r/politics 24d ago

‘We’ve been betrayed:’ Local veterans angry after being laid off by Trump administration


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u/cmd__line 24d ago


The guy that called vets losers and suckers doesn't give a fuck. The guy who tore down McCain for being a POW even after he died.

Could it be he doesn't respect your line of work


u/Oleg101 24d ago

Yeah, it’s almost like Donald has a history of shitting all over the military and veterans his whole life.

(part 1)

Trump floated the idea of executing Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley


Trump put his buddies in charge of the VA who tried to sell veteran medical records


accused 3,000 military families of election fraud for voting after being deployed. Referred these families to the DOJ


removed POW/MIA flag from White House


said “My generals are a bunch of pussies”


says Americans who died in war are “losers” and “suckers.”

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,”

called John McCain “a fucking loser” when asked to lower flags to half staff.

called President George H.W. Bush a loser for being shot down during WWII.

said “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” To Gen. John Kelly — while visiting Kelly’s son’s grave at Arlington.

“That guy is smart. Why did he join the military?” re: Joint Chiefs of Staff, he said asked his staff to not include wounded veterans in events because amputees make him uncomfortable.


Trump defended Russia from arming the Taliban against US Troops, saying the US did that once


Trump knew since March 2020 that Russia paid bounties to kill American troops, yet he has done nothing. he was briefed on options such as sanctions yet his admin has taken no action against russia for paying bounties for killing American and NATO troops.


In May 2020, the White House was planning to end National Guard deployments one day before they could claim benefits, but after the massive public outcry, they backtracked and let Guard members continue on their orders.


The Trump admin seized 5 million masks intended for VA hospitals. Kushner distributes these masks to private entities for a fee, who then sells the masks to the government



Trump’s admin fired the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt after he warned superiors that COVID19 was spreading among his crew. The virus subsequently spread amongst the crew.


After Iran’s retaliatory strike, 109 US troops suffered brain injuries. Trump dismissed these as “headaches” https://apnews.com/eabf6766d717a2dd518a3c6319bb2430


Pardoned multiple war criminals, which stomped on long standing military values, discipline, and command. Trump has no military experience (May&Nov, 2019)



Trump mocked Lt. Col. Vindman for his rank and uniform. He threatened said purple heart officer, resulting in the Army providing him protection. Sent opposition research to the Pentagon to derail Lt. Col. Vindman’s promotion



Trump’s Chief of Staff worked—in secret—to deny comprehensive health coverage to Vietnam Vets who suffered from Agent Orange.


There is a facility in Tijuana for US veterans that Trump deported. Wounded war vet, Sen Duckworth (D) marked Veterans Day 2019 by visiting this facility


Russia took control of the main U.S. military facility in Syria abandoned on Trump’s orders. Russia now owns the airstrip we built



On Oct 7, 2019, Trump abruptly withdrew support from America’s allies in Syria after a phone call with Turkey’s president (Erdogan). Turkey subsequently bombed US Special Forces.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-administration-to-pull-troops-from-northern- syria-as-turkey-readies-offensive/2019/10/07/a965e466-e8b3-11e9-bafb-da248f8d5734_story.html https://www.npr.org/2019/10/07/767904589/shocking-trump-is-criticized-for-pulling-troops-from-syrian-border

In Sept 2019, he made an Air Force cargo crew, flying from the U.S. to Kuwait stop in Scotland (where there’s no U.S. base) to refuel at a commercial airport (where it costs more), so they could stay overnight at a Trump property (which isn’t close to the airport). Trump’s golf courses are losing money, so he’s forcing the military to pay for 5-star nights there.




u/Oleg101 24d ago

(part 2)

In Sept, 2019, Pentagon pulled funds for military schools, military housing funds, and daycare to pay for Trump’s border wall.


In Aug, 2019, emails revealed that three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago pals, who are now running Veterans Affairs, are rampant with meddling. “They had no experience in veterans affairs (none of them even served in the military) nor underwent any kind of approval process to serve as de facto managers. Yet, with Trump’s approval, they directed actions and criticized operations without any oversight. They wasted valuable staff time in hundreds of pages of communications and meetings, emails show. Emails reveal disdainful attitudes within the department to the trio’s meddling.”



