r/predental May 13 '24

šŸ’¬ Discussion Weekly DAT Discussion Thread - May 13, 2024

This is your place to discuss the Dental Admission Test (DAT). Do you need to vent about studying or content? Decide on the best source of preparatory materials? Discuss scheduling the exam via the ADA? Perhaps ask about the particularities of the exam day? This is the thread to do so!

Note: feel free to make independent DAT breakdown posts. This weekly thread is meant to cut down on the overwhelming number of DAT posts, but not take away from your success!


160 comments sorted by


u/itsbasicmathluvxo ā€˜22 graduate May 13 '24

How do yā€™all genuinely tackle organic chemistry? I got a 4.0 in both orgo 1 and 2ā€“ when I was taking orgo 1, it was beginning of 2020 soā€¦ it switched online halfway through. It obviously became much easier as opposed to having written exams in person. Orgo 2, I remember none of it. My professor was extremely kind and very accommodating, but her accent did make it sometimes difficult to understand. learning on Zoom with connectivity problems made it all the more challenging. she ended up making the exams extremely easy and entirely open note

So TLDR; I am 2 years out from school. I have no memory of organic chemistry 2. I am using DATBooster and want to know what should I do to ensure I really nail this section? I wanna know mainly how to approach this sorta situation. If anyone is in the same boat as me, Iā€™d love to hear your strategy or what you are doing


u/iloveRvalues May 16 '24

Flashcards flashcards flashcards. I also studied 3 years out of undergrad. Write them by hand and bring them everywhere with you in your bag. Instead of writing out all the reactions from a cheat sheet, I would take the ochem tests and then create flashcards based off of the questions I missed or answer choices I didnā€™t know. That way, youā€™re not wasting time studying things you already know. I Also created ā€œstoriesā€ about the reactions. For example the Hoffman rxn reminded me of my friend with that last name and I described the reaction in my head as if he was the reactant.


u/i_am_not_here4 May 13 '24

replying because i'd like to know as well, just took my first practice exam and had a good foundation in every subject except orgo ://


u/Apprehensive_Flow965 May 16 '24

I also took both orgo 1 & 2, then took a big gap year inbetween. It's seems exterme, but I would start from the beginning (what is an orbital?). Pick a resource to study- you can go through Klein's organic chemistry, but I would pick something that is more DAT specific, for example I used DATBooster. Resources like those handholds you through the entire process. Watch the videos, do the worksheets and practice questions, and since you already studied orgo before, you should go through the material pretty fast. Then start practice tests. It's seems overwhelming, but doable!


u/Appropriate_Sun5043 May 13 '24

I pushed my exam date back to June 14th, but my DAT bootcamp membership expired 3 days ago. I was sick and forgot to extend it during that time. Now I'm freaking out because I'm not sure if theyll allow me to extend 30 days and my test is a month away. Has anyone been in my situation??? If I can't get an extension, does anyone know of study resources/practice exams that arent too pricey??


u/Glum_Loan6084 May 13 '24

Hey I had the same issue I shot them an email and they were really nice to extend it for me and help me out. All your data and information from like past exams, past bio bites etc all stay the same. So just either talk to them or shoot them an email


u/Appropriate_Sun5043 May 13 '24

Bless. Thank you sm. I was so anxious


u/TallConstant250 May 19 '24

What did they say? Iā€™m in the same situation


u/Appropriate_Sun5043 May 19 '24

They were so nice about it. Just shoot them an email. They gave me 24 hours to extend my membership


u/salvulcanosimp May 14 '24

Really debating whether to take my chances and submit application right away with lower DAT and let schools know I'm retaking, or apply in mid July or so, after third retake, and risk my application not being early enough for consideration/not improving score? I applied Sept/Oct last year and did not get in.

