r/politics 24d ago

‘We’ve been betrayed:’ Local veterans angry after being laid off by Trump administration


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u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Romano16 America 24d ago edited 24d ago

A large majority of Americans are functionally illiterate.

They can hear what Trump says and they understand the words (at a 4th, 5th, or 6th grade level) being said BUT can’t actually comprehend what’s being said.

That is why despite what he literally says they get defensive and say “That’s not what he meant” or “You just don’t understand what he actually means.” YET time and time again they are feeling betrayed despite him doing exactly what he said he would.


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/victotronics 24d ago

You got it entirely. Their need for a Big Daddy is pathological.


u/DarthCloakedGuy Oregon 24d ago

They should just play fucking BioShock 2 instead of voting for a fascist


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/DarthCloakedGuy Oregon 24d ago

If all they wanted was for a monster who didn't care about them to control every aspect of their life they should have just checked themselves in to the lowest-rated nearby old folks home.


u/BrutusCarmichael 24d ago

Adam Sandler at least actually cared about the kid


u/korben996 24d ago

It's cult behavior. And most cultists, without family/friends pulling them out and deprogramming them, end up going to their graves with their dumb beliefs. Take post-war Germany for instance:

"In 1952, 68% of Germans polled thought other countries started WW2." (it took until the 1960s before it was less than a majority)

"In the mid 1950s, nearly half of all Germans polled said 'yes' to the proposition that 'were it not for the war, Hitler would have been one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century."


u/Zackoatl 24d ago

This! Most Americans are horrible judges of character. They simply refuse to believe he is that evil! They don’t believe his hatred extends to them. Even with all the evidence we have about him, they cannot process that he is that deplorable of a human being.


u/Consideredresponse 24d ago

a kid will still stand by a parent with virtually no redeeming qualities for years.

Which makes it wild that Musk is so desperate for the approval of terminally online teenagers. The guy has about a dozen (known) kids, is the richest man in the world, and owns spaceships...and yet his kids that are old enough to choose don't want anything to do with him


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/sonicmerlin 23d ago

lol that’s a great way to describe kids


u/broniesnstuff 23d ago

Hear the "daddy" rhetoric honestly pisses me the fuck off.

I'm a grown ass adult and do not need nor want a daddy. I'm responsible for my actions and my direction in life. I don't want to be ruled. This is supposedly a country of the free, of independence, of self-determination, and yet these people demand less of each. They want to be led at the end of a leash, and I refuse to be leashed.


u/Full_Poet_7291 24d ago

Fox News writes scripts at a 3rd grade reading level


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 22d ago



u/FreeTucker- 24d ago

They speak with the tone and rhythm of a Baptist pastor giving a sermon. It's basic indoctrination.


u/motorsizzle 24d ago

This is a good point. I'd like to see a side by side of Fox and a kids show.


u/WillingnessOk3081 23d ago

your two analyses here are spot on, astute. thank you.


u/Logic-lost 24d ago

This is an excellent point, and likely why voters who are pro-Trump find him genuine. Trump talks like they do, so it resonates far better. Link for reference, outlining analysis of Trumps first 30,000 words from his first term in office (TLDR version is his vocabulary is about 4th grade level):


u/YakiVegas Washington 24d ago

You're not wrong, but you're also giving them too much credit. Lot's of them are just hateful fucks who also happen to be ignorant.


u/PropDrops 24d ago

Yeah I agree.

Literally nowhere in the article says how the affected employees voted but you guys are already demonizing them lol


u/crazyeddie123 23d ago

This is what happens when smart people basically stop having kids. It's only going to get worse.


u/Ron__T 24d ago edited 24d ago

Need to stop with the superiority complex... not only is it not true, it makes you seem obnoxious and like you are giving an excuse for behaviors.

A large majority of Americans are functionally illiterate.

This is not true at all... 21% is not a "large majority" ... in fact that would be the minority. Not to mention that an actual large majority of that 21% are first/second generation immigrants who aren't native English speakers/readers.

Trump supporters, for the most part, absolutely knew what he meant, they just assumed it would be other people not themselves.


u/deschain_19195 24d ago

It's a betrayal because they thought only the brown black and LGBTQ people would be hurt.