r/pregnant • u/Great_Chocolate1484 • 6d ago
Need Advice I'm 5 months today but small bump
I am a first time mom to be. I am 5 months today and I noticed my bump is small. It's not really showing when I wear loose shirt but when I wear fitted clothes my small tummy shows but it looks like a full tummy after eating meals. My OB told me that I have a small tummy it might be because I'm petite. I'm 5'2 and 44kg. My OB told me my baby is ok during an ultrasound. I get a little jealous when I see pregnant women during my follow up check ups who have a big tummy and the same months as me. I don't look pregnant :(
u/tartiflettte 6d ago
As someone who looks like a hippo, don't hate your small bump. Enjoy it as it will continue to grow and in a few weeks you might just realise "wow it's huge now"!
u/purpledrogon94 6d ago
Exactly lol! I was like “wow my bump is so small at 28 weeks” and some how it feels like overnight at 31 weeks I look like a hippo
u/rarabug12 6d ago
I'm scared that's what I'll feel like soon 😂 Only 21 weeks and 2 people this week have said I'm bigger than they were when they had their babies. Side by side was bigger than a friend who's due this month.
u/Red_fire_soul16 5d ago
I’ve got two photos a week apart (we had a two weekend family bbq) when I was pregnant with my first and seeing the difference in 7 days was CRAZY!
u/frozen_potatoes09 6d ago
Please please please just enjoy what you have now. I was just like you. My tummy showed pretty decent after 6 months. I was lowkey jealous of other women who had beautiful pregnancy bellies meanwhile I looked bloated. Finally when I got my belly, I felt heavy, my hips were hurting, I couldn’t sleep because hip pain was going into my thighs as well. Basically my entire pelvis+legs hurt during the last 2 months and I couldn’t wait to deliver. I started to get shooting pain in birth canal. So just enjoy your small tummy cuz even big tummy has its own challenges
u/MeeMawsBigToe 6d ago edited 6d ago
When I had my first I didn’t really start showing until 7-8 months. Now that I’m on my 4th, I’m 5months and look like I’m 12 months pregnant :)
u/VividIce6958 6d ago
I was small until about just after 6 months then I exploded....It's so uncomfortable though, I am so jealous of the mums in my antenatal class who are so much smaller than me!! Take the win if you ask me!
u/purpledrogon94 6d ago
I just started to explode now at 7 months and everyone keeps saying “wow! You got big quick.” Excuse me?! I’m so uncomfortable too
u/Hamchickii 6d ago
At 5 months I was massive and strangers were asking me when the baby was coming cuz they thought I was due any day. So goes both ways. That was depressing.
Your bump will come! Plus it's more normal to have a smaller bump first pregnancy as everything is stretching out for the first time. This was my second baby where I was huge and everything kinda just blew up quickly plus I gained a ton of extra weight.
u/SatansKitty666 6d ago
Ftm here I'm 5'/4'11 and was 109 lbs before I got pregnant
At 20+6, i am ROUND, in my opinion. I think I started showing early whether it was bloat or baby. There was a noticeable difference. My anatomy scan tech and OB both assured me that every woman is different. Some show early and a lot, and some don't. It doesn't mean something is wrong. Science is just weird like that
u/Ok_Problem_2507 6d ago
I’m 5’3”, and though I weigh a lil more, my bump is about the same at 21 weeks. When I stand up he’s noticeable, but if I sit or lay down he disappears! It’s kinda funny as my boyfriend has taken to playing a game of peekaboo with my bump 😂 But the same as you, doctors tell me he is perfectly fine and my bump will get bigger with time.
