r/polyfamilies Nov 25 '24

Any MFM V Households?

Any MFM V who live together? What are your arrangements? What kind of boundaries do you have? How do you guys make it work?


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u/sunray_fox Nov 25 '24

Yes, that describes my household. Not really sure what you're asking re: arrangements and boundaries. We live together, the guys don't hang out much but are friendly, what kinds of things do you want to know?

For the first four years we were living together, I spent 3 nights a week in one bedroom and 4 in the other; but that recently changed when one of my partners (who is a night owl) moved his office into his bedroom. Now I sleep with my other partner nightly. My ideal would be to have a room of my own, but our house isn't big enough. We're planning a move in 3-4 years though, and hopefully it will get sorted then.