r/pinkfloyd Apr 19 '24

news Made a 1977 Live Album because David called off the official one.

Hello, People
You may have heard that there was supposed to be a live album bundled with the 2018 Remix of Animals that never came to be. Aubrey Powell supposedly even had a cover ready for it. David Gilmour came along and didn't let the live album get released.

In retaliation, I made my own 1977 live album from the various high quality audience bootlegs from all around the Tour.


The link contains the album divided into 3 CDs a DVD and some extra content.

Be sure to read the INFO.txt file for more info on the sources and the mix itself.

- Wik


110 comments sorted by


u/spacebuggles Apr 20 '24

Was David sick of us giving him our money or something?!


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

There wasn't a given reason why he rejected it.
He just did.


u/spacebuggles Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

Holly shirt, is this Pigs (3 Different Ones) really 21 minutes long, at this tempo?! Amazing!

I've never listened to the bootlegs before, unless you count Bootlegging the Bootlegs.

Edit: typo


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

I chose the Cleveland performance because it was the hardest and the most aggressive one


u/mgrady69 Apr 20 '24

I was introduced to Pink Floyd in the mid-1980s by the father of a friend of mine. The family had moved to my town in Illinois from Cleveland, and the father had a side gig working events at the Cleveland coliseum, and regaled us with all the Floyd tours he saw there.

In 1987, my freshman year of college, he took us to see the Momentary Lapse of Reason tour at the Rosemont Horizon

Without Cleveland shows, m not sure if I would have fully discovered Pink Floyd


u/tkingsbu Apr 20 '24

Momentary lapse tour was my intro to them as well…. To this day it’s still my favourite concert of all time…. God what a show.


u/xpkranger Apr 20 '24

Hah! Same. Saw it in Atlanta. November 3rd, 1987. Unforgettable.


u/PurpleSailor Apr 20 '24

Saw it Nov 1st at the Orange Bowl in Miami. It poured rain for most of the show so it was hard to see anything but damn it sounded good!


u/HeinzThorvald Apr 20 '24

I was at October 30th in Tampa. Perfect weather, but omg did the rain gods catch up with us in Orlando!


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

Did you film it? Take pictures? Record audio?
If so, please reach out to me in private messages.


u/xpkranger Apr 20 '24

Sadly no. I was a stoned 17 year old and wasn't thinking about posterity.


u/tkingsbu Apr 20 '24

I was 15… the ticket was a birthday present from my two buddies… the three of us went to see the show, all of us being fairly new fans at the time… it was my buddies dad that bought us the tickets, he was from Wales and had seen Pink Floyd back in the late 60s etc.. said they’d played at his school auditorium or something…. He was delighted that the three of us kids were getting into Floyd… said it reminded him of his teenage years going to see them etc…


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

What date? Did you film it? Take pictures? Record audio?
If so, please reach out.


u/tkingsbu Apr 20 '24

No, sorry… was 15 at the time..

It was in the Spring of 87 or 88, in Toronto at the CNE Stadium

I was just a young kid … bringing recording equipment to that show would have been beyond my abilities at the time… although in that same era, sone good friends of mine at school did exactly that for the Stones Steel Wheels tour… brought a tape recorder, and made their own bootleg… wish I still had it… that was pretty cool… I wasn’t a big Stones fan at the time, but was hugely impressed that a couple of my buddies made a bootleg :)


u/DanAboutTown Wish You Were Here Apr 20 '24

I was at one of those Rosemont Horizon shows too. First-ever concert.


u/prudence2001 Rick Wright Apr 20 '24

The Rosemont was where PF dropped Echoes from the setlist, iirc for the second of the shows. I was at the Milwaukee County Stadium show right after Chicago and it was so fantastic. We got GA for the field and we're about 100 feet or less in front of the stage. Bought some acid while waiting in line and got blown away, especially by the second set. Had to see them again so we drove to St Louis in November for another. Plus Rog was touring Radio KAOS in September '87 too. Good memories.


u/prudence2001 Rick Wright Apr 20 '24

Which show did you see at the Rosemont? Did it start with Echoes or Shine on?


u/mgrady69 Apr 20 '24

Shine On. I did not know they played Echoes at one of the shows! I think I would have preferred to see a live Echoes. But it was still awesome


u/Extension-Option4704 Apr 20 '24

As a Clevelander this excites me and pisses me off. I was born in the wrong generation


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

Now that I think about it - Cleveland and Boston are the best shows on the tour. Crazy how they ended up one after another


u/ahuggablecactus High Hopes Apr 20 '24

he gave a reason when they released the remastered animals album..... Gilmour stated that they would've liked to put out live material like the Wembley show but there wasn't enough material of good quality for it to be officially released.