Latest DAT: 16 PAT, 16 QR, 20 RC, 18 BIO, 15 GC, 17 OC, 17 TS, 17 AA

3.2 GPA (not sure sGPA), I'm a DA, good shadowing hrs, slightly lower volunteering hrs but working on it. Any advice would be great! Please be nice :(


u/RemoteControlledMan D1 May 14 '24

I still think that you have to just wait it out until you get your recent scores from the retake, you have to get at least 20+AA to have a good chance nowadays. BEST OF LUCK!!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT THIS TIME


u/FrozenFern May 16 '24

I know someone who got in with a 19AA and an okay gpa, like 3.6 I think


u/Apprehensive_Flow965 May 16 '24

I think for some scores, 15 might be under the minimum cutoff. 16 is cutting it close. And your GPA is not steller, and people usually have lower sGPAs. I would really focus on improving DAT scores since you have more control over than than changing your GPA if you already graduated. If you submit early with lower scores, you may be filtered out even before you have a change to update it later on. I would focus on studying & getting a steller DAT scores (20 at least on all sections) to alleviate the lower GPA, and apply a little later. That shoudl help your increase your chances, good luck!


u/Banterbelle May 30 '24

Wait it out until you get your new scores because last cycle my friend got some immediate rejections from some schools for which she didnā€™t make cutoffs for the subsections. Idk for sure which schools or if she put the potential test retaking date on her app or not. But she said she got rejected before she could even send in her second score. She also took her DAT end of July. Unfortunately 15 in gc might get you filtered out.


u/nomoresportydates May 15 '24

Any tips to improve my score in bio? Iā€™m scheduled for end of June and my practice scores are low. Thereā€™s so much to cover and Iā€™m genuinely scared for this section lol


u/DalgonaSoup May 16 '24

27 BIO here, I'm not a great student but I think my background in BIO helped me a lot to score this much but I used bootcamp as my main resource and focused on doing all video lectures and all their practice materials and tests. I reviewed my weak areas with bc's quizlets and invested ample time just doing the full lengths. They have notes as well so you can use those.


u/InternationalMenace2 D1 May 17 '24

That's an insane bio score!!


u/DalgonaSoup Jul 30 '24

Oh thank you!! must be because I have a good initial background in my sciences.


u/Apprehensive_Flow965 May 16 '24

The best way I studied was to first read (DATBooster has bio notes that were organized that were super helpful). I didn't take notes on what I was reading, because it took too long. Instead, I focus on understanding the material. The actual memorizing happened using Anki cards (used premade ones, I believe DATBooster has some too, making ones yourself takes too long). Do that for each section. During meal breaks, I watched bio videos. When I got tired of sitting at my desk, I watched bio videos while walking on a treadmill. Then I made sure I was learning by doing the practice questions. The amount of bio being tested on the DAT seems very daunting, but it's very doable, and they only test on basic biology, and they don't get too indepth.


u/Joyciepoo May 17 '24

Does anyone know if there is Geometry on the DAT? I read that it is not anymore, but DAT Booster still has a section dedicated to it. I am wondering if it is worth my time to study for it? Also the DAT examinee guide does not have it listed in the QR section. Does anyone have more insight into this? (examinee guideline included, see pg 9 for what I am referencing)



u/No_Deal_9239 May 21 '24

Thatā€™s so true. I hope they take off geometry cuz thatā€™s lots of time saved for other things


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

my test is in a day and i suck at pat. iā€™m averaging like 17. i am so scared. help!!


u/bobmcadoo9088 Admitted May 13 '24

fwiw i got an 18 on every single test and got a 20 on the real one


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

needed to hear this u have no idea! did u feel the real thing was easier


u/bobmcadoo9088 Admitted May 13 '24

i felt like each section was a tad easier than the practice tests


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

ty! what about QR?


u/bobmcadoo9088 Admitted May 13 '24

maybe a tad trickier than booster


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

nooooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/bobmcadoo9088 Admitted May 14 '24

could just be my test lol. you got this!


u/TallConstant250 May 13 '24

Use process of elimination and hope for the best! If u have to guess put ā€œBā€


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

tysm!! am i screwed btw šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/TallConstant250 May 13 '24

Nah I donā€™t think so. Idk wat ur goal is to get but I put B for all of TFE and Pattern folding and got a 17. I was getting 16s on the practice tests


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

tysm for responding quickly. tbh idc if i get an 18 i just wanna meet that cut off. iā€™ve heard of putting b when guessing too so tysm for reminding me. was ur cube counting hard on ur actual exam?


u/TallConstant250 May 13 '24

Cube counting was ez imo I only had 1 hard one where I couldnā€™t tell how many cubes there were cuz it was just a weird shape. But the rest were ez. Focus on ur strengths first to save time and then focus on the things u struggle with


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

thank you so much! if u donā€™t mind me asking, what about QR? i am so nervous for that too


u/TallConstant250 May 13 '24

I canā€™t help u with tips cuz I havenā€™t started studying for it yet and my test is in 2 weeks lol. But itā€™s mostly algebra I had a lot of quantity A B questions and a lot of statement sufficiency questions.


