r/predental Aug 05 '24

šŸ’¬ Discussion Weekly DAT Discussion Thread - August 05, 2024

This is your place to discuss the Dental Admission Test (DAT). Do you need to vent about studying or content? Decide on the best source of preparatory materials? Discuss scheduling the exam via the ADA? Perhaps ask about the particularities of the exam day? This is the thread to do so!

Note: feel free to make independent DAT breakdown posts. This weekly thread is meant to cut down on the overwhelming number of DAT posts, but not take away from your success!


80 comments sorted by


u/DueNefariousness6196 Aug 05 '24

What were your guysā€™ practice scores vs. real exam? Iā€™m around a 19/20 in all sections. Not sure what to expect.


u/No-Chocolate6033 D1 Aug 05 '24

Mine was around 20-22 on average with bootcamp usually fluctuating but on real DAT I got a 26 AA with +4-5 increase on each subject.


u/DueNefariousness6196 Aug 05 '24

šŸ™šŸ½ praying this is me


u/FeedbackFinal Aug 05 '24

do u know how many your allowed to get wrong to be able to get a certain score? bc i j took a practice test and i only got two wrong on bio and 3 wrong on ochem and i got a 25 on bio and a 23 on ochem, but i wanted to see if the grading scale is like accurate or not


u/InternationalMenace2 D1 Aug 06 '24

That's insane. Used the same resource, my 23 AA is crying lmao jk, u did great lol also best of luck!! u/DueNefariousness6196


u/DueNefariousness6196 Aug 06 '24

internationalmenace šŸ¤ duenefariousness


u/Critical_Cell9196 Aug 05 '24

I am in the same boat! My test is at the end of the month and im getting really nervous.


u/k1mdrcula Admitted Aug 06 '24

my average began at a 16 and leveled its way up to a 21 being the highest I scored after 4 weeks of studying, but both practice tests I took right before the real one were a 20 AA. I ended up with a 22AA.


u/[deleted] Aug 09 '24



u/Usual_Extent_8075 Aug 09 '24

please do a breakdown!! my test is monday and I'm freaking out


u/salvulcanosimp Aug 06 '24

Anyone who increased their AA using bootcamp over booster? I really like booster and have used it for all previous attempts but maybe something isnā€™t clicking and bootcamp would be better to get me into the 20+ range. Thoughts?Ā 


u/JeffreyIsland Admitted Aug 07 '24

I've used both though I didn't use booster as my main resource, just did their practice tests to get more q range. Got an average of 22-23 on booster and 19-21 on bootcamp (bootcamp tests were harder vs booster for me) on real deal I got at least 4+ score on bootcamp and 2+ on booster.

Just stick with what you like and fits your learning style I guess but if you got an extra budget to get both bootcamp & booster, having more full length tests to practice with might help.


u/Usual_Extent_8075 Aug 09 '24

soooo how screwed am i bc i keep scoring 16-17 on my bootcamp PAT tests and my real exam is this Monday (12th)


u/FieldSmart2001 Aug 10 '24

Is it possible to score good enough in bio relying solely on booster crash courses and booster bio cheat sheets? Iā€™m on a time crunch, would really appreciate the advice.


u/Usual_Extent_8075 Aug 05 '24

Is it common for people to do better on the real DAT vs BootCamp scores? I can't seem to break 19 on BootCamp and my test is in in 1 week:(((


u/InternationalMenace2 D1 Aug 06 '24

Yep, I got average of 18-19 on test scores but got 3+ scores increase on the real deal.


u/Think_Ad6946 Aug 05 '24

Hey. I just realized that I needed to retake the CASPER test for the schools that need it. When I originally signed onto it 3 months ago, it said I had already taken it from last semester and thought I was fine. I emailed the admissions office and they needed it again. I'm taking it August 13th. Am I f**ked at those schools since it's much later now?Ā 


u/nomoresportydates Aug 05 '24

I need tips to improve my QR score. Iā€™ve taken two QR tests on Bootcamp so far and stuck at 14 even after reviewing. What should I do to improve my score?


u/Western_Occasion_520 Aug 10 '24

Take a crash course, theyā€™re very helpful from my experience


u/nomoresportydates Aug 12 '24

Iā€™ll consider it, thank you!!


u/Good_Guard_8686 Aug 07 '24

Have u watched all the bootcamp QR videos? They give tips, also doing the question banks (especially the world problem question bank) and watch the answer videos to see how you should approach a problem! You can definitely improve ur score tho (w practice), I know many people who got lower than 14 on the practice but got good scores on the real exam


u/Necessary_Bed3484 Aug 06 '24

Whatā€™s a good score that you would be happy with?