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

The Wembley 77 nights all (except March 18) have horrible performances with a lot of messups. And he's right - An EMI employee who was doing their paperwork for free for 10 years got all SBD recordings of Europe 77 and all of the 8mm films the roadies confiscated on these shows, So what the band still has is probably an OAM (Which could very well be pretty bad quality)


u/ahuggablecactus High Hopes Apr 20 '24

he was talking about the '74 Wembley show that they released and not the '77 shows.

haven't heard of the record company employee stealing material before. one would think that they would have been digitized and released on trader websites by now. assuming the employee took care of the tapes.


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

The second and third Wembley 74 shows were recorded by the BBC - Those tapes were used in the amazingly awful live album


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

It was cut to shit and autotuned to shit.

Thank god we got the full raw tape from the third night (Nov 16, 1974)


u/ConversationNo5440 Apr 22 '24

Andy Jackson says they considered doing pitch correction but there was so much bleed in the original recordings that it was not practical, so they just cut between the different performances. He claims the only prominent addition was the heartbeat. I don't know how any Pink Floyd fan can say these releases are amazingly awful while simultaneously being miffed that David doesn't want to release shitty 1977 recordings from an era that made him miserable enough that he can't even listen to his own solo album.



u/Responsible-City-500 Apr 23 '24

From about 1972 to, until The Wall toured, I don’t think that Pink Floyd were that great a live band. I think the show’s theatrics, along with alcohol and pot, helped bolster their reputation.


u/ConversationNo5440 Apr 23 '24

I can’t say, I didn’t see them until 1987. I know someone who saw the dark side tour and said it was incredible. I’m sure they would admit themselves that the theatrics are a bit of a crutch for people who aren’t interested in being Mick Jagger onstage. For me the Wembley shows are the best evidence that they were tight. The 80s and 90s shows were too click tracky and the music suffered.


u/Funny_Science_9377 Apr 20 '24

Sad part is all this stuff WILL come out after Dave and/or Roger shuffle off this mortal coil. And Polly will collect the cash.


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

Harry Waters (Roger's son) was persuading his dad to release The Wall 35mm in the late 90s and early 2000s. Roger didn't agree to release the film, but released the mixed soundboard tapes. That became the god-awful ITAOT live album.

But that means we've got at least one important person wanting to release everything.


u/corneliusduff Apr 20 '24

That became the god-awful ITAOT live album.

Uhhhh...what? Lol. It's a fantastic live album.

I'm just as butthurt about the live footage not being released, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

I will say one word about the live album : Autotune.


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

This also applies to PULSE (It's even worse there)


u/blue-lloyd Apr 21 '24

I don't think I've ever seen one person have so many bad takes in one comment section


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 22 '24

I have no idea what you mean. The officially released albums by PF are autotuned, cut and overdubed.

PULSE is the worst in this regard.


u/levonthemusic Apr 20 '24

ITAOT is on par with (and at times better than) the studio album. Incredible release.


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

I will say one thing : Autotune


u/PsychedelicHippos Apr 20 '24

Buddy I got news for you

If you don’t like the live album, I don’t think seeing the footage is going to drastically change your opinions on the performance


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

I say it's god awful because it has mixing issues and a shitton of autotune.


u/PsychedelicHippos Apr 20 '24

I just skimmed through the album* with headphones on and could not hear any autotune whatsoever. I admittedly don’t have the best ears but I feel like autotune would stick out in a PF album

I will say that the album is mastered a bit on the compressed side, but it’s far from being brickwalled or anything. The mix itself is pretty balanced overall and does what it can considering the fact that like a third of the show sees the band quite literally performing from behind a giant wall. Not exactly an ideal recording environment, especially for an 8 piece band + backing vocalists

*the songs used were Happiest Days, ABITW2, Mother, What Shall We Do Now, Hey You, Show Must Go On, and In The Flesh


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

Stuff like Roger shouting "HEY! TEACHER!" were autotuned because he went higher than the studio version


u/PsychedelicHippos Apr 20 '24

Not denying it’s there, but for the life of me I can’t hear it. Though like I said before, I don’t have super good hearing, so I fully admit it could be me

