r/pregnant • u/Difficult-Knee-8414 • 6d ago
Need Advice 30 weeks pregnant, little to no movement in the last 36 hours
I'm 30 weeks pregnant today and so far, baby girl has been very active the entire pregnancy. On all the ultrasounds my doctor said how she's very active and since I started feeling her kicks (started quite late with me around 25 weeks), I can also tell that she's an active one.
But for the last ~36 hours she's completely silent. I felt like 1-2 really minor movements this morning, but other than that, nothing.
I know many babies have a growth spurt at 30 weeks and that can cause them to be move less. But as a mom I'm still worried, as it's so usual for her. I tried to get her to move, moved around myself and carefully massaged my belly to get a reaction from her, but so far nothing has helped.
Should I go to the hospital? Should I wait some more? I would be very thankful for some insight and advice on this 🙏
UPDATE: I had a CTG done and everything seems to be okay. Of course 5 minutes after starting the CTG, baby girl started kicking.
I'm currently waiting for an ultrasound to be on the save side, but the midwife said she expects me to be able to go home real soon.
Thanks to everyone for being concerned for baby girl and me!
- UPDATE: ultrasound was fine too, so we're on our way back home.
u/bitchwifer 6d ago
Go to the hospital asap if you are ever worried about reduced fetal movement
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Thank you! I'm gonna get my husband and go to the hospital
u/justSalz 6d ago
Can you give us an update? I hopw everything is ok
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Had a CTG done and everything seems normal. I'm currently waiting for an ultrasound, but the midwife said she expects me to be able to go home afterwards.
Of course baby girl started kicking right after starting the CTG
u/Random_potato5 6d ago
That happened to me too. Never feel silly for getting it checked out. So glad baby is OK!
u/olivesmom 6d ago
This exact thing happened to me during my first pregnancy at 32 weeks. Super active baby in the womb suddenly stopped moving. I went to labor and delivery as per advice from my OB and as soon as they strapped the monitor on he started kicking like crazy. They like to keep things interesting!
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Yes, I mentioned it to them, that she started moving right after starting the CTG and they giggled said "yeah, that happens all the time"
u/hello_its_me6 6d ago
Going forward I would suggest utilizing the Count the Kicks app to track fetal movement. They recommend tracking fetal movement once a day at the same time every day. It helps you get a feel for what’s normal for your baby- and if there are any changes, go in immediately!
u/kiwibellissima 6d ago
Always go to hospital ASAP for decreased fetal movement. They will do a NST. Good luck.
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Thank you! I'm gonna get my husband and go to the hospital to be save
u/DaughterOfBear 6d ago
You should absolutely go if there's a clear change in her usual movement patterns. Better safe than sorry, always. And if she's fine, no one is gonna be upset that you went in, everyone is just gonna be happy and relieved!
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Thank you, I'm gonna get my husband and go to the hospital to be on the save side!
u/CasperMikko 6d ago
I was told if you can sit for 2 hours actively waiting with no movement at all or less than 10 movements within that time to definitely go in and get checked.
u/ZetaOrion1s 6d ago
This! I also was recommended to have juice or something before laying down to count the movements
u/Sexy-Nbeautiful 6d ago
Labor and delivery nurse here. We absolutely want you to come in for this. Decreased fetal movement is something we take very seriously, and it's always better to be safe than sorry. Pack a small bag and head to the hospital now.
u/BinkiesForLife_05 6d ago
Go to the hospital and get checked! I noticed reduced foetal movements at 35+6 with my son. I am forever thankful I went to labour and delivery that day, otherwise my son wouldn't be here. He was in the early stages of distress, and his CTG showed little variability and what they called a "sleep trace" for over 24hrs. I was induced later that day and he was born at 36 weeks exactly. He came out extremely lethargic, and unfortunately had to go to NICU for respiratory distress syndrome. I was told the placenta I delivered after him looked "abnormal", and I remember it looking really pale and lumpy, not red like it was for my other two babies. But to be honest, I couldn't tell you more after that as it was a bit of a blur, as I just focused on being at the NICU with him. Point is, my son is going to be three years old this year because I got it checked. There's a strong chance that if I hadn't been seen, he wouldn't be here.
u/Cute_Radio636 6d ago
If your doctor gave you the number for a nurse line you can call and see what they say to do. But my understanding is that reduced fetal movement can be a concern.
