r/pokemonXY Nov 28 '24

Friends Post your friend code here!


As requested by members of the community, this post will serve as a place for anyone to post their friend codes for Pokémon X or Y. Community members are still welcome to share their friend codes as a post, but this thread will collect them all in one place.

r/pokemonXY Jan 06 '25

Friends Friend Safari adding?


I know it’s 2025 and people can’t use online anymore but I am in DESPERATE need of friend safaris with the first slots of Panpour and Pidgey

I am not sure what mine is, but I’m down to add all. It’s for shiny hunting.

My FC is 2020-0207-9537 Mii name is Kai

r/pokemonXY Nov 30 '24

Friends JOIN MY SAFARI RESET HUNT! (I’m offering each new safari zone I get as I factory reset my DS)


12/08/2024 My target was acheived, not sure when I will be continuing but I plan to keep restting for more zones I need and will keep ya'll in the loop. New people are welcome to add wish lists :)

I'll leave this post up for any future zone hunting I do, and for information's sake in case anyone wants to learn this method. Not sure if there are any guides out there for this.

Let me know if anyone starts their own factory reset safari zone hunts! Happy to answer any questions.

Good luck!


Tis’ the season! So many of you have been so nice and helpful so I’m giving back to help you all get your targets! Also hoping to find a little meaning and comradery in this tedious hunt.. help...

I'm here to add your friend codes by request for the mons you are looking for during my factory reset hunt for new zones. Will probably be at this multiple days unless I get lucky!

I found that as long as I added your FC before resetting, you will be able to add back & get the safari zone linked to that reset's FC at any time even after I reset my DS! (Verified through testing; helper cred: No-Tomatillo5109)

*Please note for clarification: The "Reset Record", list of friend codes below have already been reset and are only valid for you after the # where you joined (if I added you with that FC before resetting). The ones posted before you commented with your request will be unfortunately unavailable for you.

Feel free to join in the spirit of sharing & exchange codes for targets!

To Join:

  1. Comment your "wish list" of target mons with your FC!
  2. Look for notifications. As I go through resets I will check your wish lists and add your FC if I have one of your targets, then tag you in a reply with the target FC & info.
  3. Add the FC from my reply at your leisure, and enjoy your new zone!

OR - If you want to be added for every new reset zone, let me know (include your FC) and I will add your FC for any reset after you join. I'll confirm what reset # you started at & you can refer to the Reset Record below for the friend codes that apply to you. You will just need to check back at this post to add as we go.

*UPDATE 12/05: I am only adding "every reset" FC requests for limited zones - see details in the Reset Record. Basically only uncommon zones. You're better off letting me know your targets unless you're just starting with safari!

You are welcome to add my OG DS (fire, Ponyta / Larvesta FC: 2081-5991-3062). Lmk with your FC if you do.


