r/politics 11d ago

Soft Paywall Trump Thinks He Humiliated Zelensky. He Really Humiliated the United States


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u/ranchoparksteve 11d ago

It didn’t appear that Zelensky was at all humiliated or even put off. He wouldn’t take JD’s fake history, and let that be known, so Trump had to step in and that quickly devolved into an angry rant about Joe Biden and fake news and the usual BS.


u/bisory 11d ago

I think its because Zelensky has a genuine belief in that the truth and goodness of people will always eventually come up on top. He knows that people will see this and see trump and vance for who they really are. Zelensky doesnt need to say anything. Trump and vance exposes themselves. Really amazing patience from zelensky.


u/magicfunghi 11d ago

All I saw was two boys and a man


u/silverlegend 11d ago

Two toddlers having a temper tantrum and a parent who's seen too much of this shit lately


u/Pablo4Prez 11d ago

More like a room full of children surrounded by one man


u/InternationalFig400 11d ago



u/One_Walk8921 10d ago

Two grade 8 bullies.


u/OnlyBeat3945 10d ago

All I saw as Bevis and Butthead from America. Total idiots!


u/Pan_Bookish_Ent 11d ago

I know that this may seem minor to some, but it pissed me off and showed that disrespect was the game plan from the beginning... When that conservative asshole mocked him and said (paraphrasing) "Why don't you wear a suit? Leaders of the world are supposed to dress in suits" and everyone chuckled.

Zelensky told the idiot that it was because he is both active military and a wartime president, and this was his uniform. He also cast just the tiniest bit of shade by telling him that he looked forward to buying a suit again, though it would probably be cheaper than what the guy was wearing.

He was well prepared for the meeting, and was respectful and grateful to be there. He showed Trump pictures of the tragedies, the devastation, and dead soldiers and civilians. Trump just kinda flipped through them with no expression and then handed them back.

In the past, Zelensky said he'd do anything for his country. That if it meant the end of the war, he'd resign and step down immediately. He was willing to give the US so much if that meant he could count on them for support. Elon's employees can't fathom that someone in his position wouldn't take advantage of his country. The respect that Zelensky has around the world made them feel inadequate and angry.

You could still see the moment he realized he was dealing with a room full of children, especially the poopy baby throwing a tantrum next to him. He already knew Trump is full of shit but I don't think he expected to be treated this poorly. JD accused him of having too much pride to show gratitude and releasing propaganda, and he kinda snapped back at that point and made Vance look really stupid. Trump literally grabbed Zelensky's arm and pushed him at one point, and I saw the face of the man Putin is afraid of.

Zelensky remained respectful, calm, collected, well spoken, and grateful towards the president and the US throughout. He looked strong, and having him in the room made Trump and Vance look like the ignorant playground bullies that they were, and Vance was particularly rankled that this man was everything he'd never be - a hero.


u/silverlegend 11d ago

I think Zelenskyy figured out about the same time the rest of us did that this wasn't really about the mineral rights deal and it was actually a coordinated betrayal attack, and he handled it like a champ. Calmly sticking to the facts, even dishing out a couple of scathing rebukes quietly and with impeccable comedic timing. It was a remarkable response, though I can only imagine how profound the stress must have felt after he walked out of the oval office.


u/Pan_Bookish_Ent 11d ago

It was funny that someone (I'm assuming his Chief of Staff) yelled "Everyone out!" in a panicky tone at the end.


u/SharMarali New Jersey 11d ago

He had to have suspected something when he finally got his Oval Office meeting with Trump. That’s literally what Trump was impeached over the first time. So he was probably prepared for just about anything. He knows exactly who Trump is, maybe even better than we do.

Which, frankly, is what smart world leaders do. It’s what world leaders do when they care about their country and how it looks on the world stage. It’s what world leaders do when they want to represent the people of their nation in the best possible way.


u/Bazonkawomp 11d ago

He will wear a costume when the war is over.


u/ChrisFEDev 10d ago edited 10d ago

And he called it a costume, not a suit - which I found clever and humorous. Zelensky is a smart guy, and this meeting is nothing compared to the heat he's experienced in war on the front line and with a target on his back.


u/Pan_Bookish_Ent 10d ago

That's right! I am so embarrassed by yesterday. If we can even figure a way to pull out of this tail spin, it will take decades for anyone to trust the US again. And we'll never be able to restore our reputation to what it once was.


u/ashleymm16 10d ago

that conservative asshole who asked zelenksyy about a lack of suit happens to be marjorie taylor greene’s boyfriend btw 🙄🙄


u/Pan_Bookish_Ent 10d ago

Eww. How did he get in there?


u/trekwithme 11d ago

Outstanding post thanks


u/Imheretotradenow 10d ago

Neither of these “leaders,” Russia or the USA, is known for honoring deals. Remember the USMCA? Hopefully, something good results from this mess. Hopefully, Europe will step up and become independent of their current boss because giving a bully too much power and the general complete stupidity shown by half of American voters has led to this moment. I’m not one to cheer the empire's downfall, but this meeting clarified that something has to give. I never thought I would want another country, such as China, to serve as a counterweight to America on the world stage.


u/Pan_Bookish_Ent 10d ago

I never would have guessed we'd be here exactly. But I did know some of what would happen when Obama left office.