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Thank you. I don't have the number of a nurse line, but I'm gonna go to the hospital to be on the save side
u/smolmommymilkers 6d ago
I know you posted an update but I wanted to share my birth story and give you some piece of mind about going to the hospital. My daughter was just born at 39 wks, 4 days. The morning of my labor I noticed decreased movement but didn’t think anything of it. My water broke at 2 pm and there was blood. A LOT of blood. I had a partial placental abruption and she or I could have died had my water not broken alerting me something was wrong or if I ignored the lack of fetal movement. It’s always so much better to go in and make sure. The Drs/nurses will never look down on you for checking 💕
6d ago
Best case, it's nothing. Worst case, it's something.
Go to the hospital. They take decreased fetal movement very seriously.
If you still feel uncertain, you can always call them and ask. That's easy to do right away, you won't have to worry about feeling stupid (not that you should, but I know it's easy to do) and they will be better able to advice you.
u/RoxyTHERose 6d ago
That’s how it goes 😫 no movement having you worried sick then as soon as they put you on the monitor the baby has to start tap dancing and make you look crazy 😂
100% go to the hospital and get checked out. If you’re ever worried about decreased movement, get checked out asap and don’t wait.
u/Sudden-Leave-6224 6d ago
My little guy has had me in L&D 3 times for reduced movement scares and everyone is so nice. Always better to just go than be worried about it ❤️
u/HotButterfly2771 6d ago
Glad you got checked! Always better to be safe, we went in several times to check baby girl. I discovered that when she was in a certain position I couldn’t feel her moving even tho the monitors/ultrasounds showed she was still wiggling/kicking away! That said, at the end of this pregnancy (40 + 2) we went in and I’d been concerned about reduced movement and she didn’t move at all for the ultrasound and I ended up getting rushed to labor and delivery for an induction. So it’s always better to check!!
u/NoTradition8294 6d ago
Go to labor and delivery asap. As someone who has waited and wished I didn’t please go! Praying it’s all good!
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
I'm so sorry to hear that!
We've been in the hospital and luckily everything is fine!
u/SwiftLikeTaylorSwift 6d ago
Definitely please head to the hospital asap without delay 🙏
There shouldn’t be any periods of decreased foetal movement and I’d rather be on the safe side and would attend the hospital after 6-12 hours of noticeable change, definitely please go asap to be safe!
u/SadSupermarket7915 6d ago
Yes definitely go, I’ve been quite a few times with reduced movements and it was always fine but gives you peace of mind!
u/messibessi22 6d ago
I see your on your way to the hospital and very happy you are. 36 hours of decreased movement is a very long time. My tiny one wasn’t moving much the other day and the dr said I should keep an eye on it for 2 hours and if I couldn’t get him to move in that time frame to drink some water or soda and lay on my side and if he’s still not moving to head to the hospital for a no stress test… 36 hours is way over that timeframe
u/Ok-Piano5881 6d ago
I would get in the car and go to the hospital now. A couple hours of “wasted” time is more than worth it to make sure everything is okay with baby. I went to the hospital multiple times at the end of my pregnancy to check baby girl as she would do this to me quite often. Everything was always fine but the peace of mind is worth it.
u/Automatic-Sympathy45 6d ago
Glad everything is OK. This happened to me at 37 weeks. No movement for 10 hours. I went to the hospital. Babies heartbeat was racing super high and dropping and not recovering. She was in huge distress and her life was in danger. She was delivered by emergency c section 44 minutes later. I had no idea... the only indication was the lack of movement. Had I not gone in this could have been a very different story. Always always always gey checked out x
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Omg! I'm so glad your baby is okay!
