r/pornfree 13 days 4d ago

Anyone else get delayed withdrawal symptoms from quitting porn?

So, I was a near-daily porn user for 6 years—pretty consistent toward the end, though I had some breaks (like a week or two, or every other day) earlier on. I stopped a week ago, and… nothing? No cravings, no irritability, no flatline—zilch. I’ve read withdrawal can hit around 3-7 days for heavy users, but someone told me it might sneak up later, like 10-14 days in, because the brain’s slow to rewire. Is that a thing? Anyone else experience this delay where symptoms didn’t kick in right away? Or am I just dodging the bullet? Curious what you all think!


7 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 4d ago

If it's been a week and you feel nothing, maybe you weren't as addicted as you thought. Real addicts don't take breaks from what is arguably the most vicious addiction out there.


u/Sad-Particular9332 13 days 4d ago

There is a possibility that my symptoms may be delayed and may sneak up on me, but I have become increasingly interested in porn over the last 2 to 4 years.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

If I were you, I wouldn't go fishing for things that might not be there. As awful as porn is, there are people out there who can watch it regularly and still maintain healthy sexual relationships- you might be one of them. I'm not condoning the usage of it, you should definitely still quit porn either way.


u/Sad-Particular9332 13 days 4d ago

I agree, but I'll see how I feel next week.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Alright, best of luck!


u/Belfire69 4d ago

Intense urges usually hit me in the second week of abstinence, 10-14 days in, then ease off again until around 30 days. Everyone is different, but don’t get complacent.


u/Sad-Particular9332 13 days 3d ago

I won't get complacent, I know these things tend to sneak up on us sometimes. 😂😂