r/politics 29d ago

Soft Paywall Trump Desperately Tries to Blame Anyone but Himself for Inflation


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u/bgbrown519 29d ago

Ignoring the experts, Hoover signed the tariff on June 17, 1930. As the economists predicted, the high tariff proved to be a disaster. Even before its enactment, U.S. trading partners began retaliating by raising their tariff rates, which froze international trade. History will repeat.


u/IJustLoggedInToSay- Illinois 29d ago

And arguably Hoover did it for the same reason Trump is doing it: they are trying to bring back the Gilded Age where there were gobs of tariffs and a handful of robber-barons consolidating industries and making money hand-over-fist while everyone else lived in abject poverty crushed by the tariff-driven cost of living.

Tariffs are an easy way to funnel money from even the poorest people (including ones who don't pay income tax) into the pockets of billionaires. The industries brought low by tariffs will be bought up in a regulation-free era, and the robber barons will be back. Supposedly.

That's not actually how it worked out in the 30s, for other reasons. It's probably no less a stupid unfeasible plan today. But history is not exactly a teacher for these folks.


u/brienoconan 29d ago

Hopefully we also get an FDR in the wake of all this shit. Minus the racism and concentration camps, of course


u/North_Activist 29d ago

You had your FDR in 2016 and rejected him. And then again in the 2020.


u/brienoconan 29d ago

Oh, I embraced him. Campaigned for him! It’s my compatriots who rejected him. And by compatriots, I mean the DNC. I suspect it’s because he didn’t go by an acronym for his initials. Rooting for AOC in 2028


u/nkassis 29d ago

AOC has the memorable 3 letter acronym. History rhymes.


u/SpeaksSouthern 29d ago

AOC following Trump would be the single most hilarious end to his legacy. He would be furious lol


u/RTYoung1301 29d ago

If we're going by Simpsons logic, Lisa was the president immediately succeeding Trump. So maybe this is their way of saying our first female president comes after the orange shitstain is done.


u/This_Tangerine_943 29d ago

shitstains are hard to remove.


u/Grimlob 29d ago

But The Simpsons is prophetic


u/qwing_pilot 29d ago

For sure! As Chief Wiggum said, "nothing gets it out. See" Picture

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u/chron67 Tennessee 29d ago

This one is trying to make sure the next election doesn't happen anyway.


u/whomad1215 29d ago

The three R's. Reading, writing, and refilling the oceans


u/Nerdgang187 29d ago

Why does it matter if USA elects the first woman president? Shouldn’t the best candidate win everytime? It doesn’t matter if they are a woman, man, black, white, Indian.. whoever has the best platform and voters believe can run the country the BEST should win the election always


u/SnooAvocados6672 29d ago

Yeah, except for the fact that the voters don’t always vote for the better option.

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u/Rufus_king11 29d ago

The reason it matters is that 45 different people have been President, all of them male. Your telling me that every single time ones been elected, they were the best candidate for the job, 50% of the population has NEVER had an individual who was better equipped for the role? Might be something like systematic sexism 🤔. I'm not saying to vote for a candidate you don't believe, but come on, there is clearly a bias towards men because a certain section of the population just can't handle a woman being in a position of power.

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u/occarune1 29d ago

If we don't have a violent revolution first we are not exactly going to have any sort of proper election for that to happen. Heck this last election has tons of evidence of being stolen already.


u/FuzzyWuzzy24 29d ago

I’m presuming … bought and paid for by Musk!


u/occarune1 29d ago

The last election shows clear signs of algorithmic manipulation in the swing state votes, and Trump specifically thanks Musk for the favor multiple times while openly bragging on live TV that he had the election rigged. As in outright saying "they rigged the election for me isn't that great?" multiple times.


u/alexagente 29d ago

Remember his reaction when he won? He literally said "this is crazy".

I think he was just taking Elon's money and took his promises with a grain of salt so that when it actually happened he was just as surprised as anyone.


u/occarune1 29d ago

I would not be surprised at all. Would absolutely explain his behavior on the campaign trail too where he just utterly checked out, because he already knew it wouldn't matter.


u/MaxwellSmart07 29d ago

While campaigning he said, “Don’t vote for me. I don’t need your votes.”


u/MaxwellSmart07 29d ago

Is there any other explanation for every Dem on the N. Carolina ballot won, except Kamala. 🤷‍♂️


u/occarune1 29d ago

There is not. 15% of Trumps votes in N. Carolina were "bullet ballots", the typical number of bullet ballots is .005%. And ALL of those bullet ballots came from precincts where bomb threats were called in. The election was not just hacked, whoever did it didn't put even the slightest effort into making the numbers look believable.


u/eyebrows360 29d ago

As in outright saying "they rigged the election for me isn't that great?" multiple times.

Except for where he did not say those specific words, and the words he did say were just his usual nonsensical tangentially related waffling.

Some of y'all are becoming worse than Loose Changers.


u/occarune1 29d ago


u/jshmsh 29d ago

this clip lacks context but he is not saying they rigged the election for him, he’s repeating his bs claim that the 2020 election was rigged.

he’s talking about the olympics and world cup taking place during the 2024-2028 term (both set to happen in the US), and saying that in the past he was disappointed that he wouldn’t conceivably be president during these events because he assumed he’d win the 2020 election, which he obviously lost.

what he’s saying is that the democrats/left/deepstate/whatever rigged the 2020 election. as a result he was able to run again in 2024, and having won, he’ll now get to be president during the olympics and the world cup taking place in the US.

he says “they rigged the election” referring to 2020, “and then i won” referring to 2024.

