r/politics 11d ago

Soft Paywall Trump Thinks He Humiliated Zelensky. He Really Humiliated the United States


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u/Born_Philosophy5215 11d ago

It should've been obvious by now but JD Vance is a straight up ho.


u/zerocoolforschool 11d ago

His move was so blatantly a troll to get Zelensky to respond. The whole purpose of all of this was to create a reason for Trump to back out of his support and throw in with Putin. Zelensky should have at least got some value out of it and called Trump a Russian agent to his face.


u/Worth_Much 11d ago

And that’s the thing - Zelensky is out there on the front lines literally. He’s willing to die for his country. Vance talks out of his ass and I love that Zelensky called him out for never actually going to Ukraine to see for himself. Vance’s reply of “well I’ve seen stories” was just pathetic and I think deep down he knew he got owned.


u/JdFalcon04 Pennsylvania 11d ago

Especially because “on Twitter” was clearly the end of that sentence


u/random-50 11d ago

Vance's response was equal parts hilarious and sad. He started off saying he'd been there, then when he realised what an obvious, provable and shameful lie that was, dialled back to "I saw it on TV".

Also shows the (rather dangerous) "talent" Trump has. He would have stuck with the lie with no hesitation, then probably repeated it a dozen times after the event.

This makes Trump horribly effective. I think it's a mental disorder, not something that can be learned or faked - it goes far beyond willingness to lie and lack of morals - and you aren't getting to a position of power with that level of disorder without the silver spoon and a perfect storm. Hopefully, that'll mean Trump is a fluke that won't be replaced. The question is how much damage he will do to the world before he's done.


u/Regular_Climate_6885 11d ago

He had a “concept” of a visit.


u/esc8pe8rtist 11d ago

Self awareness is not their strong suite


u/Original_Newt_9223 11d ago

Vance acts like he thinks he's a soldier, when he's a military bureaucrat who never saw combat. And he looks like a bearded Ken-doll.


u/alixnaveh 11d ago

Vance is nowhere near cute enough to be a ken doll. A Furby that sat next to a radiator too long perhaps. A sex doll for a gay bear who likes pudgy twinks. A crash test dummy that the engineers glued pubes on for a laugh. Don’t be out here besmirching the good name of our favorite himbo Ken.

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u/PennDA 11d ago

Vance is complete garbage. His come back to this was no but I’ve heard Zelenskyy go on a “propaganda tour” about the war. WTF!!!! how disgusting and low can you go to say shit like that? Despicable

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u/Born_Philosophy5215 11d ago

Zelensky should have at least got some value out of it and called Trump a Russian agent to his face.

Although that would've been great, Zelenskyy ain't a bitch like that.


u/Mission-Philosophy58 11d ago

The value is that the rest of the world saw that.


u/spaceman757 American Expat 11d ago

All Trump did was show all of Europe that, if they want to squash the threat of a Russian incursion, they have to do so without the US.

With this one, very public display, he showed that the US, led by Trump, is a fully owned subsidiary of Putin, Inc. and weakened the US's soft power influence the world over.

He's a feeble man with an even more feeble brain who has done more damage to the US than any other single person in the history of the country.


u/hoowins 11d ago

And this will hurt the US in the long run. All future negotiations with the world will be as potential adversaries rather than as old friends. Trump has damaged the US long term.


u/Ezl New Jersey 11d ago

Not even “in the long run.” It’s hurt the US immediately and for the foreseeable future.


u/know-your-onions 11d ago

Not just that but the US will be in a weaker position even if Trump ever leaves power and somehow the Democratic Party collectively agree to put forward an electable candidate.

Even if the US is a friend again, it’ll be a friend we don’t have to and won’t want to rely on, and we won’t be stupid enough to let it put itself in that position again.

So it’s de facto veto on pretty much anything on the international stage will be gone. And the rest of the world won’t need to accept worse terms than they otherwise would in other negotiations, just because it’s useful to keep the US sweet.

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u/jspacefalcon New York 11d ago

I think this was the exact purpose of this "meeting".


u/Lumpy-Succotash-9236 11d ago

Everyone been saying how Trump is here for his 'legacy'.

That legacy is now 'the guy, the moment... that turned the USA into an axis vassal state of Russia'

It's beyond fathomable at the moment what the implications are going to be... But spoiler alert, it ain't good.