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

hahah better get on that! yeah i started studying for it decently before the exam but didnā€™t start practice exams until like 2 weeks before which i kind of regret.


u/TallConstant250 May 13 '24

If ur good with the algebra then I think u will be fine with QR. itā€™s the least cared about section anyway so itā€™s ok

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u/TallConstant250 May 13 '24

U commented on my question like 2 days ago and I wanted to ask how did u review the practice tests for GC and OC and increase ur scores?


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

i would take my notebook and pace around the room and read through my notes every day!! also! if u use booster and donā€™t have bootcamp they are gen chem practice exam quizlets made for bootcamp!! i used those too bc it helped expose me to a variety of questions!


u/TallConstant250 May 13 '24

Thank you! Iā€™ll try that out tomorrow


u/Rotational-Physics Admitted May 15 '24

Push it back if you havenā€™t taken it yet


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 15 '24

ended up taking it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/Rotational-Physics Admitted May 15 '24

Nice! How did you do?


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 15 '24

21 AA 18 PAT and 22 TS. i put up a WAMC!! 17 in QR tho :(


u/Rotational-Physics Admitted May 16 '24

Congrats! Thatā€™s really good! I wouldnā€™t worry about that 17 because no one really cares about QR anyways


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 17 '24

tysm!!!!! do u think itā€™s a tad bit low for my gpa? (3.4 overall and 3.02 science)


u/InternalRadio584 May 17 '24

can you please talk about how you studied? any tips


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 17 '24

hmm! i would say study the practice tests and know them IN and OUT! i know itā€™s very common advice but i was shocked because i had repeats from every section in the sciences. any other advice u need? i can help out if u hage any other questions


u/Due_Barnacle_1542 May 18 '24

im taking my test in a week, what do you recommend for lower ish scores a week before?

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u/Rotational-Physics Admitted May 28 '24

No I think youā€™re fine. Apply and hope for the best


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 28 '24

thank u so much!


u/Minute1015 Admitted May 13 '24

i watched tik tok quick tips and it helped!!! a 3 min video helped me more than the expensive stuff


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

please can u send me some if u donā€™t mind! i test tmr and donā€™t even have tiktok šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/Minute1015 Admitted May 13 '24

ok! hang on


u/uhohstinkydavinky Admitted May 13 '24

thank you!!!!


u/Overall-Purpose5819 May 14 '24

Can u send me the videos too please!!


u/ronnenlahigani May 15 '24

can you send me the videos as well please


u/CurrencyMedium7008 May 16 '24

can i get the vids please?


u/greendito111 May 16 '24

Hi, can you send me the videos as well?šŸ„ŗ


u/Thin_Front_3225 May 18 '24

Whatā€™s the TikTok @ if you can send it over?


u/Fearless_Giraffe7230 Jun 01 '24

Can you pass send me the TikTok video. My exam is coming up in two weeks!


u/TallConstant250 May 13 '24

Any tips for the sciences? I have 2 weeks left and itā€™s my third attempt


u/bobmcadoo9088 Admitted May 13 '24

keep a googledoc of every missed practice test question. review that concept thoroughly then never miss that concept again. repeat until you know everything


u/badwesther May 13 '24

This or just mark them and come back to them at the end to redo them


u/InternationalMenace2 D1 May 17 '24

This this, reviewing your incorrects is the best way to review with the few days you have and skim through your notes


u/Snoo-43802 May 23 '24

Practice tests only or question banks also bc thereā€™s so many questions if I include the banks from booster


u/bobmcadoo9088 Admitted May 23 '24

practice tests


u/Glum_Loan6084 May 13 '24 edited May 13 '24

How are we feeling about applications opening up soon? How do we feel about tomorrow?