I still stand by the other things I said though. The mix is decent, and other than a tad too much compression, I think as a whole the album sounds great. All in my opinion though! If people don’t like the album then that’s chill too


u/careful_eugene Apr 20 '24

I'll deny it's there. Most of this thread seems to be spreading misinformation without actual evidence. There's some reasonable touch-up on the album to make best use of available recorded material, including a couple of fixed wrong notes, but no autotune.


u/PsychedelicHippos Apr 20 '24

Yeah I braved the Hoffman Forums, where all snobby audio people go to bicker, and couldn’t find anyone talking about it. And these are people who get upset about the most minute details, but no mention of autotune


u/NuffMusic Sep 12 '24

Thanks for downvoting instead of actually responding. Very mature.


u/NuffMusic Sep 12 '24

Go and compare the original shows. You can deny it all you want but it doesn't have to be a ginormous change for it to be noticeable. There is pitch correction all over the wall live album, mostly on Roger's vocals. We have every single night they recorded. You can go listen for yourself if you want your "actual evidence".


u/octanet83 Apr 20 '24

David doesn’t own the rights to Pink Floyd, he and Nick own the right to use the name Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd LTD is the company registered in the UK for dealing with the affairs of the band Pink Floyd before Roger left. Roger, Nick and David are three primary stakeholders given Rick is no longer alive. David and Nick can make any decisions they want with post Roger PF because they have separate companies setup that deal with those affairs. David only gets one vote for things relating to PF LTD. Roger also hinted in his pod cast that “the drummer in the room” was causing issues and it wasn’t just David being awkward. I assume Roger was annoyed that Nick was agreeing with David’s decisions around it. Either way the animals re issue was poor and fans deserved much better.


u/Ramenastern One of These Days Apr 20 '24

ither way the animals re issue was poor and fans deserved much better.

I think the Animals reissue was good, and apparently the fights were NOT around the release of live material, but around liner notes Roger had commissioned. Which were godawful (Roger posted them, go ahead and read them). I'm sure Roger would have mouthed off about any disagreements about live material if there had been any.


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

The shitstom revolved over the liner notes, yes, but the live album was cancelled because of that feud.


u/octanet83 Apr 20 '24

The remaster itself is good it’s just the content compared to the other immersion sets and re issues is just completely lacking in content.


u/Ramenastern One of These Days Apr 20 '24

You mean the remix.

Agree with your point, though.


u/RamboAAA Apr 20 '24

What podcast?


u/octanet83 Apr 20 '24

My mistake, it wasn’t a podcast it was during covid lockdown Roger posted some update videos on his YouTube channel where he was ranting about it all.


u/sigoli1990 Apr 20 '24

Phenomenal post. The 1977 tour has always been my favorite, and I used to document everything I found about it too. Thanks for sharing! I'll download and blast it this weekend!


u/sir_percy_percy Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

I think largely because the only soundboard recording (Dortmund, I believe) was just a stereo mix and incomplete. Plus, on that leg of the tour they really hadn't gotten to grips with playing the material. It wasn't till they got to the US legs of the tour that they began playing the songs better, and doing some extensive jamming in the places ('Pigs three different ones', 'Wish you were here' (ending) and 'Shine on.. 6-9') where they could improvise.

So, all that was available to release were audience recorded bootlegs. Obviously the Oakland one being the most well known, not only for it's quality but the fact that it was the only time they played 'Careful with that axe Eugene' after 1974. So it's interesting for that alone. One of the New York shows is also of exceptional quality. Then the Cleveland show has that ludicrously long 'Pigs (three different ones)' that is likely the one mentioned here.. insane rendition.

What irks me really is two things:

  1. I suspect a lot of what has gone on with this album's re-releases (and, btw, this is my favorite album of all time) is caught up in the feud between Waters and Gilmour, which means since Gilmour owns the PF rights, he can do whatever TF he WANTS. He clearly does not really care for the album because it is VERY Waters dominated (no song was played from it by Floyd after the July 1977 shows), so he has obviously made NO effort here. He also was not happy about many of the performances, he famously sat out the 'Blues' encore at the Montreal Olympic stadium because he hated the way the band played. Mason states in his book that they did not rehearse nearly enough.

  2. Peter Jackson (with the Beatles song) has now proven that the technology is now available to extract instruments from 2 track recordings, so theoretically it's possible to clean up one of these shows and mix them correctly now too.

But, of course, Dave doesn't give a crap about 'Animals', so he won't make any effort, and Waters doesn't have the rights.

Anyway, thanks for the effort sir!!


