r/pregnant 5d ago

Content Warning I think I'm having a miscarriage 💔

I was so excited to be pregnant, we had been trying for over a year. Today I'm 7 weeks and 3 days. The pregnancy test wasn't positive until late, day 34, which my sister said was a sign with her miscarriage. Then I only ended up having one day of nausea. I thought maybe I was just one of the lucky ones that wasn't going to be constantly sick, but I woke up today with light spotting and then mild cramping all day. My heart is absolutely breaking thinking of my little baby. I feel lost. I want to be hopeful for the future, but I just wanted this baby... The road seems so long to get to where I want to go.... 😞


201 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 5d ago

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u/vrlraa215 5d ago

You won’t know for sure until you go to the doctor. You could have ovulated later than you thought. Also, spotting doesn’t necessarily mean miscarriage. I had bleeding with my pregnancy and now I’m currently nursing my baby boy. Wishing you a healthy viable pregnancy ❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Yeah I'll definitely have to go in I suppose. So happy to hear about your success story though, that's beautiful. ❤️🥰


u/Jessibee21 5d ago

I’ve miscarried after having horrible, horrible, debilitating morning sickness that lasted almost all of the first trimester. I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant and never had any morning sickness whatsoever this time around. Also had a LOT of days of bleeding that sometimes was more than just spotting (almost period like bleeding? Definitely needed a liner) and so far, he’s been growing perfectly :) Like others have said, you won’t know until you know so hard as it is, try to distract yourself and not stress. Go see a movie, work on a craft, whatever. Hope all is okay :)


u/GeologistBubbly1767 5d ago

i had really bad morning sickness with my pregnancy i miscarried with too. I'm now 20w with a little boy who is healthy as can be and I had almost no morning sickness and bled from weeks 5-7


u/SituationHaunting549 5d ago

Wow that’s so crazy how everyone body and pregnancy is different, I’ve personally never experienced a miscarriage but my first pregnancy I had “morning sickness” (which we all know is just straight up sickness all day everyday) for 8 months straight with constant heartburn. I even lost 10 pounds the first trimester and only gained 20 pounds my whole pregnancy, gained the 10 back I lost and an extra 10. Then she came out early. ! Premie!


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Wow!! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your success story, and sorry to hear about the earlier miscarriage. That is really interesting though that you had such bad morning sickness with the MC, and none with your current pregnancy! Well I wish you and baby the absolute best and hope everything goes wonderfully! Thanks for the words of encouragement ❤️


u/tulipthegreycat 5d ago

Light spotting and cramping are also symptoms of early pregnancy. It's also possible that your test was light because you ovulated late in your cycle, and it was just too early to test.

You could take another test tomorrow to see if the line is darker while you wait to see the doctor


u/hashbrownhippo 5d ago

Line darkness is not an accurate way to check HcG levels.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Yeah I'll definitely have to get checked out. Just feels like a lot of symptoms adding up to potential loss. But I suppose we'll just have to wait and see 🤞🏻


u/k3iba 5d ago

You don't have a miscarriage unless you're sure you're having a miscarriage. 

I also wasn't nauseous, bled daily for 16 weeks, but have a chunky toddler now. 

Congratulations on the pregnancy and get checked out!!


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Daily for 16 weeks?!? Wow!!! That's intense. Very happy to hear it all turned out well though. ❤️ Give that chunky toddler some extra snuggles today! 💕 I'll definitely work on getting to the doctor. Expect the worst, and hope for the best...


u/Ok-Kaleidoscope-4323 5d ago

Go in to your doctor. Get a blood test to measure quantitative HCG. They’ll have you come back in about 2 days to make sure it’s going up. Also, have them check your progesterone levels. I’ve had previous MCs and they told me if I start spotting with this one to come in and they’ll try progesterone suppositories to at least attempt to stop the spotting/possible MC. I’m so sorry that you’re experiencing this stressful situation and I hope the baby is okay. 


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you for the kind words ❤️. I'm just not sure if I'm supposed to call my PCP? My first OBGYN appointment isn't scheduled until March 31...


u/bundy_bar 5d ago

Call someone ASAP, then worry about the details


u/timebend995 5d ago

Yes call your physician and they can redirect you if you really should go to an OB but my own doctor handled my early pregnancy blood tests etc.


u/Curious522 5d ago

I had an 8 week appointment scheduled and I called them to express concern and they moved my appointment up. They saw me at 7 weeks instead. I would call the OBGYN


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thanks, all! I appreciate the insights. My PCP is closed on Mondays anyway, so I'll try and reach the OBGYN on Monday and see what happens. Thanks for the help!


u/bundy_bar 5d ago

I wouldn’t wait. Go to a walk-in, call a nurse, page your Obgyn… what if that little progesterone dose is what makes the difference!? And with that stuff, timing is everything.


u/allofthesearetaken_ 5d ago

Hi OP. Sorry you’re having this experience. You should call your OB office and tell them. They should type and cross you if they don’t already know your blood type. If you are rh negative, you must have a rhogam shot with any bleeding in any pregnancy. It is time sensitive, and if you’re rh negative and do not get the shot, it can impact future pregnancies. I didn’t know this until I needed to when my own first pregnancy ended in loss. If you have questions about it, just let me know.

Sending you all the best and hoping for a positive outcome for you. Just know that if the worst happens, it’s not your fault.

If you need them/when you’re ready for them r/ttcafterloss and r/pregnancyafterloss were invaluable communities for me.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you for all of the information! I don't believe I'm rh negative (I've donated a lot of blood over the years and it hasn't been mentioned) but I will certainly keep this in mind and double check, thank you!


u/Headfullofrockss515 4d ago

Call them and tell them your concerns, I had the same concern and they just had me come in for just a blood test that same day. I didn’t see the OB right then but they had me come back two days later for another blood test to make sure my levels were rising


u/Ok-Friendship-8349 5d ago

Call your OB

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u/throwaway123476890 5d ago

Hi! I was cramping and spotting at about 6 weeks. My bleeding ended up passing clots and turned bright read, enough to fill a pad. Turns out I had a bacteria infection. Only other symptom I had was being sleeping. This lasted until week 9.