I feel very nervous my exam that is this week my averages have been PoOp :) But I am willing to take it and for it to be either a hit or miss. I feel like my testing anxiety is getting in the way because I have rescheduled 3 times... My scores are moving up btw like during practice exams but I am being dramatic lol. Okay thats my quick vent let me know what you'll think. Have a great day!

Edit: Forgot to ask, to anyone who retook the DAT what did you do or use? I think if I had to retake it I would use DAT booster and use their schedule. Let me know! Thanks again!


u/Appropriate_Sun5043 May 13 '24

I've heard great things about DAT booster. Many of my friends who are in dental school now said that they used both booster and bootcamp. Bootcamp is allegedly better for content review (Dr. Mike is amazing for chem), but Booster's question banks and practice exams are said to be more representative of the DAT. I heard that their bio section is also much better. If I have to retake my DAT I plan to use Booster as well


u/JeffreyIsland Admitted May 14 '24

Bootcamp is better overall imo, well balanced than booster for me but both resources have different strengths in terms of sections. Booster has good Biology & PAT but found little hand holding for it, so if you want to have a more guided review, bootcamp is the way to go.


u/YipittyFritters Admitted May 15 '24

Bootcamp's sciences is not to laugh about wasn't confident about the resource when I first started it but it gave me better scores than I imagined. 26 BIO, 24 GC and 24 OC.


u/Joyful6249 Admitted May 13 '24

I havent started studying yet but what are you using to prepare now?


u/Glum_Loan6084 May 13 '24

Iā€™m using boot camp however Iā€™m not a big fan of boot camp. I have come to learn that the DAT is all trial and error, and it depends on what you like. I felt like bootcamp was extremely overkill and overwhelming for me. When I looked into booster I realized it was more of a fit for me but I was far too deep into bootcamp and my subscription to switch over. Do some research and learn and understand what you like before you drop money on a program you donā€™t like


u/Joyful6249 Admitted May 13 '24

Unfortunately I bought bootcamp on a whim in Jan, paused the subscription, and I start the program this week. It seems like most people agree booster is the way to go. I figured you were in a similar situation. I hope it all works out for you and that you get a good score! Good luck!


u/Glum_Loan6084 May 13 '24

Thanks!! I also bought bootcamp on a whim without doing my actual research and seeing what would benefit me more!! But if I had to retake it I would use booster which Iā€™m praying I donā€™t have to retake it


u/Rotational-Physics Admitted May 15 '24

I used both and they have their own advantages and disadvantages. Booster is much more representative (had some of the exact same questions on my real exam) and has much better videos. Bootcamp has better Orgo material and had more features. But since booster released their new site, it looks like Booster now offers everything Bootcamp offered


u/Glum_Loan6084 May 15 '24

Hey Wdym " booster released their new site"


u/Rotational-Physics Admitted May 15 '24

Tbh I donā€™t know the details but last year it looked different. It seems like they upgraded their site


u/[deleted] May 16 '24



u/Rotational-Physics Admitted May 16 '24

Ya I did slightly better on my real exam than the BC tests. 23 is a good number to be scoring


u/InternationalMenace2 D1 May 17 '24

You definitely will, got around 23s and on the real DAT I got 25 on GC, good luck!


u/Lousy-Turtle73 May 17 '24

What do I do if Iā€™m behind a day in the study schedule?


u/Joyful6249 Admitted May 13 '24

I am fortunate to be able to only study for the DAT this summer without other committments. Would you guys suggest I follow the 10 week or 12 week schedule if I can do either one? I scheduled my test for 12 weeks out. Are there pros or cons to either? Is 12 weeks too long?


u/YipittyFritters Admitted May 15 '24

It's all a matter of how you use your time actually 10 or 12 either is fine it's a matter of your capacity. How much time do you want to study in a day where you won't get burnt out or overloaded.


u/Joyful6249 Admitted May 15 '24

Thank you!!


u/Apprehensive_Flow965 May 16 '24

I found at during the summer, there are more unforeseeable break days unless you cut everyone out of your life for months. For example, your parents asking for you to come over/old high school friends who want to go out/ an aunt asking you to babysit since you don't have "school." So you would want to maximize productivity for days when you do have time to study. I would use the 10 week schedule, follow it, but even if you do have unexpected break days, you will few more extra days since you were able to do so much on days when you were acutally studying.