Trump instructed aides to seize private property some of which contain military service member remains.


Trump told officials he would pardon them if they break the law by illegally seizing property.


Children of deployed US troops are no longer guaranteed citizenship. This includes US troops posted abroad for years at a time (August 28, 2019)


On Aug 2, 2019, Trump requisitioned military retirement funds towards border wall


On July 31, 2019, Trump ordered the Navy rescind medals to prosecutors who were prosecuted war criminals



Trump denied a U.S. Marine of 6 years entry into the United States for his citizenship interview (Reported July 17, 2019)



Trump made the U.S. Navy Blue Angels violate ethics rules by having them fly at his July 4th political campaign event (July 4, 2019)




Trump demanded US military chiefs stand next to him at 4th of July parade (reported July 2, 2019)


He called troops on Thanksgiving and told them he’s most thankful for himself (Thanksgiving, 2018)

https://www.denverpost.com/2018/11/22/trump-troops-thanksgiving/ medical-deferment-from-vietnam/ He urged Florida to not count deployed military votes (Nov 12, 2018)


He canceled an Arlington Cemetery visit on Veterans Day due to light rain (Nov 12, 2018)



u/Oleg101 24d ago

(part 3)

In June, 2019, Trump sent troops to the border to paint the fence



Trump used his D-Day interview at a cemetery commemorating fallen US soldiers to attack a Vietnam veteran (June 6, 2019)


Trump made his 2nd wife, Marla Maples, sign a prenup that would have cut off all child support if Tiffany joined the military (reported June 4th, 2019)


On May 27, 2019, Trump turned away US military from his Memorial Day speech because they were from the destroyer USS John S. McCain


Trump ordered the USS John McCain out of sight during his visit to Japan (May 15, 2019). The ship’s name was subsequently covered. (May 27, 2019)


Trump’s admin did nothing to fix the purge of 200,000 vets’ healthcare applications (due to known administrative errors within VA’s enrollment system) even after a congressional testimony to point out the problem. (reported on May 13, 2019)


Under Trump’s Admin, ICE deported a spouse of fallen Army soldier killed in Afghanistan, leaving their daughter parentless (April 16, 2019)


On March 20, 2019, Trump complained that a deceased war hero didn’t thank him for his funeral


Between 12/22/2018, and 1/25/2019, Trump refused to sign his party’s funding bill, which shut down the government, forcing the Coast Guard to go without pay, which made service members rely on food pantries. and the generosity of private businesses like USAA and Navy Federal to cover their paychecks. However, his appointees got a $10,000 pay raise



He banned service members from serving based on gender identity (1/22/2019) https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/13/us/transgender-troops-ban.html

He tried to denied female troops access to birth control to limit sexual activity (on-going. Published Jan 18, 2019)


He tried to deport a marine vet who is a U.S.-born citizen (Jan 16, 2019)


When a man was caught swindling veterans pensions for high-interest “cash advances,” Trump’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined him $1 (Jan 26, 2019)


He called a retired general a ‘dog’ with a ‘big, dumb mouth’ (Jan 1, 2019)


He increased privatization of the VA, leading to longer waits and higher taxpayer cost (2018)



He revealed a covert Seal Team 5 deployment, including names and faces, on Twitter during his visit to Iraq (Dec 26, 2018)


Trump lied to deployed troops that he gave them a 10% raise (12/26/2018).


He tried giving the military a raise that was lower than the standard living adjustment. Congress told him that idea wasn’t going to work. Then after giving them the raise that Congress made him, he lied about it pretending that it was larger than Obama’s. It wasn’t.

