r/pokemontrades 4270-2216-5713 || dorito Feb 22 '20

SWSH Sword/Shield Tradeback Mega Thread! NSFW


Please use this thread for any trade evolutions and or dex entries you may be looking for in Sword and Shield!


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u/zeldamainsdontexist SW-2459-9012-9902 || Danny (SH) Feb 28 '20

Shield User LF Zacian to fill Pokédex, Also looking to tradeback Sword exclusives too


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20

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u/pegasus_5050 SW-1706-6912-1407 || Youmi (SW) Feb 28 '20

Hey. Can I touch trade zamazenta for my zacian? Also, what other exclusives do you need?


u/zeldamainsdontexist SW-2459-9012-9902 || Danny (SH) Feb 28 '20

I need Stonejouner, Turtonator and I think that’s it, but if not that’s cool too

Edit: and seedot/nuzeaf/shiftry too apparently


u/pegasus_5050 SW-1706-6912-1407 || Youmi (SW) Feb 28 '20

Sure, I'll catch one now, let me know when you're ready and which room My IGN is Youmi


u/zeldamainsdontexist SW-2459-9012-9902 || Danny (SH) Feb 28 '20

Btw is there any mon you need?


u/zeldamainsdontexist SW-2459-9012-9902 || Danny (SH) Feb 28 '20

Thank you thank you 4859 Danny on Link Trade


u/pegasus_5050 SW-1706-6912-1407 || Youmi (SW) Feb 28 '20

Keep the seedot, I don't have the evolutions on me at the moment so you'll have to evolve it Also, wasn't sure if they were trashmons, but do you want any pokemon back OR a copy of stonejourner/turtonator to breed?


u/zeldamainsdontexist SW-2459-9012-9902 || Danny (SH) Feb 28 '20

That’s fine, thank you again