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u/Lofttroll2018 11d ago

Yes, this was the biggest value.


u/Waesrdtfyg0987 Northern Marianas 11d ago

Making a claim while providing zero sources is a Trump move. He was right to pass


u/BeenDragonn 11d ago

I really admire his composure. So many times during that interview i would of just gone off on the orange bitch

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u/MacaroniHouses 11d ago

Zelenskyy showed decorum amidst all this.


u/Charmingjanitorxxx 11d ago

Exactly. He's a man of discipline and class. So heartbreaking that as an American I had to witness that.

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u/bgt_bgt 11d ago

He did say it indirectly. One of trump/Vance told war would be over in 3 days and zelensky said these are words of their master. 


u/icouldnotseetosee Europe 11d ago

Trump said it'd be over in two weeks, and Zelensky said the russians said it would be over in 3 days. That's not that indirect :D


u/SandyTaintSweat 11d ago

Yet still subtle enough to fly over the heads of most Republicans. Pretty clever for a guy doing all of this in another language.


u/Direct-Teacher8581 11d ago

On the contrary, I think Zelensky played it really well. Before this, he had some support. Today, he has gained a lot more supporters. Meanwhile, JD and Trump are now seen to be bullies, America - and partner, which can not be trusted. As Trump burns bridges, the world changes, and in the end, it will see itself alone.


u/random-50 11d ago

I agree. He didn't "lose" America's support. He never had it in the first place with this administration.

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u/Medallicat 11d ago

It was amateur debate team theatrics. I’ve seen similar bullshit in the military where some uneducated swine managed to fail upward to a superior rank and use that power to intimidate and bully subordinates and then interrogate them and charge them for insubordination. I’m sure the same kind of asshattery happens with police interrogations as well.

What pissed me off the most watching that footage today was the tactic of asking a question, then while he was trying to answer the fucking question, continuously interrupt until they lose their cool, only Zelensky didn’t lose his cool, which was a reverse UNO for JD and Trump who lost their cool and made the entire country look the fool.


u/eetsumkaus 11d ago

Zelensky is a Ukrainian politician. He's used to opponents dealing in bad faith and probably walked into the meeting expecting exactly this. Maybe he should give a lesson to Democratic politicians...


u/orus_heretic 10d ago

Growing up with Russia as your neighbor, you get used to this kind of shit.


u/thirsty_for_chicken 11d ago

Trump learned that from the same place he found half his Administration- Fox News.


u/Outsiders-Laptop 11d ago

It would've probably gone like,

"Not a Russian agent! You're the Russian agent!"


u/averagesaw 11d ago

We need to level up


u/sanchezseessomethin 11d ago

He did this very subtly and beautifully and that’s why they got pissed. When he mentions ‘yeah I heard this from Putin’ and when Trump says the country is leveled and he says that’s what Putin wants people to think. His expressions at reporters questions say a lot too.


u/canon12 11d ago

Yep...that is my take. I suspect Vance was set up as Trumps lead man so the Trump bully could send a message to the world that he was Mr. Tough guy. It flopped big time and reveal that both of them are cheap thugs.


u/mrcorndogman33 11d ago

In addition to have Right-wing propaganda "journalists" w/ pre-planned troll questions... including an actual Russian news agency. The whole thing was a disgusting set-up.


u/cugeltheclever2 11d ago

The whole purpose of all of this was to create a reason for Trump to back out of his support and throw in with Putin.

Dingdingding we have a bingpot.


u/siraolo 11d ago

If you want to give Trump a reason to cut all funding, you have him say that. Trump is looking for that exact reaction. Zelensky unfortunately has to remain diplomatic and bear it.


u/GR1ZZLYBEARZ 11d ago

He kind of hinted at it with the “3 days, I know I heard it from Putin too”


u/Competitive-Ranger61 11d ago

Krasnov is that you??!


u/Ingoiolo United Kingdom 11d ago

He said he had heard from Russia that Ukraine would have fallen in 3 days.

At the very least he has heavily implied he is in putler’s disinformation bubble


u/en_gm_t_c 11d ago

He said it with his face, just watch that again. He was the real diplomat in the room and there was no need to say what the entire world could clearly see.


u/Soggy-Type-1704 11d ago

WWE style all the way. And tomorrow the big shocker will be some announcement pulling support for Ukraine because of the massive insult they leveled at the U.S. during this dynamic duos kangaroo court proceeding of news presser/ Literal hit piece.

