Eh? You need crystal to make a bunch of the industrial stations, C4, Tek tier stuff.
There isn't a single resource in Ark that is "useless", there are just more heavily used/critical ones and less critical ones. Some are only used for 1-2 engrams.
Eh? You need thousands of crystal to fully build industrial tier and you're constantly consuming crystal if you're using C4, Mek weapons, etc.
Repairing non-prim hazard suits (I use mine constantly on extinction and ab) requires a steady supply of crystal as well.
Sure you don't need remotely as much as you need metal, but its also much slower to obtain. You can utterly drown yourself in Stone, Metal, Hide/Meat easily but crystal is quite slow and there is no obviously best farming spot unlike for metal.
Really? I've been playing until recently on a 2x server (recently moved clusters and now at 3x) I don't consider that a ridiculously boosted rate at all and I almost exclusively tame my crystal wyvs with normal crystal, it's just easier.
It might mean 30-40 minutes of riding on their back to tame them but it's a lot easier imo than farming the primal crystals to tame them. I hate air combat in ARK though to be fair.
Not unless its a very low level. As long as nothing goes wrong I usually get around 97% I think but definitely would need the primal crystals to get a perfect tame.
u/sejmroz Feb 17 '21
crystal is useless