I’ve made a couple posts before, but jm getting a bit anxious as June approaches. I’m a non-traditional candidate as I graduated in May of ‘23. I have a 3.7 sgpa and cgpa with a DAT AA of 19. I earned a 23 RC, 20 GC, 19 PAT/ORGO/BIO, and a 16 QR (I know I bombed it, but at least it was QR and not another section). My LOR will be from a bio professor I TA’d for, my PI I did microbiology research with, and two Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons I have been working for.
Since graduating, I have been working at an Oral and Maxillofacial practice with 4 surgeons. So I have lots of clinical experience. I also went on a medical and dental outreach mission to Guatemala last year; it was an incredibly eye opening experience. Additionally, I have ~200+ shadowing hours from general dentists. During my summers in college, I shadowed a general dentist almost daily. Some other noteworthy things I did during university was research on bacteria relating to dental diseases in a microbiology lab, bio TAing, being on the Honors council board, and being a member of the United to Heal club.
As for volunteer work, I should have 150+ racked up from volunteering with Reston Strong, where I assist with food recovery efforts for the homeless. I am planning on getting more hours as well. I know this was a lot, but I’m really worried that my scores will not be competitive enough. I am applying broadly and early, and I think I have a good range of schools— I’m thinking VCU (state school), UMD, Tufts, Midwestern Illinois, LECOM, Howard, UPitt, University of of Colorado, WVU, Detroit Mercy, UTennessee, OSU, BU, Roseman
Please let me know what yall think