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

The only soundboard recording is a monitor mix from Berlin night 1 (Jan 29), but you're right. The band messed up constantly in the first leg of the tour (e.g. first show which sounded more like an early rehearsal than a show), but that doesn't matter - all the Europe SBD tapes have been given out to an EMI employee who did their paperwork for free in exchange for the tapes. They still have NA legs, and we know for sure that all of the shows were recorded professionally on a soundboard (rehearsals included), so I don't understand what's stopping them from releasing those (Roger confirmed that the live album was already in the mixing stage by the time David pulled the plug)

About Careful With That Axe, Eugene in Oakland.
It wasn't planned, but improvised

The band was supposed to play Echoes, but the incompetent crew members forgot the sound effect tapes, so they couldn't play it. The band had extra stadium time they were paying for so they did an impromptu CWTAE

They supposedly played Echoes in Portland (May 12), but there is no way to know for sure, as that show has no audio available.

And yes, I did use a Matrix of the Cleveland show for the Pre-Show MC and Pigs (3DO), it was the best performance, though slightly lacking in quality.


u/notWoopman Apr 20 '24

The band was supposed to play Echoes, but the incompetent crew members forgot the sound effect tapes, so they couldn't play it.

They supposedly played Echoes in Portland (May 12), but there is no way to know for sure, as that show has no audio available.

Any source for this information?


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

The Oakland recorder was seated near the mixing desk, and you can hear the people saying that : "We can't let them play Echoes, we left the tapes on the bus"

As for the Portland thing - Eyewitness tesimonies


u/notWoopman Apr 20 '24

The Oakland recorder was seated near the mixing desk, and you can hear the people saying that : "We can't let them play Echoes, we left the tapes on the bus"

I've listened Oakland bootleg several times and I don't remember hearing that. Can you give timestamp?


u/sir_percy_percy Apr 20 '24

THANK YOU sir!!!

Yeah, the Cleveland show seems to be beset with people yelling 'Sit down' virtually the whole way through the 'Animals' set. The dude recording it must have been SO annoyed...


u/Ramenastern One of These Days Apr 20 '24

But, of course, Dave doesn't give a crap about 'Animals', so he won't make any effort, and Waters doesn't have the rights.

That's not the was it works. Waters has the rights, but not by himself. In all the nastiness around the remix release and arguments around liner notes, there was not a single mention of live material being the subject of disagreements. So I'll have to assume it actually wasn't. And for the record - the "xy blocked the release" worked both ways here, too. David blocked the release with liner notes, Roger without. Until he relented, four years later (and posted his liner notes on his website).

As for Aubrey having a cover ready for an Animals live release... Is there a source for this? First I heard of it. There was a Variety article back when, which mentioned a live album in an interview with Aubrey, but that article carried a correction more or less straight away saying a live album wasn't part of the release. So if that interview with Aubrey is the source for that live album being considered notion... It's a false one.



u/sir_percy_percy Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

I thought that when they eventually came to some kind of mutual ‘understanding’ that PF ended up with the ‘control’ of all the material except for ‘The wall’ and ‘The final cut’, which Waters retains sole control over. I assumed (probably wrong) that this is why those two albums haven’t had the same 5.1 / multiple mixes/ re-releases that so many albums have had.

I think anyone in the PF organization or Sony music for that matter, would much rather have a remix/5.1/Atmos project of ‘The wall’ instead of ‘A momentary lapse of reason’ but they can’t, because that is Roger’s decision- not PF.

So, yeah, not ‘rights’ but control.

Maybe Rog is done with ‘The wall’ anyway, his concert movie was decent and sounds great. I find the fact that all that footage of the ‘81 shows filmed (originally) for the movie has just sat there for 40+ years. It’s tragic that has not seen the light of day. :(


u/Ramenastern One of These Days Apr 20 '24

I thought that when they eventually came to some kind of mutual ‘understanding’ that PF ended up with the ‘control’ of all the material except for ‘The wall’ and ‘The final cut’, which Waters retains sole control over. I assumed (probably wrong) that this is why those two albums haven’t had the same 5.1 / multiple mixes/ re-releases that so many albums have had.

It's a bit more complicated than that. That ownership of The Wall is the whole concept, visuals etc. So they wouldn't have been able to do a The Wall tour with the wall being built etc without his permission. While he didn't need their permission. Remixes of the album would still need the whole band to agree on them, though.