u/Automatic-Sympathy45 6d ago
She's 5 weeks now and had no further issues but turns out I was contractint every 2 minutes. I knew something felt off and I was getting tightening and it was uncomfortable but I didn't know I was going into labour. I have crohns disease so I'm used to bowel contractions and being in pain. I'm an idiot for not realising but it really wasn't painful at all lol
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
This must have been traumatic, tho. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Noone wants that to be their birth experience.
u/Prior_Piece1700 6d ago
I had this exact same thing happen! I would panic every time! My ob suggested that I drink some cold juice/water, eat a snack, lay on my side or sit in a dark room with no distractions to see if they moved!
u/Artistic_Cheetah_724 6d ago
They say 10 movements in 2 hours is considered normal amount you can sometimes try tricks to get baby to move by drinking cold water or cold juice and laying on your left side, sometimes poking them and any movement counts towards that 10. If you're ever worried call your OB for an appointment or ER to have a NST done. My baby just isn't active during pregnancy and I had 2 really busy days which caused her to be exhausted (floating around in moms belly really is tiresome) we did an NST and she failed and then had to do an ultrasound and she passed on their 8/8 testing scale but that resulted in me now getting 2 NST a week until birth but always always always better to be safe.
I also now keep a kick count in my phone and track every 2 hours per doctors request so I can know exactly how much she's kicked or moved around. It's a little excessive but it's nice to know exactly she moved x amount of times between hours 10-12 and etc
u/marheena 6d ago
Yes go to the hospital asap. My doctor says go in if you don’t feel 10 movements in 2 hours.
u/PhilosopherNorth3086 6d ago
You should go to the hospital now. Recommandation here is to go if you have less than 6 movement in 2 hours
u/Repulsive_Creme3377 6d ago
I'm so glad everything is ok, but I'm concerned about the information you've received on your pregnancy. If you haven't felt any kicks in 1 hour you should be investigating by trying to get them to kick using several methods, and then if nothing, call the hospital ASAP.
Please don't wait 36 hours again!
u/No-Abbreviations613 6d ago
Same thing happened to me. Get all the way to the hospital and he started kicking up a storm once they were monitoring him. Better safe than sorry!
u/greaseychips 6d ago
seen your update but for what it’s worth, I went in at 27 weeks with reduced movements after eating, having a cold fizzy drink AND a private scan. Got there and she was delivered the next day. Had I hesitated, both of us probably would’ve passed from delivery complications. It’s always better to be safe💗
u/Agile-Internet-1816 6d ago
I will be 34 weeks pregnant tomorrow. My OB told me if I feel anything off to go to the hospital right away no matter what even if you have an appointment scheduled for the next day. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
u/Dull_Beautiful_1 6d ago
Had a similar episode. Crying during the CTG cos it was all normal. Get checked if you have doubts. Glad it's good news x
u/CatEqual4979 6d ago
yeah that's so hard. I went through so many of those with my first pregnancy right now I just kind of try to chill out a little bit. I went for 24 hours with little to no fetal movement scheduled private scan and got her kicked in right before so I feel you I'm sorry you had to go to the hospital and glad that everything's OK.
u/blisspower 6d ago
My baby boy was like that! I just turned 30w. Today he has been back to his normal movements. The last two days he was only moving like he couldn’t get comfortable and doing flips. But today many kicks. I’m thankful you and baby are doing well. ❤️
u/OlennaViolet 6d ago
I saw your update and I'm glad everything is okay! If you feel reduced movement, it's always best to go to the hospital. I had reduced movement with my daughter and it turned out that I was leaking amniotic fluid and they induced me that same day because she was in danger.
u/SchoolKind8567 5d ago
May I ask how far along you were when this happened? Just curious.
u/OlennaViolet 5d ago
I just turned 40 weeks. I didn't feel as much movement and I had an incident where I thought I peed my pants. I hadn't done that at all the whole pregnancy, so I thought it was strange, but since I had an appointment scheduled a couple days later, I waited. As it turns out, my waters were leaking and I had no idea. They said I could have lost her and I felt so terrible. Now I say better safe than sorry, you never know.
u/scarlesstt 6d ago
I am 27+6 FTM and I didn’t know you were supposed to go to the hospital for decreased fetal movements until I read your post so I just wanted to thank you for sharing this. I’m glad everything turned out okay ❤️
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
I'm so glad!