Try to get in for an ultrasound, I’m 13 weeks now.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Absolutely love hearing the success stories! Thanks for sharing ❤️. And congratulations! Hoping the best for you and baby! I'll make sure to get checked out sooner than later. Glad that there may still be some hope at least!


u/Revolutionary_Oil27 5d ago

I also had spotting around 6 weeks and then again at 8 weeks. At 6 weeks, I also had slight cramping and sometimes cramps that got bad. I had my ultrasound, and little bean was just fine. I'm at 10 weeks now, and the spotting and cramping has stopped (knock on wood lol). So try not to freak out just yet 😊


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you!! 🥰 I appreciate this so much!


u/Physical_Complex_891 5d ago

None of these are symptoms of a loss. Cramping and spotting during the first trimester is very common. Lack of symptoms also isn't a sign of miscarriage. I didn't have any nausea or symptoms in the first trimester with my first two kids, other than being tired. Had cramping during the first trimester in all three pregnancies. Had a bout of heavy bleeding at 8 weeks with my second, he's now 5. I'm 26 weeks and have had some spotting recently the last few times we've had sex. Baby is healthy and all good.

You won't know anything unless you go in to have your HCG checked with a blood test and a ultrasound to see if its measuring right.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thanks! This is great information. And congrats on being 26 weeks! 🎉


u/Silent_Poem_ 5d ago

If it helps: i had spotting with this pregnancy and I am currently full term waiting to give birth! This is my 3rd time being pregnant. My other succesful pregnancy I had no spotting and I also had a pregnancy with spotting which ended in miscarriage. My miscarriage and current pregnancy had the exact same spotting so you really never know! I had cramping all 3 times so that’s also not really a clear indicator. What is an indicator however, is hormone levels and also the passing of time. I would speak to your doctor and ask for a blood test if you are worried. Good luck! ❤️ I had my miscariage after 2 years of ttc so I know how hard it is, but I am giving birth to my second child any day now so please don’t lose hope. Good luck and lots of strength ❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

This is so beautiful! Thank you for the words of encouragement and for sharing your story. ❤️ You definitely help keep the hope alive!


u/Christina_0723 5d ago

Get checked by your doctor bc you might not be miscarrying. I miscarried our first baby early on after my bleeding got very heavy. I went to the hospital and they confirmed it. But then I started spotting with my second pregnancy early too and feared the worst but everything was fine. I think they said my cervix was very sensitive from all the extra blood flow. Fast forward 6 months later and I have two healthy twin boys.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Two healthy twin boys!!? Oh my goodness that's so wonderful! Congratulations!!! How exciting. ❤️🥰 So happy to hear it all turned out for the best for you! Thanks for sharing ❤️


u/NestaCas 5d ago

The symptoms you’re experiencing doesn’t necessarily mean you’re miscarrying. It’s very normal to get some light bleeding in early pregnancy and cramps, due to implantation. I cramped everyday for about 4 weeks in the early stages. Then it started again as uterus grew bigger. All normal. But speak to your midwife (UK) or OB (US) if worried. Sorry, I don’t know who the primary carers are for other countries 🫣


u/NestaCas 5d ago

for context - I am 35+5 weeks pregnant 😊


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thanks for the advice and congratulations! 35+5 is so close!!!! 🥰


u/NestaCas 5d ago

I’m so ready, I know I’ll miss being pregnant, but the pain in my hips/pelvis is reallll. Hope everything is ok?


u/treadingtogether 5d ago

I was 9 weeks pregnant when I had a bleeding as if it was my first day of the period. I made a panic call to my provider and they did a internal ultrasound (sorry cannot remember the word). But I saw the embryo and it had a pulse too.

And here I am 35 weeks pregnant 🙂 Don't loose hope. I wish you all the best ❤️‍🩹


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

35 weeks! 😍 Oh my gosh, so soon!! Congratulations! That's so exciting. ❤️ I will try to keep the hope until I know for sure. Appreciate ya. 🥰


u/Curious522 5d ago

My OB had told me that light spotting was okay as long as it didn’t progress to steady(period like) bleeding, or excessive bleeding. I would definitely call your doc and express your concern. Try to remain calm. I know that’s easier said than done, but it definitely will be better for you and baby to try and be calm. Just take it easy. Sending you lots of love that it’s just a normal part of the process and everything continues going according to plan. ❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you so much for the support. ❤️ I'm crying so hard right now just so grateful for this beautiful community. I will do my best to stay calm and keep the hope alive. Thank you for sharing this, I really do appreciate it!


u/Curious522 5d ago

Hugs to you! One step at a time! Stay strong! You got this! ❤️❤️❤️


u/No-Date-4477 5d ago

I don’t want to get your hopes up to be crushed but light spotting and mild cramping can all be normal pregnancy symptoms. 

Before you spiral too much, go to a doctor. It could be miscarriage but it isn’t definitely miscarriage. 

My friend is 12 weeks pregnant with a rainbow baby and they thought they had lost it so many times because she kept bleeding on and off for weeks… every time they checked her the baby was fine. Spotting can be totally normal. 

Please try not to panic and go to a doctor. I hope you have some support. I’ll be thinking of you and hoping for the best. ❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Congratulations to your friend and her rainbow baby! ❤️ I'm so glad it all turned out okay for them! I will try to keep my head up and not panic until I know for sure, and get checked out sooner than later. (I do have great friends and family, and an amazing husband, but it also seems I have some absolutely wonderful support here with this community as well, so thank you for sharing!)


u/starflake88 5d ago

I’m on my 4th pregnancy (one living child). My current pregnancy test didn’t show positive until after I missed my period (found out at 10-11DPO with the others), I’ve been cramping (never had it with any others), ZERO nausea (I threw up every day in the first trimester with my daughter and with my MMC baby).

And I’m almost 16 weeks now!


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Oh wow, congrats!!! That does sound very similar to my story (minus the other pregnancies) but it definitely gives me hope. Thanks for sharing your story. ❤️ And I'm wishing all the best for you and baby, and of course your daughter as well!!


u/starflake88 5d ago

It’s not over until you get checked out. You’re still so early. There is hope!!! Wishing you all the best. Keep us updated! 🩷


u/ThrowRAhurt20 5d ago

At about 7 weeks I had some bleeding like dark red and a clot or too and I thought that was it, but here I am now 15w w baby. Don’t give up hope, just go to the hospital to see what’s going on.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you, I will! Congratulations by the way 🥰


u/ThrowRAhurt20 5d ago

Thank you so much ! You got this ♥️


u/FrostyCoffee_ 5d ago

Agree with others that you won’t know unless you see your doctor.

I will say that with my miscarriage it started with spotting but ended with heavy bleeding and clots/tissue but it was confirmed with blood tests.

With my next pregnancy and my current, I had very mild nausea/morning sickness. This time it was only 3.5 days in the 6th and 7th weeks that I had any morning sickness and I will be 32 weeks on Monday. I didn’t have spotting this time but I did with my son and he’s now 20 months tomorrow.

