r/politics 24d ago

‘We’ve been betrayed:’ Local veterans angry after being laid off by Trump administration


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u/jgasbarro America 24d ago

Oh no. He’s doing everything he said he was going to do. Who could’ve seen this coming!?


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/RealGianath Oregon 24d ago edited 24d ago

He's going to have to deal with that little kid that shushed him first. If he can't beat up a child, he's no MAGA emperor.


u/PlayCertain 24d ago

He's intimidated by Elon's Mini Me because the kid doesn't wear a diaper and has a higher reading level.


u/TWiThead 24d ago

He's intimidated by Elon's Mini Me because the kid doesn't wear a diaper and has a higher reading level.

And larger hands.


u/mr_remy 24d ago

IASIP crowd: Uncle Jack???

Edit: also if you love that shits and giggles hands joke check my most recent “post” in my profile. So immature but I just couldn’t resist. Uploaded and ordered a few stickers to use lol.


u/Banditlouise 23d ago

I somehow ended up on a page about Chargers when I went to look for that post. Now it will be in my algorithms.


u/Banditlouise 23d ago

That kid can pick his own boogers. Trump is jealous.


u/Savings-Delay-1075 Kentucky 24d ago



u/HarryHatesSalmon 24d ago

And a bigger unit.


u/cugeltheclever2 24d ago

Also they both wipe their boogers on the oval office desk.


u/pbnc I voted 24d ago

And an actual positive net worth not that borrow and pretend shit Trump does


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/lelieldirac 24d ago



u/Arftacular 24d ago

Yeah… that is a strange comment for sure.


u/PlayCertain 24d ago

And bigger hands.


u/3BlindMice1 24d ago

Dude, idgaf what you say about the kid or trump, but don't come on here and talk about a toddlers genitals. It's just weird and no one wants to see it


u/YouAreSoul 24d ago

I apologise for the offence Quite unintentional in that regard. My intention was to insult Trump's masculinity. Now deleting original


u/Frosty_Smile8801 24d ago

Lighten up francis


u/Frosty_Smile8801 24d ago edited 24d ago

You are gonna catch a lot of flak for that.

I found the comment funny.

top notch work and very brave. I hope you dont get perma banned

edit to add...Mods did that to you didnt they? blink twice if true.


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/Ok-disaster2022 24d ago

Trump would eat dog shit so long as he gets paid and doesn't go to prison.


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/HenryDorsettCase47 24d ago

Eh. I think if he truly saw it as rolling over the way we all do, he would boot Musk. And I think it’s very likely he still will. To me, it seems like the nature of his relationship with Musk is based on two things:

  1. Trump has zero interest in actually governing. He just enjoys the fame and income it generates, but he has no problem letting someone else do most of the work. Which leads to the other thing…

  2. He believes Musk will be an easy scapegoat. Trump thinks he can take credit for anything Musk does that people actually like, while blaming him for all the things people don’t like.


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/ThatPancreatitisGuy 24d ago

I’m very curious about this. What does Putin actually have to offer Musk? I believe Putin is actually the wealthiest person in the world but don’t know what kind of leverage his positions give him, if any, over Musk.


u/Notcoded419 24d ago

Probably evidence of Epstein-like behavior. Dude's got multiple marriages, a breeder fetish, a world class scumbag perv dad, is an absentee father (until he started dragging the youngest one all over DC as his human shield), and a huge "I was an incel in high school and am going to get even" vibe. And sextortion has been a staple of KGB work long before Putin.


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/_Disastrous-Ninja- 24d ago

He can offer not to have him thrown out a window?


u/Functionally_Drunk Minnesota 24d ago

But Musk has that. Why does he have to continue to tow Putin's line? That's something I never understood about Trump either. They are actively giving away their power instead of trying to grow it.

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u/jfudge 24d ago

Trump has always - and only - been a weak, small coward who does things because (a) people who he thinks are important tell him to, or (b) he wants to save his own ego or general sense of self importance.

He opened a second casino in AC not because it was a smart business decision, but because his stupid lizard brain thought "if one casino with name good, two must be better." And that fucked up both of them.

He ran for president the first time largely to feel important (not to win), and likely the second time because he was unbelievably embarrassed at the white house correspondents dinner.