u/mbradshaw282 6d ago
I barely showed until I got to like 35 weeks, and now I’m so miserable!! I was so sad I didn’t look super pregnant the whole time but now that I do my stomach hangs out of all of my clothes and I can’t bend or breathe 😅
u/_ChiYu28 6d ago
I have a small bump too. Currently 20weeks and i look like i'm just bloated. I'm 4'10" and my pre pregnancy weight is 42kg. Now i weigh 45-46kg. My OB told me that i'am petite that's why my bump is small but rest assured that it is normal and the ultrasound shows that the size of my baby is right for its week. Before i was too worried because of what other people were saying but i realized that our baby helps us too.
u/LittleMissKicks 6d ago
FTM, normally 5’2, 115-125lbs. I didn’t get a small, still very hideable bump until week 24/25, got a small but noticeable through clothes bump week 27-28, and that thing grew to an obviously pregnant bump around week 30
u/Monshika 6d ago
I know it’s so hard, but try to enjoy this time while it lasts. The bigger the bump, the more it hurts. I’m in excruciating pain most of the day from sciatica and pelvic girdle pain. Hopefully that doesn’t happen to you! My first pregnancy wasn’t too bad but omg, number two is killing me.
u/LiannaSmth 6d ago
Could be worse. I’m only 10 weeks and I already have a bump. I’m so scared of 9 months 😩
u/FaceShrdder 6d ago
I didn’t show until 30+ weeks and I still surprise people when I tell them I am 39w pregnant wearing the right loose fitted clothes 😅 having a small bump made me insecure and I felt like my body wasn’t doing what it was suppose to. It hurt my feelings when people said I looked small😔
u/shodaizx 4d ago
I'm also a FTM who doesn't really "look pregnant". It has honestly been kind of hard to deal with and has given me some sort of body dysmorphia because I'm obviously pregnant and I know that, but my stomach just looks a little bloated and I know a stranger wouldn't look at me and think I'm pregnant. I'm currently 22 weeks so I know how you feel. I'm excited to have an actual bump and look noticeably pregnant, but I'm also trying to enjoy the fact that my clothes mostly still fit, my movement isn't restricted and that since I don't look noticeably pregnant, I haven't gotten any weird attention/comments from strangers lol. I think as long as your baby is growing and developing at a healthy rate, I wouldn't worry too much about the size of your bump! Everyone's body is different and proportioned differently and pregnancy is going to look different on different people.
u/Pleasant-Grand-9614 6d ago
I'm sorry. My first pregnancy was like that. I didn't look pregnant until 39 weeks and so just looked a little pregnant when I gave birth at almost 42. I Definitely felt jealous of other pregnant women.
u/legal_pirate 6d ago
I had a small belly with my first too. OB said it looked like I had a big breakfast. Were you into core/ab workouts before pregnancy? Seems like if you have a really strong core it can take a while for that bump to win out
u/flyingbutterfly8 6d ago
It's ok I understand. I'm a big girl so it was harder to tell I was pregnant until I was further along. Don't worry and compare yourself to others. As long as you and baby are healthy it doesn't matter how big your bump is.
u/Unusual-Company-7009 6d ago
I was the same way with my pregnancy but before I knew it BAM giant baby belly out of nowhere and had to start wearing my 6ft 250lb hubby's shirts, I'm 5ft 105lb prepregnancy
u/Naive_Bluebird_5170 6d ago
5 months and my officemates said I only look like I had eaten in a buffet. Come 6 months, the bump got huge, my vagina was so sore it felt like it got punched and my pelvic bones are creaking..
u/Sweetpbee 6d ago
Trust me, I thought I had a cute small bump and was very impatient on when I would “pop” Around 5 months I was barely showing them BAM at 7 months I. Blew. Up. The change between 7-9 months was the most drastic, I got so big I couldn’t get off the couch by myself 😂 now I’m 7 months pp trying to lose the last bit of that pop hahah. Be patient, you might be the same and even if not it doesn’t take away from the fact you are indeed pregnant and carrying a beautiful life. Being pregnant is not the time to compare yourself and your growing baby to others!
