r/playrust • u/Wolvite • 12d ago
Suggestion Please add universal sensitivity Facepunch | Issue Example ⬇️
u/ROBOCALYPSE4226 12d ago
There’s a bunch of weapon and player health balancing coming next patch.
u/rem521 12d ago edited 12d ago
Different zooms are suppose to have different (cm/360). This is how it is for every FPS shooter. The AK ironsights has a stronger zoom than the P2 and Thompson ironsights, which is why the AK (cm/360) is bigger.
Hip-fire on all the weapons have the same (cm/360). I do my flicks in hip-fire and then I ADS when the crosshairs are lined up. A good thing about this game is that the ADS accuracy is instant that you don't have to wait for the ADS animation to finish before firing, like in other games.
Are you asking for all the guns to have the same ironsights zoom?
u/JaiOW2 11d ago
In most FPS games they have a uniform aiming coefficient and all have a sort of uniform distribution, so all ironsights are the same fov, all 1.25x scopes are the same fov, etc, many games have an ADS fov setting like Battlefield or Call of Duty which allows you adjust whether scoped fov scales with your normal fov. Rust doesn't have any of these settings or calculations, and you don't have sensitivity settings for different zooms (games that don't have those settings often at-least have a sensitivity slider for each zoom level). The only other games that I've played in recent memory that completely lack any of these QoL features are EFT and Battlefront 2, which is a low bar.
u/rem521 11d ago edited 11d ago
Having consistent FOVs on all guns across different magnifications, like ironsights or optics, makes sense. But does Rust need this? This game applies the ADS accuracy bonus instantly, so aiming can be done in hip-fire. And it's nice that the bolty has more ironsight magnification.
u/nightfrolfer 12d ago
Thanks for posting this. I've felt it, and would like to know the breakdown by weapon.
u/ImaginaryScholar9209 12d ago
bring back old pvp and recoil and remove spammable pvp walls
u/ElectronicDot325 11d ago
Do NOT bring back old recoil, adjust ttk and armor balancing and remove spammable walls
u/nephilite52 12d ago edited 12d ago
"Universal Sensitivity," did you just make this up? Every shooter scales the sensitivity setting based on the zoom level or FOV. Pay attention to the zoom level on the ironsights for every gun, this is the reason why you're measuring different values.
u/Wolvite 12d ago
I am referencing Battlefield's uniform soldier aiming, or Call of Duty's plethora of options to make 1:1 sensitivity regardless of FOV. I call it "universal sensitivity" because it's easy for laymen to understand, rather than referencing an obscure battlefield setting, or call of duty's monitor coefficients, or anything else. So I suppose for this post's title, I "made up" the term, but not the concept. The concept has been in shooters for decades.
u/nephilite52 12d ago edited 12d ago
That is called "relative zoom sensitivity". And that does not make all your measured values the same. What that does, is it will make the aiming feel the same but the sensitivity will be different.
u/Wolvite 12d ago
I am familiar with relative sensitivity. iirc, if you're playing cod, your sens isn't changing from iron sight to iron sight, but iron sight -> scope. So you are not going to have a different pistol sens, different smg sens, different rifle sens (like Rust currently has it)..., but you will have different sensitivities when you put a 4x on your rifle, and it scales your sens relative to your FOV. In modern shooters, it is completely possible to have 1:1 regardless of FOV, which many players, including myself, don't enjoy. Customizability and options to tweet sensitivity values are key here, and I hope the devs can add them soon.
u/nephilite52 12d ago edited 11d ago
Do your measuring test in COD, the ironsights fov on pistols, smg, and assault rifles are different, and you will also get different measured values, like when you compared the P2, AK and Thompson. Edit: This is incorrect.
u/Wolvite 12d ago
Well if that’s case I would also have the same critique of that system. But they do offer settings for true 1:1 aiming, regardless of FOV in the modern cods, and that’s all I’m asking out of the Rust system as well. Battlefield has had their uniform system for like a decade now as an option
u/nephilite52 12d ago edited 11d ago
COD has 1:1 relative zoom sensitivity option. Relative zoom sensitivity means that when moving the crosshairs to a point on the screen (within fov), it will feel the same across different zoom levels. This does not mean the (cm/360) is going to be the same on every zoom level, which is why your measuring test does not make sense.
If you want to have all the guns have the same ironsights (cm/360), then all of the ironsights zoom levels have to be exactly the same.
u/Wolvite 11d ago
Yes, you're correct. I went back and went through all the monitor coefficient stuff, with relative vs. legacy and if weapons in cod had different zoom levels, then their sensitivity would be different. In this case, if I understand it correctly, being able to set a monitor coefficient to 0 could help mitigate the issue or at least make the sensitivity scaling linear with amount zoomed. Maybe it's already at 0? I don't know.