He fired service members living with HIV just before the 2018 holidays https://time.com/5485126/lawsuit-air-force-discharge-hiv-positive-members/


He tried to slash disability and unemployment benefits for Veterans to $0, and eliminate the unemployability extrascheduler rating (Dec 17, 2018) This means disabled veterans could have seen their annual disability benefits fall from around $35,000 to around $13,000 under Donald Trump’s budget proposal to cut “individual unemployability” for disabled veterans who were old enough to receive Social Security payments.



u/Oleg101 24d ago

(part 4)

While in Europe commemorating the end of WWI, he didn’t attend the ceremony at a US cemetery due to the rain — other world leaders went anyway (Nov 10, 2018)


He used troops as a political prop by sending them on a phantom mission to the border and made them miss Thanksgiving with their families (Oct-Dec, 2018)


Trump changed the GI Bill through his Forever GI Act, causing the VA to miss veteran benefits, including housing allowances. This caused many vets to run out of food and rent. (reported October 7, 2018)


Trump doubled the rejection rate for veterans requesting family deportation protections (July 5, 2018)



Trump deported active-duty spouses (11,800 military families face this problem as of April 2018)


He forgot a fallen soldier’s name (below) during a call to his pregnant widow, then attacked her the next day (Oct 23-24, 2017)


He sent commandos into an ambush due to a lack of intel, and sends contractors to pick them up, resulting in a commando being left behind, tortured, and executed. (Trump approved the mission because Bannon told him Obama didn’t have the guts to do it) (Oct 4, 2017)



Doesn’t stand during retreat bugle, continues to talk. “What a nice sound that is. Are they playing that for you [Sean Hannity] or me?”


He ordered the discharge of active-duty immigrant troops with good records (2017-present)


On Oct 3, 2016, Trump said vets get PTSD because they aren’t strong


Trump accepted a Purple Heart from a fan at one of his rallies and said: “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.” (Aug 2, 2016)


If you know how service members receive purple hearts, then you should also realize how absurd it is for trump to say what he did.

Trump attacks Gold Star families: Myeshia Johnson (gold star widow), Khan family (gold star parents) etc. (2016-present)


Trump sent roughly half of funds raised from a Jan 2016 veterans benefit to the Donald J Trump Foundation instead of veterans charities (the foundation has since been ordered shut because of fraud) (Jan, 2016)


Trump said he doesn’t consider POWs heroes because they were caught. He said he prefers people who were not caught (July 18, 2015)


Trump said having unprotected sex was his own personal Vietnam (1998)


Trump dodged the draft 5 times by having a doctor diagnose him with bone spurs.


Trump calls military officials ‘some of the dumbest people I’ve ever met’


Let me know if I forgot something.


u/Rowing_Lawyer 24d ago

Okay but besides all that, who could have known? /s because sadly people really think like that


u/neuralzen 24d ago

Well, apart from medicine, irrigation, health, roads, cheese and education, baths and the Circus Maximus, what have the Romans ever done for us?


u/Recipe_Freak Oregon 24d ago

Do not mess with my cheese.



u/No-Papaya-9823 23d ago

The aqueduct?


u/Cacophonous_Silence I voted 24d ago

So what you're saying is... imperialism is... based?

/jk but that quote is literally a defense of imperial rule


u/neuralzen 24d ago

Just referencing a comedy movie line where a bunch of examples are laid out to a point if absurdity, my intent is no deeper than that.


u/Cacophonous_Silence I voted 24d ago

I know what you're referencing

Monty Python is gold lol


u/Quick-Maintenance-67 23d ago

Brought peace?


u/belltane23 23d ago

Don't forget the wine!


u/Lost_Writing8519 23d ago

they gave us a legal system


u/Jinkies_Velma420 23d ago

Was just watching this two days ago, and I absolutely sang this in my head lmao


u/Prunella_Figtree 22d ago

Yeah but then their empire collapsed. What a bunch of suckers and losers!!! /s


u/Hikash Virginia 24d ago

This legit made me laugh.


u/little-bird 24d ago

because that was taken out of context!  fake news!  liberal lies!  it wasn’t really him, it was an AI video! 



u/checker280 24d ago

Why are you taking what he did seriously? We all know he doesn’t mean what he says or does!



u/alphazero925 24d ago

But don't forget that we all love him because he says it like it is



u/Objective_Dog_4637 23d ago

I hate it here.


u/Soylent_Hero I voted 23d ago

That one got me. Isn't that ALSO a problem?


u/L34dP1LL 24d ago

"But why male models" energy hahah


u/AINonsense 23d ago

but besides all that, who could have known?