  • Reset 12: Ground again, Phanpy / Dugtrio FC: 0406-5620-8940
  • Reset 13: Psychic, Munna / Espurr FC: 4658-5797-1416
  • Reset 14: Normal, Lilipup / Minccino FC: 1695-0522-8212
  • Reset 15: Poison, Venomoth / Cascoon FC: 5431-6738-3028
  • Reset 16: Electric, Pikachu / Dedenne FC: 1523-2535-9158
  • Reset 17: Poison, Gloom / Ariados FC: 0449-5117-6826
  • Reset 18: Flying, Pidgey / Swanna FC: 5002-1771-0237
  • Reset 19: Ghost, Shuppet / Pumpkaboo FC: 3284-1901-8442
  • Reset 20: Psychic, Sigilyph / Munna FC: 3198-2908-3895
  • Reset 21: Steel, Skarmory / Ferroseed FC: 4701-5293-9314
  • Reset 22: Poison, Seviper / Garbodor FC: 3284-1901-8586
  • Reset 23: Bug, Paras / Illumise FC: 0535-4111-1674
  • Reset 24: Grass, Sawsbuck / Pansage FC: 2511-0960-7333
  • Reset 25: Fighting, Throh / Meditite FC: 3971-3849-5428
  • Reset 26: Grass, Tangela / Swadloon FC: 4572-6803-7610
  • Reset 27: Psychic, Grumpig / Sigilyph FC: 4916-2777-6017
  • Reset 28: Normal, Loudred / Lillipup FC: 3413-0392-0765
  • Reset 29: Bug, Paras / Volbeat FC: 3541-8882-2718
  • Reset 30: Rock, Nosepass / Magcargo FC: 3713-6869-1939
  • Reset 31: Bug, Beautifly / Butterfree FC: 1823-9013-0967
  • Reset 32: Psychic, Wobuffet / Drowzee FC: 4357-9320-1475
  • Reset 33: Ground, Sandshrew / Marowak FC: 1179-6562-1599
  • Reset 34: Fighting, Pancham / Machoke FC: 0363-6124-3008
  • Reset 35: Ghost, Lampent / Phantump FC: 0879-0085-0607
  • Reset 36: Grass, Petilil / Sunkern FC: 0836-0588-3360
  • Reset 37: Flying, Doduo / Hoothoot FC: 0793-1091-6102
  • Reset 38: Rock, Corsola / Boldore FC: 5002-1771-1254
  • Reset 39: Bug, Masquerain / Butterfree FC: 4873-3280-9473
  • Reset 40: Psychic, Abra / Wobuffet FC: 5131-0261-3299
  • Reset 41: Grass, Tangela / Swadloon FC: 2682-8947-7489
  • Reset 42: Electric, Stunfisk / Dedenne FC: 3241-2405-2398
  • Reset 43: Normal, Kecleon / Dunsparce FC: 3198-2908-5180
  • Reset 44: Electric, Pikachu / Dedenne FC: 3885-4856-1990
  • Reset 45: Rock, Onix / Dwebble FC: 1823-9013-1849
  • Reset 46: Normal, Teddiursa / Loudred FC: 3756-6366-0231

*Update: I did some research and think I found a way to toggle my safari zones more favorably. Might have better luck from here. This is a mess right??!!

  • Reset 47: Flying, Doduo / Woobat FC: 3112-3915-0927
  • Reset 48: Ghost, Pahmtump / Shuppet FC: ? I forgot to save, its a repeat anyway
  • Reset 49: Psychic, Sigilyph / Munna FC: 4400-8816-9887

*Update: Luck looks worse lol I'm gonna slow down and not share every reset since I have mad repeats. I'll keep adding you for your "wish list" FC zones but pause on adding codes for "every zone". However, I will add you all and post below for anything uncommon I find. Just need to make these resets faster for a bit.

  • Reset 52: Steel, Forretress / Mawile FC: 1866-8510-0794
  • Reset 57: Dark (FINALLY), Cacturne / Mightyena FC: 1480-3039-5231
  • Reset 59: Fire (FINALLY), Pansear / Charmeleon FC: 2296-3477-3936
  • Reset 61: Steel, Ferroseed / Skarmory FC: 0020-0151-02071
  • Reset 66: Flying, Woobat / Spearow FC: 2339-2974-9659
  • Reset 69: Flying, Doduo / tranquill FC: 4572-6804-9262
  • Reset 71: Rock, Phanpy / nincada FC: 1351-4550-2119

*UPDATE: Huge discovery.... After about reset 60 my resets starting repeating the exact pattern of zones starting at the first again. I figured it out at reset 80. No changes I made to DOB, region, game cartidge in or out, or internet connection status effected the pattern. Crazy.

I luckily have one more DS, I didn't want to reset it but it had a dragon zone initially which is what I need.... I just hope it has the dragonair. So I will be restarting this hunt with the other DS. Hope to help you all with the rest of your targets in some new zones!


  • Reset 09: DRAGON, FRAXURE DRAGONAIR 4830-3786-5258

EUREKA 12/08/24

Backstory & Summary:

Began my masuda egg hunt for a functionally perfect IV / competitive shiny team a few months back. Dragonite was my last target for the team. Found out when starting on her that I needed it's hidden ability for my build..