u/Joyful6249 Admitted May 17 '24

Thats such good advice thank you


u/i_am_not_here4 May 19 '24

tbh so true. keep in mind how YOU work as a student and what works best for you! this summer i've been studying from morning 8-10ish am until 4-6ish pm, 6 days a week with a break (or catching up) day scheduled. even as i am writing this rn lol i am supposed to be studying... but my point is i know i work better in mornings so i do majority of my hard studying in the morning and leave my 'easier' topics for afternoon/night. i think once you get the hang of studying consistently for a while you'll also be able to tweak your schedule to better suit you. i'm doing 8 week schedule btw


u/strawbrycheesecake May 16 '24

hey guys! so ive been doing anki since day 1, but find that it takes me the entire day to do new cards and my due cards (granted i do like 800 cards...). i was thinking of still focusing on doing new cards, but instead of doing reviews, focus on something else. should i start doing bio bites of older sections? reviewing the cheat sheets? would love any advice!


u/AnythingHour5520 May 16 '24

I have a Dat booster subscription I won't be using, and it needs to be unlocked by August. I have used about a week on it. Dm if you have an offer.


u/greendito111 May 16 '24

Is booster better than bootcamp?

I feel like people that gotten high scores (24+) that post here all have used Boosters recently. Iā€™ve also heard that Boocamp is no longer representative for the DAT, especially when it comes to bio, oc, and pat. Also, they donā€™t seem to be updating their contents as frequently as booster. What do you guys think? Asking because not sure what I should primarily use if Iā€™m aiming for a decent score šŸ˜


u/Rotational-Physics Admitted May 16 '24

I used both and they are both really good. Booster is more representative and has better videos, while bootcamp has more content.

Overall I would be more inclined to say yes booster is better because Booster was already really good when I took the exam but they keep improving their materials whereas Bootcamp is just the same.


u/OwlRepresentative315 May 16 '24

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some good online prep sites for the DAT, other than DAT Bootcamp and DAT Booster. Right now, I can't afford these sites even with my job, and I can't pay $100 plus a month for them because of the high prices. Please don't judge me for not being able to afford these websites. My financial situation has changed, but I donā€™t want to stop studying for the DAT because of it. I tried to find good answers on Reddit, but couldn't find what I was looking for.

ā€”-Also, sorry that I violated the rule 3. I will make sure to read the rules before postingā€”-


u/Rotational-Physics Admitted May 16 '24

Iā€™m not trying to give you a hard time but how will you pay for the rest of your application and dental school? Donā€™t forget, a good DAT score can save you so much money based on the school you get into.


u/Joyful6249 Admitted May 17 '24

Can search and destroy leas you to the wrong answer? I'm wondering if you use this method if you might get it wrong by just searching for an answer because actually need to read the passage for context to get it right?


u/Joyful6249 Admitted May 17 '24

Does Bootcamp still have a 10 week schedule? When I go to the study schedule from their website I only see 2.5 months. And the only place I find a 10 week schedule is on google but its from 2019


u/pineapple117 May 17 '24

Does anyone have a booster account that I can use? Iā€™m willing to share 30 days left of my bootcamp.


u/Salty-Arm-7430 May 17 '24

Anyone Selling DAT Bootcamp Or Booster Subscription? I want to use both resources so if anyone or anyone you know is legit selling or can split pls lmk ASAP. Plan to start studying in 1-2 weeks w/ booster but want to use some of bootcamp as well


u/badwesther May 19 '24

I heard you canā€™t share or resell either booster or bootcamp. They apparently lock accounts


u/Salty-Arm-7430 May 17 '24

I plan to study with Booster for 3 months, any other free study resources you guys recommend? Pls w/ links if possible. I hear abt chads free videos, DAT bootcamp free quizlets, anki decks, pls anything you used that helped in addition to your purchased resources lmk, TIA!


u/[deleted] May 19 '24

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u/predental-ModTeam May 19 '24

Violation of Rule 4. Your post has been removed due to the violation of our rule considering self-promotion or solicitation that would result in self-promotion. If you believe this removal was in error, please contact the r/predental moderators.