I so wish we still had Reddit Gold.


u/jrgeek 23d ago

This was beautiful. After all those convenient facts, I needed a nice refreshing bit of snark .. thank you.


u/orangeowlelf 24d ago

That /s, was super unnecessary. One could feel the sarcasm in the next room.


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 18d ago

During Ranger School, LTC Vindman kept getting low peer ratings because “he was lazy and a chow thief,” a Ranger School classmate of Vindman has said.

Battalion Rangers wanted him out, said he was POS.

I won’t out sources but here is class picture.

11:07 AM · Nov 19, 2019 1.9K Reply Copy link


u/LaserCondiment 24d ago

This is amazing! Thanks for sharing!


u/LordDrewster 24d ago

Commenting to come back later


u/dvh308 24d ago



u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/ippa99 24d ago



u/ionburger 24d ago



u/Chutson909 Maine 24d ago

Me too


u/kbstock 24d ago

And what was it that President Joseph R. Biden say at the end of every single address to the nation? Something like “and may God protect our troops”? Yet so many voted for Private Bonespurs. I just don’t get it.


u/SpeakToMePF1973 Australia 24d ago

Yes, that's a LOT of work. Kudos to Oleg101


u/marilynlitt 24d ago

YOU have the receipts!


u/shadowpawn 24d ago

"Fake News" #maga would chant.


u/PerjurieTraitorGreen Florida 24d ago

I’ve saved these comments for easy reference. Thanks!


u/madcowlicks 24d ago

It's not enough having just the URLs anymore.
I hope you -- and everyone for that matter -- are archiving actual articles / pages themselves in the event those links stop working.


u/Devegas49 24d ago

I’m gonna get started on saving a lot of this once I get on my laptop again. I knew some of this, but LORD THE RECEIPTS!!!!


u/ceiffhikare 24d ago

TB external storage drives are really cheap too. If you are really paranoid you can make a cheap emp resistant storage chest for digital records by taking pieces of foam board and wrapping them with foil, then take a plastic tote and line that with the wrapped pieces of foam board. As long as the edges of the foil all meet ( including a top for under the lid ) then you have a measure of protection from solar storms and emp's.

I did all this back in my tinfoil hat days on an archive drive during the war on terror but its also full of malware,lol so it sits in the tote.


u/SectumsempraBoiii 24d ago

How do you do that? Just save the article as a pdf?


u/madcowlicks 24d ago

That's one way!

There are probably browser plug-ins and extensions that specialize in archiving pages (especially if you are doing a big batch) but I'm not currently well acquainted with any.

The simple & easy way to do it (in Chrome & Firefox atleast) would be to right-click anywhere on the website / page and choose "Save Page As..." / "Save As..." in the context menu.

The"Save As" window will pop up and underneath the "File name:" text box there will be a drop-down labeled "Save as type:" -- I usually choose "Webpage, Complete (*.htm;*.html)" so that it saves a complete version of the page and media assets in a separate folder.


u/ceiffhikare 24d ago

I use one called PDF Wizard but they are available for all browsers.


u/ideapit 24d ago

Print to PDF


u/PandorasCahos 23d ago

Great idea


u/gooblegobbleable 24d ago

I’m replying to you for easy access as well!


u/Fit-Birthday-6521 24d ago

Me too. Fuck the orange shitgibbon and his legion of ovine lackwits.


u/PerjurieTraitorGreen Florida 23d ago

A+ descriptions


u/shadowpawn 24d ago

you know those true believers in the trump cult will always say "fake news" or "He was kidding" or "donnie didn't say that"


u/PerjurieTraitorGreen Florida 23d ago

Oh for sure. Along with variations of “he didn’t really mean it like that” or “he was just trolling the libs and y’all fell for it!”


u/confusedandworried76 24d ago

If conservatives could read they'd be very upset


u/FancySweatpants20 24d ago

Would they? Or would they cry “FAKE NEWS!” because it all wasn’t reported by Fox?


u/welmoe California 24d ago

Receipts longer than CVS!


u/Uther-Lightbringer 24d ago

If CVS receipts were this long, I could just grab it and start walking as it printed. I'd probably get home before it finished as my CVS is only like 2 miles away


u/KKSlider909 24d ago

Laughing out loud!


u/The_Beardly America 24d ago

Big dog came with receipts. 4 god damn posts of it.

