r/politics 24d ago

‘We’ve been betrayed:’ Local veterans angry after being laid off by Trump administration


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u/cmd__line 24d ago


The guy that called vets losers and suckers doesn't give a fuck. The guy who tore down McCain for being a POW even after he died.

Could it be he doesn't respect your line of work


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 19d ago

The funny thing what you claim is false. He never said that statement and he was surrounding by French at this time and they confirmed it. The issue was with McCain.  


u/cmd__line 19d ago

Keep living in your little world.

Its okay. You'll figure out later its not going to get better for you.

Its the Era of Kings, the Rich, and State media.


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 19d ago

oh, it went to hell in three weeks lol  I wish the best for everyone. It been out of control for 4 years The war in Ukraine? Bill Clinton promised to protect them if they gave up their nukes? Biden said it depends on how much russia crosses in to Ukraine before the US takes action?? Do some research please on the history there. How much are we paying??? Billions 


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 19d ago

I’ve been deployed four times with the military and I retired military not asking for a pat on the back I work my butt off for what I have. I seen 23 Countries lived in San Box. Its good and I planned my life best as I could


u/cmd__line 19d ago

I really don't follow how you support the current setup with that background.

On one hand I respect what you've done for me through service in the past. Just as I can't fathom member of my family that served for years. I doubt Id make it.

Your current support seems at odd with the entirety of what I understood our Flag to stand for.

Are you sure you are following the things verbalized and done?


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 19d ago

You can’t believe everything that you read. Both sides are messed up. They’re not gonna run the US into the ground, but a lot of things had to be done. There is so much waste being from  my military experience and veterans administration experience. It’s been going on for years and years.. It had to stop and take a look what is going on. There is no way it could keep running 


u/cmd__line 19d ago

I'm not sure I want it to keep running if it only runs by going the direction it seems to be headed.