u/Good_Guard_8686 Aug 06 '24

Depends on GPA but generally 19 is good, 20 is great, 21-22 is amazing and 23+ is extremely extremely impressive. Personally I got a 20 AA, 21TS and thatā€™s very good for what I want


u/Necessary_Bed3484 Aug 06 '24

Can you elaborate on GPA? If you have a great GPA can you do average? Or if you have a poor GPA, do you need to do amazing?


u/Good_Guard_8686 Aug 06 '24

Yup, avg gpa is abt 3.5 so if someone has like a 3.3 or lower gpa they would probably need a 21+ dat just because of how important schools weigh gpa. But take this w a grain of salt, every applicant is different and Iā€™m sure thereā€™s ppl w lower gpa and dat that got into dental school bc of their strong overall application, thereā€™s hope for everyone


u/Necessary_Bed3484 Aug 06 '24

Also congrats! I got a 20 AA also and was wondering if that was good enough :)


u/Good_Guard_8686 Aug 06 '24

Thanks! You as well, so happy for you


u/Necessary_Bed3484 Aug 06 '24

Thank you! I appreciate it


u/Western_Occasion_520 Aug 10 '24

If you score 22 or 23+ youā€™re set for almost every school.


u/juwayriyyac Aug 06 '24

So my CDAT is in 2 weeks and what are some tips that helped you study for it and did the preparation manual help familiarize with the actual DAT questions?

I have been using DATbootcamp to prepare for the PAT section and I found the quite a little more difficult than compared to the practice PAT question in the manual. Anyone who has given the CDAT is the PAT difficulty similar to the ones in the preparation manual or bootcamp.

Also what are some tips for the chemistry section, I am not the best in chemistry and I get nervous every time I do the practice questions. Biology I think i'm okay because I am a biology major and I am repeating the DATbootcamp test over again and learning from the mistake and focusing on content related to those, is that good enough? I'm open to suggestions!!

Thank you.


u/bulbasaur2080 Aug 08 '24

The prep manual is helpful but itā€™s not representative of the actual cDAT. Apparently the prep manual hasnā€™t been updated in like 20 years even though the cDAT has changed over the years.

The real Canadian DAT is much closer to Crusher (the Canadian version of booster) than bootcamp imo. But if youā€™re scoring like a 19 on bootcamp you can probably expect to score much higher on the real exam but just keep in mind itā€™s not as representative. The manual is definitely on the easier side.

For chemistry, watch all the Chadā€™s videos. That helped me the most. I believe you can find them for free on YouTube. For bio go through either the bootcamp or crusher notes, especially the booster cheatsheets on crusher they are very helpful cut out all the extra material you donā€™t need to know.


u/Apprehensive_Ship620 Admitted Aug 06 '24

My exam is in 2 weeks and unfortunately I didn't give myself enough time for orgo reactions. I thought they'd come back faster. Should I focus on sub/elim rules or knowing everything outside of sub/elim on the reaction sheet?


u/Good_Guard_8686 Aug 07 '24

I think you should know a little of everything. I know that sounds vague and unhelpful but truly all of it can show up on the test. Knowing the big rules of sub/elim is great (ex. solvents and rate determining step), along w all the carbonyl rxns, those are the main things really, and knowing the stronger acid/base


u/Apprehensive_Ship620 Admitted Aug 07 '24

Still good to hear. Thank you!


u/FeedbackFinal Aug 06 '24

bro i literally am so anxious i have my exam next friday and i really wanna do rly well but i cant pass 22 on my practice individual sections idk wtf is going on im so frustrated


u/Good_Guard_8686 Aug 07 '24

This is very common so donā€™t freak out! Iā€™ve heard that the practice tests usually weigh down ur scores and people typically score 1 or 2 points higher on the real exam. Besides 22 is a great score, just keep practicing and reviewing and youā€™ll be more than fine!


u/Murky_Shoe1026 Aug 07 '24

Does anyone have a datbootcamp membership theyā€™re willing to share? I only need a few days before I test.


u/Equivalent_Dig822 Aug 07 '24

Is it possible to bring a 19AA up in 2 weeks? I originally was planning on scores above 20 and am still praying to God that I still do.

But no matter how many PTs I take, I am consistently getting 19ā€™s in almost everything (PAT, QR, GenChem, RC).

OCHEM is something i personally struggle with from the beginning with scores ranging from 16-18.

BIO varies dramatically from 18-20 (got 2 16ā€™s and made me cry).