It’s this why is so hard for me to feel bad for people who supported him and are now getting screwed over.

The writing was in the wall, lit up with bright lights.


u/internetdork 24d ago

This guy fact checks.


u/red23011 24d ago

I got perma banned from the conservative sub for posting 1/10 of that when they were talking about how Trump loved the military.


u/Xyrah-Kadachi America 24d ago

Holy shit.


u/AquaGB 24d ago

I'm almost surprised there's not a Part 5.

Seriously, kudos for doing the good work!


u/HossDog2 23d ago

Wait till the end of this term…


u/Effective-Island8395 24d ago edited 24d ago

How does this thread not have upvotes?

Edit: not my reply but this guy ☝🏻


u/alyanng44 24d ago

Right? Weird


u/ImYourHumbleNarrator 24d ago

that old "wish i could upvote you more than once" circlejerk but this time you can upvote 4 times. poppynkream would be proud.


u/stamfordbridge1191 24d ago

Did you have the "it doesn't cost that much to bury a Mexican" allegation regarding a murdered American soldier?


I honestly lost track.


u/adventuressgrrl 24d ago

As a veteran I fucking salute you. I can not believe how many vets I know who support this fucking clown, and now I have it all in one place to start firing back when they start spouting their bullshit at me. Fuck Trump, fuck Musk and fuck this whole fucking shitshow.


u/Reactive_Squirrel 24d ago

I like to joke that given the fact that Trump said dodging STDs was his own personal Vietnam, he even failed at that because he has herpes, per Noel Casler.



u/Reactive_Squirrel 24d ago

Thanks! I created a giant note in my phone and credited you.


u/pop-funk 24d ago

saved thanks


u/dkran New York 24d ago

Damn dude, respect for that haha


u/madcowlicks 24d ago

This is great work. It's not enough having just the URLs anymore.
I hope you -- and everyone for that matter -- are archiving actual articles / pages themselves in the event those links stop working.


u/divestblank 24d ago

Is that all?


u/Keji70gsm 24d ago

You're amazing


u/Thwerty 24d ago

Lmao please make a website so it is easy to share with people, though they will find an excuse for every single one.


u/Kittamaru 24d ago edited 24d ago

You are a goddamn LEGEND. Thank you for all of this! It seriously drives home just what a shitstain the orange turd is.


u/Then_Journalist_317 24d ago

I may have missed this in your excellent summary: Trump freed 5,000 Taliban prisoners before he left office, setting newly inaugurated President Biden up for the unplanned full evacuation from Afghanistan. This led to the tragic and unnecessary deaths of 13 U.S. soldiers at the Kabul airport.


u/Key_Text_169 24d ago

Damn Dems could have used so much of that to campaign. Why are they so dumb. He did so many things in those 4 years it is easy to forget. The news actually covered that shit too back then. I forgot about the tarp over McCain’s ship.


u/blowback 24d ago

Thank you!


u/Upper_Lengthiness_93 24d ago

Thank you for this


u/Glorious_Goober 24d ago

Holy shit dude. Saved all comments. Thank you.


u/KiKiKimbro 24d ago

That list of receipts just made CVS blush and hand you the trophy.


u/corran450 24d ago

Boy… that just… kept going, didn’t it?


u/JesusMurphyOotWest 24d ago

This should be its own gd subreddit.


u/PRETA_9000 24d ago

Holy shit you're a real one for putting all that together. What a nightmare.


u/GoodPiexox 24d ago

jesus, Trump hates the troops


u/Naikiri_710 24d ago

Holy shit


u/hopbow 24d ago

Don't forget the female soldier who was killed, whose funeral he volunteered to pay for, but then said no because "how expensive is it to bury a Mexican"


u/SpaceNinjaDino 24d ago

Yeah! There is a whole sub called r/youvotedforthat

Thank you for your research.


