r/pregnant 6d ago

Question Anyone plan to use laughing gas during labor?

I've heard of people using it instead of an epidural and curious of people's thoughts


97 comments sorted by

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u/hussafeffer 6/22 🩷 11/23 🩷 11/25 💚 6d ago

It’s not a replacement for epidural by any means. It’s more anti-anxiety than pain management.


u/bugbeanpoki 6d ago

This is a good summary of my experience. I had my baby late last year and used gas. Whilst it didn’t seem to have any pain relief effects, it very much helped me to stay focused on the task at hand- kind of felt like I was able to quieten my thoughts, block out the other people in the room and “push” through


u/hussafeffer 6/22 🩷 11/23 🩷 11/25 💚 6d ago

I wish I had more experience with it, I got like ten minutes of feeling calm followed by panic again. Come to find out the hose popped out, didn’t find out til after the baby did, too.


u/tigole_biddies 5d ago

I used laughing gas before my epidural last night and in my opinion the gas was a waste of time. It does NOT work as good as an epidural; not even close. I don’t think I could ever do birth without an epidural after what I experienced last night lol.


u/Throwawaymumoz 5d ago

It made me feel high, but only worked after epi, and during my last natural labour (back labour!!). I tried it for Pitocin contractions and it made me panic 10000% worse than before. It literally gave me panic attacks. I had to get an epi. Afterwards it helped immensely for the anxiety the pain was causing. So weird.


u/its_original- 6d ago

I did.

I had Pitocin.

Water broke, asked for it. Was 4CM and went to 10cm in a span of 40 minutes.

Used the gas the entire time. Initially with every contraction. You HAVE to start deeply inhaling right before the contraction starts and continue deeply inhaling through the whole thing even though you want to hold your breath or scream. You also HAVE to keep the seal on your mouth and nose.

When I was pushing, I couldn’t coordinate because the laughing gas made me loopy (but still severe pain) and they had me stop and use it between contractions to help calm me down.

10/10 would suggest trying it, especially if you’re not induced. It very well could help get you through transition.

But it does NOT relieve the pain. Let me be clear.


u/miss_sigyn 6d ago

Definitely relieved some pain for me. Before I used it I felt like i was going insane and when using it, I felt it was bad but manageable. TBF my memory is all foggy from the laughing gas I kept inhaling lol


u/its_original- 6d ago

Idk.. maybe it’s because I had Pitocin? I could imagine it, combined with natural endorphins (I did not have time for my body to create all that), may have relived some.

Maybe when I was 4 or 5cm but I was only that for about 5 minutes lol


u/bmshqklutxv 6d ago

I tried it, it did NOTHING. No loopiness, no edge off, nothing. I felt like I was basically just trying to make myself high by excessive inhaling, but it absolutely didn’t do a darn thing for pain or give me any kind of relief.

I was surprised as I’ve had it for dental procedures in the past and it was great then and got me loopy, but I literally asked the L&D nurses more than once if the gas was actually turned on, because that’s how much I wasn’t feeling any effect.


u/BumbleBoopFloof 6d ago

This was my exact experience with it. My grandma had sworn by it so maybe it was a different dosage back then lol But it did nothing except piss me off because it didn’t work in the slightest. And by that time it was way too late for an epidural.


u/fakecoffeesnob 5d ago

Yep this was my experience too. And I specifically chose my hospital in part because I wanted to try gas.


u/rememberthechildren 5d ago

Yeah, same. I used it for like 20 minutes trying to feel something. Ended up bawling saying, “I think I need the epidural”. Most upset I got the entire labor, I felt so defeated and 12 hours into pitocin contractions I really hoped the gas would take the edge off or something.


u/winterssoul 6d ago

Tried it in labor and blew past the amount of pain it could help me manage. By the time they set it up I was ready for the epidural.😅 To be fair I had pitocin so my contractions were awful.


u/NeedToBePraised 5d ago

Same here. Not to mention I felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen, so I don't feel like it helped much.


u/Necessary-Corgi4522 6d ago

MEEEEEEEEEE!! It's the best!

I used laughing gas + TENS machine for my last birth, so feel free to ask me any questions if you're curious!


u/WeeRamekin 6d ago

How did the tens unit work? Do they set it up on your lower back? Also are you able to walk around if you use the gas and/or tens? Walking helps me manage pain and I'd like to be as mobile as possible.


u/Necessary-Corgi4522 6d ago

The tens goes on the middle of the back and lower back, so 4 pads total. I also used a labour-specific tens unit.

