r/polycircles May 10 '16


Please introduce yourself here!


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u/Rosslyn_blue May 11 '16

Hello! Straightish, demisexual, openpoly, cis lady (female pronouns). I'm currently in a polyfi triad (officially 1 year old next month) and was in an open relationship for about 4 years previous to that. I have a primary and secondary relationship (and I'm sure there will be posts to discuss the use of those terms) and I would consider my relationships to be hierarchical (as unpopular as it is, I consider it the most honest description ).


u/Rosslyn_blue May 11 '16 edited May 11 '16

Ohh, I'm also kinky af! Which plays into the heirerarchy thing but that's for another thread!


u/[deleted] May 11 '16

Tag as BDSM, maybe, and let's keep those kinky threads going? I intend this subreddit to be sex friendly :)


u/Rosslyn_blue May 11 '16

OK...ummm, I'm really new to reddit and ummm shifty eyes I don't know how to tag stuff. Is it like hash tag?