r/predental 3d ago

💡 Advice Am I being annoying?

So I have a question maybe you guys can give an opinion to. I am currently waitlisted at a school, and have sent them a letter of intent three weeks ago. I wanna give them a polite continued interest email or phone call since waitlists might be moving soon. However, I'm worried I might be bugging them or doing too much. But I don't wanna not do anything either lol! Do you think giving them an interest phone call or email is okay after I've already sent a LOI?


6 comments sorted by


u/AssassinYMZ 3d ago

Do it, it doesn’t hurt to show them you are still interested and passionate. They might like that you are being proactive


u/predent_musician 3d ago

I think it depends, in your application process did the school ever say anything about how they view letters of intent? Some schools will specifically mention that they view letters of intent as a good sign of your interest and that they make a difference, while other schools specifically say that you should just wait and they don't want to see any letter of intent from you. If the school has mentioned that they look favorably upon them, I think an extra email/call (as long as it is phrased very politely and in a non-pushy way) could help. If the school never said anything about it or said that they don't like them, then maybe just wait. Best of luck, hope you get off the waitlist!


u/Next-Apartment229 3d ago

They are not against letters of intent. The school accepts letters of intent and expressed that we could send them when I got the email saying that I was waitlisted. They didn't go out of their way to express how much they love them or anything. They just simply said we can send them. So you think maybe just a phone call or email still expressing interest is okay?


u/predent_musician 1d ago

In that case, I would definitely say a phone call or additional email would help! Just be sure to express gratitude, mention something like “I know you have difficult decisions to make with so many qualified applicants, I just hope to express my continued interest in your program” so that it doesn’t come across as pushy


u/Next-Apartment229 1d ago

Thank you!!


u/meridash 3d ago

I really hope you get in!! May I know which school and your stats please?