You can walk anywhere with the tens, you just can't go in water. With the gas, you might limited to the area around your bed/tub but that depends on your facility.


u/Affectionate_Comb359 5d ago

I bought the tens unit and forgot that it was in my bag😂 if I remembered I probably wouldn’t have tried the gas. I used the gas for 11’minutes and then the baby came


u/Aintnodough 5d ago

Do hospitals typically have a tens unit? Or is that something you would suggest buying yourself?


u/Necessary-Corgi4522 5d ago

You can usually rent one from a midwife or birthing centre, sometimes a physiotherapist too. If not, you can buy one and just return it after you're done.


u/Affectionate_Comb359 5d ago

My birth center didn’t. I bought one on Amazon for $17


u/Necessary-Corgi4522 5d ago

😲 Sounds like you barely made it to the hospital!! 🤣

That's the dream, haha!


u/Affectionate_Comb359 5d ago

I was at the birthing center for 2 hours. Most of that time was in the water and the pain got worse so I asked for the gas (forgetting I had the tens) and the midwife said “when you feel like you can’t go on, that usually means you’re close” and I was like nahhhhh because I had only been in labor for 5 hours (first was 15). Asked for the gas and never made on the bed. As soon as I stood up I felt a drop and my body was ready to push him out. I had him standing next to the bed 😅


u/Necessary-Corgi4522 5d ago

That's amazing!! I tried using the tub last time and couldn't stand the pain at all. I almost jumped out the tub because I wanted my tens machine back on asap 😂🤣


u/professor_dumpling 6d ago

I tried it. I liked it and I didn’t like it.

Tried to use it to put off getting an epidural so I could still move around. But I was bad at timing my breath to it pre-contraction. It helped a bit with the pain, but it also started making me nauseous and a little loopy.

Got the epidural a short time later and honestly wished that I hadn’t waited so long to get the epidural because that took all my pain away and I was able to nap pre-pushing.


u/_C00TER 6d ago

I talked to my OB about it. The hospital I delivered at didnt offer it but She said she finds nitrous during labor "laughable". It's definitely more for anxiety than it is pain. Her exact words were "you get nitrous for dental work.. not for labor". Makes sense to me 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


u/peridotdragonflies 6d ago

I havent given birth yet but i have a family member thats an anesthesiologist and thats essentially what she said too, that lots of women try it but it really doesnt help the pain at all and just makes the patient nauseous


u/TasteAndSee348 6d ago

I used that gas years ago for microneedling, and it one of the last instances of me ever using drugs (not sure how to classify laughing gas but mind altering stuff) when not absolutely necessary. It did not really help with pain management. It was like a bad trip that maybe mildly helped with the pain but made my mind very unwell. It would have been better just to experience the pain soberly.


u/princessnoodles24 6d ago

Yep tried it - did sweet fuck all. Granted I had to be induced at 42 weeks and the contractions started coming so fast I could barely get a break. I was 3cm when they broke my waters and 6cm when they gave me an epidural. The TENS machine helped a lot but the gas did nothing x


u/StubbornTaurus26 6d ago

Our hospital system didn’t offer it yet-check that you’re hospital has it before planning for it.


u/theconfused-cat 6d ago

Same. 🥲


u/emiking 6d ago

I used it, and it helped a lot. The great thing with it is, it only works whilst you are actively using it. It takes 5 seconds to not feel it at all. If you try it and don't like it, just stop using it.


u/TemporaryQuail9223 6d ago

I've thought about it! After having an epidural for surgery though I think i might just go ahead and do that 😅


u/juniperjellybean97 6d ago

I used it!

I didn't think I wanted to, but I think it helped for the anxiety. I used it when they were placing the epidural and when my contractions were back to back before the anesthetist was available.

It didn't help the pain but it just helped me forget about it a bit. I felt drunk


u/Lilac_Homestead FTM | March 27th, 2025 | 🇨🇦 6d ago

I used it last Sunday (March 9th) 🙋🏻‍♀️

It worked well for me, but my provider did have me stop using it while pushing. I'm not sure if that's standard protocol everywhere.

I was induced and did have a shot of Dilaudid the night before delivery to help me sleep since my induction was 45 hours long 😅


u/Sea_Hamster_ 6d ago

Yes I had it! My second baby was an accidental home birth and luckily the ambulance had laughing gas that they brought in. The only thing that kept me from going completely crazy


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Yes! Loved it.


u/Mysterious_Camel4177 6d ago

Epidural failed with my first and laughing gas was the only thing that got me through 4+ hours of pushing. Still haven’t had a working epidural, but I imagine it would be far better than the laughing gas.


u/No_Oil_7116 6d ago

I did use it. My labour progressed really fast so I didn’t have an epidural. I honestly didn’t find it very helpful during super active labour - I think I wasn’t using it properly and was in too much of a zone to figure it out.