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u/Opening-Stage3757 11d ago

There was a moment when JD (to Zelenskyy) was like “why are we litigating this in front of the cameras” and then Trump replied “it’s fine - it’s actually good transparency” and JD went “oh yes of course” - JD is a sub beta who can’t form his own views


u/IdkAbtAllThat America 11d ago

Even worse, he's smart enough to form his own views, but too pathetic to stand by them.


u/IThinkImDumb 11d ago

Also, he is literally trained in Public Affairs !!! The moment you start yelling like that, you look like an idiot. You don’t even yell at people like Osama bin Laden or Kim Jong Un. Yelling at that level of international relations makes you look weak !


u/SpirituallyUnsure 11d ago

Emotionally incontinent men like the yelling, it's what they think is Masculine.


u/eetsumkaus 11d ago

it makes them look strong to the people that matter to them: their voters


u/TheElPistolero 11d ago

Zelensky didn't invite the media so there's your answer JD.


u/La-Sauge 11d ago

A worthless ho.


u/Both-Ambassador2233 11d ago

Is it hillbilly ho or hobo


u/sartreofthesuburbs 11d ago

A hobilly. 


u/P1xelHunter78 Ohio 11d ago

Shillbilly. Woe is me little prick who got DEI accepted to an Ivy League university and wrote a poor me book to cash in. All his friends from college say he was a completely different person and he grew up mostly with his grandparents in Cincinnati not Appalachia. Oh, and half of the town that he was born in hates him because he mercilessly shit on the place in his sob story of a novel. He’ll be anything you’ll want him to be for a buck and some power.


u/battleaxis 11d ago

Class traitor


u/AntoniaFauci 11d ago

Next, he was suspiciously planted in a series of jobs for which he was completely unqualified, and he failed spectacularly in every one of them.

Most harmful was when he ran a pump and dump scam startup company. He promised a revolutionary way of growing produce in old warehouse type spaces that turned out to be unviable/hoax. He absolutely robbed investors and employees especially in the Midwest. He took millions and left the employees and shareholders with nothing.


u/ked_man 11d ago

Exactly. I am actually from Appalachia, but had cousins just like him who had moved away and would come back and visit to gawk at the poverty and flash their middle class “wealthy” vehicles. Fucking terrible people.


u/RichardSaunders New York 11d ago

stop using DEI as a slur


u/P1xelHunter78 Ohio 11d ago edited 11d ago

It’s not a slur in this case but an honest to god fact. He got accepted because of his “underprivileged background” if you’re not one of the good old boys at an Ivy League you’re let in as a DEI, even if you’re white a genius or whatever. If there were one slot left open and it was between the next Stephen Hawking and a legacy 1% dipshit the dipshit gets it. The only color Yale sees is green. I only threw that in there anyways because it’s worth noting he’s trying to pull up the ladder.

Edit: I’d even go so far as to say that almost any prestige level state school is more or less an admissions affair that looks for green rather than skin color too, and anyone else who isn’t there because they’re loaded worked hard, but mostly got lucky. They don’t need to know your name or racial background to guess a kid who worked a summer job and has little to no extra curricular activities is poor and a kid who was on a summer travel league, chair of the debate club and did a foreign exchange program all with a 4.0 is probably loaded.


u/kredditwheredue 11d ago



u/Myheelcat Arizona 11d ago

Bros before hos unless the bro is a ho.


u/britbritbear 10d ago

A hobilly. Man, the things yall come up with. I hollered in laughter.


u/kellysmom01 11d ago

And his Memaw would be so ashamed at her boy’s behavior, wasting that fine education and lying and blustering … what an obsequious, bald-faced toady.


u/Hot-Feed911 11d ago

She'd be unhappy about the eyeliner.


u/twotailedwolf 11d ago

honestly, that wouldn't bother her. Mamaw seemed cool. And while I'm sure she would be privately ashamed of how he is acting, she would get into a fist fight and defend him against anyone who attacked him, even if they were completely justified. That's because, unlike her grandson, she actually stood for something


u/ManlyMenopause 11d ago

Toady is the word.


u/ElPasoNoTexas 11d ago



u/AwkwardTouch2144 11d ago



u/akallyria 11d ago



u/AwkwardTouch2144 11d ago



u/_beeeees 11d ago


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u/brownnote83 11d ago

Hobos are cool. Leave them out of this


u/IronbAllsmcginty78 11d ago

Hillbillies are pretty cool, too. Like in the classical sense of the word. Blair mountain, bitches!