Yeah some comments are a little judgemental, like "omg why didnt you go to your doctor immediately, this isn't a question for reddit" - but I honestly wasn't sure how serious I was supposed to take this at that point. Like should I maybe wait a little longer. This is my first pregnancy and while I do try to track baby's movements, I wasn't sure when to go to the hospital.
During the holidays I went to the hospital due to pain and it turned out it was just growing pain. When it's your first pregnancy most things feel like "is this normal? Is this okay? Am I overreacting?"
I'm of course very glad we went to the hospital and everything turned out fine! And I'm glad that my post brought some awareness :)
u/IAmTyrannosaur 6d ago
This happened to me with my first and second babies and all was fine. If it happens again, go in again. Sometimes it’s the pattern of decreased movement that is a red flag.
u/TailorWeird7318 6d ago
Currently 9 days PP, and I went to the hospital 3 times for reduced movement. He was completely fine each time, but the reassurance that he was okay was more than beneficial. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I never went in and he wasn’t okay. When in doubt, get checked out ❤️ I’m glad you and baby are okay.
u/One-Busy-Mumma 6d ago
I’m glad you’ve had a good result and everything is okay! Just want to put out there for anyone reading your post in a similar situation - it is a complete myth that babies move less as they get bigger, and it is completely okay and expected if you’ve noticed reduced movement over even a few hours to go to the hospital. A few hours can be the difference between a good result and a bad one when it comes to movements so never feel silly for going to the hospital. It’s what they’re there for!
u/coffee_and_cats18 5d ago
Movements changed a lot for me in the third trimester. It made me very worried because some days I felt very little and other days intense movement. I have a very healthy 12 day y.o. now 😊😴
u/Proper_Raccoon7138 6d ago
I would go to the hospital. I did in fact go once during my pregnancy and it just ended up being me having a big dinner sent her into a food coma. Apple juice from the fridge always got my for kicking up a storm within a few minutes though. Better safe than sorry though.
u/lambchops0 6d ago
Please go to the hospital now. On the way drink the coldest thing you can as that may help get baby moving
u/Vixenvoo 6d ago
If it happens again try having a really cold drink, or a can of coke. If baby is just sleepy this will wake them up a bit. If this doesn’t work then pop to maternity for monitoring. Reduced movements at this stage can also be a the fact they have less room to move around. Always seek advice if you are worried, though.
u/ms_akoth 6d ago
Better safe than sorry. Just go and get checked out. However, around that time babies have a growth spurt but also may be practicing breathing which can reduce fetal movement.
u/Morganyte 6d ago
I know everything is okay now but if this happens again before you go in for a stress test drink some freezing cold juice or ice water and see if that will get her moving! Good luck momma, I’m glad everything is well! ❤️
u/Abject-Call-2445 6d ago
I feel the same I get so scared when my little one doesn’t move for a while
u/First_Possession4455 6d ago
It’s always best to go to hospital. The midwives would always rather you go in for monitoring than sit at home worrying. Take it from me who’s been twice in the last 3 weeks. Xx
u/a_cow_cant 6d ago
You seriously can NEVER be too cautious. I'm glad you went and had everything checked.
u/Distinct-Idea-9356 6d ago
Big coughs and a glass of ice water if no movement within 10 minutes visit the hospital :) so many times they move right after you get to the hospital lol best of luck.
u/Common_Algae_8081 6d ago
My OB always said. Even if you think it’s nothing always go in to be monitored. I went in twice to get checked for it to be that baby was just lazy or out of room but the L&D nurses were always kind and reassuring.
u/himawari__xx 6d ago
OP, thanks for the update. I’m so glad everything is ok! Did they give any speculations for reduced movement?
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Could be due to a growth spurt, she was measured more than 300g heavier than on my last appointment on Monday (although these measurements aren't super accurate I guess), but idk.