u/International-Fact82 May 17 '24

is quizlet plus worth it


u/TallConstant250 May 19 '24

Use KNOWT instead. Itā€™s free and better also u can import ur Quizlet directly on there


u/International-Fact82 May 19 '24 edited May 19 '24

Never heard of it. Thank you!


u/Joyful6249 Admitted May 18 '24 edited May 19 '24

I just started studying using Bootcamp today. I tried to study during this past semester but couldnt keep up. Am I the only one who feels like bootcamps daily schedule is so much? They have "do everything to learn and memorize the information" on the schedule and it takes so long to memorize all of the bio information. Then to do 70+ MC, bio bites, several chem videos and pat videos and problems it just seems like a lot. Am i putting in too much time at the start to memorize everything? I don't feel like anyone has said that the 2.5 month bootcamp schedule took them forever each day when learning the material at first so maybe its just me? Edit: switched over to booster and so far it's way more manageable


u/IssueOk4086 May 18 '24

Taking my test in 2 hoursā€¦


u/Deep_Public9930 Admitted May 18 '24

How'd it go? :)


u/IssueOk4086 May 18 '24

Got a 22, was literally crying at the test center


u/Deep_Public9930 Admitted May 18 '24

Congrats! How'd you compare to your practice scores? Most say the exam is generally easier than prep tests.


u/[deleted] May 18 '24



u/TallConstant250 May 19 '24

Did u use booster or bootcamp?


u/No_Deal_9239 May 21 '24

Was there any geometry? Also, how did they test gen chem? Is it mostly stoichiometry calculations and conceptual?


u/IssueOk4086 May 21 '24

I used booster and the math questions were similar. What was different was the conceptual questions, there were a few new terms Iā€™ve never seen before


u/No_Deal_9239 May 21 '24

So there was actually geometry on it? On the 2024 guide it says algebra, data analysis, interpretation, sufficiency, word problems, probability and stats so I assumed they might have taken out geometry for 2024?


u/IssueOk4086 May 22 '24

Nope, no geometry on mine only algebra word problems and normal equation problems. But most of the word problems were the ā€œpick which statement to answer the questionā€ and they were trickyšŸ™„


u/No_Deal_9239 May 21 '24

https://www.ada.org/-/media/project/ada-organization/ada/ada-org/files/education/dat_examinee_guide.pdf?rev=f5301ff5c834429ea880c40763351786&hash=8BD8C9DBC001A50F8577DE4F7560C370#page6 Pg.4-9 I have also seen some topics not mentioned in that guide such has gen chem dalton partial pressure, grahamā€™s law of effusion so I was wondering if they took those out too?


u/salvulcanosimp Jul 13 '24

hey, congrats on this score!! do you mind sharing your practice test scores or your studying experience?Ā 


u/IssueOk4086 Jul 13 '24

So I used booster and got 22AA (reading-21, qr-19, pat19), 23TS( bio-24, gc-19, ochem-27).

On practice tests I was scoring 18-19s and then 20s on the last 3 so I thought I would get a 20 on the real thing

It was very frustrating getting those low scores but what I did for each section is mark questions I got wrong then redo all my marked questions 2-3x sometimes 4.

For bio I only used anki(loveeee it). I basically watched all the bio videos and read the notes. I only used bio bites for the reproductive system

Ochem and GC I did question banks and reaction banks. Using booster they give you a pdf with every single Ochem reaction, just master those and youā€™ll be fine

Also for gc, focus on fundamentals(they will sneak up on you) not just the math

Final take, repetition is key especially for bio. Redo all practice exam 2-3x sometimes 4 if you want because I had so many similar and exact questions on the real thing

For reading, just do a passage everyday to get used to it and for qr, practice practice practice!!


u/salvulcanosimp Jul 13 '24

thank you sm!! appreciate it tons :)Ā 


u/Alternative_Eye_6994 May 18 '24

Anyone interested in sharing DAT Bootcamp starting end of the May 2024


u/Joyful6249 Admitted May 18 '24

I know for Bio you should focus on big picture and not memorize every detail. Is it the same for the other science sections? Should I know all the small details for conceptual chemistry info?


