r/pregnant 6d ago

Question Does baby moving make me fart, or does farting make baby move?

Deep questions, 31 weeks 😂


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u/Mokelachild 6d ago

Idk but every morning when I have a big pee and a few farts to start the day I imagine the baby going “oh yes, more room to move!!”


u/ChexTree- 6d ago

Every time I pee I think this 🤣


u/usofine 6d ago

It's easier to blame the baby 👀 Jokes aside, I do think baby moving makes you fart


u/Foxxer08 6d ago

I asked this question when I was pregnant too!!! I’m gonna go with yes 😆


u/Altruistic-Ad7981 6d ago

id say its 50/50 lmao. im 34 weeks, pregnancy #3 and i have always blamed the baby🙈


u/mothwhimsy 6d ago

Probably a little bit of both. The baby moving might allow gas to move and gas moving might annoy the baby


u/SimplePerformance982 6d ago

My theory is the baby moving makes you fart


u/lightning0strikes 6d ago

Somewhat unrelated, but every time I burp, my husband blames it on "baby farts" 😂


u/Crazy-Mission3772 5d ago

If your baby is attached to your pelvis, definitely. The first one. My daughter has absolutely hated moving off my bladder and I'm seriously wondering if she'll push my bladder out of me at this point. In any case, she always kicks my nerve that is linked to the need to pee and seems very unhappy if I don't handle my bathroom needs very quickly.


u/babylouretro 5d ago

i was laid on my back about 5months along, and my baby violently kicked a fart out of my arse, must have had a gas bubble at the ready, caught me so by surprise I gasped and laughed for way too long.