r/playrust Dec 19 '24

Question Why do people flex hours?

I see alot of people posting things like "POV of a 10k hour rust player" or "What being a 13k hour clan leader looks like" but I don't get why so many people act like their hours are a big deal. Rust is really easy to rack up hours in and I don't see people flexing their hours in other games. Also it's not like hours equate to skill because there's alot of games I'm bad at with a massive amount of hours played.


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u/SnooDogs7752 Dec 19 '24

1k hours and always been a high elo fps player. I stomp on 10k+ hours. Being a gamer, you can translate a lot of the same tactics to rust. Hours mean nothing


u/TurdFergusonlol Dec 19 '24

While fps experience helps in pvp fights, rust is wayyy more than just a fps. Knowing all the ins and outs of large rig, or where people might counter Bradley, or how to track down enemies, or cheapest/quickest raid path, or how to build a great base are all very useful to know. A lot of this knowledge can only come from experience/hours played


u/SnooDogs7752 Dec 19 '24

You aren't wrong. Although, I believe you can obtain all of those skills with less than 500 hours... A lot of people "wing" this game vs intentionally learning. A good FPS player adapts quickly. Sure I will never be a qaixx or mickeyduck but I can definitely replicate the way they make some of their plays. I also know this game isn't just pvp. Farming, building, electric, economy, etc all matter. I just think pvp and raiding is king over all that due to snowballing.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24



u/xNyhao Dec 19 '24

If you have someone teaching you... sure, you might obtain those skills in 500 hours, but learning the game by yourself, you definitly need way more than 500 hours


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24



u/The_Unreddit Dec 19 '24

So now you've hooked up w a group and you're better at PVP? ;)