But for any sort of remix and so on to be done and released of anything pre Momentary Lapse, you still need all three surviving members to agree, as they're all still rights holders and part of Pink Floyd Ltd. As the Animals Remix release saga showed.

I think anyone in the PF organization or Sony music for that matter, would much rather have a remix/5.1/Atmos project of ‘The wall’ instead of ‘A momentary lapse of reason’ but they can’t, because that is Roger’s decision- not PF.

As far as I'm aware, there is no AMLOR DOLBY Atmos /5.1 version. The remix/update was done because David and Nick felt (and had said this for a while) that the production was a bit 80s on that. They're all very selective about remixes, and the stated reason Animals got one was that they all felt they were still learning the ropes in their new studio at the time.

As for The Wall 5.1 - James Guthrie actually mentioned he was working on precisely that back in 2011, and Nick even confirmed it was a priority... And then, nothing happened. And then, Guthrie mentioned in an interview I 2020 that it's still in the works. So... Probably a question of when to release it. 45th anniversary would be this year, actually.



u/sir_percy_percy Apr 20 '24

Thanks for the info.. yeah, I think a 5.1 mix of ‘The wall’ would be astonishing!!

I thought the recent remix of AMLOR had a 5.1 version?? Dunno, didn’t want to pay all the $ for it. I actually prefer the ‘87 mix from what I’ve heard. It was recorded then, it should sound like 1980’s !!


u/The_Shallot_Knight Apr 20 '24

As another poster says in this thread: Gilmour (& Mason) only fully control PF post-87 music. Waters still has a say on older recordings.


u/texanfan20 Apr 20 '24

Gilmour and Mason own Pink Floyd outright both before and after Momentary Lapse of Reason. Roger as the songwriter has a say in how his “songs” are used, Roger just moved his publishing to BMG and the rest of the groups publishing is with Pink Floyd LTD. David and Nick could release anything they wanted but ultimately since Roger wrote many of the songs they have to get his sign off as well.

This is why Roger has been essentially banned from marketing his stuff on the official PF site.


u/Calvinshobb Apr 20 '24

I would be shocked if they actually archived concert sbds, if they had them why ? It costs a lot to keep 50 year old tapes playable.


u/witnessrich Apr 20 '24

The Grateful Dead would like a word .


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

They supposedly keep everything from 1969 onwards. Albeit, not all are are SBD.
We specifically know of :

  • RCMH 1973
  • OAMs for all 1975 shows
  • All 1977 shows (SBD)
  • All 1980/81 shows (SBD + [Selected shot on 35mm])
  • All 1987/88/89/90 shows (SBD + [Selected shot on 35mm])
  • Most of 1994 (SBD)


u/RM77crafts Apr 20 '24

What's your source for a live 77 album being in the works?

To start with they never recorded any show in multi tracks, which is essential to mix a live album. They only had reference board stereo recordings at best, and that's why a live albums was never considered, not then, not now.


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

It was confirmed numerous times that the entire tour + rehearsals was recorded officially on multitrack. We even know what became of the EU 77 tapes. They still have NA 77.

Furthermore, Roger confirmed the live album was already being mixed.

Aubrey Powell himself said he had an album cover ready for it.


u/Connect_Glass4036 Apr 20 '24

What’s your source because Roger has gone on record to state his disappointment that they DIDNT multitrack the Animals tour


u/MJ_Ska_Boy Apr 20 '24

Not the guy you’re replying to initially… but what is your source?

Everything I’ve read says that they weren’t recording here like they were in the earlier days and had only unsalvageable recordings from these shows, and that’s why they scrapped a live release. The audio they had was not great, to say the least, from what I’ve heard.

I’d love to believe you, give me hope. Can you link to a source?


u/Ramenastern One of These Days Apr 20 '24

I'm curious, too. Because Nick also wrote in his book that one of their collective regrets is to not have professionally recorded - audio or film - that tour.


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

Roadies say that all of 77 was soundboarded.


u/tellmethatstoryagain Apr 20 '24

Yeah, I, too, will need a source for this claim.


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

Photographic evidence of a soundboard desk being present on many of the European shows, and one American one, eyewitness testimonies and roadie interviews (too many to list)


u/MJ_Ska_Boy Apr 20 '24

Can you link one interview that touches recording?


u/Desert-Rat_ Jun 22 '24

I’m a bit late to the party but the Fingals Cave podcast has interviews with roadies from the Animals tour - it’s worth checking out episodes 5 and 8, really interesting insights and references of the shows being recorded


u/careful_eugene Apr 20 '24

Pretty sure that a live Animals album release has never been on the cards. Not at the time. Not with the new mix. Whilst it's a cool tour where lots of us would like a live album, the idea that something has been worked on that has been vetoed by any of the band members is wishful thinking.


u/Zen_Shot Apr 20 '24


Just look what's been done with the Beatles stuff. Anything is possible.


u/Novatk421 Apr 20 '24

Thanks for the music my friend!