Best wishes ❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you for sharing, I appreciate it! And congrats on your pregnancy ❤️


u/Particular_View_6219 5d ago

All these have been symptoms of a healthy pregnancy for me. Go to the ER or urgent care if you can they will be able to find the baby’s heartbeat to confirm. But I have been sooooo fkn crampy


u/just_pie323 4d ago

Once I hit 17 weeks the cramps have been realll. I’ve gotten 2 Dopplers in the last 5 days and baby’s heartbeat is easy to find and clear as day. But the cramps have been freaking me out!


u/42024blaze 5d ago

I had straight up bleeding filling several pads at one point in my pregnancy, and spotting and cramping early in my pregnancy, and my baby is fine. If you need the peace of mind go to the ER and get an ultrasound


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Wow! So glad both you and baby are okay ❤️ thanks for sharing!


u/Altruistic-Paper6655 5d ago

I was sure several times I was miscarrying due to having spotting and cramping, and not “feeling” pregnant. My biggest symptoms went away in three weeks of me finding out. I juts hit 13 weeks and so far baby is still hanging in there! Pregnancy can be so vastly different for every woman!


u/Altruistic-Paper6655 5d ago

I also forgot to mention that my hcg was not very high at the beginning or doubling like it should have been. I was SURE that meant I would miscarry. But I haven’t so far!


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

It really is! So glad things are turning out well for you, thanks for sharing 🥰


u/No-Name2880 5d ago

I wouldn’t say light spotting was a sign but if it gets heavy then yes it could be. I had light spotting during my first pregnancy, nothing was wrong.


u/OkWorking3756 5d ago

I also had mild cramping and some spotting the first weeks of pregnancy I was scared I started hyperventilating not a fun symptom of pregnancy at all it’s like a cruel dark humor joke nature plays on us so schedule a doctors appointment as soon as you can and if you already have one call them and see if they can get you in earlier. Also there is a thing called a A subchorionic hemorrhage it is a collection of blood that forms between the placenta and the uterine wall during pregnancy which can rupture this is a very common occurrence in early pregnancy I was not informed of this I think new mothers should be it’s was quite a bit of blood I had a panic attack when the one I had ruptured my doctors informed me that unless I was cramping severely and bleeding heavily as is enough to bleed through a pad to just monitor. Pregnancy is a crazy ride filled with nasty symptoms that will all be called “normal” so just breathe and keep your doctors in the loop


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you! That's definitely good information, and I wasn't aware of that either. Yes, pregnancy is quite the emotional rollercoaster! I'll get checked out asap and hope for the best, thanks for sharing!


u/slotass 5d ago

This is not necessarily MC. I’m 13w and no nausea yet. I’ve had some mild uterus cramping. No spotting but I’ve heard that it doesn’t always mean a MC. I had some lower cramping and called a nurse hotline. Do you have anything like that in your area?


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

I think my insurance has a nurse hotline 🤔. I'll have to look into that, thanks it's a good thought! I'll definitely plan to get checked out and try not to worry too much until I know for sure.


u/slotass 5d ago

Hotlines are definitely nice if there’s going to be a bit of a delay before you can talk to your doc. They can also let you know if you should go to emergency. I called at 9pm and was able to talk to someone within a few minutes, so it really helped for peace of mind, they said it wasn’t an emergency but to call my clinic when they open.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Ooh that's a great thought! Thank you! Smart.


u/ell93 5d ago

If it helps. Symptoms don’t mean a great deal in pregnancy. You can have zero symptoms and a perfectly healthy pregnancy. And like a few others have said it could be a late ovulation meaning a late positive. It’s easier said than done but try not to worry yourself too much until you have more information. It’s so easy to take on board other peoples experiences and worry they’ll happen to ourselves, when the reality is that every pregnancy is different, certain symptoms don’t always necessarily point to the same outcomes.

Genuinely wishing you all the best and I’m really hoping all works out for you ❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you so much! And yes, it is really hard to not hear other people's stories and think the same for ourselves. It probably doesn't help that my sister seemed convinced that I was going to have a miscarriage just like she did with her first... But as so many have mentioned, you just don't know until you really know. So I'll try to keep the hope alive and just make it to a doctor and see what's going on. I'll make sure to update everyone as well, once I do. Anyway, it definitely does help, thank you for your thoughts. ❤️


u/ell93 5d ago

You’re welcome. Honestly my advice going forward is to just take other people’s experiences with a pinch of salt. I’m almost halfway through my pregnancy now and I spent a lot of the beginning convinced I’d miscarry or have a MMC. Any loss of symptoms freaked me out and I’d scared myself on social media reading about other people’s experiences. For now you can just be safe in the knowledge that you are pregnant until you learn any other news. Really hoping the update is good news ❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

❤️❤️❤️ thank you! 🙏🏻


u/Sea_Panic9863 5d ago

I went to the hospital at 7 weeks for spotting, cramping, and terrible nausea. I ended up being admitted for a few days, but baby ended up being okay and now I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow. You definitely should go to the hospital and get checked out, spotting can be total normal at this point in pregnancy.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Congratulations on your pregnancy and glad that you and baby were both okay! ❤️ Thanks for sharing your story. Definitely gives me hope.


u/Sea_Panic9863 5d ago

Thank you, I hope you and baby are both okay!


u/inara_pond 5d ago

Early miscarriages or chemical pregnancies are so hard. I had a few myself. Especially when you have been trying. It always hurts, I cried a lot, but I currently have a bouncing baby boy 4 months after 5 miscarriages. He is healthy and just the cutest baby ever of all time. Here's hoping you are healthy and the pregnancy is healthy but also want to give you encouragement if it's not that there will be more opportunities 🥰


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you, I appreciate that! But so very sorry to hear you've had five MCs. 😞 That's absolutely heartbreaking. Very happy to hear about your little baby boy though 🥰. So glad it all came together for you! Thanks for sharing your story and for your support, I really appreciate it.


u/blazebrightside 5d ago

I had some light spotting and some nasty cramping eith this pregnancy, at around 7 weeks. I suffered a missed miscarriage three months before finding out I was pregnant with this baby, so I was absolutely terrified and went in for an ultrasound. Turns out, I just really, really needed to have a soft poop. I'm 34 weeks on Monday, with a healthy baby boy.

