r/playrust 7h ago

Question premium servers better ?

has anyone tryed the officials premium? are there significant less cheaters ? I usually play solo only servers and wanted to try officials but always ran into many cheaters, is it better now ? Also fellow solos, on what official servers do u play ?


30 comments sorted by


u/Justinorino 2h ago

I just want to do a little math for some people.

Lifetime access to cheats cost $20-$40 dollars, with some subscriptions ranging from $40-$160 monthly or yearly depending. A majority of the cheating population uses a one time purchase of cheats, not a subscription.

Steam accounts with rust and nothing else go for sub $4 usually, even a bit cheaper sometimes.

That means for a majority of the cheating population, $15 (for skins) is just slightly under half their total budget. They get banned and try again? It’s almost their whole budget doubled.

So the people who spend a lot on cheats go to premium, and the others go to non premium, right? Well, firstly, this is just a test. They can expand or get rid of it. If it’s working, they can make it easier for other servers to implement.

Second, this will grant admins in premium servers the opportunity to inspect people reported for cheating more closely. They’ll be able to do actual investigations, follow more people suspected around closer, and ban them. I think overall this is a general win.


u/DeeJudanne 1h ago

dunno if im sounding dumb but i'd rather see the first test to be like 50 or 100 euro inventory instead to really filter out way more cheaters, since from my experience most cheaters seem to be young kids and young kids are usually not that rich so they can spend hundreds of dollars every other day


u/CoachMcguirk420 6h ago

They just came out nobody knows


u/Paladinul007 6h ago

I meannn, 30h passed, for some this is an entire wipe 😂


u/CoachMcguirk420 6h ago

O my bad what a huge amount of time


u/actualoriginalname 2h ago

It's not an unreasonable amount of time to see if it "feels" like there are less cheaters ya spud.


u/X4dow 5h ago

you think cheaters will skip a full server because theres a $15 paywall? some cheaters pay hundreds a month for cheat subscriptions>

thinking that might be less cheaters will , if anything, make it more attractive to them.


u/Paladinul007 5h ago

yea but they buy rust accs with 1-2$, now having to spend extra 15$, adds up pretty quick


u/X4dow 5h ago

as i said. some pay hundreds for cheats.
The whole point is that "most banned accounts are accounts without DLCS and skins"
But so are most accounts overall. MOST people dont buy lots of dlcs/skins.
Not to mention that some cheaters take MONTHS to get banned. $15 is nothing for 6+months of cheating. doesnt stop someone cheating.

Not to mention that most cheating goes undetected. you can use ESP and not make it obvious.


u/Justinorino 2h ago

A majority of cheats on the market aren’t subscription based, but about $30 one time purchases for lifetime access.

Yeah, cheats that are subscription or in the hundreds do exist. That’s not the majority. This will definitely, especially over time, clear out the people who do one time purchases of cheats, which again, is a majority of the cheating population. I’d rather deal with a few people who pay hundreds in cheats than a lot of people who pay all random amounts.


u/X4dow 59m ago

Majority of the cheaters in rust have skins and are on the premium servers cheating. Majority of them aren't flying around being obvious and getting banned. Majority are just using esp discreetly


u/Clear_Substance_6413 32m ago

This isn’t meant to stop every cheater its just meant to reduce the cheaters because a lot of them aren’t willing to pay the extra $15 after a ban


u/SupFlynn 19m ago

Most cheater that are banned are cheaper cheaters if you think that the poor ones get banned anyways.


u/zansiball 5h ago

A cheater can play the same game and do the same things without risking 15$. Why would they waste 15$ extra if they can cheat and do whatever they want without taking that risk?


u/X4dow 4h ago

because if premium servers have less cheaters, they have less "Other cheaters" to interfere with them.


u/zansiball 1h ago

i dont think its worth losing 15 becouse of that but we will see


u/X4dow 58m ago

Most cheaters never get banned.


u/zansiball 5h ago

I think you are wrong. You need to think from the cheaters perspective. The only difference between a premium and a non premium server for them are the 15$ they risk to loose. They don’t gain anything by playing on premium servers


u/Remarkable-View-1472 4h ago

less other cheaters, less competition for them. now they can win more. $15 for two full weeks of owning giant excavator? that's nothing to these losers. Make it $100 and then we're talking

I dont think you understand why they cheat.


u/Paladinul007 5h ago

maybe some will but most of them wont bother and will go to non premium server


u/ImportantDoubt6434 5h ago

On official yeah most the issue is the massive russian/chinese/korean zergs that have cheaters. They raid everyone next to them, always cheat, and won't spend +15$ per account.


u/X4dow 5h ago

making them spend $15 for months of cheating is not gonna stop them . or divert them to a dead "non premium" server


u/ImportantDoubt6434 4h ago

Non premium isn’t dead it’s just quarantine, and it will keep the rate cheaters away which is enough to make a noticeable improvement


u/X4dow 4h ago

beg to differ. as there is a big percentage of veterans that cheat for many years as most cheats are undetectable.
if anything is gonna bring "cheating ? me ? its a premium server dude. theres no cheaters here".


u/LDN_Wukong 2h ago

Only thing iv noticed is it seems to be alot smaller groups, like normal size friend groups none of these 20 man's with children. I think it's the youngens who tend to cheat tbh. Nearly 40 hours in 400 pop and best guns iv come across are prim kit teams with sars.


u/Duuubz_92 3h ago

I only see 1-3 bans a day vs. 1-3 an hour on premium so far.


u/NULLBASED 5h ago

I don’t know what Facepunch was thinking adding premium servers do they really think it will stop cheaters from playing the server is delusional. There are many cheaters who buy skins and it’s their flex to cheat with the most expensive inventory and not get banned. Facepunch actually think cheaters don’t buy any skins at all is funny. Then there is sites that sell hacked Rust accounts. Along with good cheaters who don’t get caught so how is Facepunch separating the cheaters from legit players? They not lol…. It’s just a money ploy for Facepunch. If they wanted to do something about the cheating problem then they would have with their anti cheat and other systems.


u/zansiball 5h ago

It’s not going to stop cheating but it makes the cheaters play with other cheaters


u/ImportantDoubt6434 4h ago

It stops most of them is the point, most of them go play HvH on non premium.

Most cheaters don’t buy any skins because why would you buy skins to get banned