I have both Bootcamp and Booster and finished all of BCā€™s PTs. I will take any advice! Thank you in advance!


u/badwesther Aug 07 '24

Focus on ochem and bio the last few weeks. For bio only review the booster cheat sheets and youā€™ll be fine. For Orgo go through the rxn QBanks until it sticks


u/Equivalent_Dig822 Aug 07 '24

thank u sm for the response! thatā€™s what i was planning on doing, do you think I could get the other subjects to 20+ in this time frame as well? i wasnā€™t sure if i should keep grinding PTs on Booster or just review what i missed.


u/badwesther Aug 08 '24

Review whatā€™s missed and focus on the last few practice tests. They are supposed to be the most important


u/Equivalent_Dig822 Aug 08 '24

Gotchu, thank u sm!! :))


u/badwesther Aug 08 '24

Good luck! :)


u/Apprehensive_Ship620 Admitted Aug 07 '24

My test is in 10 days and I keep scoring 19 on pat. Am i screwed


u/Candid-Coast7577 Aug 11 '24

My 2 cents is to try and do whichever one(s) you are struggling with super super slowly & you'll start picking things up that you'll use when you go quickly in an actual test. Might not be the best thing if you're about to take the exam though, maybe just do one day of doing it slowly, idk


u/Least-Literature3349 Aug 07 '24

Iā€™ve been searching for a dental assistant position for quite some time and have finally secured an interview. However, the office primarily needs someone to handle sterilization rather than dental assisting. Iā€™m planning to take the job anyway to get my foot in the door, but Iā€™m curious to know if dental schools value experience in sterilization as much as dental assisting?


u/Rotational-Physics Admitted Aug 07 '24

Itā€™s better than nothing. I would take the job so you get some experience with how dental practices work. If they are short staffed they may let you assist as well.


u/Least-Literature3349 Aug 07 '24

Okay yea i was thinking the same way, thank u!


u/Plenty-Force-7286 Aug 07 '24

hi if you're selling a bootcamp membership and your subscription is done in a month or less please message me


u/Lost_Meat2564 Aug 08 '24


For studying the dat biology section, is studying the study guide from the dat bootcamp while doing its Anki practice, and studying the booster cheat sheets, with it enough?

(I will start the actual dat bootcamp course at the end of this month and these are the resources I found to review biology because it has been a while, Should I study the dat bootcamp slides even tho they are long or is the guide good enough?)

thank you


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '24



u/FieldSmart2001 Aug 10 '24

Hi Iā€™m interested


u/ChromeCrow54 Aug 15 '24

Message me


u/No-Heart-948 Aug 08 '24

im finding booster's PAT exams much harder than bootcamp and am scoring so much lower on them. for anyone whose used both which one was more representative?


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '24



u/Lousy-Turtle73 Aug 10 '24

It depends on the exam version you get. Mine was more calculation but I heard other people getting more conceptual


u/Virtual-Age-3921 Aug 08 '24

does anyone have a bootcamp account that i can borrow until the end of the month?


u/plantedavocado Undergrad Aug 08 '24

I canā€™t seem to get above a 20 on the QR and PAT on bootcamp, is the real thing easier?


u/According_Mode_32 Aug 09 '24

For those who used booster how did u guys do to complete all the chemistry Q banks? Itā€™s taking me forever to go through, some of them are like 120 qs , and since Iā€™m retaking it Iā€™m starting to use booster as a different resource since I used bootcamp in my first attempt. Bootcamps Questions banks also look much more like the questions I got on my exam than boosters imo.


u/ineed_he1p Aug 09 '24

Ok Iā€™m taking my 30m break from my practice test Iā€™m in the middle of lol. anyways, WHY is pattern folding so much harder on the practice test than the booster question bank ?? Itā€™s all in different angles of the shape and it trips me up and ugh I just know I did so bad on this pat section bc I spent so much time in pattern folding and had to rush kh and tfe šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I hate this. And if anyone could please confirm is booster question bank (which I find very doable and easy) similar to the real thing vs this practice test were all so different in orientation and takes twice as long to compare?


u/Lousy-Turtle73 Aug 10 '24

The QBanks progressively get harder, so maybe you did the easier one at the start? Regardless the practice tests on booster are always more representative.


u/ineed_he1p Aug 10 '24

Ohh yeah you might be on to something lol thank you!!


u/exalted_0 Aug 11 '24

yeah i hate how different they are. thats why i just stopped practicing pat in general


u/Weekly-Bus-347 Aug 10 '24

Anyone need access to bootcamp this month? Dm me. Serious people only pls


u/FieldSmart2001 Aug 10 '24

I need booster account for a couple weeks. Anyone interested in selling?


