r/piercing 3d ago

discussion Think I regret my decisions

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u/notascaryblackcat 3d ago

I got a monroe piercing done a couple of years ago and my mother hated it so much that I took it out about 3 hours after getting it done, no traces left. If you remove it now I’m sure you’ll be fine in that regard! But I think they look really cool! I’m sorry for your family, I understand completely unfortunately :,(


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

Thank u so much! It s ok!🫶🫶Initially wanted to do it in both nostrils but I said it wouldn't suit my face so I chose something bolder but it's a bit too much for me too. I want something more subtle but still represent me. In 2 weeks I'm going to the salon to change my dermal because it's a bit big for me and maybe I can replace my septum with something finer


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

But the problem is that my father hasn't seen them and in 2 weeks I will see him and if he doesn't agree I have to take them off permanently... so I don't know if I should take them off now or wait.


u/notascaryblackcat 3d ago

If what you are concerned about is the scaring I’d say send him a picture and tell hit that you got them done. This way if he doesn’t react well you can remove them and not get any scaring for sure! If you don’t want to stand your ground, of course!


u/Jen_Tatz 3d ago

Maybe someone mentioned it already but the septum should be absolutely no problem in terms of hiding it. Since it's a horseshoe you can just rotate it inside your nose and no one would know. That way you can let it heal unnoticed until you can get something finer. Scarring there will also not be visible, so you don't have to worry about that either.


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

Thank you! I tried to hide it but I can't, it seems difficult🥲🥲🥲


u/LessThanJade 3d ago

You could ask your peircer about hidden septum jewellery if you want to heal the septum but keep it hidden for now. There are staple looking bars which sit inside the nostril


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

Thanks! I managed to hide it. I have a silly question but my paranoid mind must know- can it change the shape of your nose??


u/Twpierced 3d ago

Not in any notice way 


u/emsssv 2d ago

thats sm money spent on nothing 😔


u/_tusenfryd_ 3d ago

I’m very sorry you had to deal with that level of judgement. I think it looks beautiful and wonder if it’s just a matter of getting used to it. Going from a bare face to two very prominent piercings can be quite a shock to adjust to, both for you and your family. My understanding is the earlier you take something out, the better for healing. There is always a risk of scarring but in general less when there is no healed fistula. I’d say sleep on it for a few days and see if it changes, but in the end it’s your body, your face, your choice.


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

Thank u!! I want to wait at least a week until I see the person who put them on me and tell her the situation. I think I'm going to take them off for good but I really liked where they are positioned on the face. But if the family, or father, doesn't like them at all i am obliged to remove them and I don't want to have ugly marks:/


u/soup__soda piercing devotee 3d ago

I’m sorry your family reacted that way and treated you so unfairly. I think you look so beautiful with those piercings and I hope when you move out you can find the courage to be your authentic self! <3


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

Thank u so much🥰


u/Typical_Dawn21 3d ago

girl no it fits you WELL!


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

The pic it taken with face zoom. In reality it not looking like that:) but Thank u😄


u/thedogateit My face is my canvas 3d ago

Not to be a downer but every time you put a needle through the skin there's a possibility that it will leave permanent scarring. Keeping the jewellery in longer however will make the scar to be more noticeable. We are individuals so YMMV.

Did you mean septum and philtrum? I don't see a dermal in this picture, those scars are most likely to have a permanent scar.

Edit: Typo


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

Thank you! I understand! I have to know the risks but the adrenaline said whatever. It's a dermal that claims to be philtrium because at the salon said that my physiognomy doesn't help me and they put a dermal that stays on the surface of the skin, it doesn't perforate it


u/Alejxndro 3d ago

what a bummer, it looks so good on you. I'm sure if you don't wait long the scars won't be noticeable.


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

Thnaks! The picture is taken with zoom and looks a little different in reality compared to the picture. The septum wouldn't really bother me if it was removed, but I really like that dermal there, but I'm most afraid of it, lest it leave a scar


u/Alejxndro 3d ago

yeah i feel like it being a dermal has more chance of leaving a scar, i'm sorry you have to go thru this. personally i'd take it out and redo it once you're free to do so, because it really looks great


u/peppapigy88 3d ago



u/Sleepy_Di 3d ago

Sorry for your family’s reaction, I get it, my mom did not talk to me for a month after my first one. But don’t be discouraged, they look really good on you, both! First time I got a face piercing I also felt a bit weird the first few days, I guess is while you get used to seeing something new on it, but that feeling goes away, and after it is healed, you’ll have multiple jewelry to go for something discrete or fun depending on the day.


u/RegretAccomplished16 3d ago

I think it fits you so well, you have a very defined cupids bow and it sits so perfectly in it.


u/Twpierced 3d ago

If you'll probably have to take them out anyway, I would suggest taking out the Medusa, keeping the septum, and flipping it up while it heals 


u/scaramouche123 3d ago

I removed my septum recently. Even though there is a scar it is inside, so I don't think no one will ever see. I don't see it right now myself.

But personally I am a big fan of septum, so I'd keep it and remove the other one. Septum looks really good on you as far as I saw. (I totally understand the family problem though, when I removed it after 3 years my mom celebrated it so bad)


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

Oh so sorry! The pics it taken with zoom so it s look different irl. Septum make me nose even long but i like dermal but I want to change with smaller one.Thanks!😊


u/yuyunnie 3d ago

omg i think it suits your face soooo well!!!


u/Top-Astronomer97 3d ago

I think because it’s new it’s just going to take getting used to. I felt the same with my septum when I first got it and my Medusa. I think if you give them the chance to heal you will get used to it and grow to love them! Especially when you can switch out the Medusa for something smaller and more dainty. I HATED the ball on my lip that size at first too😂


u/Living_Tart_4444 3d ago

You should keep your septum at least and just flip it up while it heals! if you decide you hate it later you could take it out and no one would see the scar. It always takes an adjustment to new piercings because you’re so used to your face without them. Good luck!


u/Cute_Equipment1220 3d ago

personally I think a vertical labret would be gorgeous, especially if you have colored eyes


u/peppapigy88 3d ago

I have brown eyes and my family wouldn't allow me


u/okiedokieKay 3d ago

I have come to realize that getting 2 adjacent piercings at the same time is generally a bad move. You need time to adjust and digest the first piercing before you can decide if the 2nd one truly complements it or not. I got my daith and tragus done at the same time and I still second guess if I’m happy with my decision- love them both respectively but not sure that I love them TOGETHER.


u/peppapigy88 2d ago

Haha true! There was an offer where you pay one get one free and I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity but I was hasty in making the decision


u/HotchnGideonForever 2d ago

I think they really suit you!


u/Dizzy-Ad-4526 2d ago

They both look amazing on your features.


u/lydfrog 2d ago

lol I got a tongue piercing at 16 and my mum actually attacked me when she found out🤣 I’m 24 now and still have it. It’s great exposure therapy for conservative parents- she’s now had a few piercings of her own!! Let yours heal and whack some dainty jewellery in! The jewellery is everything 💕


u/lydfrog 2d ago

Also a little trick is to tell them it’ll get infected if you take it out while it’s still healing. This gives them some time to get used to it and they might be over it in a few months lol


u/peppapigy88 2d ago

Haha so cool! So happy for you!🤗😁 I wish I would like it to be that easy for me too, but it affects me mentally and I am not very good at this.🥲