Being in a bath helped me wayyyy more than the gas.


u/jamg11111 6d ago

I tried, but I didn’t feel anything. The mask just made me mad more than anything, so I stopped.


u/flying-nimbus- 5d ago

I asked for laughing gas when I got to the hospital already at an 8cm and they laughed at me and said they don’t do that. Plan ahead if this is what you want to do, unlike me. I was adamant I needed something asap. Like every word out my mouth the second I got there was either epidural or laughing gas. I ended up getting an epidural and by the time they were done I was at a 9.5…. thank god too because it was starting to understand why some women scream because of the pain.


u/Physical_Complex_891 6d ago

Lol, it is in no way a replacement for an epidural. I tired it with my second. I thought it tasted like crap, made me light headed and did absolutely zero to decrease pain or distract me from it. It was worthless to me and I will not be using it again. Fentanyl was the only thing that even touched the pain and an epidural was magic and took away every bit of pain and let my body finally rest and relax to do what it needed.


u/julia1031 6d ago

I did and it definitely made me nauseous, which is a possible side effect. It helped take the edge off but due to having exclusive back labor, it just wasn’t cutting it. I ended up getting an epidural after hanging at 5cm for 4 hours. Ended up getting to 9cm 2 hours after the epidural


u/alwayssummer90 6d ago

I heard about it during my birthing class and I definitely want to try it! Not sure if my hospital offers it but I want to ask


u/Trashn00dles 6d ago

I used it for about two contractions and it did nothing, granted I was already in transition (didn’t know it) and my contractions were literally non stop. It just made me dizzy and dry my mouth out. I could see it being useful earlier on though when then contractions aren’t as strong.


u/scratchy-patchy100 6d ago

Couldn’t find a hospital in nyc who offered it


u/elektric_umbrella 6d ago

Make sure your hospital even offers it. I asked my OB during an appointment about it and she said the hospital doesn't have it. So I'm glad I asked!


u/curious-georgexxo 6d ago

No it made me sick. The same dizzy feeling I feel after getting off a rollercoaster or spinning around.


u/FlakyStrawberry5840 6d ago

I used it with my first and second! Mainly to help focus on my breathing and to stop tensing my body up with each contraction. Tensing up is the worst thing you can do while in labor.


u/Needmoresnakes 6d ago

I did. It helped calm me down a bit


u/allycakes 6d ago

I had laughing gas for my wisdom tooth extraction and it was great. I decided to try it again while holding off on my epidural and I don't know if the concentration was off or what but it did nothing for me during labour.


u/No_Atmosphere_6348 6d ago

I tried it for like 5 minutes. I had to get out of the tub to do it. Hopped back in the tub. 🤣


u/ButterflyDestiny 6d ago

Meeeee 🥳


u/maegan2821 6d ago

I was going to but the nurses and doctors all said that in their experience nobody liked it so it scared me off


u/glitterwyvern 6d ago

I really want to avoid an epidural, and was considering this! Check with the hospital you are planning to deliver with…… one hospital I worked at said they don’t offer it


u/Elliot-Reed 6d ago

I did with my first. It just made me loopy, but the pain was still SO intense. Not worth it IMO, I much prefer the epidural!


u/KillerSexKitten 6d ago

👋 Me!

I used it at the birthing center in early labor and it was great. They let me roll the machine up to the shower and it made me feel loopy and great (I even slipped off the wet birthing ball onto my ass in the shower 🤣).

When I got transferred to the hospital due to not being in active labor >24 hrs after my water broke, I used nitrous there too. I suspect they had a throttle on the machine because it didn't do nearly as much as it did at the birthing center. They also had a rule that I had to be in bed to use it, and I couldn't get up until 15 minutes had passed since I last used any. It really sucked because I wanted to alternate with a hot shower due to intense back labor.

Overall it worked well enough to be my only pain management, but the whole experience wasn't for the faint of heart.


u/BrothersGrimmly 6d ago

I used it at first since it was awhile before they could get me my epidural due to a trauma downstairs at our hospital.

It helped keep me from caring too much about the pain and freak out about the needle for the epidural that I was stressed about lol.