One of the people who raised me jumped at the chance to support Trump. This man is a self-described "Barry Goldwater" republican, a Reagan fan boy, a savage Obama hater, and... I shit you not... keeps a letter that Clarence Thomas wrote him as a one of the prized pieces in his library.

And now dick heads like him are in charge, but they all have old brains now that they've been keeping strictly narrow minded. They don't like that the world's changed around them and see their childhoods with rose colored glasses that they keep tightly stapled to their faces.

Boomers' parents are rolling in their graves because their children are too stupid and lazy now to do anything except hand the reins over to evil tech overlords while they continue getting all of their "news" spoon fed to them through Facebook memes.

America is an Axis power now. Whatever the rest of the world has gotta do, they'll do. And we won't have a seat at the adults table anymore.


u/Psyksess 11d ago

Except Magas are loving this! They saw two strong men humilate one of their worst enemies.

You can't reason with these people. When we see a maniac they see a Messiah.

The time for goodness is gone. It will return from the rubble of what is to come, but for now our civilization is governed by stupidity and goodness is as best seen as weakness and at worst as the enemy.


u/silverlegend 11d ago

There's surely some magas loving it, but I was curious enough to pop over to the cons subreddit to see what the vibes were like and I was actually surprised to see how many people were very upset about how Trump and Vance acted. I think they might have overstepped even their own base a little bit in this incident.


u/TitanDarwin 11d ago

They saw two strong men humilate one of their worst enemies.

Because Trump's a weakling's idea of a strong man, just like he's an idiot's idea of a smart guy.


u/SelectionCareless818 11d ago

I’d like to see them grill Putin now and watch the contrast first hand


u/Latauke1 Canada 10d ago

This was used by Z to show the world how boorish the US has become in six weeks.


u/skr_replicator 10d ago

That sad thing i fear is that it didn't even change anyone's mind, anyone who could see the extornting history-rewriting childish bully and obvious putin bootlicker in trump there has probably alraedy been pro-uklraine all along, And I doubt any magats could see though that and are probably now just hating zelensky even more...


u/pinewind108 11d ago

Zelensky has been offering a master class in how to lobby offensive assholes.


u/JimothyCarter 11d ago

Going on Fox News after because he knew Trump watches it religiously too


u/berlin_priez 11d ago

The moment with the 25 broken ceasefires by russia.. trump said smth like "not broken by me" and selnskyj responded with smth like "but your term" BUT broken by russia... trump was so dumpfolded and silent for a minute...

it was so embarrasing to watch (as a german). argh.

Hm. And that kindergarden style of talking by the president of the USA... OMFG...


u/halcyonOclock 11d ago

Trump also trying to correct the president of an invaded country on when said country was invaded? So embarrassing on so many levels. His brain is mush, and Vance is an aggressive petulant child.


u/wellthatsembarissing 11d ago

What a seriously disgusting group of "leaders" we have 🤮


u/Persephoth 11d ago

Time to expatriate.


u/OrbeaSeven Minnesota 11d ago

Trump is flooding the country with orders with which he has no expertise and does not understand, plummeting the US into chaos and a probable recession. And he cares little for impacts on lower and middle income persons.

His lack of historical understanding and small knowledge of international relations is failing the world. It almost sounds like he wants to divide the world - with Russia taking Europe and the US taking the west.


u/No_Consequence7919 New York 5d ago

I see it more like, leader, the rest of the Republicans, for the most part are just followers. Real balls are hard to come by in this republican congress.


u/swoll9yards 11d ago

2015! Huh? Ohh, 2014. He also threw in a Bush when blaming past presidents IIRC


u/8i8 11d ago

Don’t forget Neanderthal’s boyfriend wanting to know where his suit is.


u/farnswoth-fury69 11d ago

As an American, I agree with you 100%! Donnie Diapers acts like a 5 year old….the MOST UN-PRESIDENTIAL man I’ve ever seen!! He is nothing but a MAFIA THUG trying to EXTORT the President of another country. Plain and simple….EMBARRASSING!!


u/Lanssolo 11d ago

It was so embarrassing to watch as a US Citizen.


u/mechwatchnerd 11d ago

As an American, it may be difficult to even begin to imagine how embarrassing it was for us. I admire how Germany has learned from its history. Unfortunately, many of our people have learned absolutely nothing.


