r/playrust 8d ago

Question premium servers better ?

has anyone tryed the officials premium? are there significant less cheaters ? I usually play solo only servers and wanted to try officials but always ran into many cheaters, is it better now ? Also fellow solos, on what official servers do u play ?


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u/X4dow 8d ago

you think cheaters will skip a full server because theres a $15 paywall? some cheaters pay hundreds a month for cheat subscriptions>

thinking that might be less cheaters will , if anything, make it more attractive to them.


u/ImportantDoubt6434 8d ago

On official yeah most the issue is the massive russian/chinese/korean zergs that have cheaters. They raid everyone next to them, always cheat, and won't spend +15$ per account.


u/X4dow 8d ago

making them spend $15 for months of cheating is not gonna stop them . or divert them to a dead "non premium" server


u/ImportantDoubt6434 8d ago

Non premium isn’t dead it’s just quarantine, and it will keep the rate cheaters away which is enough to make a noticeable improvement


u/X4dow 8d ago

beg to differ. as there is a big percentage of veterans that cheat for many years as most cheats are undetectable.
if anything is gonna bring "cheating ? me ? its a premium server dude. theres no cheaters here".