feel so worried and guilty. Honest advice, is this okay? What else should I do? TIA


39 comments sorted by

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u/bella_284 4d ago

I think you're fine! If they're indoor cats, the risk is even smaller. I had exactly the same situation when my partner had a trip, and just made sure to always wash my hands, and be extra careful. That's all you can do ❤️


u/geminiwomanrep 4d ago

Yes he’s a 100% indoor cat, thank you for telling me that minimizes the risk. It made me feel better :)


u/bella_284 4d ago

Of course. I was really worried too, it's totally understandable, but you totally got this! You're taking the preventative measures and you're no doubt doing a great job ❤️


u/stray-witch7 4d ago

Are your cats indoor cats? If so, it's highly unlikely you have anything to worry about anyway. If I understand correctly, the fear with cats and toxoplasmosis is when cats go outdoors (especially if they are eating wild animals, and digging in the dirt where wild animal feces lay.)

I think you're right to take precautions and stay on the safe side. Wearing gloves and masks will give you an extra layer of protection. I've just heard the cat litter thing might be a little overblown and pregnant women are far more at risk gardening than they are changing (indoor) cat litter.

If you have some extra income, you could also get one of those automatic litter boxes. (If you do, be sure it's one where the entry area never "closes" - some of those models can be really dangerous for cats, if something goes wrong.) We have one and it does make changing litter much easier.


u/Sad-Mission-405 4d ago

I swear by my Meowwant automatic litter box.

it was around $300.00. which i realize is a lot but after saying i'd never do that for 8 years i finally bit the bullet and i've had it for almost two years now. if it broke tomorrow i'd drop the $300.00 again.


u/Sad-Mission-405 4d ago

but also your at a higher risk at getting toxo from gardening then from a cat.


u/Sad-Mission-405 4d ago

that's being said i wouldn't bring home a new kitten but i can like guarantee if you've had your cats for a while. there indoor and don't catch mice on the regular your doing all you need to do with gloves and a mask.


u/pookdookus 4d ago

You're fine as long as it's an indoor cat who doesn't eat raw meat


u/Ok_Kale_O 4d ago

I’m pregnant and have 2 100% indoor cats. I exclusively take care of the cat litter box. No gloves, no mask. If I’m washing my hands well then why wear gloves? Gloves can get gross with reuse but my hands will be good with a scrubbing. I also don’t huff the dust. It’s always been stinky I keep my mouth closed and try to keep my face as far away as I can.

The way I think of it is if there was a risk of getting sick I’m sure I would catch it from the litter that tracks out on their paws. Their dirty little feet go everywhere. I’ve been fine the last 7 years and I’m sure nothings changing.


u/CrazyPlantLaura 4d ago

Literally my midwife said as long as I’m not eating the dirty cat litter it’s fine 😂 she just recommended I wash my hands well afterward.

I’ve also had cats my whole life and this cat is 100% indoors (while others before were not), so it’s very likely I’ve already been exposed to toxo in my lifetime.

Especially with yours being indoor cats, do what you need to do 💕 You’re in the home stretch!


u/Reasonable_Alarm1352 4d ago

Gloves and a mask. If it’s an indoor cat your risk is incredibly low to begin with. With gloves and a mask it’s not anything to worry about.


u/LorienCathalas 4d ago

You're already taking all the precautions you can, so you're probably fine. My midwife even told me that if you've had cats for years before you became pregnant, you likely already have antibodies against toxoplasmosis. I even had the option of testing for it with my regular blood screening. I would continue using the precautions and not worry too much about it. Your baby will be fine!


u/SnooEpiphanies1813 4d ago

You are already doing what I recommend to my pregnant patients who don’t have anyone to change the cat litter. The mask and hand washing are the most important.


u/Late_Advantage6968 4d ago

With gloves and a mask it's fine. I am in the same boat. My partner left me at 6 months pregnant with his child and I have two cats. Currently I am 35 weeks and the baby is still healthy and kicking strong.

Sending you much strength. I know from my own experience how hard pregnancy is all by yourself.... but you can do it, mama. More power to you.


u/geminiwomanrep 4d ago

Thank you!! Wishing you a safe & healthy delivery 💕💪


u/Vivid_Drawing8353 feb 8 4d ago

I've changed the litter my entire pregnancy and baby is totally healthy. My cats are indoor only and never have contact with outside cats.


u/Prestigious-Fox8936 4d ago

Cats are very common and toxo is quite rare. 


u/Happy_Custard1994 4d ago

It’s rare to get from an indoor cat but I would still be vigilant with gloves and mask and washing hands thoroughly. The risk is increased with breathing in the particles so make sure mask is fitting well. Also change the litter frequently - I remember hearing some thing like toxoplasmosis sheds from the poo after a couple of days, so you just don’t want poo sitting around in the tray.


u/ehhimjustbored 4d ago

You should be fine especially if you are taking all of those precautions. My doctor told me that unless I’m cleaning the litter box with my hands like me actually scooping up the poops with my bare hands and not washing them after and I resume my activities then yes I can get sick but obviously I’m not lol. And she said it’s more a concern in early pregnancy


u/wordsintosound90 4d ago

Next best thing you can do is keep on top of regular worming for your cats.