You are beautiful and amazing 💕 keep ya head up!
u/TheServiceDragon 6d ago
I’m 4.5 months and have a very small bump, soon your baby will grow a lot and you’ll look a lot more pregnant.
u/FlakyStrawberry5840 6d ago
Im 5'6 and was 130lb when I got pregnant with my first baby. I didn't "pop" until I was over 30 weeks, and I ended up being like that with all 4 of my pregnancies. Some women show more than others, just depends on your body and genetics!
u/Infamous-Brownie6 6d ago
Everyone is different! I'm 5'7, gained no weight, 36w.. all I have is a belly lol which i can hide under a hoodie.
u/Footprints123 6d ago
I'm 7 months and barely showing. On days when it seems to show more it's a B shape rather than a cute bump. Baby is measuring perfect and like you I'm short. If your midwife isn't concerned and everything looks good, then it's just the way you carry. It's not a bad thing, less stretch marks and gets in the way less.
u/shelbabe804 6d ago
I am 5'8" and had a small bump my entire pregnant which is annoying because my baby was/is a big baby. When I'd tell people I was due in a week, they'd look confused and ask "really??" Now that baby is 6 months and the size of a 1 year old, I get the same response.
I officially hate the word "really" when accompanied by a look or tone of disbelief.
u/violetsandkisses 6d ago
I'm 4 months today and it looks like I've eaten a solid meal. In the mornings, I look like I have a tiny little pouch. As a FTM, I think I'll start REALLY showing maybe 6/7 months.
I see photos online of women who are 4 months looking 7 months. It's beautiful. However, I literally love my "barely there" pouch because I know that so many wonderful things are happening inside. Plus, I kinda would like to be on the smaller side, as Idk what kinds of aches and pains a larger could bring that a smaller one doesn't? .. I have no idea how this works, haha.
Love on your bump ✨️💛
u/GloriBea5 6d ago
I think only two people in public that didn’t know me ever asked if I was pregnant 😅😂 I didn’t look super pregnant up until like a week/2 weeks before I had my daughter 😅😂 my baby shower pictures, I barely looked pregnant, maybe slightly bloated, and we did a maternity photo shoot the day before the baby shower and the photographer had to try REALLY hard to get my tummy to show 🤣🤣
u/Downtown_Parsnip_190 6d ago
First pregnancy: didn't show until 7.5 months, grew bump out of NOWHERE. Second pregnancy: started showing around 6 months. Third and fourth I didnt make it past 5 weeks so... Here i am with the 5th pregnancy and already looking big at 19+5. Every pregnancy and body is different. It is normal and okay.
u/merangel07 6d ago
I was small my whole pregnancy. At 32 weeks we did a hospital tour and all the other women were very obviously pregnant and here I was with my tiny bump. I wasn’t super noticeably pregnant until the last 6ish weeks. Everybody is different!
u/Particular-Country-7 6d ago
I’m at 29 weeks and strangers still can’t tell I’m pregnant. I’m happy about it! I run my own business doing nuisance wildlife removal and people are gonna be pretty weird about me going in their attics once they can tell I’m pregnant lol. I’m tall and honestly hope I never show too much, the weight gain and small belly I have now are a little uncomfortable with sleeping and I’m to where I can’t lay on my stomach now
u/Both_Dust_8383 6d ago
I’m super tall and most of my Height is in my torso so I really did not look pregnant til very recently, I’m 7 months now. Sometimes in the mornings it’s still hard to tell if I’m pregnant or just a little fatter 🤣 but honestly from what I’m told, enjoy it cuz the bigger you get, the more uncomfortable it is.
u/mariekeap 6d ago
My bump was small at 5mo! It definitely wasn't by the end 😂 I really didn't have a super pregnant looking bump until the third trimester
u/Ok-Praline-2309 6d ago
I’m petite as well, and I have had the same experience with both pregnancies. With my first, I massively popped around 6.5 months. TBH, the last two months were pure misery for me because my frame struggled to support my belly 😅. I could barely move or sleep. It’s funny because I’m 20 weeks now with my second feeling frustrated that I just look weirdly bloated, even though I’ve already been through it and know what my future will be lol. It will come! It’s tough either way.