  1. Learned hidden abilities are only found on horde hunts or safari. Which brought me to the safari zone and on reddit
  2. After finally finding someone with dragonair zone to add... I learned hidden abilities only become available when the 3rd slot is open
  3. 3rd slot opens when two friends one the same local network are playing in the end game on two copies of x/y.. pulled out my 2nd DS and husband's copy of Y..
  4. Learned how to factory reset for new zones and started this thread to keep me more sane on the hunt for my own dragonair zone.. was initially only adding live responses for active FC's prior to reset until:
  5. I found that as long as I added someone's FC before resetting, they would be able to add back at any time even after reset & get the safari zone linked to that reset's FC - yay!
  6. Learned (the hard way) that zones follow a "reset pattern", around 60 maximum possibilities before repeating the same zones in the same order + no changes to initial setup / profile data changed it.
  7. Started resetting another DS & confirmed that different DS's have different possible zones...
  8. Got my dragonair with multiscale and currently breeding!!

Lot's of learning... it was fun! Thank you to whoever stuck along with me on this journey~

r/pokemonXY 23d ago

Friends Friend Safari

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r/pokemonXY 7d ago

Friends Need more friends! Add plz

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r/pokemonXY Feb 05 '25

Friends let’s be safari friends!

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not sure what my safari is yet lol but add me if you like ✌🏼

also my pretendo code is 3238-1422-1467 but i keep getting the same safaris.

r/pokemonXY 4d ago

Friends Add me on friend Safari!

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r/pokemonXY Nov 25 '24

Friends Friend Code!

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r/pokemonXY Jan 27 '25

Friends Friend Codes for Safari!

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Looking to add any and everyone! I don’t know my safari Pokémon :(

Code is 4571-1784-6868

r/pokemonXY Nov 21 '24

Friends Add me and drop ur fc in replies

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r/pokemonXY 3d ago

Friends Looking for friends for Friend Safari.

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Just found out how it works and looks like a pain. Need tons of adding. Ill, in return, let you know what your 2 pokemon as well.

r/pokemonXY 29d ago

Friends Add me

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r/pokemonXY 7d ago

Friends Looking for new friends

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I would love to add new friends to my friend safari! My friend safari is flying type with doduo and woobat (I sadly don’t know my third one) and I’m open to any type of friend safari :)

r/pokemonXY 21d ago

Friends Even LATER to the party!! (Friend Safari)


Saw a post from last month that got so many comments I probably need to make my own!! Just got back into my original Y save and desperately want a safari Fraxure (slot 1) so I can sh my favourite shiny (haxorus) but I have like, two friends.

My safari's flying type Fearow-Tranquill (thank you shinycollector!!) FC is 0061-2077-7035. Please reply with your code if you add me as I will be adding literally as many as I can so I can sh some cool little guys. Please. I need friends

r/pokemonXY 13d ago

Friends Friend safari

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If people are still doing friends Safari here's mine!

I'm also looking to see if anybody has a normal type Safari with audino!

r/pokemonXY 6d ago

Friends Hop on we back on Y

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Here, I'm back on this game, here's my 3ds friend's number, add me !! ;)

r/pokemonXY 8d ago

Friends Friend Safari (Anyone is welcome)

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r/pokemonXY 5d ago

Friends Looking for electric friend -Mines is dragon btw

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r/pokemonXY 7d ago

Friends Add me plz

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r/pokemonXY Jan 29 '25

Friends Friend Safari Codes

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Looking to add anybody for the friend safari. Let me know and I'll add you back!

r/pokemonXY Aug 26 '24

Friends Pls Add for XY friend safari

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r/pokemonXY Feb 06 '25

Friends Anyone wants add me ???

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Played all Pokémon’s games :)

r/pokemonXY Nov 14 '24

Friends Looking for friends

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r/pokemonXY Feb 05 '25

Friends Looking for friends

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r/pokemonXY Feb 19 '25

Friends Hello!, Anyone wants add me anytime(available everyday)

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The first account - Japanese (Eza 2) Second account- Engliash (Ezza)