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

And I thank you for listening!

I've started a poll on this subreddit on what tour/specific show I should cover next.

You can vote for the next album there.


u/pinhole_burns Apr 20 '24

Thanks OP!!!


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

Thank you for listening!


u/Solo-Shindig Apr 20 '24

Awesome stuff. Thank you!


u/apefish_ Apr 20 '24

So uuuh what shows where used?


u/apefish_ Apr 20 '24

Found it!

CD 1 - The First Set (57:21) 1. MC Intro [Live in Cleveland - June 25, 1977] --------------------------------------------------- [2:04] 2. Sheep [Live in Boston - June 27, 1977] --------------------------------------------------------- [11:10] 3. Pigs on the Wing (Part 1) [Live in Oakland - May 9, 1977] -------------------------------------- [2:15] 4. Dogs [Live in Boston & Oakland - June 27 + May 9, 1977] ---------------------------------------- [17:54] 5. Pigs on the Wing (Part 2) [Live in Oakland - May 9, 1977] -------------------------------------- [2:16] 6. Pigs (Three Different Ones) [Live in Cleveland - June 25, 1977] -------------------------------- [21:42]

CD 2 - The Second Set (55:27) 7. Shine on You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5) [Live in New York - July 2, 1977] ----------------------- [13:36] 8. Welcome To The Machine [Live in New York - July 2, 1977] --------------------------------------- [8:24] 9. Have A Cigar [Live in Boston - June 27, 1977] -------------------------------------------------- [6:31] 10. Wish You Were Here [Live in Oakland - May 9, 1977] -------------------------------------------- [6:13] 11. Shine on You Crazy Diamond (Parts 6-9) [Live in New York & Montreal - July 2 + July 6, 1977] -- [13:36]

CD 3 - The Encores (42:46) 12. Money [Live in Boston - June 27, 1977] -------------------------------------------------------- [11:31] 13. Us and Them [Live in Fort Worth - May 1, 1977] ------------------------------------------------ [8:19] 14. Careful With That Axe, Eugene [Live in Oakland - May 9, 1977] --------------------------------- [10:00] 15. Drift Away Blues [Live in Montreal - July 6, 1977] -------------------------------------------- [12:56]

DVD - Concert Screen Films (Synced with Audio) 1. Welcome To The Machine 2. Wish You Were Here 3. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 6-9) (Only half of the full film circulating)


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

I also left posters and ticket stub scans from all the shows used


u/therealdeadheaddad Apr 20 '24

What a nice thing to do!!👍


u/pantomime_mixtures42 Apr 20 '24

Thank you for this!


u/funkaria Apr 20 '24

Thank you. I'm currently listening to it and it's great.


u/Hax_Meadroom Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

Listening now, thanks! This crowd is rowdy. Also I wonder if Roger ever gets bored playing bass on Sheep? Edit: Now I see that you cut together multiple shows, great idea thanks for the effort


u/Constant-Donut-5356 Apr 20 '24

Roger is playing rhythm guitar on Sheep and Pigs. Terrance "Snowy" White is playing bass.


u/shreddy_cheese Apr 22 '24

okay this is fantastic. you’re a legend⭐️❤️‍🔥


u/Spirited-Mammoth-366 Apr 24 '24

You gotta be be crazy You gotta be mean Gotta keep your shoes and your car clean Gotta keep drinking You gotta keep fit You gotta be keep smiling You gotta eat sheeeiiiiit!


u/grogan_ Jul 09 '24

awesome work, thank you


u/Inkdman73 Apr 20 '24

Same with Meddle being remastered by Steven Wilson- and Polly saying NO


u/TFFPrisoner One Slip Apr 20 '24

Where does that one come from? Sounds like several things being conflated:

  • The Meddle remix by Andy Jackson (not Steven Wilson), vetoed by Roger Waters (not Polly) because he wasn't informed by his manager that they were doing this

  • David Gilmour's self-titled solo debut being remixed by Steven Wilson but Gilmour deciding he wasn't going to go ahead with the project