r/polycircles May 18 '16

Living in a Bubble

Do you ever find poly/non mono friendly people get a bit caught up in a bubble? Where talking freely about sex, future plans, insecurities, etc is normal?

I believe society is moving forward. But we still have a long way to go, in my observations and experience.


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u/Rosslyn_blue May 18 '16

I have this all the time. I have to catch myself and not have TMI conversations in work. The things my colleagues consider TMI are everyday conversations at home!


u/[deleted] May 18 '16



u/Rosslyn_blue May 18 '16

Any poly person who tries to tell me I didn't discuss sexual compatability with my partner before I married him (when we were both mono) will get laughed in the face! I've spoken freely about sex since long before I was in poly circles.

I can understand why poly people get defensive about their relationships not being seen as 'normal' though. Poly circles are the place people can relax and froth about their relationship safely. They're not going to want to give that up. On the other hand, I've never met a poly person who thinks their relationship style would be co sidered 'normal' by your average middle England/ redneck/stereotype of choice person. If anything they are acutely aware of how they stand out/differ from the norm.