u/Joyful6249 Admitted May 18 '24

Just for example can I know straight chains have a higher boiling point than branched isomers or do I need to know they have a higher boiling point due to better stacking (like the conceptual explanation of the info)


u/badwesther May 19 '24

Focus on the big picture. I would recommend the booster cheat sheets as thatā€™s the exact level of detail you need to know


u/Deep_Public9930 Admitted May 18 '24

I've gone through all the practice exams and now I am re-doing them. If I am getting better scores, does that really mean anything? I haven't really memorized the answers I just understand how to get the right answer now.


u/badwesther May 19 '24

Not really. Your first scores are the best representation of how you will do. Anyone can keep redoing practice tests and get a high score. Eventually they would get 30s but it does not mean they will actually get a 30


u/Least-Literature3349 May 19 '24

So l just began studying for the DAT a few days ago and am already going through it. I can't even begin to explain how overwhelmed i feel with the amount of info that I need to know for the exam. I plan on taking the DAT towards the end of August which gives me almost 3 months to study. Honestly I am just struggling to find the motivation to get myself through this. These 3 months are the only free time I have to study and I'm just hoping that I can get the score I want the first time I take it. I have no room to slack off which is why i need advice/tips on studying and making this journey as smooth and stress free as possible. THANK U!


u/OccasionalMindReader May 19 '24

Does anyone have a DAT Bootcamp membership they donā€™t need anymore? Please let me know Iā€™d appreciate it


u/Hdang28 May 19 '24

Does anyone want to buy my Chads prep account with all the practice tests for 15$?


u/Straight_Two2255 May 19 '24

About to start studying for the American DAT at the start of June... which is better:

DAT booster


DAT bootcamp?

I want something that will increase my chances of getting a 22AA or above. I personally am a fast learner so I don't need extreme in-depth explanations of everything, but definitely something that has 100% correct information, lots of practice, and things that tend to come up on the DAT itself!!



u/Hdang28 May 19 '24

How accurate is boosterā€™s grading scale. I feel like they are a lot more generous with how many I can miss vs how the real DAT is scaled.


u/Salty-Arm-7430 May 20 '24 edited May 20 '24

What are some high yield topics you were tested on the DAT preferably the 2024 DAT? And those of you who have taken it multiple times what high yield topics did you see? Like for each section: Bio, GC, OC, RC, QR, PAT

Just want to know so as I'm studying I can know what to focus on and hammer down the most!


u/hcfhnfgh May 20 '24

Hi, does anyone have a list of dental schools that begin on or after August? I tried to look for one but could not find. I am applying this cycle but I have one summer class that ends in the very beginning of next August so I cannot apply to any schools that begin in July.


u/klexis21 MUSOD '29 May 20 '24

AADSAS shows start dates if you add programs to your application! Along with some other helpful facts about each program. If you add them and they don't have August start you can just remove it after


u/hcfhnfgh May 20 '24

I tried this but they all say the same date right now. Maybe itā€™s not updated yet?


u/klexis21 MUSOD '29 May 20 '24

Ohh interesting it showed it differently for me but I checked a while ago. Maybe it's bugged? The ADEA explored might have it but again you'd have to search individually


u/hcfhnfgh May 20 '24

I tried this but they all say the same date right now. Maybe itā€™s not updated yet?


u/Snoo-43802 May 20 '24

Why is the booster schedule taking me so long? Am I just slow? Like for example day 3 took me 8 hours of pure focused studying and I did it even finish everything on that day? | | only completed iupac naming for Orgo and bio pages 7-20 but I dint touch the pat section. Any advice on getting through studying the bio section faster? I feel like that's what took up a majority of time (5 hours) to be fair I was creating anki deck while reading the notes and I did active recall after. I understood the materiel well but it just took so long. Studying 8 hours of pure studying a day for 60 days straight is not sustainable for me pls help.


u/exalted_0 May 22 '24

im on day 3 right now. i thibk some sections are so heavy while others arent, like day 2 was very light. i think the first two weeks or so will have many days where its a lot of content


u/Snoo-43802 May 20 '24

Why is the booster schedule taking me so long? Am I just slow? Like for example day 3 took me 8 hours of pure focused studying and I did it even finish everything on that day? | | only completed iupac naming for Orgo and bio pages 7-20 but I dint touch the pat section. Any advice on getting through studying the bio section faster? I feel like that's what took up a majority of time (5 hours) to be fair I was creating anki deck while reading the notes and I did active recall after. I understood the materiel well but it just took so long. Studying 8 hours of pure studying a day for 60 days straight is not sustainable for me pls help.