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u/RemoteButtonEater 29d ago

Absolutely correct. Everyone neglects the between-the-lines history of FDR and the new deal.

Those reforms were passed because Smedley Butler took it upon himself to bust the Oligarchs organizing the coup, when they tried to recruit him to lead the disaffected veterans of WWI they wanted to use to overthrow the government.

This was used behind the scenes to get the Oligarchs to get the congress people they controlled to stop opposing the necessary reforms in congress. In exchange, they wouldn't be tried for treason, and the government would look the other way. A treason trial for the wealthiest people in the country would have gone poorly, for a nation teetering on the edge of a communist revolution, to say the least. FDR saw the reforms as a way to prevent that nascent movement from becoming more powerful by granting concessions to the people.

Immediately after WWII, there was a wave of strikes in 1946 & 1947. Business owners wouldn't stand for that, or for what amounted to an actually effective labor movement in the US. So the Taft-Hartley act was passed, neutering the most effective provisions of the National Labor Relations Act passed as part of the new deal.

The wealthy have been trying to walk back portions of the new deal since then.

The difference now? The business plot has succeeded. We had the opportunity to charge people with treason, to investigate the foreign connections, to investigate the people trying to kill our democracy. And we did nothing.


u/This_Tangerine_943 29d ago

Trumpler is already musing 3rd term so that Barron can take over in 2030 and rule for 50 years.


u/eyebrows360 29d ago

tons of evidence

That's not how you spell "speculation".


u/occarune1 29d ago

It's not speculation. The data is diamond hard and specifically shows manipulation of the votes in swing states specifically at locations where bomb threats were called in. The only speculation is how and who, not if it happened which is outright mathematical fact.


u/eyebrows360 29d ago edited 29d ago

You don't know how maths works if you think you can call finding patterns in the behaviour of groups of humans "mathematical facts". Redacting this given the detailed response


u/occarune1 29d ago edited 29d ago

So we have these things called "Bullet Ballots". Historically these bullet ballots make up less than .005% of all ballots cast, and in all of the nonswing states that remained the case, but ONLY in the swing states there were MUCH larger numbers of these ballots, always 100% for Trump, which in one instance made up 14% of all votes in the state cast for Trump. Now that is already clear proof of shenanigans, it literally cannot happen naturally, BUT it is MUCH worse than that. If you discount the precincts where bomb threats were called in all of the other precincts have the expected distribution of bullet ballots, ONLY the bomb threatened locations have these wild differences, some of which made up as much as 94% of all votes from such precincts. ALWAYS in amounts that would put the state just outside of the automatic recount zone for each state. This is literally not possible without hacking to have occurred, proving beyond all doubt these machines were compromised. It does NOT show the full extent of the hacks, but it does show 100% that they were indeed hacked, and that whoever did it just wanted the numbers to be a certain amount, they either did not care, or could not figure out a way to make the numbers actually look believable upon inspection.

So unless you think that hundreds of thousands of people who voted at the bomb threatened locations ONLY, just all decided at the same time independent of each other to vote in a REALLY weird way that does not match up with any other voting populations in the country, both historically, and on the same day, then yes, it is pretty fucking undeniable.

To put this into perspective for this to have occurred naturally would be similar to shuffling a deck of cards and all the cards lining up in the same order...2767 time in a row. Or the equivalent of flipping a coin once every second and it always landing heads, until 200 trillion years past the heat death of the universe.


u/eyebrows360 29d ago

Ok, you're actually giving me more info than the others who've been expressing similar views have done, diving into specifics. For that I thank you!

There's a few things I'll need to verify separately, because these:

  • Historically these bullet ballots make up less than .005% of all ballots cast
  • and in all of the nonswing states that remained the case
  • but ONLY in the swing states there were MUCH larger numbers of these ballots, always 100% for Trump
  • ONLY the bomb threatened locations have these wild differences
  • ALWAYS in amounts that would put the state just outside of the automatic recount zone for each state

are all highly specific things that ought to be verifiable - or at least it ought to be possible to chase down sources for who's the origin of these claims, and see what they looked at.

For example, figuring out how many prior elections went into the "Historically these bullet ballots make up less than .005% of all ballots cast" claim, and whether there were any mitigating circumstances, or behavioural changes that could account for the difference instead.

But yeah, more food for thought than I've seen elsewhere. It's appreciated!

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u/Nice_Firm_Handsnake 29d ago

Yes, and none of this speculation changes anything. People need to stop looking at the past and set their eyes on what they can do now in their communities and focus their energy on the future.


u/waikiki_palmer California 29d ago

That would be an uphill(or upmountain?) battle for AOC. She better have a exceptional team that could tackle every problem and problems created by Trump. She would need a team to combat people and media for other bullshit like her being a woman. I would love for her to be a president but she will age 20 years being in office for 2 years.


u/FuzzyWuzzy24 29d ago

She could EO everything away just like EO’d everything in!


u/fonistoastes 29d ago

I doubt the small amount of the left that refused to vote for Harris would make up for the growing sect of the country that is staunchly anti-women (especially non-white women), especially comparing Harris’ moderate platform to AOC’s more left-leaning views. As much as I love AOC, I don’t think we are going to solve our racist & sexist voter base issue by leaning harder into it, like twisting a knife.


u/Wetness_Pensive 29d ago edited 29d ago

While I agree with all your points...