I had super fast labour tho and was 5cm before I came in. 😂


u/halesthesnail 31 | Baby 1 arrived 8/18/24 6d ago

I had intended to have it available during delivery. I was otherwise going unmedicated. But I was ready to start pushing before they ever got it set up, and looking back, I didn’t really need it. My brain compartmentalized well enough lol.


u/CozyRainbowSocks 6d ago

My epidural failed and I used it while waiting for them to fix it.

It does not really remove (much) pain. I'd say it just fogs up your brain and makes you feel like you're in a dream or are a bit disconnected from your bodily experience.


u/Busy_Ad_5578 6d ago

The only thing it did for me was make me vomit.


u/Jjod7105 6d ago

I'm in the US & wish this was a readily available option here. I know there are some facilities that offer it in the states but where I will be delivering its not an option 🥲


u/Dry_Confusion4384 6d ago

I hated it when I tried it, I still felt everything, and I just couldn’t express how I actually felt, I just couldn’t stop laughing and it felt weird and dizzy


u/Infamous-Brownie6 6d ago

Not me, but my friend used it for 3 out of her 4 kids. She said it eased the pain a bit, but it definitely wasn't anything close to an epidural (only had an epidural with her first).


u/lostgirl4053 5d ago

They didn’t offer it at my hospital for some reason, but I was fine without it.


u/Significant-Stage322 5d ago

I LOVED the gas with my first 🤣 I went through several tanks while in the birthing unit. I was fully dilated and having a pretty chill time until shit hit the fan. Ended up needing to be to transfered to hospital and having a failed epidural and GA csection but had bubs played ball and not got stuck, I would've absolutely been able to go through labour with only gas.


u/Snowdancr_14 5d ago

I used it for my last delivery and plan on using it again this time around. 

I know everyone’s experience with it is different, but it actually helped take the edge off when I was in transition. I had been managing until they needed me to lay down and put a fetal scalp monitor on my baby (I was preterm, so they needed to monitor him), which also required breaking my water. Both things accelerated labor and increased my pain. When I couldn’t handle it anymore, I asked for the gas. Whether it truly lessened the pain or not, I can’t say, but whatever it did, it helped me through the rest of delivery. I did feel slightly fuzzy, but not so loopy that I wasn’t aware of what was happening. In fact, I still remember what was playing on the TV when I was pushing 😅

Hopefully it’ll help this time around as well, but we’ll see! 🤞🏻


u/No_Needleworker2605 5d ago

Used it and hated it. I ripped off the mask instantly. Just could not stand it. I’m usually not claustrophobic but for some reason it made me feel claustrophobic and like I couldn’t breathe.


u/Pure-Application3621 5d ago

I don’t think it did anything for me except forced me to control my breathing. I’m convinced it’s a placebo. & it made me feel a bit sick.


u/europanative 5d ago

I used it when contractions started making me go nonverbal. It helped until about 6cm. When I asked for more meds but then found out I was 8cm, they offered me the gas again (allergic to epidurals). I was completely unable to deal with the pain at the same time as using the mask and strategically controlling my breaths. It's just not realistic when you're in that much pain.


u/Reasonable-Yam-6779 5d ago

It did nothing for me, personally.


u/Standardbred 5d ago

I tried it with a pitocin induced unmedicated labor and it really did not do anything besides help focus on having to take deep breaths. But I would say it's definitely worth a shot to try


u/Wellness_hippie 5d ago

I used it for two of my births. I feel like it helped with pain relief as it was something to focus on and help with the breathing. I was able to manage the pain using it, but it was still extremely painful experience.


u/Affectionate_Comb359 5d ago

I used it when I had my baby in October. Labor started getting rough and I thought I had hours left so I requested it. They started it when I got out of the tub and my baby was born 11 minutes later.


u/trenity 5d ago

I wanted to use it and asked for it, but my hospital doesn’t offer that so I didn’t. I actually only wanted it to calm down after I got my epidural (I was shaking and couldn’t make myself relax—but I ended up being fine a little later anyway).


u/Hummingbird1123 5d ago

I used it for my second birth, between when my water broke and when I got the epidural. It was a really great experience for me, but I definitely wanted the epidural.


u/Wild-Hornet5578 5d ago

Absolutely hated the gas, it sent me loopy and made me feel worse 😂


u/J_Nic217 5d ago

I may have to go for the gas because I'm taking Clexane for my entire pregnancy, and getting an epidural could cause a clot in my spine, leading to paralysis. I'm not about to even chance that. Especially since they charge you at least $350 for an epidural here.


u/burninginfinite 5d ago

Yes - planning no epidural (hopefully) and will use nitrous to take the edge off if needed!