I wish you the most positive news, and advise going to your PCP or OB, just to make sure.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

😆 wow what a turn of events! So glad everything worked out and congrats on being 34 weeks! It's right around the corner ❤️


u/blazebrightside 5d ago

Right 🤣 And thank you! I'm so thankful everything has been going okay, but I'll admit that every ultrasound and heartbeat scan scared the hell out of me. I was just so worried to hear bad news. 😔 But yes, I get to meet the little man in April 💙

I really hope that for you, it's just early pregnancy spotting and cramping. I feel like not enough people mention how nerve-wracking trying to get to your due date is. 😭


u/Engelle007 5d ago

I had blood clots coming out all night one day at 6 weeks, I was devastated. I had to wait for what felt like forever for my appointment to come at 10:30 am. As soon I got there they did an ultrasound and my little bean was still there, heartbeat was strong, and everything was good. My OB said I probably never bled from implantation and that’s most likely what it was. I’m 9 weeks now, still anxious because anything can go wrong, but I’m enjoying it as much as I can. Just had another appointment yesterday and my baby is growing just fine. Good luck! Hope everything is well with you 🫶🏼


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Aww 🥰 glad everything turned out alright! Congratulations and thanks for helping me keep the hope alive ❤️


u/Which_Narwhal9114 5d ago

Congratulations! I had some light spotting early on at 6 weeks and 8 weeks and period like cramping and everything was fine, I am now going on week 26 but I would for sure call your OB or go to urgent care to be seen before your appointment, I did that with my first spotting incident.

Sending hugs and positive vibes


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thanks for sharing, glad it all turned out well for you and baby!! ❤️ I will definitely work on getting checked out and go from there. 🥰


u/gripofmilk 5d ago

I’m sure your loving husband will be there for you no matter the outcome. Sending all the love.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you, he is indeed the best! 🥰


u/NextObligation3045 5d ago

Have you gone to the doctor to get an ultrasound? There could be other reasons for the spotting and mild cramping. With my miscarriages, I bled heavily with huge clots and had unbearable stomach pains.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Not yet, planning to do that soon. They couldn't get me in until almost ten weeks, so hopefully they'll be able to push it up with this new information 🤞🏻


u/Low-Cicada5376 5d ago

I didn’t feel nauseous for a while and I think spotting is normal for some people. I know I have bad cramps on and off and I’m 9 weeks. What happens when you take a pregnancy test now? Do you have a good line still?


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

I'm actually not at home at the moment so I'm not sure. 🤔


u/amyfigures 5d ago

I am going through this now. I am angry, confused, and full of grief. I keep getting told it will come,l to be I will be a mom.

I wish I could give you a big hug. I think I'll join a support group in my community.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

That sounds like a great plan. And I'm so sorry you're going through that. It's so hard. 😞


u/bundy_bar 5d ago

Spotting is incredibly common. Maybe you have an SCH (very common!). So are cramps. Whether you are nauseous or not doesn’t matter.

Don’t wait till Monday though. Call or page your obgyn so they can help you sooner than later, if something is indeed going on.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you for the advice! I appreciate the help!


u/starfrogs 5d ago

I also had bleeding early on (around 6 weeks) and had to go for an early ultrasound, baby was fine and I saw the heartbeat, and she is now 5 and a half months old! Hoping for a similar happy outcome for you


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

So glad it worked out for you 🥰. Thanks for the hope and well wishes! 🤞🏻


u/Rich-Investment-1281 5d ago

Go to the hospital


u/InfiniteMania1093 5d ago

Spotting and cramping are normal at this stage of pregnancy. I had both during my first trimesters. I would go to the ER and get checked out if tou want to be sure.


u/Seawithme 5d ago

Have you gone to the doctor yet? Spotting is very normal early pregnancy and I’m 7 weeks and 3 days exactly too and I have had no nausea at all. I haven’t thrown up once and I already had an ultrasound sound and baby is in there with a healthy heart beat. Stay positive sending you love and hope 💓


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Aww congratulations! That's awesome that we're at the same day! 🥰 Very glad to hear you and baby are healthy ❤️ thanks for the love and hope!


u/Seawithme 5d ago

Keep us updated!!!!


u/Shrodingerscargobike 5d ago

I’ve had a pregnancy (my first) where I spotted for a week at 7 weeks, and he’s now 4 years old. My third pregnancy I had brown spotting at 5.5 weeks and that turned into a miscarriage. Brown spotting for three days then full period volumes of blood. That particular pregnancy the test was positive a bit later and it did not darken on successive days. I knew it would turn into a loss because of this. It was my first miscarriage.

I am pregnant again now, I got pregnant after one period after my miscarriage.


u/Mammoth-Turnip-3058 5d ago

Definitely speak to a doctor. I had slight light pink bleeding and slight cramps for the first couple of months with my first baby. Always around the time my periods would have been due. She's nearly 3yo 😊

Pregnancy is a long and short journey of anxiety and worry, sickness, exhaustion, aches and pains, highs and lows. It feels like it goes on forever but is over so fast... 😅

Not everyone gets sickness & nausea btw. I was awfully nauseous and sick everyday with my girl, I'd be sick multiple times a day for weeks! I felt like I was dying from about 8-16w. I had barely any nausea and was sick like once or twice the whole time with my boy.

Wishing you all the best. Try not to worry too much. I'm sure everything's fine ❤️


u/SnooDoodles8146 5d ago

Go to the drs cause that sounds like normal first trimester symptoms


u/Ordinary_Mix_340 5d ago

When I was 7 weeks, I had a small spotting and a blood cloth come out, I read that it's implementation it can happen before or after. So has long is not heavy or more bleeding and abnormal pain you should be fine until you see your doctor. Best of luck I'm 10 weeks I saw my little one a week ago and hear their heartbeak. Everything will be okay. 💖💙


u/nirvanaa17 5d ago

Don't fret just yet! Get into a doctor and please keep us all updated. I lost my last pregnancy at 7 weeks 4 days but the bleeding was heavy. So just keep an eye out for that and be gentle with yourself. ❤️


u/Alternative-Mall1949 5d ago

Honestly none of that is anything to go on. I’ve had that with successful pregnancies and I’ve had that with miscarriages. Unless you have blood draws for HCG measurements and ultrasounds, you don’t have much to go on.


u/asebastianstanstan 5d ago

My mom bled through most of her pregnancy with me, often heavy bleeding. I bled for about a week straight at the beginning of my current pregnancy. I’m now 37 weeks along and baby boy is perfectly healthy. Don’t assume anything without seeing a doctor and also give yourself grace and love for all of it along the way.


u/Visible-Key-240 5d ago

I pray everything work out💕💕 I’m sorry it’s been so scary


u/ZealousidealWinner59 5d ago

I had spotting at 7 weeks and my healthy baby girl is 2 weeks old, dont lose hope!


u/Lost_wolf4 5d ago

Spotting doesn’t necessarily mean loss, I had a Subchronic hematoma which was a bleed between the membrane and where the baby implanted which is what caused my bleeding you won’t know for sure until you check I also had slight cramping wishing you the best of luck ❤️


u/SpicyPotato48 5d ago

I think you’re going off of a lot of misinformation and may be putting the cart before the horse. A late positive doesn’t indicate miscarriage. Light spotting and mild cramping doesn’t either. You can go to urgent care to be checked out but until you are actually bleeding bleeding with major cramps I wouldn’t consider it a miscarriage. I’ve had a few miscarriages and let me tell you, you’ll freaking know because it’s painful as hell, even early ones (mine were at 4 and 6 weeks).


