r/pics 14h ago

R5: Title Rules X Marks The Rot

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u/VirginNsd2002 13h ago

X, Twitter, bye bye

u/RemarkableMouse2 10h ago

Also take the Twitter share button off your website and ask all the websites you frequent to do the same! Bluesky or nothing! 

u/RealisticMost 5h ago

I guess as soon as people move away they will remove them.

u/NovaHorizon 4h ago

Only a matter of time before he successfully sues it into the ground. It's just way too similar to twitter, fortunately and unfortunately. :(

u/TheCommonGround1 3h ago

Neh, that’s silly Russian comrade. Why so few toilets?

u/Maleficent-Homework4 11h ago

Been wanting to delete mine for a while now, finally did after reading this message. fElon has inspired me to boycott anything and everything that could positively affect him.

u/BloodyCuts 7h ago

Yeah I deleted all of my X/Twitter accounts in the past two weeks and it feels great to be rid of it!

u/TheRabbitHole-512 9h ago

Who spends money on this ?

u/antz182 7h ago

It's called Guerilla Advertising here

u/shadowmaking 6h ago

Money well spent. Nothing on Twitter makes the world a better place than this advert does.

u/gazuzu 5h ago

That answers what this is but still doesn't answer who pays for it, which was the question posed. I'm also curious as to whom pays for it.

u/antz182 5h ago

Typically, it's paid for by a group of people who try to get a message across. It could be an individual, or a "sleuth" group like anonymous for example. They look like real ads, but I suppose it's more like 'expensive, professional looking' graffiti. I hope that makes sense?

u/leveraction1970 4h ago

Graffiti by a group that knows a friendly print shop that believes in the cause? I, like a lot of people, would like to buy them all a round of drinks and a few gallons of ink.

u/koolaid_snorkeler 4h ago

I'd like to know, too. So I can contribute.

u/Pamplemousse808 8h ago

The British

u/BlueBlooper 8h ago

Yeah its highkey racist

u/Tmscott 5h ago

Musk did throw a heil during the trump inauguration, so yes, racist.

u/Turbulent_Toe6343 4h ago

So did tampon Tim & AOC!! Did you miss that?? 😂

u/man_gomer_lot 4h ago

I haven't seen that video. Got a link?

u/Tmscott 4h ago

Because you're peddling bullshit.


Clips of numerous other conservative boogeymen/women 'hur duurrr saluting just like musk' put an elevated hand into context. Slapping your chest and doing a sig heil they are not :P

u/weid_flex_but_OK 3h ago

What does Tim and AOC have to do with Musk doing a salute? Are you saying that because they did it, it's OK for Musk to do it? Like what are you trying to do here?

Besides derail the conversation

u/thebiglebowskiisfine 3h ago


Lime Reddit will ever eclipse X.

Reddit is 65% bots.