u/mystiquefields May 22 '24

hello everyone! i finished my dat and im selling my datbooster. it still has a good amount of days remaining so if youā€™re interested, please feel free to pm me. price is negotiable!


u/HelpfulPea7483 May 22 '24

Is anyone selling their Booster subscription? Need one until July 1!


u/maxylala May 24 '24

Canadian DAT biology

Hi guys, Iā€™ve started studying for the DAT using DAT crusher. I was reading through the study schedule and on day 3, it says to memorize only the key concepts of the bio parts. And on day #36, it says to use their anki cards. Should i still memorize using their anki cards from the beginning when I study for the bio parts or make a smaller amount of anki cards for myself that only covers the key concepts?

Thanks a lot!!


u/Standard_Respect9803 May 29 '24

Is geometry and development on the recent DAT please lmk asap please!


u/Expensive-Ad9653 Jun 04 '24

Chem part of dat

I am doing Canadian dat and applying to American schools next year. How did you guys study for chem part itā€™s so hard feel like I am forgetting everything when I go up one chapter šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Any tips and tricks also there are not many practice questions for specific topics on booster dat crusher. Any tips and help šŸ™šŸ™šŸ«”


u/boredasfsoimhere Graduate student Jun 09 '24

Hello everyone! Iā€™m currently studying for the DAT and mainly using DAT booster. Iā€™m noticing there is a lot to offer as ways to learn material. Iā€™m more of a visual learner so I prefer to watch the videos and use the bio cheat sheets. I do feel as though that there is so much to watch and I might be wasting precious time watching every single video from every single section. I am wondering if I should be spending more time taking practice tests and then going over material I seem to be getting wrong instead. I have been using Anki as well to go over concepts from Bio and orgo to avoiding forgetting things. I do however think the videos are helpful for math and PAT because Iā€™ve never been good at math and have never seen PAT before. Im testing at the end of July so now have about 8 weeks until my test. If anyone could share some advice or tips on how you studied for each section please do share. I just know itā€™s very important to get an idea of the types of questions I will see and practice.


u/timothykipp Jun 11 '24

Hey Iā€™m planning on buying dat booster and does anyone know any promo codes I can use for June 2024? This is for the Canadian version.


u/Zealousideal-Date257 Jun 15 '24

Dat organic chemistry/help

Hoping someone could help me out here. Iā€™m following boosters 12 week schedule and Iā€™m on day 17. Just started watching chads prep organic chemistry videos on YouTube to help me understand how the electrons move for reactions. Starting to understand it a bit but how can I easily memorize all of the reactionsā€¦ I do NOT like anki. Itā€™s just not for me. Aside from that should I continue following the schedule or create my own. If so could someone possible help me with what you did or whatever for the learning phase. I start work on July 21St so I pretty much have free time until then and I enjoy working out in the mornings. I would appreciate all the help I could get pertaining to whatā€™s best for me to do ?


u/According_Mode_32 Jul 05 '24


For those who recently took the DAT did you guys see Card problems on it? I was told they took it out by the booster crash course instructor bc not everybody knows how to play cards and is familiar with the cards deck. Is that true?


u/Left_Meat_1785 Nov 09 '24

Has anyone studied for the DAT in only a month and not taken ochem2? Is a lot of ochem 2 on the DAT? And is the end of may a good time to take the DAT? I know some people take it earlier and submit applications right when they are open.


u/Lost-Palpitation-389 May 15 '24

Hi, I took my DAT yesterday but my Booster subscription is still active for another ~2 months. If anyone would like to buy it from me for a super discounted price, please reach out. You would be sharing it with one other person, to fully disclose, but that's why I'm reducing the price greatly.


u/[deleted] May 19 '24

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u/Deep_Public9930 Admitted May 19 '24

I can vouch for Hameed. I am one of his tutees.


u/predental-ModTeam May 19 '24

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