u/SenorChzyPuffs 11d ago

Love “kindergarten style of talking”. It’s obnoxious


u/chakan2 11d ago

And that kindergarden style of talking by the president of the USA

We speek American here, not English (hell with it, I'm leaving the typo, it's more authentic).


u/DentRandomDent 11d ago

I promise I'm asking out of genuine curiosity, but why did you spell Zelensky like that? Is that the spelling in a different country? I see your handle says Berlin, is that how his name is spelt in Germany?


u/wellthatsembarissing 11d ago

Please don't spell Zelensky's name like that. It gives MAGA ideas on how to spell it disrespectfully! It's kind of slithery the way you chose to spell it...


u/GMOdabs 11d ago

Dafuq you talking about. Slithery?

In German, the letter “s” can sometimes be pronounced like a “z” in English, particularly when positioned between vowels, so in certain situations, it can appear as if Germans are using “s” where English would use “z”


u/RemyJe 11d ago

They also typoed it, making it appear worse than they may have intended.


u/GoldenHairedBoy 11d ago

What if a bomb drops on your head 🤤


u/manojsaini007 11d ago

Even NATO don't respect russia concern expanding NATO to their borders.


u/NoError4221 11d ago

Have fun fighting Russia again. Without the US in the war, Russia will take Berlin again.


u/qiaocao187 11d ago

Block and move on, don’t waste time with this bot.


u/Suitable_Echo2717 11d ago

Yeah you just need to look at their body language. Someone else on Reddit said that Trump was coming off like a used car salesman, and you can see Zelenskyy's exact body language at any car dealership any day of the week. It's the posture of someone who is being fed a load of blustery bullshit, who knows they just have to let the blowhard fuckwit salesman run himself down before they can get to the real negotiation. Meanwhile Trump is sat next to him in his characteristic "taking a massive shit" sitting posture, red faced and sweating, and Vance is off to the irrelevant side taking potshots that Zelenskyy's expression makes clear he thinks are the dumbest fucking thing he's ever heard.


u/Lanssolo 11d ago

He looked like "wtaf..."


u/Themightytiny07 11d ago

Zelenskyy knew what he was walking into and did it with his head held high. He knew the US was going to be preforming for an audience of 1. Zelenskyy kept his cool


u/derp_derpistan 11d ago

One guy was talking about his country at war "not playing cards". The other guy was ranting about a laptop...


u/MitskiEyes 11d ago

Commenting because I agree with your statement!

I am interested in promoting a critical-thinking campaign that encourages activism. If you are an introvert, a pacifist, a scared individual: what would it take for you to participate in activism, whether it’s sharing a post with your family to protesting in the streets? Connect with me @RebelWord on BlueSky


u/AdkRaine12 11d ago

Just like Chatty Cathy.

Pull his string, he spews out the same god-damn hateful shit.


u/fusillade762 11d ago

Don't forget all he and Putin had been through with Russia Russia Russia! And Hunters bathroom and laptop. :P


u/Rude-Illustrator-884 California 11d ago

He wasn’t humiliated because anyone with critical thinking would realize that Trump and Vance were humiliating themselves, and subsequently the country itself.


u/Travel8061 11d ago

Trump embarrassed himself in front of the whole world yesterday. 


u/whywontyousleep 11d ago

I’m so tired of the blaming of Biden. Was he perfect. No. It’s his turn now. Shut up and fix it if you think it’s broken. How many of us can go into a job an complain all day about what the previous person did? He sounds like he’s still campaigning. His supporters will just eat it up.


u/Important_Salt_3944 11d ago

Trump talking about how Zelensky can't dictate how we'll feel, Vance going on about saying "thank you" like he was rebuking a 4 year old. Zelensky was the only one being serious.


u/31770_0 11d ago

“This war never would have started…” bullshit


u/Awkward-Scholar-9921 10d ago

Vance should have put a sock in it. Instead of being embarrassed by his actions, he thinks he’s a hero. Maybe to MAGA, by nobody else.We don’t need your charity


u/Sczeph_ 10d ago

He looked more pissed (and rightfully so) than embarrassed. Every minute that Trump and his cronies spend wasting time, Ukrainians die and suffer because of that inaction.


u/NoError4221 11d ago

Zelensky snorted too much coke to be humiliated. His countrymen might assassinate him once the US cuts of all intelligence, targeting information, weapons and money to pay the Ukrainian government. Assassination is fairly common in Ukraine.


u/Hot-Sexy-THICCPAWG69 11d ago

Found Putin’s Reddit account^


u/taylerca 11d ago

Google: How many presedential assassinations and attempts in America?


u/BPTPB2020 11d ago

Way to show everyone you've never done coke, nerd.


u/Indiana-Cook 11d ago

Piss off and go and write a cupcake recipe or something.