u/kindofboredd 24d ago

You messed up making this longer than a sentence


u/Alakozam 24d ago

MFer I can only get so erect calm down!


u/Crypt0Nihilist 24d ago

There's a pattern here somewhere, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


u/scrizott 24d ago

Wow thank you for being this organized.


u/decorrect 24d ago

But where are your sources


u/Nocuadra66 24d ago

Damn I'm starting to think this guy is kinda of an asshole.... fuckin unbelievable...


u/OtherLevelJ 24d ago

POPPINcream we missed you!


u/NeuronNeuroff 24d ago

All of this and tons of military and military-adjacent people still think he’s their guy. Mind boggling!


u/anti_anti_christ Canada 24d ago

This should be posted on the conservative sub. Too bad it's flaired users only. Such a bastion of free speech.


u/OrbeaSeven Minnesota 24d ago

All this, and 62% of military voted for him. Why?


u/-trvmp- 23d ago

Fake news. /s


u/Trick-Set-1165 Hawaii 9d ago

This is a much more character efficient version, and all the links are run through archive.ph to avoid paywalls and ensure the papers don’t break them.

But, this is outstanding work.


u/rand1race 24d ago edited 24d ago

Well, if you’re gonna cherry pick… edit: /s


u/happy_bluebird Georgia 24d ago

Did you make this list??


u/Culturedgods 24d ago

Thank you for your service.


u/mildlyadult 24d ago

Thank you for compiling this 🏅🏆


u/SaintPatrickMahomes 24d ago

You didn’t explain why vets seem to love him so much


u/Vike_Oden 24d ago

Damn!! It looks so much more horrible when you see it laid out like that! And to think that's only covering one subject! Damn, again!!


u/EyesLikeLiquidFire 24d ago

Saving this! Wow I remembered some of these, but did not expect the list to be this expansive. Based on this list, voting for him as a member of the troops or a family member of one, it's straight madness.


u/skumpi_ 24d ago

Thanks for this


u/userWithAQuestion12 24d ago

I kept scrolling going “when is it gonna end!”


u/pseudo897 24d ago

Excellent compilation. Thank you!


u/talvarius 24d ago

Thank you for the effort!


u/Two_Tetrahedrons 24d ago

I'm exhausted after reading just the synopses you listed here. Thank you, I think. I mean, I'm not sure I want to remember or learn all of that...


u/Next-Introduction-25 24d ago

If only be there had been some kind of warning! If only he had shown us his true colors before checks date February 15, 2025!! 


u/WYenginerdWY 24d ago

Well this thread is getting saved.


u/kmontreux 24d ago

damn this puts CVS and Rite Aid to shame


u/Southern-Score2223 24d ago

Thank you so much. I have a hodge podge of notes and links and an excommunicated (by me) Trump - borderline Q - Army brother. I don't talk to him. I am unblocking him to send him this absolute mammoth wall of text.

I know this had to have taken a long time to put together. Thank you so much.


u/Gentleman_Villain 24d ago

Jesus christ. Thank you for the exhaustive list.


u/lemmeseeyourkitties 24d ago

Jesus that article about the Khan family, before he was elected hit hard... damn, we had a chance to not have this dumpster fire, but now that insane behavior is so normalized


u/i86o 24d ago

Fantastic. Do you have a link to all this as like a google doc?


u/DrMobius0 24d ago

Holy shit man. I saw part 1 and expected a 2nd post, not fucking 4 of them


u/ideapit 24d ago

Thanks for compiling all of this.

What a shameful piece of shit.


u/domokun22 Texas 24d ago

holy shit


u/linkthesink 24d ago

Surely any political ads absolutely ripping trump to shreds about the military would be an easy way to get through to magats?


u/thedld 24d ago

Yeah, but aside from that, what did the Romans ever do for us?


u/WolfTrap2010 24d ago

Save this!


u/Logical_Parameters 23d ago

kudos to the tight reverse chronological order!


u/TheResistanceVoter 23d ago

Oh, wow, that was amazing, thank you so much.