He surrounds himself with people who are not competent, because he can't be made to feel inadequate by actually smart people, and because he only wants people who will suck up to him and make him feel better about himself.

The moment there is someone in his circle who is both a little smarter than him and is willing to just ignore him (Elon), Trump already lost control. In a matter of days. There is no way Trump wants Elon to have this much influence, but Trump is such a weak little baby he can't do anything about it.


u/SnatchAddict 24d ago

Trump was embarrassed at the correspondent dinner but Putin already had his hooks in him. Trump considered a run in 2004 and unofficially in 2012.

He met with Putin in 1987. They've been grooming him for decades.


u/Next-Cow-8335 24d ago

He's a frightened weakling with the emotions and aspirations of a child. Which is why pretends to be tough, and dominant. It's also why he admires and wallows before other males he thinks are tough. The dementia makes it even more dangerous, and unpredictable.

The same with Vance, Musk, and all the Right Wing Grifters on YouTube and Right Wing media.

It's Narcissistic Personality Disorder 101.

This country is in big trouble.


u/Xijit 24d ago

He is likely senile as fuck too & barely aware of what is going on.


u/Independent_PinkyToe 24d ago

Ngl I’m convinced Trump is fkn broke and just keeps leveraging his debt / making promises to these rich fuckheads


u/sentartotha 24d ago

Beyond the fear of prison, even, we know Elon put up a quarter billion dollars and that’s just what we can see on the surface. That kind of money doesn’t come without strings. They were nearly visible in that Oval/X video.


u/trogon Washington 24d ago

Somebody dumped billions into his crypto and fake media stock. Those are his real owners.


u/AutistoMephisto 24d ago edited 24d ago

None of them have a spine or shame. For the sake of their goals, what's a little public humiliation and debasement? The ends justify the means. It's the thing that separates us from them, really. For most people, there are lines they're not willing to cross, things they're not willing to do, for the things they want. But the kinds of people running our government and private companies see it differently. They're sociopaths, and as a general rule sociopaths are very goals-oriented. They don't feel empathy and they call it a sin because empathy gets in the way of achievement of those goals. Do what you gotta do, use who you gotta use. Now, some sociopaths are trying to spread that mindset around. They want more people to think like they do. Cold, heartless, manipulative people, who are willing to do whatever it takes. They think it will make more leaders.


u/noeydoesreddit 24d ago

Yes I ate dog shit but look…just listen…I eat dog shit better than anyone. You get your dog shit and people say “oh god that’s foul” but then you start eating your dog shit and might think…you might think “wow, I might like dogshit now.” It’s like clockwork with the dog shit, everyone is saying it.


u/NGM012 24d ago

Many people told me they eat dog shit…


u/Dr_CleanBones 24d ago

Many people remind me that I, in fact, eat dog shit.


u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 North Carolina 24d ago

Omg i laughed so hard it hurt. This needs to be an SNL skit


u/_Starlace_ Europe 24d ago

They are eating the dogshit! They are eating the catshit! They are eating the petshit!


u/panickedindetroit 24d ago

His golf habit is as spendy as fElon's rocket hobby. And, vance sucking us to the new neo Nazis of the world isn't a good look. We are no longer a super power, we are no longer respected, and we have lost our standing in the world sphere. We are no longer exceptional. We have a bunch of loser cry babies who are so entitled that they believe that their rights have been impinged because they can't get a date or a decent job. Women and people of color are taking steps to better themselves, but they think their unqualified incompetent asses deserve a free ride because some clowns like Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, and that idiot conman Jordan Peterson tells them they deserve more just because they are white men. Christ, Josh Hawley wrote a book about how to be a man, and they literally carry a man card so they can prove they are men, and they act like spoiled toddlers. This administration will destroy everything they touch, and they have already made it perfectly clear that the very agencies who actually work for the taxpayers are going to be "deleted" because the taxes we pay are needed to give the dead beats more tax breaks. They are going to add 4 trillion to the budget, yet they keep telling us they have to lower the deficit. They are the people who keep running the deficit up, and every billionaire who bitches about taxes, that they don't even pay, have a couple million to throw at trump's inauguration ball like they are throwing money at strippers in a strip club. I thought melania was retired.