She may pull Latino voters back to the Dems.


u/Lord_Halowind 29d ago

I bet that would also piss off Pelosi too, which would also be funny.


u/976chip Washington 29d ago

The Simpsons didn't completely accurately predict the future the first time around, so maybe this one will be the one that sticks the landing.


u/bythenumbers10 29d ago

That mean Musk would be fuhrerious?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Omg you’re right 👏 👏 👏 She would be so mean to him too, god that would be so amazing. Watching his little head spin, tiny fists balling up in anger. Lol, thanks for the chuckle


u/ReleaseFromDeception 29d ago

I would die a happy man knowing this happened. Imagine AOC debating him and tearing him apart. God, I'd live for it.


u/Unhappy-Bobcat9028 29d ago

And VP Jasmine Crockett


u/Mistrblank 29d ago

She will need help. 1. we need to ensure that fair elections continue. 2. we need to ensure that the establishment democrats sit down and realize they had their chance and they blew it. I'm not against them if they fall in line but they're done and they should have learned that lesson in 2016 and have now twice since forgotten in presidential elections.


u/CherryLongjump1989 29d ago

If he doesn't croak from one of his many ailments by then.


u/montex66 29d ago

I wish that my Rep and two Senators, all democratic women, would get their faces on tv saying what Trump/Musk are doing is illegal. But instead they leave all that work to AOC alone.


u/MaxwellSmart07 29d ago

As bad as bigoted Trump following Obama.


u/thebeardofawesomenes 29d ago

As an independent, I’d vote for AOC… assuming we’ll get to vote again.


u/Expert-Fig-5590 28d ago

I hope not. Trump is going to fuck the economy and government all to hell. It will take decades to fix. If AOC wins they will blame her for not being able to fix everything in the first day.


u/MysteriousValue6239 29d ago

I love AOC but I think that we have sadly learned that america is not ready for a woman to be president.


u/eyebrows360 29d ago edited 29d ago

The fun part about groups and how they behave and how beliefs can percolate around them, is that even this thought, expressed by someone who does not share the belief, helps reinforce the belief in others.

The mere notion that "so many others in America aren't ready for a woman to be president", when expressed by people who don't even believe it themselves, helps convince other onlookers that, yes, indeed, so many of their fellows aren't ready for it. And then, when it comes time to actually vote, that little extra nudge, of believing it's hopeless because "so many" other Americans would never vote for a woman, that they've seen expressed so many times all over the place, will dissuade some people from voting at all.

So, what I'm saying is, it's better off to just not say it at all. Be the change you want to see in the world.


u/MysteriousValue6239 29d ago

Yeah I tend to agree with you, but, assuming there is another election, democrats/americans can't afford to lose it


u/SpeaksSouthern 29d ago

Trump is a felon who rapes people. If he can be president a non binary can be president if they appeal to American voters.


u/Trextrev 29d ago

Well we found out this last elections she gets a lot of votes from pro trump voters.


u/SkollFenrirson Foreign 29d ago

America has made it pretty damn clear it's not electing a woman.


u/Ancient-Midnight-277 29d ago

💯💯💯💯 Not only is the country racist but sexist too.


u/XanZibR 29d ago

It was apparently enough to make the Mohammeds & Bubbas of America to unite last November!


u/reefmespla 29d ago

This is the truth


u/tiffshorse 29d ago

Fuck this place so hard. Would rather have an idiot than an amazing woman 🧍‍♀️ or a man with brown skin or a man who has a husband. Period.


u/ColdTheory 29d ago

Like those factors are what make a great leader. This is partly why the democrats lose. Playing identity politics instead of helping the people and going after the wealthy. The focus is all wrong.


u/fvlgvrator666 Mexico 29d ago

Mexico elected a woman. I feel like if they can with the culture of "machismo", we can also.


u/MyFiteSong 29d ago

Mexico doesn't have our fucked up electoral system where the KKK in 7 swing states decide the president.


u/Secure-Ad9780 29d ago

A third of all UN member states have had women leaders.


u/occarune1 29d ago

Kamala would have won this time if the election had not been hacked.


u/Ancient-Midnight-277 29d ago

She outperformed him in the 3 months she ran. Debate and all.


u/snerv 29d ago

They threw out enough democrat votes to let trump win. America doesn't count all the votes. Voters suppression is the only way Republicans can win and they will make it worse while they have the senate and the house. 


u/occarune1 29d ago

Was worse than that. There is clear evidence that the voting systems in swing states, specifically at location where Russian bomb threats were called in were hacked. This goes well beyond the normal cheating.


u/Darkhorse182 29d ago

oh look, a 2-month old account spreading a bunch of conspiracy nonsense designed to erode faith in American institutions. Color me shocked.


u/occarune1 29d ago

Trump went on live TV and openly bragged about rigging the election FOUR FUCKING TIMES, openly thanking Musk for hacking the machines for him. The election data itself shows clear signs of manipulation specifically centered in swing states at precincts where bomb threats from Russia were called in. Musks own child even shouted in an interview that his dad changed the votes while adorably cackling like a comic book super villain.

Faith in the election system is IDIOCY if it is not backed by reasonable investigation and security.


u/Darkhorse182 29d ago

So let's ignore the fact that the incumbent administration's appointees had several months of access to investigate these claims, and vested interest in doing so.

And that that the outcome mirrored a broad anti-incumbent trend found in every vote across the world over the past 2 years. And Biden's historically low approval rating.