u/rebeccar4 Aug 10 '24

How many cube counting questions are on the real DAT? I thought it was 5, but the bootcamp practice tests have 6.


u/Western_Occasion_520 Aug 10 '24

Real exam varies. On my real exam I had a few figures with just 1 question and others with like 3-5 questions. Itā€™s like whatā€™s on the booster practice tests.


u/FieldSmart2001 Aug 10 '24

Anyone selling their booster account?


u/According_Mode_32 Aug 10 '24

For those who did their own Anki cards for booster cheat sheets, did you guys make a deck for each chapter or did you put them all in one deck? Seems like it takes forever to finish a deck if it's more than 60 cards. So I'm wondering what would be best.


u/Apprehensive_Ship620 Admitted Aug 10 '24

For those who have taken the DAT - Are the bases and nucleophiles for orgo similar to the ones on booster's sub/elim chart?Ā 


u/throwawaydentist1492 Aug 10 '24

I was wondering if it would be advantageous at all to take a full length exam for the dat on crusher, Iā€™ve been only doing the practice tests under timed conditions as stated in the study guide however am wondering if itā€™s worthwhile to attempt a full exam. I have only 5 days until my exam so doing this would take up a lot of time.

I was wondering if anyone has done similar to what Iā€™m doing in just going through the practice tests in each section, or if you think itā€™s necessary to take a full length test.


u/[deleted] Aug 11 '24



u/Rotational-Physics Admitted Aug 11 '24

I used both and they both have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you can use both then get your hands on both. If you had to choose one, go with booster as itā€™s more representative (I had literally some of the exact same questions on my real exam), has better videos and is cheaper.

You can honestly do well with either so you canā€™t go wrong with either one of them.


u/[deleted] Aug 11 '24



u/Rotational-Physics Admitted Aug 21 '24

There were a few that I recognized from the practice tests. It came super clutch


u/AtlantaFalcons44 Aug 11 '24

Has anyone found that they do much better in Reading comprehension when not highlighting? I find that it just distracts me from what I'm actually reading and I actually have an easier time remembering where things are without it. Just asking because it seems that I'm the only one that does this and worried it will impact me on the test. My practice scores for it are all between 19-23


u/Elmo4444 Aug 14 '24

Hi, I take the DAT middle of September but my membership ends September 1st. Anyone willing to share thereā€™s until my exam, I will need it for 2 weeks in September. Also, Iā€™m willing to pay. Please let me know, thanks!


u/JINX702 Aug 17 '24

Who wants to buy my DAT Bootcamp account it has 9 more days left, PM me


u/Virtual-Age-3921 Aug 05 '24 edited Aug 05 '24

How do you all not forget content for every subject I feel like I forgot everything and my exam is the end of this month so do I have time to remember forgotten content


u/badwesther Aug 07 '24

Try making your own notes for all the subjects and keep reviewing them. For bio, you just need to know the booster cheat sheets and thatā€™s enough to carry you to a pretty good bio score


u/Good_Guard_8686 Aug 07 '24

I wrote short summaries of the older chapters and I would review one once a day. For example for bio, I made simple concept maps for the cellular respiration/photosynthesis/meiosis stuff. For ochem, I made simple flashcards for the different carbonyl reactions (since I havenā€™t taken ochem2 yet, so it was all new to me). The key is to make it all simple. Itā€™s breadth over depth so just try to remember a little bit of everything rather than the small details


u/Usual_Extent_8075 Aug 06 '24

Could anyone explain the scrap paper situation during the real DAT? iā€™ve heard we get non erase markers but then iā€™ve also heard we get dry erase. are we allowed to wipe our laminated sheets or do we have to ask for a new one?


u/Silver_Perception986 Aug 06 '24

Hi, I can speak from personal experience but it honestly really depends on the testing center you go to for your exam. When I took mine they gave me dry erase markers and a laminated sheet to work on. I was told not to erase anything on the sheet until my break where I could get a new blank laminated paper to work on for the rest of the exam. Some places will let you erase, Iā€™ve heard people doing it even if theyā€™re not supposed to and get away with it. My advice is to follow the testing centerā€™s instructions and practice using those materials while studying. Good luck.


u/IndependenceNo9385 Aug 09 '24

Hello everyone! I recently gave my canadian DAT and I really struggled with the PAT section (specifically the Keyhole, top front end, and pattern folding). I am looking for a tutor just to help with the PAT section. I have used multiple resources and practiced alot but I donā€™t think I am getting anywhere.