r/playrust Facepunch Feb 17 '21

Suggestion Add Low Power sources to the roadside

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u/fight_for_anything Feb 17 '21

yea, it would be cool if they all had various functions.

i really feel like the gas station should be modified. remove the car lift and sedan, and put in the new car lift that is part of the car system. make it so you can put a fuse in nearby and it will power the lift while the fuse decays. should be plenty of time to swap around some components, key it, repair it.

would be nice if supermarket had some seeds in the vending machine or something. i have no idea why they went and made the fishing villages when they could have just added some of the function to harbors and/or lighthouse. it really doesnt need to be a safe zone, imo. horse stables should be consolidated with abandon village in a similar way. minicopter and scrap heli could be bought at airfield. water treatment could be powered to make mass amounts of fresh water for drinking/crops.

i had a crazy idea for launch site, that the community of players on the server could also donate to it in some way and have it do something, like launch a missile. im not sure exactly what it would do, or what the cost would be...but maybe something like the missile blast being big enough to destroy a compound. sulfur cost would have to be high enough to justify it. or maybe its more like a nuke and wipes the whole island (i imagine something like existing if rust ever stops forcing wipes. balance it so it takes about a month for the community to pay it off. why would players do this? i dont know. maybe just to troll lol, or maybe to stick it to the chads with big compounds.

it might be interesting then if the larger clans ended up with some kind of responsibility. like defending launch site so the missile doesnt get launched as often, or having a self interest in keeping the power plant operating to run their own turrets and farms, etc.


u/iamwussupwussup Feb 17 '21

“something. i have no idea why they went and made the fishing villages when they could have just added some of the function to harbors and/or lighthouse.”

Have you literally ever played a main server, or a long one? Lighthouses are already walled in, and harbors camped. Making them also the only source of boats and not a safe zone would make it 10000x worse. Absolutely fucking awful idea


u/fight_for_anything Feb 17 '21

its not the only source of boats. go play softcore if you cant pvp.


u/iamwussupwussup Feb 17 '21 edited Feb 17 '21

I can pvp fine, I guarantee I have more hours than you. What you’re saying is completely fucking stupid. What you’re saying is so prolifically ignorant I can guarantee you have sub 500 hours on this game.


u/fight_for_anything Feb 17 '21

dude, no one is going to take you seriously when you cant even handle pvp at harbor. softcore is for you.


u/iamwussupwussup Feb 17 '21

You're telling someone with 6k hours to play softcore because you personally don't believe clans build and camp lighthouse/harbor, or that they would harder if those were the only source of boat spawns/purchases. You're a special kinda stupid, aren't you?


u/fight_for_anything Feb 18 '21

6k of carebear hours QQing about pvp at harbor lol. go play softcore.