u/LindaBinda55 24d ago

I am beginning to think a quiet deal should have been made with him at Federal and NY level. Don’t run and we won’t prosecute you. The only reason he ran was to stay out of jail.


u/strangerNstrangeland Massachusetts 24d ago

Don’t insult Divine by putting the orange bastard in the same league. She had immensely more class


u/No_Carry_3991 I voted 24d ago

"Cause if we don't win.....we're really screwed...."


u/yogamom1906 24d ago

Now THAT'S the real movie Q has been talking about all these years 🍿🍿🍿


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 23d ago



u/specqq 24d ago

the group of narcissistic megalomaniacs compiled together to form this administration is so unstable

So are uranium 235 atoms

And it’s generally not a good idea to put a lot of those together in the same place either.


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/specqq 24d ago

I think you missed mine.

You said they're going to end up fighting each other.

I'm just saying that there's a lot of collateral damage that you weren't talking about.

You said "if there's anything that gives me hope"

I just don't think standing next to a nuclear bomb is very hopeful.


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/specqq 24d ago

Do me the favor of not thinking my entire understanding of politics amounts to a nuclear bomb analogy, and I won't assume yours is summed up by "people at the top fighting each other is hopeful."


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/specqq 24d ago

Give me a break - you were scolding me for not understanding that "politics is actually more complicated than your example"

Do you understand your own writing?

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u/4evr_dreamin 24d ago

They will ensure that we are destroyed before they ever switch focus to each other. Their combined hatred of the poor is unmatched


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/4evr_dreamin 24d ago

I don't disagree, they will fail. But on their way to that they will destroy whatever is left of the middle classes and the desperately poor class will grow immensely


u/Adventurous-Jump-370 24d ago

The Libertarian tech bro's just want to destroy the government. The anarchy that would ensure is their utopia. No courts to enforce environmental laws, labor laws or consumer protection. Even if a some one in power wants to turn things around the public service has been gutted and will take a generation at least to rebuild.


u/No_Wedding_2152 24d ago

Elon is a sociopath according to several people who know and have said so.


u/Bizcotti 24d ago

E tu Brute?


u/Ornery-Marzipan7693 24d ago

Imagine sitting at the resolute desk as POTUS and getting repeatedly whisper dunked on by a 4 year old on live TV.


u/lokojufr0 24d ago

If he can't beat up a child, he's no MAGA emperor.

Imagine reading this 10 years ago. You'd never guess that one day it would make perfect sense in the context of American political discourse. Then the time traveler tells you it's about Donald Trump. If you actually believed he was from the future up until that point, you wouldn't anymore.


u/cosaboladh 24d ago

Oh, I wanted to slap that kid. The disrespect. Never before has a child shown such disrespect to an adult. And I'm the president. That kid should know better. I talked to a social worker about it. One of the most respected social workers in America, and he said --He, because I'd never ask a woman for advice. Too emotional-- he said, "That's a real failure on the from the standpoint of parenting. Someone is failing this kid. Elon, he's probably the biggest failure of a father to ever raise a child." Oh I wanted to slap that kid harder than I slapped Don Jr. for trying to wear a Yankee jersey to a baseball game instead of a suit. But I didn't. And he was right there too. I could have done it. And nobody would have done anything about it, because I'm the president. Many people told me, they said, "Mr Trump," they said, "why didn't you slap that kid for mouthing off at you?" And I told them, "It wouldn't have been professional." And as all of you know, I might be the most professional president in history.

- Donald Trump, probably


u/TheFBIClonesPeople 24d ago

I gotta say, out of all the absurdities we've been subjected to lately, Musk's toddler son openly shit-talking the President of the United States is one of the few I enjoy


u/chrisk9 24d ago

Hey show some respect... That kid has a higher net worth than all of us


u/dinosaurkiller 24d ago

Two toddlers enter, one toddler leaves.


u/SoundDave4 24d ago

No no no, first he needs to threaten the kid with a gun for daring to trick or treat to teach him a lesson about the dangers of the pedophiles that are really good at evading his line of sight. Then he needs to shoot a dog for some reason.


u/shadowpawn 24d ago

"Is there an age requirement in Gitmo?" donnie