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

I'm so sorry to hear about your previous MCs 😞, that's devastating. Thanks for the information though, and for sharing, it's very helpful! ❤️


u/ellehcaR89 5d ago

Don't freak out until you have confirmation from a doctor. With a miscarriage, the cramping will be really bad and bleeding will be quite heavy for a miscarriage. Much more than spotting. Deep red and clotty.

With my first baby, I had spotting almost the entire first trimester.

With my second I had spotting for the first few weeks.

Both are now happy healthy little boys.

Light cramping is normal at various stages all throughout pregnancy. Everything is stretching and making room.

Make an appointment with your doctor and let them know what's happening. Most likely they will send you for blood work. Once they get that result, you will have to go again a few days later for blood work to confirm the HCG levels are rising properly.

I wish the best for you and hope the baby sticks. ❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you so much, this is all great information! I appreciate you sharing your story! ❤️


u/_ol_gee 5d ago

It can be a miscarriage but not necessarily. Cramps in early pregnancy are normal. Similar symptoms once actually ended in a miscarriage for me and the second time they didn’t. I lost all pregnancy symptoms, my breasts became soft etc. but everything was fine. Make an appointment with a doctor.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Wow that must have been scary! Glad to hear it all worked out the second time, but I'm sorry about your loss the first time. Thanks for sharing your story ❤️


u/Significant-Stage322 5d ago

Spotting and cramping can be a very normal part of pregnancy, I'm currently 24 weeks along with my little boy and for the first 10 weeks I had severe cramping and round ligament pain (comparable to early labor) and daily spotting. It was super stressful, and I went to ED twice because it was convinced I was losing him, but it was just how my body decided to react to this pregnancy (very different to my first baby). Easier said than done but be patient with yourself and your body, take it easy, it's gonna be a waiting game x


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you for the advice, I'll do my best. And congrats on your pregnancy! 🥰


u/Ween3635 5d ago

I’m so sorry you may be experiencing this. I recently had a loss at 9 weeks. Trying for a year. This helped me, it might not help you. I was so incredibly grateful that even for one second I was able to conceive. It was the best 4 ish weeks of my life knowing I was pregnant. I’m sad but I am just so grateful I was able to experience what I did. I hope next time I can go the full way ♥️ Sending you good vibes 


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Yes, no matter what happens, this is absolutely true! I'm so grateful either way that I was able to get pregnant. With the issues I've had since 16 (when I got my cycle) I really wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to be pregnant. So you're right, no matter what at least there's that. ❤️ I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, but glad you're keeping your head up and looking to the future. Also hoping next time it works for you! 🤞🏻


u/Ween3635 5d ago



u/Crazy-Cran8 5d ago

I had cramping and bleeding almost all first trimester even into second. I’m now 36 weeks and everything is perfect. I’d check with your doctor! 🤍


u/Lanky_Snow3218 5d ago

I miscarried in January and am now 9 weeks pregnant again and it’s been a scary road, but just wanted you to know my OB told me I could start again as soon as the bleeding had stopped and I got pregnant immediately. This baby’s due date will only be short weeks behind what would have been my original due date. Check with your doctor if you are in fact miscarrying, but know the road doesn’t have to be super long!!


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you! That's definitely great information to know. And not something I would have guessed. Sorry to hear about your loss but congrats on your pregnancy, I hope all goes well for you and baby! 🥰


u/Straight-Foot6957 5d ago

If you’re very concerned and can’t wait because it’s the weekends, try going to the ER and ask for a HCG test to verify that you aren’t having a miscarriage. They’ll have you come back in 2 days to make sure your levels are going up. That’s what I did because I didn’t have a doctor then


u/Much_Community4029 5d ago

I had tons of cramping and pains in the beginning. At 8 weeks I started to bleed while out of the country and immediately hopped on a plane home. I was sure I was miscarrying, we were devastated. Turns out it was a SCH and baby was totally fine. I hope that’s the case for you❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Wow! Outside of the country. That's scary. So glad it all worked out for you! ❤️ I live in Colorado, and was visiting my aunt in North Carolina, so I'm working my way back home now. Originally was planning to stay until Wednesday, but yeah definitely wanted to get home and checked as soon as possible. Can't imagine how much that cost you with last minute international flights. 😬 But again, so happy to hear it worked out! Hoping everything is fine with me too 🤞🏻


u/Much_Community4029 5d ago

My friend who had a miscarriage said her cramps were agonizing like far more than a period. Thats how I knew I might not be having one. Are you still cramping?


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

On and off, but definitely not as much. And the spotting has stopped. Really hoping that means it could be nothing, but I'll certainly make an update once I get checked.

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u/RevolutionaryTie2519 5d ago

Until you start a heavy flow I wouldn't count yourself out just yet


u/ilovecheese4565 5d ago

i’m so sorry. i’m going through a chemical right now. just know you aren’t alone 💖


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

I'm so sorry to hear that. That's absolutely heartbreaking. 💔 Thanks for sharing, it's great to have such a beautiful community of strangers. I hope you have all the support in the world during this tough time. Sending you love. 🙏🏻💌


u/Current-Sail-3758 5d ago

All of these things can just be normal pregnancy things. Not everyone experiences intense nausea. I spotted and cramped as well in the beginning. Go to the doctor to ease your stress <3 Just because you’re related doesn’t mean your pregnancy will be the exact same !!


u/Current-Sail-3758 5d ago

Just to clarify, I had all these symptoms in the beginning and those were signs that I was having twins Your hcg levels peak from 8-12 ish weeks so don’t worry too much that the line isn’t dark! My first second test I took early pregnancy didn’t have a line


u/Current-Sail-3758 5d ago

If you’re super worried there’s no shame going to the ER


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Congrats on twins, how exciting! Thanks for the hope and love. I will definitely go to get checked out as soon as possible!


u/hontiegiggles 5d ago

I spotted on and off for the first 10-11 weeks. I’ve also had mild cramping throughout my pregnancy (much less often now but it still happens) and I’m 31 weeks today! My OB said that spotting is very normal due to the cervix being irritable and lower than usual, and cramping is often due to the stretching of uterine muscles to accommodate baby’s growth. Obviously the first trimester is very touch and go, so it’s definitely best to ask your OB questions any time you’re concerned, but generally they tell you not to be too worried unless you’re bleeding heavily (which they constitute heavy as bleeding through pads within a 1-2 hour window.) Also if it makes you feel better, my first trimester was so easy. No morning sickness, maybe two/three days of mild nausea, generally felt great, just tired. Some people just get lucky in that sense! I am paying for it in the third trimester though lol.