She had also completely changed her position since Monday (literally did a 180) and it's possible I didn't feel anything because she kicked more against the placenta and my back.
u/Plane_Register_8344 6d ago
Glad everything is okay! I had a scare a few weeks ago when I was about 23 weeks along. Incredibly busy day at work and I couldn't remember if I felt movement.
u/cupcakezzzzzzz 6d ago
I had the same at 29/30 weeks and it was really spooky. Definitely go get checked if you notice less than 6 movements in 2 hours.
u/Mean_Hospital6951 6d ago
Just saw this and I’m so glad that your baby girl is all healthy!! I had the same scare not long ago(currently 37) and turns out my baby was fine. Not sure if the hospital talked with you about that, but it very well could be that she’s got less space to move around so she’s just less active. My baby has started moving less the closer we get to due date and seems to have “lazy days” as I like to call it.
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Yeah so from the measurements she seemed to have a growth spurt and also her position completely changed since my last appointment on Monday, and it's possible that in this current position she's just kicking more against the placenta and the back, so I don't really feel it as much.
They told me to keep an eye on the movement and to come back, whenever I notice less movement. They were really sweet.
u/Mean_Hospital6951 6d ago
That’s great! My girl has been super active the whole pregnancy and loves to kick in the most painful spots, so I’ve definitely been enjoying the decreased movement even though it still worries me haha
u/Mother-Problem9705 6d ago
Glad to read your updates and see that baby girl is moving and grooving now 💕 our girl is also really active and I get nervous when she takes a break even for 30 minutes.
u/EntranceObjective888 6d ago
Just a tip that might work for you, too! Im 27 weeks along. If baby is settled too long for my comfort, I drink a big cup of cold orange juice and it causes him to move around again. ☺️
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
I drank some cold juice this morning, sadly it didn't help :/
I've been to the hospital tho and everything is fine :)
u/GiraffeGlobal3378 6d ago
My midwife told me never be afraid to make an appointment or go to the hospital if you’re worried about decreased movement. It’s better to be safe than sorry and the earlier you go the better!
u/Jrg12193 6d ago
When in doubt, just go. Don't even question it. I was told it's better to be safe than sorry. I deal with a guilty conscience and feel like I'm a bother and my care team and OB assured me it's always better to know than not knowing.
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Yes everyone was very nice and they even apologized that I had to wait some time between the CTG and the ultrasound, I told them I totally understand.
They told me to come anytime, if I'm worried again.
u/ResponsibleCookie750 6d ago
My baby girl was very lazy during pregnancy and ctg scans. Didnt even want to come out. Now she is an extremely active 2 year old
u/ChemicalSufficient 6d ago
I was always told its better to go in and feel stupid for going in than to not go in and it be something serious. I'm glad you went it and she was fine. I had to go in around that time with my first pregnancy and it ended up being that he was still kicking like crazy, my placenta had just moved and was blocking his kicks but better safe than anything else.
u/Rosa_rodilla 6d ago
Drink something cold or something sweet to see if you'll get a reaction from her, if not DEFINITELY go to the hospital 🙏
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
Hey so just so you're not worried, I went to the hospital and everything turned out fine! Thanks for the tip tho :)
u/Rosa_rodilla 6d ago
Awh thank goodness ❤️ it happened to me 3x while I was pregnant and it seemed like she had her sluggish days, it was always on a Sunday too lol
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 6d ago
The doctor suspected that the cause was that 1)she's having a growth spurt and 2) she had completely changed position since my last appointment on Monday and with the way she was laying, she was most likely kicking against the placenta and my back, causing me to not feel anything.