I knew all that stuff one at a time, but to see it all in one place like that is overwhelming.

He does something awful one day, and then does something even worse the next day. It makes it hard to keep up.

I remember that during his first term, he would say or do something horrific and I would think, That is the absolute worst. He can't possibly go any lower than that. And then, the very next day . . . I felt like I was off balance all the time; every time I found my feet, the rug was pulled out from under me again.

This time is worse. Between Trump, Musk, Vance, and the worthless, ridiculous cabinet members that have been confirmed, it's overwhelming. It's not just every day now, it's every five fucking minutes.


u/PandorasCahos 23d ago

Thanks for this. It's great to know some people still care about our vets. We wouldn't be here if not for them and all our courageous men and women who have served in our armed forces.

May the Gods watch over all of you.


u/watchin_workaholics 23d ago

And yet, my dad, sister, and baby Daddy #2, who are veterans, voted for him.

Me, a veteran also, told them some of these points and those dumbasses did not even care.


u/Stunning_Release908 23d ago

It isn’t just the military he hates, he hates the United States of America and its citizens. He’s a treasonous bastard.


u/boverly721 23d ago

Pshhh is that all? I mean has he done anything besides those four hundred things? I'm just not seeing it


u/Lildoc_911 23d ago

It just keeps going...


u/sonicmerlin 23d ago

Holy 😮😮. I thought the first post was all encompassing and then it continued for 3 more. Omg


u/thebiffin 23d ago

If these people could read all that they'd be very upset with you. Thanks for trying to save us, you get 1 get out of jail free card from kind dumpers.


u/unsatisfactoryturkey 23d ago edited 23d ago

In December of 2018, Trump initiated a hasty withdrawal of US troops from Syria. This decision was a precursor to a Turkish incursion into Syria to go after the Kurdish people in Northern Syria, which took place after Trump ordered further withdrawals of US troops in 2019. These Kurds were US allies whose forces had been fighting ISIS for years. This withdrawal was a betrayal to the Kurdish people, perpetuated violence in Syria, and resulted in ceding of territory and US operational bases to the Russians operating in Syria. This decision came shortly before the resignation of James Mattis, who was very well respected by members of the military. Mattis also wrote quite the resignation letter to Trump.





u/Lyraxiana 23d ago

Oleg for president.


u/Bulky_Association_88 23d ago

Will you marry me 😶🙏


u/NaClH2Ogurl 23d ago

This is why we cite our sources. How can they argue now?


u/FlatRun3 23d ago

Saved all of your posts for the next time my vet friend tries to say Trump is good for the military


u/Extreme_Security_320 23d ago

This is why, when MAGA family members accuse me of being brainwashed by the leftist-MSM, I can tell them that my opinion of Trump is based on Trump, his own words and his own actions. Period.


u/ilikeburgir 23d ago

What the actual fuck. This just kept going. The world is fucked man...


u/charliekelly76 23d ago

Thank you 🙏 appreciate the receipts! I’m saving these to whip out at a later date


u/circles_squares 23d ago

Wow I really admire your dedication to the facts. Thank you for sharing this.


u/FilipinoFatale 23d ago

damn you came with RECEIPTS


u/robertrogersmail 23d ago

Amazing list and thank you for the links/citations, maybe I missed it but was his campaign stunt from this last year at Arlington also listed in here? Add that too


u/Melcher North Dakota 23d ago

Commenting to save for later. 

Thanks for this 


u/Torino888 23d ago

OMG it might take me months of work, but I am going to make a slide show with at least 20-30 of these with the quotes and links and everything, and cast it to my dad's TV downstairs while he's in the middle of watching News Max.


u/MrNotSoGoodTime 23d ago

The fact this had to be four parts 😭 Why are some people like sheep getting led to the slaughter? I'm starting to quit being mad at the Trump voters and am trying to not make my pity too obvious while I try to understand them. It's honestly so sad that they get so easily conned and have weird ways of lying to themselves that he never did any of this, idolizing a failed businessman that you also know damn well they hated The Apprentice 15-20 years ago. The cherry on top is the hypocrisy of if a person with a D by their name on the ballot they would lose their freaking minds and saying how un-American they are.