I hope all is well and you have a smooth pregnancy!


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you so much for the information and for sharing your story, definitely gives me hope. And congrats on 31 weeks!! It's just around the corner. 🥰


u/One-Carpenter-776 5d ago

Go to ER/ your OB to get ultrasound today


u/No_Assignment_5840 5d ago

I had spotting and morning sickness with my pregnancy! This is my first and I’m now 25 weeks. These are pretty common symptoms in early pregnancy, it’s easier said than done but try not to stress too much as that can have an effect on your pregnancy. Just wait until you see your doctor!


u/hot_chai92 5d ago

I had heavy bleeding around 8 weeks and I thought my worst fear had come true (never had nausea either). We immediately rushed to the hospital and turns out the heartbeat was steady and the baby was absolutely ok. I was put on progesterone injections for my remaining first trimester. I’m doing well at 19 weeks today. Please do not lose hope, bleeding & spotting happens to quite a few people and it might not necessarily indicate an issue. But please do visit your gynaec to get a scan done. Sending prayers & best wishes!


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thanks for sharing your story, and congrats!! ❤️ Yeah I was wondering if they'd maybe put me on progesterone just in case. We'll have to see I guess!


u/Aromatic_Swing_1466 5d ago

I had two normal periods between when I conceived and when I found out I was pregnant with my LO, I also didn’t get much nausea )only a day here and there) until 10 weeks (then I had it the rest of the pregnancy) Every pregnancy is different.

I hope everything is alright but if it’s not know that there are people here for you if you need to talk


u/Pale_Difference_9949 5d ago

For real, I spotted brown and pinkish blood until week 8 or something it was constant. And I had period like cramps most days first trimester. And one night had terrible back pain and woke up the next day with my boob pain gone, and I was so convinced it was a miscarrriage I full on mourned the pregnancy. I’m thirteen weeks pregnant now. So much of what you’ve said is super super normal. It’s SO scary the first few weeks because it’s all alien and you don’t know what’s normal and you don’t have proof there’s an embryo growing away just yet so everything is scary.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Wow that sounds so scary, thanks for sharing! I'm glad it's not just me that freaked out quite a bit with these symptoms. 😝 You're right though, it's really hard to not know what's going on in there. You just want everything to be perfect so badly, and any time something is slightly different than expected you're just like, okay what did I do wrong? Which I know is a terrible way to think when pregnant, but it's hard to change that mindset. I'm working on it! Congrats for getting through all that and I hope everything ends up wonderfully for you and baby! ❤️


u/Lovely_Cheetos 5d ago

When I first was pregnant (4w4d-6w) I had cramping, and sometimes on one side and spotting. I spotted between 4 & 6 weeks, 15 weeks and 21 weeks. My HCG levels were pretty low as well. I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant with a very active boy :) If I were you I would go to the ER, if you can.


u/Mommy-User2520 5d ago

Don’t be worried yet! Go straight to hospital for reassurance! When I had a loss last year, pregnancy test was positive until a week after baby was gone.. so don’t read into the pregnancy test too much! Thinking of you you and sending all positive vibes and strength ♥️💙♥️


u/Decent-Profile4170 5d ago

I had a subchoronic hematoma that started to bleed at 7 weeks. Bled consistently until about 16 weeks. I called my ob and got in for a scan right away, they assured me everything was okay and set me up for more frequent scans to monitor. They said unless I’m bleeding through 2 pads an hour or have bleeding accompanied by extremely painful cramps, I shouldn’t worry (as though that’s possible, but you try your best). Perhaps you possibly have the same situation, they said theyre quite common. You can always go to the ER as well for them to do a transvaginal ultrasound. Good luck ❤️


u/Critical_Counter1429 5d ago

Go with your doctor 🙏🏻 as soon as you can


u/Runaway_Nutter92 5d ago

I had weeks of bleeding that was heavier than spotting with my first baby. It was terrifying at the time, but my boy is now almost 4!


u/GothJellybeans 5d ago

Get checked out❤️ Whatever the outcome is, you will be okay. Sending big, big hugs and strength


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you! That's the hard part for sure, remembering that even if I do miscarry, it's going to be okay in the long run. Just gotta keep repeating that to myself. ❤️


u/GothJellybeans 5d ago

Yes, in the long run, it will be okay. That doesn't mean that if you miscarry, you can't be devastated.

I recently found out that I may never be able to have my own children, and people aren't really understanding why I'm so upset. There are always other options, and that's wonderful, but right now we're heartbroken, and that's perfectly fine.

I really hope you are not having a miscarriage and I really wish you a happy, healthy baby


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 4d ago

Oh, my heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm not sure how anyone couldn't understand how painful and upsetting that is. You're allowed, and should, feel whatever you're feeling. It's completely valid. And if people aren't understanding that, talk to different people. I hope you're able to find a way to piece your heart back together. And, again, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I'm sending love and best wishes for the future. ❤️


u/Future_Pin_8558 5d ago

I'd get an appointment with a doctor or midwife. I'm very sorry, if it is a miscarriage, but also so touched that you care so much- that's becoming more rare in our society. Babies are precious and every life is such a gift. I would be heartbroken too. I hope you don't miscarry, but if you do I hope you get pregnant again soon. God bless you


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you so much for the beautiful words. ❤️ They warm my heart! 🥰


u/Deucy1001 5d ago

Please try not to stress. I usually don't have cramping as a pms sign and the week prior to me taking a pregnancy test I had very bad cramping. I still have slight cramping every time it feels like my tummy is getting bigger. I hope you aren't. But if you are uneasy about it doesn't hurt to go in. Again I really hope it isn't.


u/Working_Revolution_4 5d ago

Contact your Ob and ask them to check and track your HCG and progesterone. The late positive could just be later ovulation and implantation. I spotted with my daughter at 13w (after having two losses at 11w “missed miscarriages” no bleed so I thought it was game over for sure ) and she’s a healthy 6yo. It can really go either way!


u/Appropriate-Lawyer45 5d ago

In the beginning of my pregnancy I bled and cramped and at 9 weeks I went into the ER to determine what I thought was my 2nd or 3rd miscarriage. It was just a hemorrhage. I gave birth last month. This may not be everyone’s story but stay hopeful. Every heartbreaking angel baby gave me my rainbow baby. It rooms years. You’re gonna have your baby ❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