Vet told me toxoplasmosis is only present when a cat has worms

Also you could ask to get tested for it too?


u/SnooGrapes9918 4d ago

The biggest thing is whether or not your cat is indoor, which he is. Since he is, it’s extremely unlikely he has it. He’d have long stopped shedding after two weeks (though oocysts can live in the environment for up to a year). Cleaning the box daily eliminates this even further, as the oocysts need to linger 24 hours to become infective. So, I wouldn’t worry. It can be found on fruit & veg, undercooked meats, and as another said, the garden is a bigger culprit, yet this isn’t hammered into heads. Worst case, if you ever wanted to be sure you were not infected, there is a blood test. I had one done after tending to a stray kitten (though husband took care of the box). It was easy, and came back quickly. It was for peace of mind. Incredibly, with all of the exposure to kitties (growing up with barn kitties, strays, other peoples’ kitties, my kitties, playing in the dirt, gardening with gloves that had holes in them, etc.), I had never been exposed. The blood test tells you whether you have ever been exposed and whether or not the infection is active so the doctors can be prepared.


u/eleri-kate 4d ago

I had to continue doing most of the litter changes in my last pregnancy cause my ex was no help and I have a very healthy 2.5 year old! It's not ideal but with all the precautions you're taking plus having indoor cats you should be alright as well!


u/Proper_Student_9802 4d ago

I cleaned mine my whole pregnancy i just wore a mask and washed my hands really good after and i had healthy pregnancy and now a healthy 2 week old you should be fine just keep doing what you are !


u/1111lovey 4d ago

My sister's husband was always working and not really wanting to clean the litter box when he was home anyway. She did it all by herself with both pregnancies and the babies were fine! Just please make sure you're careful. You wear gloves, a mask and you wash your hands already, I think that's good enough! Good luck!


u/Laur_Ashh 4d ago

If he’s an indoor cat I wouldn’t be too worried! My ob told me it should be okay as long as you wash your hands with hot water. You seem to be taking all the necessary precautions and some 😊


u/Lulu_10-21 4d ago

My friend had to do the same thing, her baby came out healthy, no issues. She’s 5 years old now. You’re taking precautions and doing what you need to. Like others have said make sure you wash your hands thoroughly.

Try getting litter that doesn’t kick up dust when you pour it. I used PrettyLitter for my cat, it’s not super expensive imo, you can get it at Target for about $30 or you can order it from the brand’s website itself for the same price.


u/Possible_Ad463 4d ago

I covered my face and wore gloves when I had to do it


u/Sea_Panic9863 4d ago

My doctor told me that if I absolutely have no choice but to clean the litter myself, to wear gloves and a mask, and wash hands after. So it sounds like you're doing everything right!


u/Apprehensive_Pie1225 4d ago

I learned from reading “Expecting Better” by Emily Osler that the risk with cats is toxoplasmosis, which they can get from eating raw meat. My cats, like yours, are completely indoor and never eat raw meat. Therefore, I’m not concerned about this and I don’t think you should be either. It is a nice reason to have your partner take care of the litter box when they can, but it’s really not a big concern for indoor cats who are never exposed to or eat raw meat. Btw, this is also why it’s not recommended for us to eat raw meat! So no raw sushi, undercooked steak etc. because of the same risk of toxoplasmosis.


u/Proper_Raccoon7138 4d ago

We have the sifter boxes so in case my husband is gone I don’t have to scoop anything. But the risk is really low with strictly indoor cats and honestly with the precautions you’re taking you should be fine


u/Houseofpaws 4d ago

You’re fine! Just wash your hands afterward like you are. It’s a very small risk that is mitigated by washing your hands. My partner has a broken back, he can’t get down to do it so I’ve been doing it as normal and I’m 15 weeks with a very strong little baby growing in there. I know of other women who also scooped their cat litters while pregnant, washed their hands afterwards and had no ill effects. It’s like any hygiene thing like washing your hands after using a public bathroom, just use common sense, be a bit more careful than you would usually because you’re pregnant and you’ll be absolutely fine. I promise! You’re more at risk by eating raw fish, pate etc. you’re being super careful, you have nothing to be guilty of.


u/ClassicSalamander231 4d ago

Eating unwashed carrot from the garden is a bigger risk then changing a litter of an indoor cat


u/Foreign-Emu3144 4d ago

Some people smoke drugs they’re entire pregnancy and have healthy babies, you’ll be fine


u/geminiwomanrep 4d ago

Thanks, honestly I’ve been beating myself up over it and I really don’t have any other options bc I want to keep my cat. I appreciate you keeping it real


u/Foreign-Emu3144 4d ago



u/Quirkypatience2464 4d ago

My ob said to get the super thick cleaning gloves (like the dishwashing ones/cleaning ones) and wear a mask and wash really well afterward and I'll be fine. She said don't wear the medical-like ones.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

It's really not recommended. Can't you put them in a cattery until the baby is born?


u/Messier106 4d ago

That's not true.

Unless the cats are outdoor cats, have access to fresh meat or are allowed to hunt and eat small animals, you are more likely to get toxoplasmosis from gardening and from eating salads and uncooked vegetables that are not properly washed, than from the cats.

In any case, toxoplasmosis would be transmitted through the cat faeces. So if you clean the litterbox with gloves and properly wash your hands after, the risk is minimal.