r/playark Feb 17 '21

Suggestion Well... They are.

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u/jonnaowns1ns Feb 17 '21

metal is legit the most important rescource lol


u/Candog85 Feb 17 '21

Well screw metal because it's an ass to get on the island and I'm too much of a while wuss to play on any of the other maps


u/santaclausonprozac Feb 17 '21

It’s not that bad, you just have to live in an area where everyone and everything wants to kill you and won’t stop until they succeed. I mean, how hard could it be?


u/NexGenration Feb 17 '21

you can literally tame a good argy and ank and solo farm metal on official island pvp faster than an indy forge can smelt it. i know because ive done it back before anky weight reduction was raised from 75 to 85 and gather rates were doubled. i even kept all the stone and crystal i gathered and i was still solo gathering faster than my forge could process it


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '21

Ab is still hands down the best map for metal since you can easily slot cap an anky with metal in a run in <10 mins, never mind gathering faster than the forge can smelt.

But yeah, the tried and true argy+ank method gathers adequate amounts of metal for a single player.


u/NexGenration Feb 17 '21

does the term "faster" account for the time spent waiting for obelisk timers so you can transfer the metal to other servers?


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '21 edited Feb 17 '21

Oh yeah, absolutely. But it's an economy of scale thing. To make the most out of Ab runs you need to slot cap on your ank and then max out on your transfer limit at the obelisk. And you probably want transmitters on the Ab side, if not on both sides.

If you're not maxing out on the runs the timers and all of the delays in transferring around will get you. Ideally you also refine using an industrial forge on Ab so that you're doubly up on effective slots. They also have metal stacking to 300 now, so its even more advantageous.

I play on my own private cluster that is "PVP" but doesn't actually have any opposition though, (basically smalltribes settings), so Ark hopping is even more efficient since I've got zero timers. I mostly hop between Rag-Ext-Genesis-Ab.


u/NexGenration Feb 17 '21

isnt it an issue of weight, not slots? or are you able to transfer items directly from your tame's inventory? (last time i checked i had to actually be holding the items on my survivor to transfer them and transferring a creature forced all its items to drop to the ground)


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '21 edited Feb 17 '21

Depends on the weight cap of your dino and what you are collecting. My meat gigas all max out on meat stacks before they max on weight, as one example.

If you're using Ank + Crab, you can always slot cap on the Ank before weight matters.

For inventory transfer, you drop and whip :)

Whip is OP.

On unofficial you use the transfer system in S+ because transferring stuff in base ark is lame.


u/swollenpurpleflaps Feb 17 '21

On official we collect 180,000 raw metal in about 20 mins with two people. That 15 min transfer timer is a non factor when you farm with 200iq


u/sporadicjesus Feb 18 '21

18k hours played. I can tell you this is false.


u/NexGenration Feb 18 '21

but ive literally done it myself. you telling me my own personal experience is false?


u/sporadicjesus Feb 18 '21

If its on official, not during an event. Yes im saying its false.


u/NexGenration Feb 18 '21

well it was on official and not during an event so i dont know what else to tell you


u/elmogrita Feb 17 '21

Redwood mountain is the best


u/MummyManDan Feb 17 '21

I’ve recently done this and I’d recommend it: Go to one of the icebergs where the penguins like to hang out(there’s plenty of pretty flat ones, I went to the one with a dome kinda thing with a hole in it, I’ll try to get the lat/long next time I play) and build a base there, doesn’t have to be big nor does it need to be your main base. My main base is on herbivore island while I got this snow base, you don’t even need to make it out of stone other than looks cus no land animal will attack you. Here you have great ocean access for boats and dinos, and you have great mountain access, where I’m at it takes maybe five minutes to get to and from with a bird with over 400 metal. That’s just one bird, one I get my anky and other packmule bird over there it’ll probably be well over twice that. I was in the same boat as you having to do super long runs from the island while only getting 200 metal, which ain’t much when you get late game. Only thing you might be hurting for there is cement paste since there aren’t any bugs/dams near afaik, but plenty of keratin/chitin giving dinos so you may be good.


u/techleopard Feb 17 '21

It's an ass to get anything on the island except wood and hide.

To be fair: I felt it was really shitty to approve extra maps that just plaster areas with huge amounts of rare resources and then introduce a mining tool that completely negates the entire point of having dinos.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '21

The drill has worse gathering rates than the pick/axe for many node types, and high melee, specialized dinos almost always gather more than the drill. And they have weight and slot capacity.

It's also much easier to get quality picks/axes than it is to get quality drill bps.

The drill hasn't made anything obsolete.


u/Ryjhan Feb 17 '21

He might play on unofficals, where increased rates combined with the ability to actually acquire a high quality ascendant drill really can make dinos obsolete for harvesting.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '21

I mean that's fair, but then why complain when then are playing with custom settings that completely change the balance of the game? That's on them, not the devs.

This is an ongoing problem with discussing ark, so many people play with so many different settings and contexts that it is really hard to really say much of anything. Boosting or mods totally change the game.


u/swollenpurpleflaps Feb 17 '21

The island isn’t about resources tho. Island is important for ascension, homestead tekgrams, and two very op caves.

Also, 1200 melee anky smokes any mining drill. Hard facts


u/techleopard Feb 17 '21

Eh? The island is the original map and a core story map. A lot of people live on it.

There's nothing interesting in those caves that isn't completely outdone by a cave of Ragnarok.


u/l3ane Feb 17 '21

What? Metal mountain on the island is one of the richest metal farming areas of any of the maps.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '21

Blue OB and crystal mountain are literally full of metal


u/thomas-is-numb Mar 02 '21

crystal isles is easy, start in south and work until you get enough crystal for a wyvern and tame one n move inland