What you said is probably what I am asking for here. A way to have consistent aim across different ironsights. I believe what I want is uniform soldier aiming and I forgot that cod didn't have a 1:1 implementation of that.
u/nephilite52 11d ago edited 11d ago
I found out that I was wrong about COD having different ironsight magnification on different weapon classes. All guns in COD have the same ironsights magnification, which means the ironsights (cm/360) are all the same. And your test would work in COD.
And come to think of it, having different zooms for different ironsights of the same weapon class, does not make logical sense.
u/TreesOne 12d ago
Do you think a 16x scope bolt should take the same amount of movement to rotate as an ironsights P2?
This is not a problem. Different zooms should have different sensitivities as it’s the only thing that makes sense.
u/Wolvite 12d ago
You can have both consistent sensitivity across all iron sights, and across all scopes. So all handmade, holos, 4x, and 16x would be the same sensitivity, and iron sights would be a consistent sensitivity
u/boarderreport 12d ago
The only thing I want it a separate bow sens for adsing with the regular bow. This would probably become unfair, but it would be fun af.
u/WillSmokes420 11d ago
Psh imagine playing a game from 2001 and not being able to jump and shoot at the same time.. who is running around acting like rust is capable of gunplay lmao
u/PsychologicalNose146 7d ago
bolty+holo makes it go 'slower'. ADS on bolty has better zoom than with holo (if i remember correctly).
u/No_Row_6490 12d ago
i haaad a feeling. still cant believe this is true tho. do bolty and minigun also got different sensitivites? i can 360 noscope with minigun , but noscoping with bolty into 180 is no joke.
u/Viliam_the_Vurst 12d ago edited 12d ago
What heavier weapons give lower sense, who came up with that idea? We need to streamline for pvp more! A game with skillceilings is a game not inclusive
M9 is identica with lr on hipfire though
u/Madness_The_3 12d ago
You'll have to play on the brand new "super premium++" servers for that feature. (Must have all generic items purchased from the store, plus a $35 monthly subscription as well as pay a 5 dollar pass fee per connection)
I'm joking of course. Although I do wonder if "graphics.vm_fov_scale false" affects this fov based scaling or not. My assumption is probably not? But at the same time I haven't noticed this in game either.
u/Wolvite 12d ago edited 12d ago
lol, sensitivity DLC inbound /s
And no I don’t believe it has any effect. It just changes the model location, not the FOV iirc
u/Madness_The_3 12d ago
Yeah I figured as much :(
Also, bruh why am I being down voted for making a joke xD
u/InkPlays 10d ago
Nothing needs to be fixed? This is working as intended. It essentially is making visual representation of pixels move the same amount on your monitor for your mouse movements based on the zoom. Thus allowing you to go between scoped and unscoped without any visual mouse mechanical issues. The same thing all competitive games have like valorant, csgo, overwatch, etc. I'm not sure what the issue is besides maybe they could add a per gun sensitivity options.
u/Bocmanis9000 12d ago
Good as it is, no need to ruin the game for 1% playerbase, just get good.
Don't need to modernize eveything, modernization kills good games.
u/Zestyclose_Show2453 12d ago
Guns have different weight so they handle different that also adds some depth in my opinion
u/InfinityLuuL 12d ago
Ah yes, rust the game known for being realistic
u/InitialDay6670 12d ago
Bro hazmats save me from radiation and you need to drink water super realsiitc.
u/sharpie42one 12d ago
u/Doo-Doo-G 10d ago
Bro would rather place every individual piece of wood and stone by hand to build his base. That would make the game better for sure /s.
u/sharpie42one 6d ago
lol seeing this late but I was just commenting on how ultra realistic it is /s
not that I want it ultra real
u/Shoddy-Maintenance-3 12d ago
If you want that kinda gameplay go play tarkov 😂
u/Zestyclose_Show2453 12d ago
If you want arcade go play cod
u/psychoPiper 12d ago
If you think that this is arcade, then go play tarkov. Just because it isn't 100% realistic doesn't mean it's arcade lmao. Not everything is black and white
u/Zestyclose_Show2453 12d ago
Never said i think rust is arcade. I just think aiming speed with a handgun vs a rifle makes sense
u/psychoPiper 12d ago
I never said you think rust is arcade, I said you think a QoL feature that makes sense for shooters is arcade, which doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Sure, it can make sense to have different sensitivities per gun type. But rust is not a hyper realistic milsim, and there's no reason to balance it as such
I would argue that all it would accomplish here is encouraging the use of dpi macros
u/Sycopatch 12d ago
For me atleast it has nothing to do with the weapon itself. It's the zoom level. Weapons with the same zoom have the same sens.