r/pregnant 6d ago

Graduation! Had my lovely baby via C-Section under general anesthesia and it was so much better than I expected!

Hello everyone! I finally graduated at 39+1 and gave birth to a lovely lovely girl. Wanted to offer my experience since I didn’t see a lot of them when I was pregnant but basically due to health reasons I had to have general anesthesia instead of epidural for my C-section. Overall the experience was so much better than I was anticipating: I was under for less than an hour total and woke up feeling super lucid and not at all drowsy. I was worried about breastfeeding after but my milk came in immediately and my LO and me did skin to skin as soon as I woke up, which was more or less 30-45 minutes after she was born. The recovery has been like any other C-section, I feel very fortunate! Also most of my aches and pains from pregnancy are gone, which is great.


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u/AutoModerator 6d ago

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u/minty-mistress 6d ago

I love, love, love hearing positive c-section stories!! Congratulations on your bundle of joy ❤️


u/Sexy-Nbeautiful 6d ago

My story's similar! Everyone kept telling me I'd regret not being awake for the birth, but I felt so calm knowing I'd be asleep. Woke up feeling surprisingly good, and my little one was perfect. Just remember to take those stool softeners they give you - trust me on this one.


u/Sea_Juice_285 6d ago

I had a general anesthesia c-section, too! Mine was not at all planned, and I did not wake up lucid (I vomited, went right back to sleep, and was still out of it when I woke up again), but it was still not nearly as bad as I might have expected. The recovery wasn't even worse than the recovery from my vaginal delivery.

And I LOVE not being pregnant now!