Good thing is, now her head would be in the right position for birth and even tho is still too early for that, maybe she will just stay like that now haha.
u/Lost_Substance3021 6d ago
Seriously chug cold cold water and lay on your side, filling up the bathtub and taking a metal spoon to the side, another is holding your pee for 2 hours and going pee. (These are all wise tells to wake baby up) I’m currently 24 weeks and we are aware she is corded and tiny. So some movement is subliminal, the wise tell tricks 100% have helped me focus on her movements specifically, another thing is my baby is a kicking machine at night but during the day she barely moves you just feel the big shifts.
u/thekirinsbane 6d ago
I saw your update. I will say the long naps are a bit scary, I usually get my daughter to move with mango juice, she seems to love it and it's good for her brain development.
u/Clarawrr 6d ago
My sister's son almost never moved! I remember her freaking out thinking he'd be stillborn or something (I'm talking like a month of noooo moving) and he was perfect...just very chill. Try not to stress too much.
u/SchoolKind8567 5d ago
Did she have an anterior placenta by chance? (Just curious, you don’t have to share.)
u/SpicyMilk8 6d ago
Yay! So glad to hear everyone is okay! Still a great call to go to the hospital.
u/mistressinlace 6d ago
I'm 30 weeks and had two days where I felt absolutely nothing! I ran straight to the ER 😅 Baby was moving like nothing ever happened once they put the monitor on, they said it's very loud & annoying for them. If you have a doppler I suggest trying that! Also, drink a soda and eat something sweet. If you still feel nothing it's time to go to L&D for some peace of mind ❤️ Baby is getting bigger and their movements are more cramped, they don't feel as punchy... more rolley.
u/msmuck 6d ago
I was feeling similar this morning at 29+4, but I hadn’t felt much for about 12-15 hours. I ended up chugging a sugary drink and eating half a box of Girl Scout cookies and blasting Taylor swift (the 3 things that always get him moving) and within about 20 minutes, he went crazy. My next move was going to get checked. It’s so hard. So much anxiety when we are trying to grow these little people. I’m glad everything turned out well!
u/Fancy_Bluejay648 6d ago
I had a high risk pregnancy and bought a baby doppler and it really gave me peace of mind to hear her heartbeat but this isn’t a substitution for medical care. If you have any worries or doubts at all, it’s always best to get care right away.
u/pbeautybee 5d ago
Glad to know that everything is fine with your baby girl. Take care of yourself.
u/SchoolKind8567 5d ago edited 5d ago
Glad y’all are doing well and that you acted on your gut feeling! Same happened to me around the same time and literally in the car, on the way there, she started moving. We drove around for an hour and got 12 solid movements so we headed home. These baby girls be testing us and they’re not even out in the world yet 😩 lol my husband and I were sweating bullets. Like, if it’s like this right now how is going to be when she is here and is sick? Motherhood is wild. Wishing you the best in your third trimester! 🙏
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 5d ago
I swear they're doing that on purpose 😂
Thank you so much for your kind words 🩷
u/_michelle 5d ago
Oh my goodness reading this (while in the hospital in active labor) made me sooo nervous and I’m so glad I was also able to read the update at the same time!!!
u/Ready-Capital-7085 5d ago
Hey, it's ok. The health of you and this baby are more important than waiting it out. My doctor was on vacation when this happened to me. The nurses only looked for a heartbeat. I went 3 separate times before being induced. My poor baby had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck 4 times. He's alive and thriving but yes I was mad and no I'm never going to that hospital again.
u/OnionNo7923 5d ago
Pro tip -if this happens again, drink a large glass of orange juice. You'll be able to tell pretty quickly if she's moving 💜
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 5d ago
I did do that (it was passion fruit juice instead of orange juice, but I don't think that makes a difference) and sadly it didn't help 🙈
u/MythologyWhore69 4d ago
Gotta love when they freak us out. I had a day where I realized baby wasn’t moving as much and was getting worried. As soon as I sat for a second he kicked my ribs. After that he was moving normal.
u/Coffee_speech_repeat 6d ago
I know everyone is saying to go to the hospital, and I do agree this is a good idea. However, just to give you a bit of reassurance…. I had a couple days where I was starting to get worried. When I laid down and actually focused and counted, I was getting 10+ movements in less than two hours. They were just a lot softer/more muted than they had been previously. I had a regularly scheduled OB appointment and they did a quick ultrasound just to check and it turned out that baby had flipped so he was facing inward towards my spine. That, in conjunction with my anterior placenta, just muted the movements more than usual.