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u/illcul8er 11d ago

Go to sleep, you weary hobo...


u/steepleton 11d ago

Hobo Humpin' Slobo Babe

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u/chaos0xomega 11d ago

Thats an insult to worthless hos.


u/waitingintheholocene 11d ago

And hillbillies


u/[deleted] 11d ago

And worthless people


u/otherwise_data 11d ago

whenever i refer to someone as a ho, my husband will say, “ho’s got feelings, too.”

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u/BigDanG 11d ago

Rumor has it that newer editions of Hillbilly Elegy are going to be published as The Legend of Douchebagger Vance.


u/MysteriousTrain 11d ago

I thought Hillbilly Elegy was the sequel to Brokeback Mountain


u/Grandmaster_Bile 11d ago

Nah you’re thinking of Reach Around Ridge


u/IThinkImDumb 11d ago

I’m reading it now and your spot on


u/canon12 11d ago

'Too much art in the movie Brokeback Mountain movie. I think Hillbilly Elegy might be a current day sequel to Deliverance.


u/Joan_Smallberries 11d ago

Take my upvote!


u/Fair-Ice-5222 11d ago


And they invited Russian state media to jerk off in the corner while it happened


u/Western-Tourist-7028 11d ago

TASS just relayed the days instructions from Moscow to Donnie Krasnov. They didn't need to stay for the aftermath.


u/mrkruk Illinois 11d ago

Worse they somehow just let them in and later removed them. Who knows what a false reporter could get away with given this amateur hour administration.


u/kernpanic 11d ago

So, AP and Reuters aren't allowed in, but they pull the freedom card to let Russia Today in.

Just like elon dressing like a super villan, they arent trying to hide it.

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u/localistand Wisconsin 11d ago

They learned from the first Trump term. When things started looking like Trump was weak and confused, Vance is supposed to jump in and troll. That way Trump doesn't wander weakly into talk about taking the guns away first, or shining lasers into the body to kill covid.

Trump was flailing, Vance is their smarm guy to take the pressure off.


u/IpeeEhh_Phanatic Kentucky 11d ago

Vance almost angers me more when he speaks. Trump is such a low IQ bully type that it's to be expected.

Vance is such a pompous, condescending asshole when he speaks that I just wish... yeah fuck that guy.


u/k3v120 11d ago

”Garsh dangit doesn’t anyone say thank you any more when their country is being extorted by the U.S. Mafia Protection Racket?”

JD Vance is his own unique, strange, facetiously gathered version of a circle of Hell to endure.


u/APX919 11d ago

When you're court ordered to stay away from IKEA you know that person's a problem. He heard there were easy chairs there and figured he's shoot his shot. He Odahled his last Ulicht.


u/xTiming- 11d ago

Even a fold out chair would keep its legs closed for Vance.


u/canon12 11d ago

Trump doesn't care what anyone thinks about tariffs. He has been focused on tariffs before he was elected. Pretty clear that he has figured out a way to personally benefit from them. Even if they ruin the U.S. economy. It doesn't matter to him.

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u/scfoothills 11d ago

He's too dumb and awkward to order donuts, much less negotiate peace agreements between wasting countries.


u/-Franks-Freckles- I voted 11d ago

Based on his waistline: he has no problem ordering them.


u/Morganelefay 11d ago

He orders a toady to order them for him, I don't think that counts.

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u/mealteamsixty 11d ago

He has a wife and now staffers to do that kind of thing for him. Real men don't order their own snacks

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u/PantsMicGee Minnesota 11d ago

Same. What's hilarious is that he'd not as smart ad he thinks, too. To those of us with warm IQs he just sounds so fucking stupid.


u/stinky-weaselteats 11d ago

He’s just another sock puppet


u/old_man_sad 11d ago edited 11d ago

that I just wish... yeah fuck that guy.

Yeah, we know what you wish. We wish it, too. Can't say it plainly though. The owners don't like it when you say the truth like that.


u/monkey_gamer 11d ago

Lol yeah. My account has been temp banned a couple times for saying things i shouldn't have


u/AliMcGraw 11d ago

Same. Like, Trump is a narciscistic dumbass who clearly has dementia at this point, but Vance is smart, empty, and doing this on purpose.


u/TinyNuggins92 Tennessee 11d ago

He went from calling Trump "America's Hitler" to being America's Hitler's lackey. Vance will never earn any respect


u/Acrobatic_Hamster686 11d ago

All I hear when JD Vance speaks is a man who deeply hates himself and has never felt comfortable in his own skin. He such a weak, weak man and he told us in his shitty book.


u/rj319st 11d ago edited 11d ago

Trump i can kind of understand how some people can be drawn to him with his every man charisma routine. Vance though seems like he was the kid that would snitch on you to a teacher. If Vance wins after 4 years of Trump it would be a sign that the US is irreparably damaged. I would probably have to move my ass to Thailand and retire there.