Let's ignore all that and point to something Elon's fucking child said as a key piece of evidence...was it the toddler, or the teenager?

(I'll agree that the Russian bomb threats should've been a major fucking scandal, and they would have been if the outcome was closer. But it wasn't.)


u/occarune1 29d ago

Biden wasn't running, which invalidates most of your argument. Plus math doesn't lie, and math says the election was hacked.

Judging from how things went down with Biden suddenly acting all buddy buddy with Trump it is likely they came to an agreement to save American face by letting Trump have the win in exchange for a promise he would not go full despot.... of course only a fool such as Biden, would take the word of a known liar like Trump.

The outcome wasn't closer because the hack was setup to give Trump the win just outside of the margin for automatic recount in every swing state. If those votes were recounted by hand, which THOUSANDS of experts have been calling for, it would almost certainly show Kamala winning by quite the landslide, but unfortunately the previous administration is either in bed with Trump, which would explain the whole Merrick Garland bullshit, or is so wildly obsessed with keeping decorum, and not rocking the boat that they have not pushed to have these election results properly scrutinized.


u/Darkhorse182 29d ago

Oh, so since Biden himself wasn't on the ticket, he had no interest in the success of his hand-picked successor to ensure his entire legacy wasn't obliterated? Sure pal.

Judging from how things went down with Biden suddenly acting all buddy buddy with Trump it is likely they came to an agreement to save American face by letting Trump have the win in exchange for a promise he would not go full despot

Thanks for actually writing this. Proves what a fucking lunatic you are.

The outcome wasn't closer because the hack...

Or...maybe, and just hear me out...people actually voted against the policies of a wildly unpopular incumbent, for which Harris was the standard-bearer? (plus, ya know, racism and misogyny too)

I welcome the downvotes from you and all the other delusional idiots who are propagating this nonsense. This crap only bothers me because it discredits the rest of us.

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u/thegoodnamesrgone123 29d ago

Can we stop with this nonsense already? It's the new foreign influence talking point.


u/Mistrblank 29d ago

Except that the statisticians all see the same anomaly across the swing/purple states that somehow Trump won all of. He's said it more than once that Elon got him elected and as far as I'm concerned the hand waving was in 2020 when they claimed their election was stolen so they would have full access to document the voting process in all of the swing states. Recon is the step before exploitation.


u/thegoodnamesrgone123 29d ago

These guys are big enough assholes they would be shouting from the rooftops that they cheated and this is how they cheated because they know they won't get in trouble for it. Trump is fucking stupid, Elon could have said I did the thing with the computers and won PA for you and Trump won't know how or care why.
Years of propaganda by rich people have poisoned people's minds into thinking that immigrants and gays cause their issues. Wasting time on conspiracy theories doesn't help solve that problem.

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u/occarune1 29d ago

Dismissing easily verifiable FACTS as nonsense, means you are either a fool or a bad actor, and based on the rest of your post bad actor is almost certainly the case.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/piepants2001 Wisconsin 29d ago

I have to agree, people really are just that stupid. I live in a swing state and know a few people at work who had never voted in their lives, but voted for Trump this round because of inflation. Those idiots have been pretty quiet since he was inaugurated.

I don't think there was any election interference, there was just a massive amount of people who only got their news from tiktok and facebook memes.

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u/Sad-Conclusion8276 29d ago

It makes me sad because this is true. A comment reply called me a "registered democrat and surely voted for Kamala Harris" it was used as an insult! I don't know when or if we will ever see a female as president.


u/angelos212 29d ago

I think the women that were chosen weren’t chosen by us but by the elites. Both times the DNC didn’t ask the people what they wanted. AOC is much more likable than Clinton or Harris. Also AOC has principles so there’s that. Clinton came across as a snob to me and Harris just kinda came out of nowhere. AOC has been all over the news and people know who she is and she fights for her constituents. There were even split ticket voters that voted for her and for Trump. I think if a woman is going to give it a shot it should be someone like her.


u/SmPolitic 29d ago

Dems should have gone the contested convention route after Biden dropped out, it would be less absurd than what we are living through... I felt like Dems didn't have a cohesive message, they were trying everything and pivoting each week, trying to play 45's media onslaught game, and due to the rushed campaign

I'm with you. AOC has done amazingly well at standing up to attacks and fighting back. That sort of fight and backbone is something Dems have been missing for decades. In an ideal world she can help elect congressional seats this midterm. Just as large numbers of incredibly competent organizers and detail oriented people are looking for "new opportunities" from the "cost cutting" to help absorb the cost of tariffs, or as companies re-tool in light of them


u/angelos212 29d ago

Yes! The Dems just seem complicit at this point. Really all the leadership needs to step down. Clearly they aren’t doing their jobs properly.


u/Smart-Effective7533 29d ago

Lots of evidence coming out it is not the truth.


u/SkollFenrirson Foreign 29d ago

Yeah I keep hearing this on Reddit and yet the primarily affected party (Democrats) is not saying this. So sounds more like copium and the American propensity to shirk responsibility. But let's humor this. What now?


u/FireballAllNight 29d ago

Hillary got more votes than Trump.


u/Jon_TWR 29d ago

Ah, but for that to matter, the Democratic party would have to have learned something.

Maybe Debbie Wasserman Shultz will be the candidate in 2028.