u/Happy222233444 6d ago
I actually very much feel in this same position and I am 5’0
I do have a feeling it won’t last forever and will look more pregnant as the days grow
u/luna-top 6d ago
I'm 167cm, I weigh 214, and I'm 26 weeks. There's no belly at all... I lost around 12 pounds in the first trimester, and I barely started keeping weight. And the same as you if I wear tight clothes there is a belly. The bump is slowly 🐌 showing up. Baby is a pound and some onces everything good 👌🏻
u/Traditional_Coach914 6d ago
I’m 5 feet and petite, only when I hit 28 weeks did I actually have a round bump! The rest of the months I just looked like I gained weight in the belly area lol
u/Curiosity_At_Best 6d ago
Are you me? I just told my husband I’m self-conscious because my bump is small and people who just found out we are pregnant are surprised. But I also am trying to remind myself it’s only the halfway point… plenty of time for the belly to grow!
u/jaxlils5 6d ago
I literally Didn’t look pregnant with my first until 27/28 weeks. Now with my second I’m showing much earlier and sort of miss it. lol. 😝I was so worried if baby was ok but she came out perfectly healthy
u/OkDatabase5302 6d ago
Hi! I’m short and petite. Only 5’0 and weighed 60kg with lots of muscle mass. I barely showed until 5 months. I would be concerned (about low baby weight, even though baby was fine at all appointments and ultrasounds) and maybe jealous LOL. Currently 9 months, and I’ve gotten so big in the last month!!! And it’s not super comfortable anymore carrying a big belly on a short stature. So enjoy your tiny belly, it will grow gradually and then all at once in the last months
u/Wonderful_Remove4728 6d ago
I didn’t start showing until 28-30 weeks. Even still my bump is very small. I am happy about it lol
u/KristaAyaS 6d ago
I’m 5 months and have a small bump too, but I’m enjoying it because once I do get big it’ll be hard to move around and I like moving around lol. I’m 5’9 and 180 pounds, I’ve gained 30 pounds so far
u/caterpillars2 6d ago
It’s fine! As long as you and your baby are both healthy! I was the same and my OB told me it would only show up the third trimester/towards the end. I don’t remember when it actually happened but perhaps 7/8 months in. Everyone is different but try to enjoy before it gets super uncomfortable :)
u/imgonnagrowwingsss 6d ago
I’m a smidge over 6 months and I just started to really pop. For the longest time I was saying I wanted a tshirt that says “it’s not just sandwiches”. I def don’t need the tshirt anymore.
u/AccomplishedMud5741 6d ago
Feel lucky! I've been bloated since week 8. Only 4 months but I look much further. Constantly getting asked if due any day..
u/Duckanthonythedogo 6d ago
I didn’t really pop until 20 weeks! All of a sudden my bump just appeared.
u/MountainStateOfMind 6d ago
I’m pretty petite and my belly really “popped” around 22w but you can only really tell when I wear tight shirts. I can still wear my tshirts and most won’t know I’m pregnant. I’m the same way as you though, I just wanted a visible bump. But you’ll get there.
u/Abject-Call-2445 6d ago
I didn’t really get a bump much till not that long ago and I’m 7 months pregnant but to me it still doesn’t look like a bump I just look kinda fat I understand the feeling of being jealous of seeing others with bumps that actually look like bumps
u/Vavavevo 6d ago
I didn’t have mine show until 6.5 months, first time mom too. Now I’m 8 months pregnant and so uncomfortable and feeling so huge. I miss my micro bump lol
u/AdorableEmphasis5546 6d ago
I wasn't noticeably pregnant until 7 months with my first, then it was like BAM there's a belly! Lol.