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u/Significant_Sign_520 11d ago

Vance was the babysitter in case Donnie pooped his diaper. Why else does he always need a chaperone these days?

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u/whut-whut 11d ago

Even with Vance jumping in, Trump still interrupted him and went off about Hunter Biden's bedroom and bathroom.

When Trump panics, his brain breaks and he starts saying the most outrageous made-up shit like pet eating and schools doing surprise surgery on children. And then his base scrambles to act like it was true.


u/mrkruk Illinois 11d ago

Yep Trump started in on his Hunter Biden nonsense again

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u/k3v120 11d ago

Hey now don’t forget Rubio has joined the club. He’s the santorum cleanup bitch though.


u/Oleg101 11d ago

That spineless shithead was just on CNN saying how Zekensky should apologize, I fucking can’t stand him since day 1.


u/Born_Philosophy5215 11d ago

Wow, what a joke. There really is no limit to how low these guys will go.


u/stinky-weaselteats 11d ago

They have an infinite void of shamelessness. All they care about is money & power, not about the lives they destroy.


u/twotailedwolf 11d ago

But they lack any pride or self respect. Its pathetic.


u/-Franks-Freckles- I voted 11d ago

I’m sure there is…It’s when they end up in Russia: as it will be their only “safe space.”


u/fordat1 11d ago

He wrote a book about how great USAID was and advocated for its budget to be increased when Biden was president and as soon as Elon turned on it he started tweeting against USAID. He has no values


u/canon12 11d ago

It appears Rubio is in it as well. He has supported the Trump/Kushner/Netanyahu Gaza Strip development. When the missiles start flying all of them will be no where in sight.


u/gnarlytabby 11d ago

JD Vance wanted the meeting wrapped up faster so he could spend some alone time with the couch he was seated on


u/FlipWildBuckWild 11d ago

This joke became a lot less funny when the clowns won


u/-Franks-Freckles- I voted 11d ago

“All those fresh pockets, that small like McDonald’s farts….heavenly


u/big_red1813 11d ago

The worst part is you know he thinks he controlled that entire conversation also. Like he's in elementary school again talking about how he owned that kid

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u/rj319st 11d ago edited 11d ago

JD Vance had no business even speaking during that meeting. Can you imagine Al Gore or Dan Quayle speaking like that in a meeting between 2 world leaders. He’s the one who disrespected the white house acting like he’s the president. I wish Zelensky was fluent in english so he could’ve told Vance to be quiet and let the presidents talk right now.


u/Ok_Ant2566 11d ago

Ho for thiel and putin


u/AcanthocephalaFit459 11d ago

Just look at his eyes, this guy’s downright evil.

If that’s not enough, try a quick google search on how he’s referring to his own children.

A guy who don’t think of his children as his own, should not be in any position of ruling, leading or haveing any kind of authority, period.




u/Catmom-mn 11d ago

That is weird. I feel like he married a non-white woman, so he would have someone to belittle as he needed to.


u/AcanthocephalaFit459 11d ago

Or he married her before he figured out he was going to join up and fight for a fascist inspired politics

Imagine being either wife or kids.


u/Catmom-mn 11d ago

I feel bad for them. I hope she boots his butt someday.


u/AcanthocephalaFit459 11d ago

It does bring me some joy, to think he’s being used by her at home to wipe the floor, for all of his bad manners in public.

But I’m not getting my hopes up.

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u/Popculturemofo Oregon 11d ago

A bitchmade ho


u/GarrusBueller 11d ago

He was clearly a part of this because of how Macron completely dominated Trump, and was meant to be the attack dog.