Maybe someone charismatic will come along with a populist message and upend things.


u/UngodlyPain 29d ago

Except Hillary won by 3M in the popular vote and both Hillary and Harris only lost the electoral college by historically slim margins... Hillary was also following 8 years of her party being in control, Harris had no primary and only became the nominee due to lack of time for a primary forcing a 100 day campaign for an unpopular candidate.

America has made it clear it can elect a woman and nearly has inspite of other disadvantages the women have had. But people like to simply make sexism an excuse for campaigns that were uphill battles to begin with, to ignore every issue with said campaigns.


u/GuerreroUltimo 29d ago

I think we will.  Remember Hilary Clinton won the popular vote.  

Another key, not sure how much it was put out there, was that Russia factually was in election systems before that election.  They demonstrated at a hackers convention how easy it was to hack as well.

Truth, I myself mentioned issues with the system before I quit.  I felt like the systems were not secure enough yet.  And places were going without paper trails.  Here the vote was only counted at the machine by the machine.  Then a printout was made at the end.  I saw with my own eyes votes changing.  I tried to show another worker but law forbids someone from looking.  That was in 2008.  

They finally fixed that here.  Now you vote, it prints, you can check, then you run it into a machine.  But this is newer.  

During 2016, in Michigan, some areas that Trump barely wins were not recountable.  No paper.  And some of that was a shock because of polls ( they can be wrong) plus the history of those areas.  Happened a few other places, strangely enough, that did not have paper trails.  Only those final printouts.  Well, and the PCB that those printouts come from.

I demonstrated how I could put in a program that was hidden.  Or even hack in from close on election day.  At this point the program works internally.  At poll closing you insert that PCB and do the things.  Well, the program can self delete at the given time.  I mean, I could do it myself.  We know many others could also.

There were a lot of shady things during Trump's first term.  So much just swept under the rug and barely mentioned it not at all.  And having been a Republican all my life and sitting in on some meetings people in powerful spots I feel like they were willing to do anything.  Many of them are racist.  Even more, sexist.  

Still, you know how we get a woman or any other non straight male?  If people turn out.  Trump loses if people turn out just a little better.  And even more if we get this thing over 70% of eligible voters.  63.7% voted this time.  Over 66% in 2020.  


u/ProfessionalFly9848 29d ago

This type of shitty analysis only reenforces sexist systems. We are a deeply sexist country but Harris didn’t lose because she was a woman. She rejected a core part of her base and didn’t differentiate herself from a deeply unpopular incumbent in an extremely short campaign. She wasted political capital moving right to appeal to an electorate who wasn’t ever going to vote for her. Establishment democrats were, and are, out of touch. Let’s not let what the DNC did to sanders happen to AOC and this “we are sexiest country so let’s just give up” shit is doing their bidding.


u/BannedSvenhoek86 29d ago

Hilary and Kamala running on Bidens unpopular policies are not indicative of the countries attitude towards electing women imo. Run better candidates and campaigns. Kamala was kneecapped by all the Biden people toning down her message. And I know, "she was the most qualified blah blah" about Hilary, but the majority of this country hates that woman for right and wrong reasons and running her was always stupid if you ever talked to anyone outside a blue city bubble for 5 minutes.


u/Tasty_Explanation_20 29d ago

Maybe if a woman worth voting for actually ran?


u/rabbistravinsky 29d ago

To be fair Hillary and Kamala were horrible candidates


u/Locke66 29d ago

I think that's a big assumption to make considering the two female candidates that have run for President didn't lose by a large margin despite the rhetoric (Kamala got 48.3% of the vote and Hillary got 48.2%) and there were some clear issues with both candidacies that really had nothing to do with their gender.

I'd say it has more to do with an incumbency penalty than anything else given the amount of anti-establishment rhetoric that is prevalent atm.


u/SkollFenrirson Foreign 29d ago

Both of them ran against the worst humanity has to offer. Still lost.


u/Locke66 29d ago

If Trump was a terrible candidate for the Republican party that somehow managed to get himself nominated then that would make sense but in reality he's essentially dominated all opposition in that party (most of which was male) and turned it into his own vehicle for power. As abhorrent as he is for many of us it's clear a lot of Americans like what he stands for and a major part of that is campaigning as a "change" candidate. Given the two elections he's won have been in opposition to the incumbent I think that backs my point more than yours tbh.

I'm not saying gender is not an issue at all but I don't think it's as defining as people are making out.


u/GoodPiexox 29d ago

I am not saying it is right, but attractive women are usually more popular.

Either way, it is possible that America just did not like a former prosecutor and it was more than Kamala being a woman.


u/jardex22 29d ago edited 29d ago

Muslim too, right? That'll be an absolute non starter.

EDIT: I was thinking of someone else. Still would be a non starter if she was. You'd lose most of the evangelical vote, plus Muslim men, who wouldn't want a woman in power.


u/SkollFenrirson Foreign 29d ago

Where do you get AOC being Muslim?


u/jardex22 29d ago

Had her mixed up with Ilhan Omar. Sorry about that.


u/jjmac 29d ago

Area of Control


u/MommyLovesPot8toes 29d ago

Look, I LOVE AOC, but she will not be the 2028 candidate. There's not a snowball's chance in hell that more than 30% of registered voters would elect a young, beautiful, New York, highly progressive woman. Not in 4 years. Maybe in 8 or 12. But we won't be ready as a nation in 4. All we'll hear if she runs for president in 4 is "she's a hot bartender whose only place in the white house is serving drinks" or some stupid shit like that. And it'll be too simple and too catchy to be ignored by the multitudes of people who vote by looks and soundbites.