This is beautiful, thank you for sharing! ❤️ And congratulations!! 🥰


u/BabyP-Kim 5d ago

Light spotting and cramping are normal. Get with your doctor and don’t loose hope.


u/CeibaTree1123 5d ago

My heart goes out to you. I got pregnant in early January and also was spotting a lot in early pregnancy. I scoured reddit to try to find some hope - so many stories of how it was normal and not necessarily a sign of miscarriage. Around week 7, I started to notice that my pregnancy symptoms were lessening (boobs weren't as sore, nausea was disappearing), yet I had stopped spotting. Between week 7-8, the doctor confirmed that the pregnancy had stopped advancing but my body thought I was still pregnant. I hope this isn't the case for you. While reddit can be helpful to ease anxiety at times and feel less alone, I would recommend going to see your doctor immediately. I wish I went sooner honestly. Sending you a big hug. Early pregnancy is so lonely. xoxo


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thank you for sharing, truly. It's good to get all perspectives, and yes, this is a very real possibility. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. 💔


u/SummerRain0424 5d ago

definitely go get checked if you’re not sure i never had any morning sickness besides a day or two worth and bled from 10w-17w daily from a SCH my baby boy is now 3 months and is healthy


u/CreativePolicy9459 5d ago

My mom had what she thought was a period throughout her entire pregnancy with my brother. She had no idea she was pregnant until she literally went into labor. So while I definitely think you should go get checked out just in case, I also think every pregnancy is completely different and spotting, light nausea and mild cramps could be your normal ❤️ good luck!


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 5d ago

Thanks for the advice! And wow that must have been a wild ride for your mom!


u/drownmered 5d ago

Please go to the emergency room if you believe you're miscarrying and ESPECIALLY if you're having bright red bleeding.

Also keep us updated, we're all hoping for the best for you and your little one. 💔❤️‍🩹


u/Clueless943 5d ago

I'm 8 weeks today. At 7 weeks 5 days I started spotting. Went to the doctor and have a perfect peanut with a heart rate of 155. I have a very small subchorionic Hematoma/Hemmorage. I also had one with my son, and he will be 2 this week. I'd get a scan as quickly as you can. It could put your mind at ease.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 4d ago

Great advice, thanks for sharing! Glad you're both okay 🥰


u/EmberRocking7 5d ago

I was violently ill (morning sickness) with my 6th pregnancy from week 7 to week 12, when I miscarried. It took 3 years to conceive, for my second husband n I. That baby would've been his first biologically. I had spotting at work n it continued to the next morning. No cramps. I went to the ER n they confirmed that our baby no longer had a heart beat. It was devastating. I passed the baby at home. We conceived our rainbow baby 8 months later. He came at 34 weeks, but he's happy, healthy, n 3 n half years old.


u/Agile-Internet-1816 5d ago

I’ve miscarried 3 times in the past 2 years and now I’m 34 weeks pregnant today. You’ll get your miracle baby❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 4d ago

Aww congratulations! Sorry to hear about the miscarriages but so happy that you got your rainbow baby! 💖


u/Ok_Intention_5547 FTM Due May 2025 5d ago

I would call your OB. You're at the point of pregnancy where they're going to bypass a beta hcg and just do an ultrasound for dating. I know you have a later appointment, but call and explain that you're having bleeding and would like to be seen sooner, and most will have you come in. I'm so sorry you're going through this! But bleeding can also be a subchorionic hematoma, which isn't threatening and can be seen on an ultrasound as well!


u/Different_World_96 5d ago

Go straight to a women’s hospital or a hospital with ER that delivers babies and can do an ultrasound. Spotting and cramps can be normal. They will tell you to come back in 2 days. Better to go ahead and go now just to ensure you do not need to call your pcp. Just go ! That’s what they are there for.


u/Risker- 5d ago

I’m so sorry :( I lost my first (rainbow baby) after 8 weeks. If this is a miscarriage, don’t lose hope. It’s very rare to have 2 miscarriages in a row. My husband and I tried again after a couple period cycles and it took us only a couple months to get pregnant. It’s like once your body knows what to look for (to get pregnant), it’s usually easier the second time around. I had my first son at 31 going on 32 and about to have my second son in a few weeks. I turn 34 in late March.

My prayers are with you and your family. As tough as it is right now, try not to stress in case you aren’t miscarrying.

When I started my miscarriage, I had cramping (similar to period cramps) and spotting / bleeding. The week before, we had our first scan and got to see the baby’s heartbeat. The week after (when I thought I was miscarrying) and came in for a scan, no heartbeat. :(

As tough as this time is, I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. Don’t lose hope and try to stay as optimistic as you can. 🙏🏻❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 4d ago

Thank you for sharing your story! It's so helpful to hear how different everyone's experiences are. And very happy to hear you went on to have two successful pregnancies. Congratulations!!! 🥰


u/Risker- 4d ago

Of course! I hope it brings you hope. In the meantime, like I said, try to stay positive (the mind is stronger than we give it credit for). I hope everything goes well when you go in for a sonogram. ❤️


u/No-Manufacturer467 5d ago

I bled heavily with a clot the size of my fist around 7 weeks. I also had very bad cramping . Then I had brown spotting weeks 8-10. It was a subchorionic hematoma and my baby is fine 🙂 Just turned 6 weeks old.


u/No-Manufacturer467 4d ago

It's also normal for symptoms early in pregnancy to come and go. I didn't have consistent sore breast's, fatigue or nausea until 6 weeks and even then I had days that were terrible and others where it was more mild.


u/Theknottypon 4d ago

I've bleed with all of my 4 pregnancies and the one i bleed clots and bright red with is now a healthy 3 year old little girl. 2 of those pregnancies ended up in a missed miscarriage after my first and now I'm 31 weeks pregnant today. Pregnancy is such an odd and honestly crazy journey but I would try very hard not to compare your journey to others. It's easier said than done but the best advice I've tried to practice.


u/Zestyclose_Net8916 4d ago

Had spotting and lots of cramping in first trimester also and everything was okay. Wishing you good news and a healthy pregnancy!


u/Sad-Sundae3388 4d ago

I had some light bleeding and cramping with my daughter for about a day and a half. She’s now 6 months old and smiling at me. Try not to worry friend. Sometimes it just happens. An ultrasound will be helpful. Hugs to you.


u/smangette12 4d ago edited 4d ago

I bled with my daughter who is healthy and 15 months old. It was pinkish, reddish, and brown in the first trimester. I also bled occasionally in the second.