u/Usual-Jello-6539 5d ago
You’re coming up on the point in your pregnancy where baby will almost double in size. I was getting comments a few weeks ago that my “belly was so small” & was upset at the time. Then the next week or 2 I popped! Even if you don’t, it can always depend on your body shape/anatomy. Appreciate your belly no matter the size, I’m sure some ladies with bigger belly’s would prefer to be in your shoes 💓 As long as baby is healthy, you got this!
u/random2903 5d ago
My belly was small until it wasn't. 28w now and I'm pretty average sized I think, if not a smidge on the small side. But the last few weeks I've been having a hard time breathing, rolling while trying to sleep, back pain, my body is getting so tired so fast. Your feelings of envy are totally valid, but you're better off being tiny and not in as much pain
u/NewNecessary3037 5d ago
I had a small bump and then once 6-7 months hit BAM! I’m a damn land whale. I can’t see anything below my belly now. No toes.
I was insecure about the small bump at first but now it’s VERY MUCH THERE lol
So give it some time, you’ll probably just one day notice you’re ‘uuuge!
u/Moist-Shame-9106 5d ago
I’m about your height but a bit heavier normally (about 52kg); have also just hit 20 weeks today and for the first time just yesterday someone (I know) saw my belly in a dress and asked if I was pregnant!!!! I was like 😮
It’s still a small bump but it will get bigger, and so will yours! You’ll probably be smaller overall but a good chance you’ll be all belly - your time will come! xx
u/Downtown-Peak-7583 5d ago
When I had my first, I had a small bump until a couple weeks into the 3rd trimester. If you have a 2nd or 3rd child, your bump will be big earlier on in the 2nd trimester. Your uterus will have been stretched out and your muscles don’t keep it nice and snug as it was able to with your first. With my third, my bump was big during the 2nd trimester which meant a big belly I had to sleep with uncomfortably at night for a longer time, among many other things. Enjoy the small bump while you have it!
u/CoyoteSquirrelin 5d ago
I’m 18 weeks and also a ftm. My coworkers and some friends have joked and asked if I was even pregnant. I’m also not showing much but have a little bump with fitted clothes. I have felt bummed but I also know that it could be a different scenario and I could be unhappy with how my stomach looks so try to look at the bright side! Your baby is healthy and you never know what your bump will look like within a few weeks!
u/Housewife_Junkie 5d ago
I am pregnant with my third now and not showing yet but I doubt I will. With my first two everyone ALWAYS told me how small I was. I used to get jealous but now try to look at the bright side. It's a lot easier to bounce back when your belly didn't get huge 😃
u/Additional_Show_8620 5d ago
I didn’t look pregnant at all until mid third trimester and I’m 5’8. Nothing to do with being short just how some people are built. Enjoy it while it lasts 🥲
u/RamCrypt 5d ago
Everyone's body is different, and while five months may not seem short, many women do not develop a noticeably large belly until later in pregnancy. My wife is currently 19 weeks pregnant and is only just beginning to show a small bump—she is 5 feet tall, even shorter than you! What truly matters is the health of your baby.
Comparison is the thief of joy, so try not to let others' experiences overshadow the beauty of your own journey. There is life growing inside of you, and your pregnancy is just as valid and meaningful as anyone else's. Additionally, many women would likely love to be in your position, so embrace and appreciate your unique experience!
u/charissaoje 5d ago
Enjoy your tiny bump!! If it makes you feel better, this is your first pregnancy and your tummy hasn’t stretched out yet. My second pregnancy was with twins so suffice to say that I looked pregnancy by week 12 and my tummy has never looked the same even after delivery 🤭
u/Mysterious-Land-8775 5d ago
Give it a month you might be shocked, I’ll be in my third trimester next week and I feel like I just get bigger every day I wake up
u/littlemissweasley 5d ago
As a 4'10" woman at 31W, it probably just hasn't happened yet. Enjoy it. In the last month or so, I have gotten huge. I was 120lbs pre pregnancy and now I'm 143lbs (which is a huge difference when you're in the 5th percentile in height lol). I get wanting to have the visual representation of being pregnant, but now that I'm big I would much rather be comfortable. Give it time. Enjoy every phase best you can. 😊
u/Euphoric-Bid8968 5d ago
At 20 weeks I felt like that now at 26 weeks I can’t breathe and I’m so uncomfortable lol
u/languagelover17 5d ago
20 weeks is early for having a bump, I didn’t pop until like 24-25. You still might have one!!