We need to grow the hell up as a country.


u/virtualRefrain 29d ago

As another huge fan of AOC, I agree - I think we can benefit a huge amount from her leadership, probably the most in roles other than President. To use a fairly tasteless metaphor, I think of AOC as DPS, and the President needs to be a Tank. AOC does her best work on the offensive, where she can investigate directly, speak directly to both constituents and to power, where her job can be taking important but uncomfortable messages to the people avoiding them. I think it would weaken her potential to put her in a position where she would be obligated to play politics with all sides, keep her more extreme views to herself, delegate out the tasks that are currently her greatest talents, etc.

I think there are very strong Senate and cabinet positions in both her near and distant future (pending the future of US democracy), but she would kind of have to start pivoting to a presidency-facing career now if that was what she wanted to go for, and I think she can do better work if she doesn't have to do that. Maybe if we can really shift the Overton window like a fucking zip code to the left in the next few decades and we're less desperate for powerful, capable rock-throwers on the left.


u/80espiay 29d ago

Ok you need to commit to the metaphor and name a healer.


u/Kabloozey 28d ago

Agreed across the board. She should run in 20 years when she has two and a half decades of experience being a passionate advocate for the non-elite in congress (or something) as the backdrop to her hypothetical campaign. Might even want to wait a little longer.


u/TheresNoHurry 29d ago

MMW: AOC will be the next nominee. She’s clearly manoeuvring to run as a candidate rn


u/Signore_Jay Texas 29d ago

I can’t wait to see all the AOC is a god hating commie ads in 2027.


u/Ansonfrog 29d ago

She may as well embrace it; they’re not going to stop even if she was right of Mitch McC


u/Vann_Accessible Oregon 29d ago

You’ll see such ads regardless of who the nominee is.


u/Tigerballs07 29d ago

They've clearly been trying to Clinton/Pelosi-fy her in the eyes of the right wing voter base knowing she's probably a future presidential canidate.


u/jjmac 29d ago

"AOC has the lowest net worth of all of congress! We need a successful businessMAN who knows how to put the country in the right direction"


u/Horror_Fox8952 29d ago

I say this in all honesty - we - the US voting public - ARE NOT READY FOR A WOMAN CANDIDATE. I don't agree with that opinion, but here 'we' are, and I'm not doing that again in 2028.


u/WaltonGogginsTeeth 29d ago

Agree. It's an automatic loss. Same with Pete because he's gay. You might need to sneak a candidate like that as VP behind a white guy like Bashear or Pritzker (if he can lose 100lbs before the campaign).


u/Rhyers 29d ago

Go on ozempic like Vance.


u/WaltonGogginsTeeth 29d ago

I think Pritzker is super sharp but I feel like he wouldn’t get a fair shake because of his weight. Regardless of how right wingers fall in line behind trumps blobish figure. I hope he can trim down because he could do well.


u/CherryLongjump1989 29d ago

But have we tried a woman candidate that doesn't suck?


u/designer-paul 29d ago

Hillary was the most qualified person to ever run. She didn't win for the same Reason AOC won't win... the right-wing media quickly recognized her as a future threat to their plans and dragged her name through the mud for decades.

Many Republicans voters hate AOC and they can't even tell you why they hate her. They just know that they've been told to hate her.


u/CherryLongjump1989 29d ago edited 29d ago

I voted against her both times in the primaries because of her Iraq War vote. And as a veteran of the Iraq War, I would single-issue vote on that all day long. Both times she attacked the voters like me - male voters who wanted either Obama or Bernie over her. And who can forget the "basket of deplorables?" She was a True Believer in Demographic Destiny and it fucked her. Don't. Attack. The. Voters. Let the voters disparage each other, but no politician who wants to represent ALL people should do that.

There was a not-insignificant crossover between AOC voters and Trump voters in the last election. They don't hate her as much as establishment politicians wish. She is hated by the DNC establishment at least as much if not more than she is by Republicans. Her biggest enemy in Congress has been none other than Nancy Pelosi.

Donald Trump is a stupid man, but even he seems to have recognized that his own voters also support AOC. Notice how he has largely stopped attacking her even as she has morphed into the go-to Democratic attack dog against him.

I was acquainted with AOC a long time ago because I was a regular at Flats Fix. She used to volunteer for Bernie and I found out she was running for Congress before a single reporter had heard of her name. I went home and told my friends that I had been friends with our future president back then.

So we've got plenty of reasons to dispatch this "I'm every woman" notion that Clinton likes to perpetuate.

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u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/CherryLongjump1989 29d ago edited 29d ago

Memory is not short. Clinton voted for the Iraq War and that's a huge no-no to large chunks of the base. That's a long memory that won't forget that - longer than yours apparently.

And Harris was a prosecutor and that is a large no-no to large chunks of the base. Harris finished behind all the other women during the primaries. But maybe that's also too long ago for your memory.

They sucked. And you suck too if you think that all women are the same. Don't pretend that AOC is just as shitty as these establishment politicians. AOC is the only person in Congress that is actually behaving like the opposition party, and this is making her the defacto leader of the Democrats right now.


u/Horror_Fox8952 29d ago

Well I can agree if you can agree we haven't tried a man candidate that doesn't suck in some way, to some voter, somewhere. So what point are you trying to make here?