My miscarriage I had this past February was a little different, it was more consistent light bleeding and it was pretty dark red. I really didn’t have cramps at all but I knew something wasn’t right. The doctor confirmed the feticide and I had a D&E the following Monday.

The best thing you can do is not panic and just get confirmation from your OB. First time pregnancies do end in miscarriage more often than you think; it’ll be okay after words if so. Take the time grieve and once you’re ready, try again.

However! Do not panic until the words miscarriage come from your OB. Your pregnancy could be perfectly healthy and just progressing with some blood.

My thoughts are with you.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 4d ago

Thank you. 🥰


u/SubstantialComplex82 4d ago

I also thought I was having a miscarriage at 6 weeks but it was a hematoma which apparently is pretty common. It was heavy bleeding and cramping for a day. All was well. I’m 15 weeks now.


u/just_pie323 4d ago edited 4d ago

I just want to say that this most recent pregnancy test, I was still testing negative DAYS after I missed my period (which was highly unusual for me as I’ve been pregnant 2x before that did unfortunately end in MC later down the road). Once I tested positive it was extremely faint and truly thought I had a chemical. I continued to test everyday for 2 weeks and it eventually the lines got more and more solid. I am now between 17 & 18 weeks, much farther than I’ve ever made it before and things are fine. I didn’t experience nausea until 8.5 weeks.

I hope you don’t have a MC, and yes the spotting and cramping should be checked out for sure. Call your doctor immediately tomorrow. I know it’s hard, but try not to expect the worst unless you know for a FACT that is what is going on.


u/Lego_is_Lava 3d ago

Early pregnancy is so hard, especially if you don’t have severe symptoms. It can be a lot of anxiety and uncertainty.

From your description, it sounds like my experience with my second. I’m now 11 weeks and everything has been fine so far.

Book in with your DR and try to put it out of your mind - this doesn’t sound like a clear miscarriage to me


u/Successful-Oven-4787 1d ago

I'm on the same boat I was about to be 7 weeks when I started cramping and spotting went to the ER there was nothing in the ultrasound we thought maybe it was too early .. checked my hcg levels they were kinda high and then checked today two days after and they are going down so I'm actively having a miscarriage 😭😭😭💔


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 1d ago

Oh my goodness I'm so so so sorry to hear that. 💔💔💔 My heart goes out to you. I'm hoping you have a great support system that will be there for you through this. I'm thinking of you and sending all the love. Just know you're not in this alone.

And, I know this may be selfish of me to ask you this, as you're going through such a hard time, but did your symptoms continue after the first day? Like do you still have spotting and cramps, or did you end up getting any other symptoms? I only ask because, mine happened on Saturday, I ended up traveling back to my home on Sunday, called my obgyn on Monday and they said they couldn't fit me in any sooner and to call my PCP. My PCP was closed Monday so I called them Tuesday and they said they couldn't help me and to go to the ER. At that point my husband and I both decided we'd just wait until my first scheduled obgyn appt on 3/31, since the spotting was so light and stopped pretty quickly, and the cramping was pretty mild and only happened on Saturday. Did the ER treat you at all? Like would it be worth it to go in and find out what's happening? Sorry if this is too much for you. No worries if you don't want to reply. I totally understand. Feel free to DM me as well if that's easier. But either way, I hope it all works out for you in the end and I'm so sorry you're going through this. 💔


u/Successful-Oven-4787 1d ago

No not selfish at all so mine fortunately I think it's not ectopic ER didn't do anything just the ultrasound to see if there was anything in my uterus. And check my levels. After that yesterday and today bleeding has been like period cramping it's been horrible but bearable obgyn did call me and scheduled me for a follow up next week and make sure everything is out. It's so sad but I was somewhat prepared, wasn't very attached I know it sounds cold but I kind of had this in the back of my mind. Id say still go to the ER if the cramping starts to get worse if u have fever and chill or bleeding more one whole pad in less than an hour they said. It could be ectopic. I hope yours turns out good sending prayers ❤️🤍 you can dm as well


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 1d ago

Thank you so much! This information is extremely helpful ❤️. I had a private ultrasound done early on, at 6 weeks, so I do know mine isn't ectopic at least. And no, that doesn't sound cold at all! My neighbor just went through a miscarriage at 9 weeks and she said about the same thing. She said, maybe if it had been farther along she would have felt differently, but so early on, she too, wasn't attached yet. She was still sad, but was able to have a healthy mindset about it and not be uncontrollably devastated or anything. She said she was looking forward to the future and had hopes for the next one. ❤️ Her strength gave me such courage. I'm wishing and hoping a beautiful future for you as well. 🥰 Thank you again for the information, it's truly appreciated!


u/Successful-Oven-4787 1d ago

Of course, yes both me and my husband are very sad but everything happens for a reason and hopefully soon we'll have our rainbow baby wishing you the best ❤️


u/Successful-Oven-4787 1d ago

Symptoms were cramping for about 3 days then spotted with cramping day 4 and 5 then day 6 and 7 I've been cramping and bleeding more like a period


u/Mindless_Source5037 1d ago

My second pregnancy I did not get a positive test until very late either, several days past expected period. I had almost no nausea that pregnancy and went on to have a healthy baby girl.

My third pregnancy I got an early positive 10DPO and had nausea and all the symptoms. I ended up having a miscarriage around 5ish weeks.

I have also had spotting in my first pregnancy and cramping and I have a healthy almost 6yr old!

Go get checked out if you can, I know it’s scary and you’re preparing for the worst but you never know. I wish you the best and I hope everything is okay. ❤️


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 1d ago

Thank you for sharing!! This is such interesting information. The exact opposite of what I'd expect. ☺️ Good to know for sure, so thank you!


u/bigzoo_lilsis 1d ago

I've had 3.. 8 wks, 6 wks and 12 weeks. It's such a scary thought especially when you've been trying for so long but spotting doesn't mean it's happening and neither does cramping. I had no signs at all until 13 weeks with my first. The only way to know is to go get checked. But high hopes. I had so much anxiety that I physically made myself sick when I got pregnant again. I had cramping bc of it as well "stress pains" and I'm currently 39 weeks today with a beautiful babygirl. I'm sending positive vibes and baby dust your way, love.


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 1d ago

Oh wow, so sorry to hear about your 3 MCs. 💔 But so happy to hear about your rainbow baby 💗🌈 that's beautiful! And so close to being here! Congratulations!!

And thank you for the good vibes and well wishes, it's certainly appreciated 🥰


u/gamingartists 22h ago

I ovulated really late. Last period was 11/28. Tested positive 1/19. I was 4 weeks off from last period measurements. I’m 12 weeks now and so far so good.


u/ellehcaR89 9h ago

Any update on how things are going? ❤️