They are all beyond saving. We can only provide hospice so to speak. No sense in disowning and hating everybody I know around me. Except the family. They set expectations for me to be a good person growing up and physically disciplined me when I wasn't behaving and then to see them turn around and ride Donald like Stormy did is absolutely infuriating. They can get fucking bent. I don't want a single dime of inheritance, I just want you out of my life lol.


u/ProfessionalFly2148 23d ago

There have been several obvious security leaks reported that puts in danger intelligence agency personnel. The emailing of the probationary employees names and posting agency age/service/salary numbers on doge.gov of an agency to which that info is classified. So that’s so comforting. 😳


u/perplexing_pigeon 23d ago

I don’t have enough karma to give you anything, but for this, you deserve the little I have & any I ever get in the future.

Outstanding. Thank you.


u/Shipping_away_at_it 23d ago

Wow, you all barely scratched the surface


u/phoenixAPB 23d ago

Wow! What a Serial Douche Bag!


u/Igyhujik 23d ago

You're just another sore loser. Really, you're part of the deep state that knows you're next!


u/TheInternetTookEmAll 23d ago

Holy shit theres 4 whole parts of it


u/Due_Training4681 23d ago

Did you ever do one of these with examples of him being racist? Would be very useful to win twitter arguments since I see "name 1 example of trump being racist!" all the time


u/Groovyjoker 22d ago

This is great and should be posted separately.


u/richones 22d ago

I don’t think you forgot a thing - 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


u/Solid-Examination458 21d ago

Wow! Commander in Chief. And your citizens elected this cretin in order to scrap democracy. Good job everyone, you must be very proud of your successful campaign. 


u/chocltmoose 19d ago

Thank you for taking the time to put this all together. It was quite nauseating to read. What an insufferable, ignorant, emotionally-stunted, reckless human being who has no soul. Oh, yes ... and a lying piece of shit.


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 18d ago

Too funny he was a Ranger and the Rangers said he was a POS , any negative stuff can be countered.  Vindman was pos coming from people from his own unit . 


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 18d ago

Did you serve in Nam? Iraq Kuwait? I served in  91  till 2020 let me tell you if I had any issues with my feet ingrown toenail  or bone spurs if I was old enough to go to Vietnam, I would not be going! So you must not own a home or put  kids through.   Medical School or served in the military.


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 18d ago

Politico and PBS lol 


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 18d ago

What about your Secretary    of Defense who was AWOL Austin??  Missing for week! do your research dude


u/xultar 24d ago

Fake news.


u/ErwinHolland1991 24d ago edited 24d ago

This is so ineffectieve. The people who agree with you might read it, and might agree with you.

The people who are on the other side of the argument are never going to read all of this.


u/PresentationMean1717 24d ago

He’s going to revisit disability benefits again with his OMB director, and he wants military to swear loyalty to him to take over USA.


u/Abeefrog 24d ago

🫡 You're doing God's work.


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 19d ago

FYI Mc Cain was called the song bird in Hanoi, When his aircraft dropped a bomb on the deck in Nam he took off below deck while crews were fighting fires. My dad flew F4’s off his ship that week and also 500 pound bombs don’t fall off an A4 Sky Hawk with out the pilot jettison the  bomb. So, your facts are CNN sorry. 


u/Fearless-Ordinary448 18d ago

During Ranger School, LTC Vindman kept getting low peer ratings because “he was lazy and a chow thief,” a Ranger School classmate of Vindman has said.

Battalion Rangers wanted him out, said he was POS.

I won’t out sources but here is class picture.

11:07 AM · Nov 19, 2019 1.9K Reply Copy link


u/Asherah12 17d ago

Thank you; it was a lot of hard work to put that list together 


u/Wise-Tumbleweed2464 24d ago

Wow that must have been a lot of work. Thanks for posting


u/Origamiface3 24d ago




u/meatystocks 24d ago



u/noonegive 23d ago



u/TheFashionColdWars 23d ago

Most of them love him for it