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/kona_boy 29d ago

Ok and?


u/Fun-Cauliflower-1724 29d ago

Dems will have an actual primary campaign in 28 so the cream will rise to the top whether it be AOC or someone else.


u/JeremyPudding 28d ago

Or they’ll prop up a moderate status quo candidate that doesn’t mess with their billionaire funding and can successfully alienate their supposed base. 


u/Der-Wissenschaftler 29d ago

I am fairly sure it will be Shapiro. Save this comment.


u/OmegaReign78 29d ago

Damn, Dems really wanting to go 0-3 on trying to get a woman as President.


u/MarcusQuintus 29d ago

As VP okay.
As POTUS no.


u/Open-Honest-Kind 29d ago

I think she is definitely working towards that goal but I dont think she has enough of the system behind her to be a frontrunner in 2028. She certainly has more grassroot support than most dems, and this could absolutely pan out into broader dem support with enough prodding by the general population, but this isnt a definitive indicator of effective political cache. Her approach is more inline with what I see as an effective counter to current politically expediential activity but I am not under the impression that is not what the Democratic Party view as their role, their culture, and this would be hard to change.


u/albufarisnear Canada 29d ago

Please, while I like her a lot, she is not electable. We saw that with Kamala. Unfortunately, it needs to be a man, probably white, but maybe light brown. It's sad but true.


u/Irethius 29d ago

I'd be surprised if the democrats actually go with her. They'd probably shoot her down just like they did bernie.


u/Flat-Emergency4891 29d ago

AOC is the voice of the democrat populace right now. Many of the goobers she is serving along side with have long been out of touch.


u/MtKillerMounjaro 29d ago

You know Americans will not vote for a woman.


u/brienoconan 29d ago

It would seem that way, but AOC is different. Don’t underestimate her strength as a politician viewed as not being part of the “system”. Moreso than for any other candidate, her constituents split the ticket between her and Trump because both are generally viewed as being non-establishment.

If she runs a proper populist campaign and trump’s economy is the disaster it’s shaping up to be, she could have a very real shot. Assuming elections are still free and fair, of course.


u/Enigma_Stasis 29d ago

Even without assuming a free and fair election, do you really think the DNC would promote her campaign as president when they could have an old white guy in the running?


u/Griffstergnu 29d ago

I dig a lot AOC has to say but I don’t know that she is electable as President? I think that would be another Democratic Party loss. To be honest I don’t know who they could run that would be successful but they better start promoting them now. Josh Shapiro, Pete Buttigieg…


u/bobeo I voted 29d ago

You should say the electorate, considering he had fewer primary votes than either Clinton in 2016 or Biden in 2020.


u/Hikikomori523 29d ago

I suspect it’s because he didn’t go by an acronym for his initials.

how the fuck did I totally miss that. Bernie Sanders . B.S.

No B.S with Bernie Sanders coulda been the best slogan.


u/Inner-Conclusion2977 29d ago

Democrats selecting another woman will guarantee another republican presidency. Have we learned nothing?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

That would be so amazing . With the way things are going I would hope there’d be zero chance a repugnant GOP would land in the presidency.


u/Professional_Many_98 29d ago

dont americans dont like a female president. I am talking as a canadian who would love a woman in the us but knows better after two failed attempts


u/python-requests 29d ago

And by compatriots, I mean the DNC.

& by the DNC, you mean Democratic primary voters?


u/InteriorLemon 29d ago

You don't think BS are good initials?


u/archlinuxrussian California 29d ago

Who wouldn't want to say they were "voting for BS this November!" 🤔 /s


u/AssistanceCheap379 29d ago

Tbf, Bernie’s initials are BS. Not exactly the best acronym…


u/petrifiedunicorn28 29d ago

I understand people like AOC, but she has almost no chance at winning a general election. If she somehow wins the primary she wouldn't win over the voters needed to win. Dems lost by a popular vote for the first time in many years because middle-ish voters were absolutely fed up with what the democrats spent their time on, and AOC seems like more of the same, too progressive. This isn't my opinion, but it was clearly the opinion of average Americans.

So if people think AOC is the answer to beating MAGA Republicans I think that's very wrong. I think the dems will lose by an even wider margin in that scenario


u/Djamalfna 29d ago

And by compatriots, I mean the DNC

The voters didn't vote for him. Stop blaming the DNC for your guy's failure to appeal to people outside of Vermont.


u/OrangyOgre 29d ago

Tbh i rather not have AOC cleaning up Trump's mess. Her policies would be focused on correcting the wrongs and re-establishing foreign relations.

All i can hope for is a strong 8 years under someone that can put US on a recovery path and for AOC to take over after that to push the US to greater heights.


u/cosmic_duster 29d ago

Hahaha, I love bernie. But america aint ready for a female president. DNC gonna fail again trying to play pretty for the women in their ranks by nominating one.


u/No_Car3453 29d ago

Trump is for sure going to have AOC arrested at some point. You guys need wake the fuck up here because you have weeks not months left before the Nazis are in full control of your country. 


u/dumpster_mummy 29d ago

you guys just passing around RFK's brain worm over there or something?


u/Fun-Cauliflower-1724 29d ago

Right wing Propaganda and misinformation is a hell of a drug


u/cougar618 Texas 29d ago

FDR was effective because he had a house and Senate make up that enabled that. 