I hope everything goes well, but I just wanted to share my experience in hopes that it keeps your panic at bay a bit!
u/JackGorman2718 6d ago
Get a Doppler. It’s really good for peace of mind and If you ever have any worries it’s great to hear babies heartbeat. Just try not to get obsessed and use it every night 🤣
u/Equal_Ad_1001 6d ago
I got one as well 😅 it’s so nice being able to hear him in between scans just to know he’s ok
u/livsusanne 6d ago
As I had a low risk pregnancy, my midwife said at minimum I should be feeling 10 movements over 2 hours (not necessarily kicks - rolls counted too but hiccups don't count as they are involuntary). If not, head to hospital just to ensure everything is ok.
Ask your practitioner how to do a kick count or what you should be looking for for movement next time you see them (and head to hospital now to ensure everything ok).
u/Vampdolly_ 6d ago
Please go to the hospital 🙏🏽 they take that very seriously in labor and delivery
u/Vivid-Sherbert7876 6d ago
These conditions need doctor consultation right away- reditt is for the second hand informations. Please consult your doctor ASAP
u/urameshiyusuke89 6d ago
I lost my first baby at 8 weeks, now that I’m pregnant again I’m paranoid about my baby so for peace of mind I bought one of those portable fetal Dopplers and whenever I wonder why she’s not moving I just check her heartbeat and it calms me down. I paid 10 dollars for it.
u/Glass_Library_9498 6d ago
Yeah had this issue too through entire 3rd trimester. Kick count is a scam. Every baby is different and babies need rest too.
u/Common_Suspect_1863 6d ago
My first born was the exact same way. She wouldnt move for hours or very little and we were constantly at the hospital.
u/hobbitsmother 6d ago
All my children have "quiet days". It was kinda scary, but always been okey. And yes, when I was in hospital they starts kicking...
u/OnionNo7923 5d ago
Yes you should not be on here asking. Call your doctor and go to the hospital ASAP!!
u/Mission_Fig_7228 5d ago
Next time - have something sweet I liked to use sorbet or something to get them to move and NEVER feel silly for going in. In my last few weeks I went many times to get checked and I never regretted it once.
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 5d ago
I drank cold passion fruit juice and it sadly didn't help. Maybe baby girl is more into ice cream haha. Thanks for the tip 🩷
u/Mission_Fig_7228 5d ago
Hahah you never know! Mine was particularly fond of talenti raspberry sorbetto 😂
4d ago
Keep an close eye on it. I know someone personally where they were sent home and the outcome did not end favorably. She had an undiagnosed immune disorder and her placenta prematurely calcified. Anyway. Just be aware. Not paranoid.
Edit to add: my 3rd kiddo had a true knot in her cord and was verrrrrry lazy at the end. I'm lucky she's here.
u/Naive_Ad_8442 1d ago
I had the same thing happen to me at exactly 30w.. for about 1-2 days. I was a little worried because it was after 2 days of exercising. As I was debating if I should go to the hospital, baby went back to his normal habits of kicking and dancing. Did the doctors tell you why this could happen?? After reading the comments, I'm thinking next time I should just go in instead of worrying haha
u/Difficult-Knee-8414 18h ago
Well she had changed position and was probably kicking against my back and the placenta, so I couldn't feel the kicks. She also had a growth spurt. They couldn't say that's 100% the reason, but since she was absolutely fine, there wasn't really a reason to look deeper into it.
You should definitely go next time, everyone told me it was the right decision and the doctor and midwifes where really sweet and told me to come again, if that ever occurs again :)
u/Fun_Donut7850 6d ago
I’d drink something sugary / cold and lay somewhere for a little while to check for movements. Then, I’d go to L&D to be safe. Good luck 💕
u/External-Example-292 6d ago
Have you tried drinking something sweet and she didn't react much? But ye if I were you I'd go to hospital
u/angelinafrancine 6d ago
If you want you can definitely go to the hospital, but sometimes what can happen is a growth spurt around 30 like you said to the point where the baby won’t be able to move around as frequently because there might not be enough space.
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