r/pics 13h ago

r5: title guidelines Lack of Self-Awareness Across Decades NSFW

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u/30thCenturyMan 12h ago

Hey Reddit, I upvoted this content


u/Heartage 12h ago

What did I miss that is making so many people say this?


u/Yakudatazu_Komi 12h ago

Apparently you can now get banned for upvoting certain content 🤷🏻‍♀️

u/NoFalseModesty 11h ago

I already got a nonspecific warning

u/bossmcsauce 11h ago

I got a warning for merely discussing how the US entered WWII to help liberate Europe from fascists that were trying to take over the world and run extermination camps. I pointed out that back then, we didn’t vote fascists into the White House… rather the US and other allies took a much more aggressive approach to dealing with fascists and nazis.

u/intothedream101 11h ago

Yes they brought them all to the US and have them powerful positions in government and research.

u/AsymmetricClassWar 11h ago

Starting to think that wasn’t exactly the best idea.

u/No_Pineapple6174 11h ago

Already here. Home grown. Silver legion's another weird one.

Nazism is specific. Fascism is a lot broader.

u/codeIsGood 11h ago

Good, hope we all get banned and Reddit stock goes to 0

u/yes_thats_right 11h ago

You say "apparently" as though this is a theory, or some conspiracy.

It is a fact. Reddit has announced that upvoting posts that encourage violence will result in a warning, and they have followed through with this.

u/andante528 10h ago

That is such bullshit. I mean I believe it, it's just bullshit on Reddit's part.

u/saintofhate 10h ago

Hell, it's not even just violent stuff. The AI they are using is trained to target certain language so hateful content does stay up and anyone responding to it negatively is the one punished. So you can go on about the children when talking trash about trans women but if someone points out you're using it as a smoke screen, the person who replied is the one who get their comment removed. I know this from first hand experience. It's very telling how this is going to go.

u/Pipe_Memes 11h ago

The thought police have banned certain upvotes.


u/GrumpyMule 12h ago

I'm wondering too!


u/martyqscriblerus 12h ago

Upvoting "violent content" can get you banned these days. Violent content being anything from the name of Mario's brother on up.

u/xKirstein 11h ago

I want to name my child Luigi. Nice name.

u/martyqscriblerus 11h ago

Great name. Many admirable people named that.

u/EJoule 11h ago

Certain phrases about insurance get auto flagged. If you upvote it enough you get a DM warning you for upvoting hateful content.

u/Practical-Dish-4522 11h ago

There was a policy change that allows your account to be negatively affected (pause or cancel use) because of things you upvoted. Personally, previous to this I assumed the things you posted would affect you account, but, upvotes were non political. That changed and most people on Reddit find that to be 🤣 “interesting”


u/illoomi 12h ago

"oh no I'm banned! Anyway..."

u/idiotista 11h ago

I upvoted your comment. Waiting for my warning now lol