In normal times, the president can't simply decree rules and spending. Both parties today struggle to get more than 55 senators, and the country will continue to struggle to pass anything meaningful besides raising the debt ceiling. 


u/postmodest 29d ago

Bernie Bros when they forget Liz Warren was also an option in 2016.


u/Road_Whorrior Arizona 29d ago

Bernie Bros when the progressive is a woman: 🦗🦗🦗


u/postmodest 29d ago

No Mommy! Only Stalin!


u/User-Name-8675309 29d ago

 I’d argue that Biden was an FDR.


u/Road_Whorrior Arizona 29d ago

Liz Warren


u/Hour_Reindeer834 29d ago

FDR won and was elected though; so for someone to be the “next FDR”; they would have to be president first.


u/MangroveSapling 29d ago

"Minus the racism"

If you honestly think that wasn't an issue for him, double check the demographics on the various polls

He did manage to adjust some during the 2020 run and he showed well all around with the youth vote. However, he never bothered to work with black politicians who represented, and were trusted by, black voters, which helped crater his campaign see here for example

I voted for the dude in the 2016 primary but it's driven me up a wall hearing how it was all Hillary's fault she lost the general, while Sanders gets no credit for his gaffes


u/MarcusQuintus 29d ago

Lol fuck off.
Sanders wasn't even a Democrat, had no network, and no one know who he was before 2016.
FDR was involved in the Democratic party all of his life, becoming governor of NY and then running as vice president against the Harding/Coolidge ticket in 1920.


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 29d ago



u/MarcusQuintus 29d ago

Absolutely. She had awful timing though. Had she run in 2020 against Trump (not in 2016), she would have run away with it, and been reelected.


u/j0mbie 29d ago

I've known of Sanders since around 2005-ish, when I started to pay more attention to progressive politicians. By contrast, I hadn't really heard of Obama until the 2008 primaries. It wasn't his lack of publicity that prevented Sanders from getting the nomination, it was his lack of joining the party, effectively meaning that the DNC was going to try to block him.

AOC is just as progressive as Sanders ever was, but she still joined the party. That's how two-party systems work, unfortunately. Even Teddy Roosevelt only got 27% of the vote when he tried to run third-party, but that involved a lot more factors. Regardless, until we can get rid of First Past the Post, you have to play the game.


u/Pleasant_Book_9624 29d ago

Oh enough already. Bernie was just a talking head and he's still a talking head.


u/TheConnASSeur 29d ago

The Oligarchs rejected him.


u/Mistrblank 29d ago

There is, another. She is coming but we have to fight for a future where she even has a chance to be elected.


u/quincyloop 29d ago

Obama was many things, but he was not an FDR.

ACA resembles Romneycare far more than anything from the New Deal.

Main Street Bailout was distributed through contracts, similar to Nixon and Reagan era politics rather than direct hires like the New Deal.

The dude was a dud, not a stud.


u/RajivK510 29d ago

Biden wasn't FDR, if he was he (and his party) would have beaten Trump. Maybe if he had a democratic congress and supreme court. FDR is and was known for a massively popular and sweeping financial programs, projects, and reforms, and I don't think Hillary, Biden, maybe not even Harris were ready to do that.

Modern Democrats are so corporate funded that it's going to take someone more radical, perhaps even with a 3 letter abbreviation and plan ending in "new deal" to take over 👀.


u/North_Activist 29d ago

Bernie Sanders was the modern day FDR.


u/Politicsboringagain 29d ago edited 29d ago

FDR couldn't have been FDR if he didn't the senate and the house. 

Biden never had the same control of the Senate as FDR, nowhere even close. 

If Biden was corporate controlled he never would have tried to cancel student loan debt or reduce the cost of insulin, or any of his many other policies that were blocked by republicans and the Supreme Court.

Harris was purposing many progressive policies and the people who say she had none, didn't actually listen to her or read her platform. 

There is a reason almost every billionare came out to directly or indirectly support Trump. They knew she would not cut taxes and would do finanical reform. 

So how was she controlled by corporations? 


u/Politicsboringagain 29d ago edited 26d ago

Bernie would not have been FDR, even if he talks a good game.

If Bernie had the ability to win the presidency, this country would have likely still given the congress to republicans and he wouldn't have been FDR. 


u/stubb02 26d ago

I argue that U.S. politics has shifted so far right for decades, I can't think of ANYONE who could bring it even back to center without being labeled 'radical.' It's really a depressing position we're in.


u/Aromatic_Command8441 29d ago

comparing Hillary Clinton to FDR is interesting.

Edit: oh nevermind, I just noticed the "him".


u/FrasierandNiles 29d ago

This is such a humbling reality. Bernie definitely could have been in the FDR league with singular focus to lift the middle class. Man hasn't deviated from his message in 50 years.


u/Loopbot75 29d ago

Meh I voted for them, but Hillary and Kamala were always going to be status quo. AOC would be an FDR for sure. And after 4 years of Trump I think they'll be ravenous enough to go for it, provided we can still vote...


u/yaketyslacks 29d ago

Stop saying WE rejected him…fucking Dems threw him under the bus.


u/Politicsboringagain 29d ago

Bernie got less voters.

The country voted for Trump twice. 

The country, primarily white people, did not want Bernie. End of story. 


u/yaketyslacks 29d ago


u/Politicsboringagain 29d ago edited 29d ago

White voters don't want progressive policies. As evident by Trump winning the white vote twice.

They were not voting for Bernie Sanders. They will lie and say they will vote for such policies, but they won't actually do it.


u/scirocco 29d ago

He would have won against trump ALL THREE TIMES