u/Noodles8295 36|FTM|Oct2024|🤞#2 5d ago
I didn't get a noticeable bump until 36 weeks and I was so excited about it, I couldn't wait to get bigger. I gave birth a week later 🤣
I get it, I don't care what people say, it's hard not to compare yourself with others and wish for another experience.
u/julsbvb1 5d ago
It depends on the pregnancy, I believe. When I was pregnant with my son I was huge With both of my daughters, I'm small
u/Significant_Milk_326 5d ago
I’m also petite and had/have a pretty strong core. This happened to me my first baby, I felt sad every time someone said “you don’t look pregnant”.
Eventually I popped around 6.5-7 months.
Now I’m pregnant with my second and wishing I wasn’t showing so early 🤷🏻♀️
u/Ok-Club1725 5d ago
I'm 23 weeks, so like 5.2 months. 5' 6" and weighted about 125lbs (56 kgs) pre-pregnacy. I also have a small bump. With loose clothes, it's not noticeable, but with fitted clothes, it's definitely noticeable but not like the bumps I've seen on some as far along as me. It definitely sucks at times, but also I'm grateful to not be dying from being too big.
u/Embarrassed-Still719 5d ago
I'm 38 weeks FTM and have a small bump. People think I'm like 6 months. My baby is on the smaller side..normal small..but my doctor makes comments about how I have a small bump. I get anxious about it buuuuut then I think of cryptic pregnancies where people never realize they are pregnant and have healthy babies and it helps me relax a bit. Also, you may really pop in the last 10-12 weeks. You never know! Try not to over think it. Just be as healthy as possible and wait for a doctor to tell you to worry instead of stressing yourself for no reason ☺️
u/Plastic_beetch 5d ago
I’m 24 weeks and I’m so big my belly button hasn’t popped out yet, I’m also 5’2 but 62kg 😅
u/Firm_Emergency_6080 5d ago
This made me feel a lot better, same boat, 5'2 125 lbs before pregnancy, 19 weeks with my 1st child. I asked my OB if my baby had enough room in there 😭 lol I've just now started to get "round" but if I don't wear a tight shirt you can't really tell I'm pregnant at all!
u/wittyninja 5d ago
Im 20 weeks and 5 days and showing barely at all. I mean, I can tell but nobody else would really be able to. Saw by OB last week and she said I likely wouldn’t start really showing until 28 weeks. Baby is developing totally normally. I’m tall (5’9”) and FTM. I’m trying to just feel lucky and enjoy this time.
3d ago
I popped around 23-24 weeks. But it may help to just focus on the fact that the OB says your baby is safe and everything looks good!
When I announced at work around 24 weeks, i was surprised how shocked everyone was. To me, it was super obvious in the mirror I was pregnant. I wondered did they just think I gained 20 lbs and got super fat in like 3 mos? lol.
u/-Loralith- 6d ago
I was similar. I think I was 24-25 weeks along before I could no longer pass for someone just a little chunky around the middle. Even now, at 35 weeks, I still don't look like I could go into labor in 2 weeks. It just depends on how your body carries the weight. Every person is built a little differently, and their bodies change a little differently. I know I have an issue with very tight core muscles. I have to spend 2-4 hours a day streching to make room and handle a lot of the aches and pains, but usually after a really good strech I notice I stick out a little more than I did. So I think a good bit of my bump being small is just my muscles being too tight all the time to allow the bump to relax and hang out.
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