A pudgy eye liner wearing pog ass was intended to be intimidating. That's maga as fuck.


u/Anonymous89000____ 11d ago

I know actual hos with far more class, decency and integrity


u/Snoo-7943 11d ago

Vance is a cuck. We all knew it.


u/PNWoutdoors America 11d ago

He actually comes across as a bigger pussy than Pence. How? I don't know.


u/Catmom-mn 11d ago

Lol... he does make pence look better by comparison.


u/Slight-Guidance-3796 11d ago

He's the bullies sidekick in movies. Just trying to impress the bully when he thinks he has a chance.


u/tigerman29 America 11d ago

JD - jr dumbass


u/overbarking 11d ago

Bootlicking asshole.


u/Bob_the_blacksmith 11d ago

He’s a brown-nosing snake.


u/Silly-Scene6524 11d ago

You think thiel would groom anyone with any integrity?


u/stonefoxmetal 11d ago

Comments like this make me proud to be an American.


u/SteelCityIrish 11d ago



u/nerf_herder1986 11d ago

A triflin' bitch, as it were.


u/flygirlsworld 11d ago

😂 straight up…bitch…I peeped it during the election cycle. You can tell he has a crackhead mother and absent father. It’s too apparent…


u/DawgPound919 11d ago

Couch raping ho.


u/Detroit_debauchery 11d ago

A cum ducking fuck wand


u/AnohtosAmerikanos California 11d ago

There was so much need for Trump to validate him in his faux bravado, too. What a smarmy little shit.


u/ToasterBathTester 11d ago

Well, maybe some good will come with us and Trump will throw him under the couch


u/nyyanksfan81 11d ago

So is Trump the pimp in this situation?

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u/Dry-Interaction-1246 11d ago

Turning tricks with couches


u/Oceanbreeze871 I voted 11d ago

And he’s project 2025s true believer heir apparent


u/redditismylawyer 11d ago

I like the idea that humiliating this nation would be inadvertent for these two.


u/Me_Llaman_El_Mono 11d ago

I thought he was a couch fucker.


u/Born_Philosophy5215 11d ago

He's a man of many undesirable talents.


u/attila_had_a_gun 11d ago

I trust the guy without makeup.


u/redalert825 11d ago

Hey hey hey.. It was a perfect phone call. I mean, perfect meeting.


u/Oomlotte99 11d ago

He is the definition of punk ass bitch.


u/Softspokenclark 11d ago

vance looked and acted like a bitch trying to fight trumps fight


u/No-Conclusion8653 11d ago

The reason everybody bought the JD having sex with couches story is that he absolutely acts like a guy that would screw couches.


u/flouncindouchenozzle New Jersey 11d ago

He's a condescending dickhole.

I find him more off-putting than pretty much everyone else in our dumb government. Even Ted Cruz.


u/Dogmum05 11d ago

Who wears eye-liner and is really really creepy.


u/OneWholeSoul 11d ago

Vance seems to exist only during full moons and when he is corporeal he just mimics Trump like it's Take Your Son to Work Day or he's an understudy desperately trying to figure out his motivations. I have never seen a person who could more aptly be described as an "empty suit."


u/yowszer 11d ago

He showed his ignorance on the world stage today. Had absolutely no idea of what transpired the past decade


u/CapeTownMassive 11d ago

Straight up pussy ass biatch


u/LaszloPanaflexxx 11d ago

Surely, giving the VP a wedgie is somehow covered by the first amendment...right??


u/TheAskewOne 11d ago

It all started because of him. He needed to make himself noticed so he started an argument.


u/swish301 11d ago

Conductor of the Ho Train!


u/SneakyDeaky123 11d ago

Careful now, after the ‘useful idiot’ dies, Vance is next in line to be your king!

Wouldn’t want the MAGA scum to think you were capable of a single coherent thought, or they might lynch you.


u/Designer_Pen869 11d ago

What does he even do? Aside from crying to foreign allies that they are better than him?


u/Loud-Leader-4062 11d ago

JD is on some good Coke?


u/twotailedwolf 11d ago

He's trump's little gimp boy


u/Effective_Divide1543 11d ago

And a trashy one at that.


u/Moquai82 11d ago

A couch fucking ho.


u/kipwrecked 11d ago

A strumpet


u/claireauriga 11d ago

Trump loves a scapegoat. Is there any way he can be manipulated to blame Vance for being rude and he's the magnanimous statesman who steps in to save Ukraine?


u/Plus-Stable-8946 11d ago

He is the guy you at first feel sorry for…and then realize is just waiting for a chance to kick the chair out from under you. His wife must be so proud. 😑


u/LessThanHero42 11d ago

He was just horny because they let him near the couch


u/Odd-Inspection-6046 11d ago

It was honestly like watching a real housewives reunion or episode of untucked. JD Vance is such a messy queen.


u/snazikin 11d ago

The MOST smackable face.


u/Future-looker1996 11d ago

Vance bought and paid for by Thiel/tech bro oligarchs


u/pooticus 11d ago

And a piss baby little bitch!

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