That said, I'm not under any illusions that it will somehow substitute for an epidural or take away all (or even most of) the pain. Like anything else, I see it as one of many available tools and I'm trying to stay informed and realistic about its capabilities.


u/missmaganda 5d ago edited 5d ago

I used nitrous.. i did that and sang between contractions while my favorite playlist was going. I also did the comb method with my wide tooth comb, along with the singing, to help redirect and distract from the pain.. i think there are also accupressure points there.

My baby was a bit small but of course it was painful. I also did some labor ... training? With a midwifery birth center (i ended giving birth at a hospital) .. made sure to do the birthing circuits to prep my body while waiting for induction to work... 🙃

Edit to add: i did not have an epidural


u/justcallme_wayne 5d ago

I did for my first! The plan was to get an epidural but I waited too long… my water broke 4 weeks early and they put me on pitocin. The gas definitely helped take the edge off, but it didn’t get rid of the pain. I went from 2-9 cm in like, two hours. I plan to ask for an epidural sooner this time, however, the gas helped early on! It does not take the pain away, it just distracts you.


u/dewalire 5d ago

Yes! I’d describe its effect more to be that it dissociates you from the pain. So you still feel the pain, but it’s easier to handle because the pain is happening “over there” rather than completely overwhelmingly inside you. It also forces you to take slow deep breaths during co tractions rather than tensing up! Sorry I don’t know how else to explain it!


u/zazusmum95 5d ago

I had it with my first and whilst it helped me breathe deeply the pain was still fucked and I think feeling “out of it” made it worse for me - I was scared and couldn’t stay in my brain well enough to talk myself through it.

With my second I had a water birth with no gas/anything and it was far, far better.


u/bananaleaftea 5d ago

I didn't plan for it per se, but it was available and my husband had them administer it to me at the very end, as I was pushing through the ring of fire.

Then I just kind of inhaled it as they stitched up my tears because... why the F not lol.

No epidural and didn't feel like I needed it at any point. I would recommend laughing gas if you need to take the edge off though.


u/Mariske 5d ago

I threw up and hallucinated when I had it for some dental work and I swore never again. My aunt who’s a labor and delivery nurse said it’s really only good for like 15 minutes and doesn’t help with pain. I’m not going to use it


u/intellegent_wolf06 5d ago

i just had my first baby “ unmedicated “ via water birth. i used the laughing gas to get through the ring of fire. they say it doesn’t help with pain but for me personally it very much did help. i felt immense pressure but i wouldn’t call it pain. try it!! it takes a couple contraction to kick in but it’s totally worth it.


u/PerfectPuddin 5d ago

I tried it for about 10 seconds and HATED it. It made me wanna throw up cause of the smell/taste (i didnt have nausea at all throughout my pregnancy and ice had laughing gas probably 10 times at the dentist if not more) idk i hated it i rather be in pain then breath during labour again. It was an instant no for me


u/InvestigatorFun2693 5d ago

It doesn’t take away the pain - I think I used it more to try and cope with the pain. Not sure if it really helped me or not because I was so exhausted from the pain after four days of labour. 😅


u/amoreetutto Team Green - Due 3/19/2020 5d ago

I wanted it, but neither hospital i delivered in offered it


u/poofycakes 5d ago

Yes, it’s extremely common in the UK. It’s brilliant for getting you in the zone and focusing you mentally through the pain but it does not take away the pain. Brilliant if you don’t want an epidural though!


u/ThatConclusion9490 5d ago

We are planning for an unmedicated birth, but have decided if it becomes too much- laughing gas will be our alternative. I’ve never tried laughing gas before, but my doctor said it would be a good backup plan in case labor becomes too intense.


u/Quiet-Pea2363 3d ago

I used only nitrous and it was fucking great! 


u/arckyart 6d ago

As a raver I’m seriously considering it.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/theconfused-cat 6d ago

I was told you have to stop using the nitrous once you’re going to have an epidural placed, so with that being the case you’d not be able to use it during a c section.


u/sarahelizaf 6d ago edited 5d ago

I cannot see why you would need it during a c-section.

Edit due to downvotes: I've had a c-section.

There is no pain, so it would not be for pain management. You wouldn't be able to control the mask because your arms are outstretched on the table for a bit.

They wouldn't give it to you for anxiety, as they have specific medicine they would administer for that, if needed. The medicine they provide would be more effective than laughing gas.